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The purpose of this study is to examine the effects of individual, environmental, training design, and affective reaction factors on training transfer and transfer motivation. To determine the relationship between these factors and their influence on training transfer and to test the model, the researchers collected data from employees in the Malaysian banking sector. Structural equation modeling with Amos 16 was used to test the model and determine the relationship. The study suggested that training stakeholders should manage the training program effectively. Transfer is maximized when trainees have social support, high performance self‐efficacy, and transfer motivation. Stakeholders (e.g., trainers, trainees, supervisors, and peers) are important to the training transfer process, as are learner readiness, trainee reaction, instrumentality, and training retention. This study revealed that perceived content validity and transfer design work together and influence the trainee's performance self‐efficacy. In other words, if trainers want to improve the performance self‐efficacy level of trainees, they need to explain how the trainee can transfer the learned skills at the workplace and make sure the content of the training is similar to the actual job. The main objective of training programs is to align the employee's expertise with organizational goals. Organizations can achieve their desired objectives only when employees transfer the learned skills on the job. Unfortunately, employees often transfer only a small percentage of skills they have learned in training. To effectively manage their training programs, organizations need to identify and focus on the factors that resist effective training transfer.  相似文献   

This article presents the training and performance improvement approach, performance templates (P‐T), and provides empirical evidence to support the efficacy of P‐T. This approach involves a partnership among managers, trainers, and employees in the creation, use, and improvement of guides to affect the performance of critical tasks in the operating environment. The P‐T approach requires much involvement and hands‐on activities by training participants, and, as a result, training groups are not large. Given that limitation, a comparison of employees trained with P‐T methods and employees trained in more conventional methods indicates that the P‐T approach can lead to improved performance to some extent over a fairly short period.  相似文献   

论企业新进员工的培训策略   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
新进员工是步入职场不久的企业新生力量,其思想、行为、态度上都存在新的变化。我们应当认清新进员工的心理特征和行为特点,把握培训导向,提出有针对性的培训对策,使这些"新鲜血液"在组织运转中发挥更大的作用,从而促进企业人力资源的全面开发以及企业的持续发展。  相似文献   

Transfer is the application in the workplace of the knowledge, skills and attitudes learned in training. With transfer, trainers hope to link training to increased job performance. However, training alone will not produce transfer. To affect job performance as a result of training, trainers must intentionally promote transfer using a variety of strategies based on known principles of human performance technology. The MASS model, presented in this paper, brings together four of these principles. According to the MASS model, trainers who promote transfer (and who thereby become performance technologists) 1) Motivate trainees to learn and use the training material; 2) increase trainees' Awareness of when to use new skills and ideas; 3) enable trainees to master and to apply Skills; and 4) give trainees psychological and physical Support on the job. When performance technologists follow the MASS model, they can expect to produce trainees who apply at work what they have been taught in training. Use of the model is illustrated with two examples.  相似文献   

系统了解培训实施前的一些必要准备程序可以减少培训在实施过程中存在的误区。本从成人及其学习的特点以及培训的一些相关理论出发,分析了在具体实施一项培训之前需要做的一些准备工作。  相似文献   

设计农民工职业技术教育新体系应从以下几方面入手:发挥政府主导作用;创新职业教育办学目标;组建高职教育集团;加强师资队伍建设;实施产学研合作办学;实施双证融合教育模式;强化就业服务;创新农村劳动力培训新模式;强化专业建设与课程开发;创新农村劳动力培训的课程开发;实施农村劳动力人力资本、社会资本双提升战略。  相似文献   

整个毕业实习过程可分解为"引企入校实训-试用顶岗实习"两个阶段,分别在校内校外进行。第一阶段与伙伴企业合作在校内基地集中完成专业实训,主要目标是:以企业带来的课题为对象,以完成项目化设计过程为形式,训练学生对专业知识应用的能力;第二阶段在有劳力需求的企业进行,结合就业,学生在获得一定报酬的同时在岗实习,主要目标是:在真实的环境中体验企业文化,汲取社会营养,提高毕业生的综合素质,其中部分学生的实习期就是就业岗位试用期。  相似文献   

陕西省农村义务教育阶段教师全员培训任务总体完成情况良好,但在管理者、培训者、被培训者以及评价、经费诸方面都存在一些问题。建议加强中小学教师全员培训工作的整体规划,明确各级分工,确保培训工作协调发展;培训重心下移,确定以县管理,以市协调,以省统筹规划的全员培训管理机制;建设有序、高效的立体培训网络,确保培训质量;强化各项保障机制。  相似文献   

Data were gathered from members of a large professional training organization regarding their practices for supporting training transfer. Transfer factor categories grounded in the literature were used to code the data using content analysis procedures. Commensurate with the transfer literature, results suggest that trainers reported strategies used within the training setting and in the work environment as having the most influence on training transfer. Transfer practices that do not have a firm grounding in the research but that emerged in the data, trainer characteristics and evaluation practices, were reported by trainers as being important influences on training transfer. This study extends previous work on training transfer practices by elucidating the specific transfer influences perceived by training professionals as critical for supporting transfer in organizations. Implications for practice and research are offered that focus on building trainer proficiency for training transfer in organizational settings.  相似文献   

