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艺术设计专业“双师型”教师培养新探   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
在高等院校的艺术设计专业中,对“双师型”师资的需要显得尤为迫切,因为艺术设计专业培养的是面 对社会的高级艺术设计专门人才,艺术设计专业要特别注重培养既懂实际又重理论指导的“双师型”教师。由于艺术 设计不断需要创新的思维来应对处于弹性变化中的设计要求,因此,通过对“双师型”教师的培养来加速进行创新教 学改革,总结艺术设计的有效专业教学方法,并进行不断的探讨,以适应现代的设计发展和达到更为有效的教学目 的。  相似文献   

This study employed a qualitative research design to investigate how instructional designers use evaluation in everyday design practice. While past research has examined how designers spend their time, how they generally make decisions, and expert-novice differences, little attention has been paid to use of context, input, process, or product evaluation, from the perspective of practicing designers. Based on interviews of practitioners, our findings included ten themes regarding how designers use evaluation to improve their products. While these results substantiate to some degree the claim that practitioners believe clients will not pay for formal evaluations, they also suggest that practitioners use evaluation in important but less formal ways. Other conclusions regarding the role of evaluation in design are provided and future directions for training and research are discussed.  相似文献   

This study employed a qualitative research design to investigate informal learning among practicing instructional designers. Prior research has examined how instructional designers spend their time, make decisions, use theory, solve problems, and so on, but no published research has explored the nature and role of informal learning in instructional design work. Based on intensive interviews of practitioners in the field, this study produced eight themes organized according to two metathemes: (a) the nature of informal learning in instructional design practice and (b) instructional design as informal learning. Specific themes concerned what instructional designers learn through informal practical experience, how they learn it, and the meaning of this kind of learning for various aspects of their work. Overall, these results suggest that informal learning is a vital part of instructional design practice and that design itself can be thought of as a specialized type of informal learning. Other conclusions regarding informal learning in design are discussed and future directions for research are offered.  相似文献   

前辈如安娜.苏(Anna Su)、薇薇安.谭(Vivienne Tam)、薇拉.王(Vera Wang)等,新一代市场化的后辈如亚历山大.王(Alexander Wang),季刚.吴(Jason Wu)、菲利普.林(Phillip Lim)、德里克.林(Derek Lam)、彼得.桑(Peter Som)等,这些当红服装设计师以其华裔的身份、务实的风格等被国际时尚主流圈接纳并引领世界潮流。他们在设计上几乎褪去了华裔背景,多致力成为欧美发达国家本土风格的设计师。除了自身的天赋和努力外,强势的媒体、完善的时装体系、成熟的市场等这些都是他们成功的关键或决定因素。  相似文献   

电脑技术带给设计的变革毋庸置疑,但同时应看到,电脑的应用也存在诸多的负面效应。电脑不是"一切",它是人脑的延伸和扩展,它无法替代人们的大脑,无法替代设计者的创造性思维。在具体的工作中,设计人员需要技术,运用技术,但在需要深刻理解技术的同时,也需要加强徒手训练,培养设计思维和启发创意灵感,提高其创造性思维。未来的设计师须掌握日新月异的电脑硬件和软件,并灵活把握视觉新语汇的表达,自如地运用电脑语言去表达自己的思想,这样人和电脑之间的交互才能真正达到"人机结合"的境界。  相似文献   

Many instructional designers and numerous organizations have adapted the Dick and Carey model for use in their training functions. This article reviews the changes that have occurred to the model in the 20 years since its original publication, and identifies various influences that may determine whether it will continue to be useful in the years ahead. Consideration is given to alternative instructional design textbooks and the potential decline in interest in instructional design within academic programs. The influence of constructivist theory on the 1996 version of the Dick and Carey model is described, and the long term impact of constructivist and objectivist models on public education and business and industry is assessed.  相似文献   

Preparing Instructional Designers for Game-Based Learning: Part 1   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Like many rapidly growing industries, advances in video game technology are far outpacing research on its design and effectiveness. Relatively little is understood about how to apply what we know about teaching and learning to optimize game-based learning. For the most part, instructional designers know little about game development and video game developers may know little about training, education and instructional design. In this three part series of articles, four recognized and emerging experts in instructional game design discuss their perspectives on preparing instructional designers to optimize game-based learning. In Part I, we set the context for the series of articles and one of four faculty members who teach a graduate level course on game design discusses what he believes instructional designers should know about instructional game design based on his experiences. Part II will present alternative perspectives from two additional faculty members who teach courses in instructional game design, and Part III will present a fourth perspective along with conclusion that compares the four views.  相似文献   

