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当前,一些学校、一些教师对某些学生的歧视现象仍然存在。歧视带给学生的伤害和影响不容忽视。分析教育歧视产生的原因及教育中的歧视现象,指出教育歧视的危害,提出了避免教育歧视的措施。  相似文献   

相貌歧视研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
赵婕 《华章》2010,(33)
作为一种社会现象,歧视无处不在.文章着眼于相貌歧视,从"中国反相貌歧视第一人"秋子的事例入手,以社会心理学的视角分析了相貌歧视产生的原因,从国家,社会,用人单位等方面谈了解决这一现象的一些措施.  相似文献   

近年来,由于就业人口的增多、就业压力增大等原因,我国的就业歧视现象呈现愈演愈烈的趋势,就业歧视不仅破坏了平等竞争的就业环境,而且还将危害社会的正常发展,给社会的正常秩序带来不安定的隐患;针对我国就业歧视的种种表现,分析了就业歧视产生的原因及其危害,并提出了解决就业歧视问题的一些对策.  相似文献   

卜时红 《考试周刊》2014,(89):20+10-20
一个民族的强大,常常使这个民族产生歧视其他民族的倾向,有学者把这种社会现象称之为民族中心主义,民族中心主义的产生必然会折射到语言和文字上,这一点在英语词汇中表现得十分突出。本文回顾了一些民族歧视词产生的历史根源,以及其在语言使用中的功能,并得出结论:在现代文明时期,新的民族中心词会不断诞生,有些民族歧视词即将衰退。  相似文献   

田丽霞 《班主任》2013,(10):51-53
什么是歧视?歧视就是不公正地看待别人。为什么会出现歧视呢?因为不同。学生来自不同家庭,有着不同的社会背景、家庭条件、身体状况、脾气性格、兴趣爱好,再加之单纯幼稚,思想不够成熟,看人看事容易主观片面,以自我为标准去评判他人,歧视现象因此产生。歧视会带来什么后果呢?歧视不仅会影响班级团结,对被歧视者造成伤害,也会对歧视者自身的成长产生不良影响。  相似文献   

试析社会歧视的基础系统   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文分析社会歧视的理论体系,从分析歧视的定义开始,试探歧视的类型、产生的原因、本质及其传播的方向,并对解决歧视问题做出自己的思考。  相似文献   

在英语和汉语漫长的发展过程中,产生了一些对女性舍有歧视意味的词语,被称为Sexist Language(性别歧视语言)。文章拟对汉英语言中性别歧视现象在语言中的反映;产生的原因进行探究。  相似文献   

从社会学视角解读歧视艾滋病感染者的行为   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
当前,歧视艾滋病感染者已成为社会乃至整个世界的一种普遍现象。本文通过对歧视艾滋病感染者的行为表现及原因的分析,辨证地评价这个问题产生的风险,并就如何解决对艾滋病感染者的歧视和如何控制艾滋病的传播等问题提出一些相应的对策与建议,使大众加深对艾滋病患者的理解,并能够洁身自爱,远离艾滋病的侵扰。  相似文献   

行政歧视是一种不公的社会现象,其存在不利于和谐社会的构建。行政歧视产生有深刻的历史和现实原因,本文以农民工为例,分析农民工在公共政策制定及政策执行过程中面临的行政歧视,并深入分析对农民工行政歧视产生的制度根源与伦理根源,从而提出制度与伦理相结合的原则是限制和减轻行政歧视的有效路径。  相似文献   

论老年歧视的制度排斥与非制度排斥   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
随着我国人口老龄化的日渐加剧,老年歧视现象开始引起了人们的广泛关注。试图从制度层面和非制度层面上对老年人歧视和排斥作一些探索性研究,并对如何消除老年歧视问题提出一些建议。  相似文献   


The concept of emergence appears in various places within the literature on expertise and expert practice. Here, I examine some of these applications of emergence in the light of two prominent accounts of emergence from the philosophy of science and philosophy of mind. I evaluate these accounts with respect to several specific contexts in which emergence seems to be an appropriate way of characterizing expertise in groups. While it is sometimes assumed that emergent phenomena are in some way inexplicable, the two accounts of emergence I discuss highlight ways in which the concept of emergence relates to specific styles of explanation.  相似文献   

传统价格理论认为,价格是价值的货币表现,即价值决定价格。然而运用这一理论解释某些经济现象时遇到了困难,分析发现,价格首先是交换价值的货币表现,然而交换价值并不等同于价值,因此价格也并非完全是价值的货币表现,商品是用于交换的物品。同时,提出“交换价值=自然价值+劳动价值”的公式和“负价值”的概念。  相似文献   