培训师资队伍数量不足、质量偏低、比例失调、培训者培训不到位,是“十一五”中小学校长培训工作中暴露出来的非常突出的矛盾,它直接影响培训的质量和校长参与培训的积极性。问题形成的主要原因是因为从事培训教学工作的专职教师青黄不接、一些兼职教师的工作岗位的变换、缺乏对从事培训教学的师资的继续教育和教学的理论性要求不断提高,等其中缺乏对从事培训教学的师资的继续教育是诸多原因中的主要原因。要想有效解决这个问题,必须从加强培训者培训和加强制度建设两个方面入手,在省域区位内统筹解决。  相似文献   

This article reviews the major themes and issues emerging from this special issue on training school-based consultants. It is suggested that the building of anthills from individual and often seemingly disconnected grains of sand provides a useful metaphor for work in this arena. To date we have failed to establish a compelling and integrated body of empirical evidence addressing consultant training, although some excellent preliminary data have been reported. All agree that substantially more scholarly work is essential. It is proposed that the most important challenge facing us is the adoption of a unifying theoretical model to guide the organization and synthesis of our disparate "grains of sand" so that we can create meaningful and coherent "anthills" that can be of value to consultation trainers. Ecological and systems orientations are presented as the most appropriate and powerful approaches to achieve this goal. Small-N and qualitative research methodologies seem particularly well suited to this task. A number of specific research and practice ideas are suggested, although each has yet to garner sufficient empirical support and each is considered to be subsidiary to the adoption of an ecological paradigm to guide trainers and researchers in drafting a blueprint for future scientific work. As sure as worker ants can build phenomenally complex anthills from the most meager beginnings, so can we develop a scientific body of knowledge regarding consultant training. However, substantially more intellectual capital will need to be invested in this task if we are to succeed. Ultimately, it is up to us, as interested scholars, to make this happen.  相似文献   

随着时代的快速发展 ,在教育教学领域新科技、新理论、新知识不断推陈出新 ,新时代的教育改革要求教育者先受教育 ,培训者先受培训。高质量、高效率的教师培训要求培训者必须不断更新培训观念 ,创新培训模式。因此 ,我们应在中英甘肃基础教育项目中学英语教师参与式培训实践的基础上 ,探讨培训中存在的问题并提出相应的对策。  相似文献   

农村剩余劳动力的转移与培训   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
农村剩余劳动力的转移,需要通过推进农村城镇化、农业产业化进程,加快农业信息化建设来实现。农村剩余劳动力的培训是实现转移的保证,可围绕劳动力的就地转移与异地转移开展富有实效的、多样化的教育及培训活动。  相似文献   

This paper is an abbreviated version of the co‐authors’ presentation at the Association's Annual Conference in Manchester, 1978. It offers some points for discussion in the debate on how to influence lecturers and trainers to have a new approach to learning, involving a better use of television facilities. We attempt to show how television took its place in army training in both the United States and British Armies, and though a cost‐effective and useful aid in its own right, it also played a part in influencing trainers towards a new training attitude. The US Army has been involved in this field ten years longer than the British Army and thus, because of its experience and size has interesting figures to support the case that may be made for its approach to training and development. This could be an important indication for training methods in a wide range of contexts in the future.  相似文献   

依法维护职工的合法权益是工会的基本职责。这是由工会的基本性质和特点决定的,是工会实践"三个代表"重要思想的时代要求。工会依法维权的重点是:依法维护职工参加和组织工会的权利,依法维护职工的经济利益、民主政治和精神文化权利。面对新形势、新任务,各级工会应通过增强工会的经济实力,加强工会干部队伍建设等措施,加强自身改革和建设,提高工会的整体水平,以最大限度地恪尽职责。  相似文献   

职业教育已经成为现代教育的重要组成部分。近年来外国的职业教育发展呈现出一些新的趋势。本文试着从三个方面来总结这些新趋势:注重核心技能的培养;校企密切合作;加强职业教育与义务教育的衔接。希望这些趋势对发展我国的职业教育起借鉴作用。  相似文献   

Abstract While human resource development (HRD) practioners are interested in learning style, there has been relatively little empirical research in work settings. This paper reviews the research on the interaction effect of learning style and the learning style orientation of the learning environment on learning outcomes, and discusses how the findings from educational research can inform training and development practice. The need for more research in work settings is discussed and the dearth of valid and reliable measures of cognitive (learning) style that can be easily administered to employees is considered as a factor which may have inhibited research The advantages and disadvantages of a number of measures that could be used in work settings are discussed.  相似文献   


Information Technology is often heralded as the key feature of employment in so‐called post‐industrial regions. If this is the case then it is vital that education and training for IT is properly conceived and based on a knowledge of actual working patterns involving IT in industry.

The research reported in this article, based on interviews and case‐studies of a range of employers using and developing IT, examines current practices with a view to their implications for education, training and recruitment. By studying IT in the workplace in one city undergoing many changes we hope to highlight some of the general issues in the relationship between education, training, and employment. More specifically, the words of the employees interviewed contain many important messages for both employers and trainers, particularly on recruitment practices, curriculum design and training strategies for the development of information technology.  相似文献   

新世纪的教师、学校和师资培训   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
中小学教师特别是从事中小学师资培训的培训教师,其思想素质、工作水平、专业知识能力等不但直接关系到中小学教师队伍的建设和教育质量的提高,而且对继续教育的培养质量、社会认同的取得,培训机构的生存与发展都起着举足轻重的作用。因此,要培养符合新世纪发展要求的合格师资及培训教师,首先必须从师资教育中存在的问题着手建立完善的师资和培训教师的培养体系和任职标准,探讨中小学教师、学校与培训教师间的关系。  相似文献   

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