Instructional design is not a linear process: designers have to weigh the advantages and disadvantages of alternative solutions, taking into account different kinds of conflicting and changing constraints. To make sure that they eventually choose the most optimal one, they have to keep on collecting information, reconsidering continuously whether their own decisions are still justified in the light of the latest insights. We have studied the role of iteration during instructional design. For our research, we have used an ISD-based method for the specification of training simulators. During our empirical evaluation study, we introduced five events that are likely to cause iteration. The results show that the quality of the designs is not directly related to the amount of iteration. We conclude that there are different kinds of iteration, triggered by different kinds of actions and events. We propose a list of triggers for iteration some of which originate from outside (new information, new opinions/arguments and acquisition procedures); others are caused by, or evolve from interaction with the design process itself (discovery of missing input, need to repair errors, new insights based on work later on in the design process, and new ideas of the designers). in final form: 4 August 2005  相似文献   

This paper argues that an emphasis on training‐for‐the‐job approaches has distracted designers from thinking about the meaning of their profession and the grand purpose of practising instructional design. Drawing from literature in the fields of sociology and educational technology, this paper synthesises discourses on civic professionalism in instructional design and technology, and proposes a conceptual framework that highlights the roles and qualities of a civic‐minded instructional designer. It is claimed that a critical discussion on civic professionalism in the field of educational technology can offer an alternative perspective on educating instructional designers, and have practical implications on instructional design and technology curricula in higher education.  相似文献   


This article maintains that the focus of learning and training at all levels is moving increasingly towards the individual ‐‐ how the individual learns and the influences of his or her environment on learning. It suggests that, among the increasing wealth of research into educational technology, the emphasis needs now to be placed on the learning process and the learning environment. But the learning processes and environments have to be seen as part of an educational scenario which is changing rapidly. Education at all levels, together with training at the adult level, and the resources devoted to these purposes will continue to be under direct challenge. To make learning more effective, the questions of contacts and connections by and with media must be examined and assessed. For effective communication the methods and the processes have to be matched to objectives. The article concludes that the rapidly changing technology of communications is helping to shift the balance from an emphasis on what has been largely a one‐way system of communication to one in which the individual learner is increasingly in control and in which the learning process itself, rather than the teaching system, has become the focus.  相似文献   

Professional training for designers is crucial in the field of design studies. The characteristics of novices versus those of expert designers have been identified in the literature; however, studies exploring the issue of professional training processes in the actual workplace are not well developed. Our study addresses the topic by using qualitative research methods along with flexible design. Collected data from the interviewees with different work experience were analysed by open, axial and selective coding. Herein, we argue that the processes by which a designer transforms from a novice into an expert in the industry are constructed through the interaction of several complicated factors. The re‐learning inherent in design professions is implemented through knowledge transfer gained from participation in design projects, particularly regarding tacit knowledge. Also, the novice's process of learning and training yields the characteristics and skills that companies and firms require of designers; this process involves a series of disciplinary sub‐processes, from destructive to reconstructive, implemented by employers. In these sub‐processes, the subjectivity of designers is neglected, leading to the suppression of imaginative expression and feelings of alienation among these workers.  相似文献   

反思了十年来中小学校长培训的经验和教训。认为经过十年的实践,在中小学校长培训模式、教学方法和教学内容上有很大的改进,但离时代发展的要求仍有一定的距离,特别是离构建具有可持续发展特点的中小学校长培训模式还是有相当差异的。在反思的基础上进一步提出了“十五”中小学校长培训的思路:在培训模式上采用“应需施教,主题组班;自由选择,滚动培训”的分年度、分阶段的培训模式;在教学方法上应突出活动性,强调参与度;在教学内容上应突出主题为核心.而不是以课程为核心。  相似文献   

在现代社会,计算机辅助设计技术的发展不仅为博物馆展示提供了快捷、有效的设计手段,也为博物馆展示设计的规范管理提供了有力支持。计算机辅助设计技术具有真实性、多维性、科学性、艺术性以及经济性等特性。设计师运用造型、灯光、色彩、文字、背景音乐、电子媒体、虚拟现实系统等技术工具,改进传统的展示设计方法。计算机辅助设计技术存在的局限性。可以通过设计师的创造性工作予以弥补。  相似文献   