The adoption of state accountability testing in the 1990s coincided with the movement of some school start dates from September into August. Using data from Wisconsin, this paper connects these phenomena, showing that some low-scoring districts advanced their school start dates to allow their students more time to prepare for exams. I use a 2001 Wisconsin state law that restricted districts to start dates after September 1st to identify the effects of this extra time on student achievement. Extra classroom days are associated with small increases in Math scores for 4th graders, but not average reading or language scores. Extra classroom time may also have increased third grade reading scores for students in the upper portion of the ability distribution.  相似文献   

There are two indisputable findings in science education research. First, students go to school with some intuitive beliefs about the natural world and physical phenomena that pose an obstacle to the learning of formal science. Second, these beliefs result from the confluence of two factors, namely, their everyday experience as they interact with the world around them and a set of operational constraints or principles that channel both perceptually and conceptually the way these experiences are perceived and interpreted. History of science suggests that the theories of early scientists through which they sought to explain physical phenomena relied mostly on ideas that closely fitted their experiences of the relevant phenomena. This characteristic of the early scientific ideas is the root of the epistemological difficulties that early scientists faced in their attempts to explain the phenomena. In this paper, we focus on the early theories in optics (from ancient Greek to the late Islamic scientific traditions) and argue that students face some of the same epistemological problems as early scientists in explaining vision and optical phenomena for the reason that students’ intuitive beliefs are also closely tied to particular phenomena and as a result the underlying notions are fragmentary and lack the necessary generality that would allow them to cover many disparate phenomena. Knowledge of these epistemological problems can help the instructor to identify the key elements for a better understanding of the formal theory of optics and, in turn, lead to a more effective instruction.  相似文献   

颜师古《汉书注》中涉及到不少语音材料 ,古今之音、方俗之言、异域之语都给后人留下宝贵的资料。通过对这些汉语语音的资料进行归纳和分析 ,可以窥见上古音至唐初发展演进的某些痕迹。  相似文献   

语言自主学习中心是一个能够容纳各种学习策略的灵活的学习中心。在产生良好学习效果的同时,也出现了一些不好的现象。本文分析了产生这些现象的原因,并从人员培训、策略培训、资源、管理等方而提出了相应对策。  相似文献   

What is 'fairness' in the context of educational assessment? I apply this question to a number of contemporary educational assessment practices and policies. My approach to philosophy of education owes much to Wittgenstein. A commentary set apart from the main body of the paper focuses on my style of philosophising. Wittgenstein teaches us to examine in depth the fine-grained complexities of social phenomena and to refrain from imposing abstract theory on a recalcitrant reality. I write philosophy of education for policy makers and teachers. Scrutiny of examples plays a vital role in communicating with such an audience. Starting points include 'accommodations' for disabled students, allegedly gender-biased tests, and the recruitment procedures of 'elitist' music conservatoires. A key intuition that fairness is associated with test validity turns out to be seriously flawed. Problems centre on the idea of a 'construct', and the supposed divide between an underlying construct and its behavioural manifestations. Equality of opportunity notions underlie some accusations of unfairness but there are alternative approaches to a just society. Both the judgments about fairness, and the proposed remedies are open to serious philosophical criticisms. There are widespread conceptual difficulties, together with inconsistent and contestable value judgments.  相似文献   

在体育教学工作总体得到加强的同时,教学的异化现象时有所见,揭示这些异化现象,从宏观和微观分析其原因所在,研究对策思路,防范和克服体育教学中的异化现象,有助于加强体育教学工作,提升人才培养的质量.  相似文献   

《唐律音义》是研究宋初语音的重要材料,安徽师大曹洁曾作过研究。我们在此基础上,综合运用反切比较、反切系联和反切用字分析三法,拾遗补阙,为曹文归纳的“非敷混”、“浊音清化”、“船禅混”、“浊上变去”等语音现象补充例证,并进一步作出定量和定性分析,对音注中存在而曹文未涉及的“部分三等尤韵明母字读同一等侯韵”、“部分尤侯部唇音字变入鱼模”、“支鱼混切”的语音现象作了论证。  相似文献   

以信息技术为核心的高技术的应用与发展不仅对一国经济发展起到了至关重要的作用,它也赋予了世界经济以新的内涵,使当代世界经济出现了前所未有的新特征:经济知识化,经济网络化、经济全球化。  相似文献   

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