Preparing Instructional Designers for Game-Based Learning: Part 2   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
As noted in part I of this article (published in TechTrends 54(3)), advances in technology continue to outpace research on the design and effectiveness of instructional (digital video) games. In general, instructional designers know little about game development, commercial video game developers know little about training, education and instructional design, and relatively little is understood about how to apply what we know about teaching and learning to optimize game-based learning. In Part I, a panel of recognized and emerging experts in the design of instructional (digital video) games set the context for this three part series and one of four panelists discussed what he believes instructional designers should know about instructional game design (Hirumi, Appleman, Rieber, Van Eck, 2010). In Part II, two faculty members who teach courses on instructional game design presents their perspectives on preparing instructional designers for game-based learning. Part III will present a fourth perspective along with conclusion that compares the four views.  相似文献   

Instructional systems design (ISD) has been frequently criticised as taking too long to implement, calling for a reduction in cycle time—the time that elapses between project initiation and delivery. While instructional design research has historically focused on increasing learner efficiencies, the study of what instructional designers do to increase efficiency during the design of instruction, including web‐based training, has not yet been fully examined. The purpose of this qualitative developmental study was to identify and understand the methodologies used by experienced instructional designers to increase the efficiency of the instructional design process. Data were gathered from 11 instructional designers working within two business and industry consulting firms that provide learning solutions to global clients. Results revealed 47 efficiency methodologies found within the four categories of design model, instructional design team member roles, instructional design processes and instructional design tools. Additionally, 14 supporting instructional designer competencies were found within the category of instructional designer knowledge, skills and attitudes.  相似文献   

Training transfer is a key concern for organizational stakeholders, training professionals, and researchers. Since Georgenson's (1982) article on transfer, his conversational gambit that only 10% of training transfers to performance on the job has been quoted often. This estimate suggests a low level of success with training programs in general, and given its pervasiveness, it has the potential to undermine confidence in using training as an intervention. Although there is considerable evidence that learning from training can and does transfer, assessing how much of it transfers in general is far from simple. Researchers conducting recent meta‐analyses of transfer studies have illustrated some of the difficulties in assigning a general effect size for training transfer. Measuring transfer is complicated by how data are collected, from whom, at what interval from the training event, and a number of other factors. Taking those factors into account, along with existing transfer evaluation methods, training managers and instructional designers should develop protocols to define how they will conduct transfer evaluation within their organizations.  相似文献   

Teachers’ implementation of technology-enhanced student-centered learning environments (SCLEs) will be affected by their beliefs about effective practices. In order for student-centered programs to be used as intended, designers must be aware of the key issues that will shape their implementation and the beliefs teachers hold about these issues. This case study examined 15 teachers’ beliefs about student-centered learning as they implemented Alien Rescue, a computer-based program for middle school science that was designed to create a SCLE in the classroom. Considerations for the design of similar programs are offered.  相似文献   

举办以市为单位的骨干教师培训是提高当地教师教研水平的有效途径.在经过充分调研和磋商的基础上,制定了为期6个月的初中化学骨干教师培训方案,旨在提升教师专业化的水平.以实验教学为主线,通过“专题学习、教学设计、完成论文”三阶段的实践活动,采取集中研讨与分散研修相结合的方法,让处在“发展期”的骨干教师边研习探讨、边反思总结,增强教学设计和教学研究的能力,解决教学过程中遇到的问题,逐步形成自己的教学风格.实践表明,联系教师和教学的实际、合理安排课程是培训取得实效的基本条件,而相关规范制度的建立则是培训取得实效的保证.  相似文献   


Employing phenomenological techniques this qualitative study investigates perceptions of collaborative relationships between instructional designers and faculty at an R1 university. While past research has considered the growing involvement of instructional designers in course development, and knowledge and skills expected from an instructional designer, little attention has been paid to what constitutes an effective collaboration and how it can be developed from the perspectives of both instructional designers and faculty. Based on semi-structured interviews of faculty and instructional designers, the following four thematic categories were uncovered: (1) reasons for collaborative efforts; (2) structure of collaborative relationships; (3) supports of and barriers to collaboration; and (4) essential competencies and strategies for instructional designers and faculty in a collaborative partnership. Our findings support the existing research on the importance of collaboration between instructional designers and faculty, and spotlights instructional designers in the higher education setting. They also outline key elements of an effective relationship, including understanding the role of an instructional designer, trust and rapport building (and its components), administrative support and faculty buy-in. Suggestions are made for to how overcome potential barriers to ensure an effective and collaborative partnership. Implications and future directions for research and training programs are discussed.


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