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在语音合成过程中加入情感的效果的研究已经持续了将近20年了。许多原型及试验系统已经在不同的合成技术的基础上建立起来,并且有相当一部分有了相应的研究课题。这篇文章给出了语音合成及情感计算的研究现状,在此基础上介绍了情感语音合成的一些合成方法。随后提出现行的一些新研究方法和研究方向。最后结合作者的研究,提出了新的研究设想。  相似文献   

现今,落后的班会形式已不能适应现代教育的发展,而信息技术的高速发展,为我们提供了一个很好的技术平台,为将信息技术有效地与班级管理结合起来,作者进行了一些探索。如信息技术在班会课中的应用,班主任提供易于学生操作的主题,由学生自己去组织班会课,这样既增强了学生兴趣,又拓宽了学生的视野,培养了学生处理事情的能力。再如信息技术在日常管理中的应用,播放生活中的视频片段,进行安全教育,要比教师的苦口婆心更具有说服力。作为班主任,只要合理运用信息技术,让先进的教育管理理念以现代化教育技术为平台展现出来,班主任工作就会更见成效。  相似文献   

一、教育技术及其对教学的一般作用教育技术“不仅仅指使用某种有形的工具的技术,也包含教育中的一些方法和手段”,“教育技术是人类在教育活动中所采用的一切技术手段的总和。它可以分为物化形态和智能形态两大类。”①物化形态的技术,是凝固和体现在有形的物体中的科学知识,即教育过程中所需的各种物质条件及其硬件技术,如教学模型、投影仪、录像机、计算机等教学手段及其相关技术。智能形态的技术又叫软技术,指以抽象形式表现,以功能形式作用于教育实践的科学知识,是指“教育过程中的一切方法、技能、操作程序或策略体系。”②教…  相似文献   

检测技术全开放实验教学模式探讨   总被引:4,自引:2,他引:2  
实验教学的基本任务是培养学生科学精神和科学素养,提高学生对理论知识的理解和运用能力,培养学生求实创新的科学态度和作风.如何在有限的实验教学时间内给学生提供更多训练机会,提高学生创新设计能力,激发学生进行创新性研究,引导他们进行设计性研究而不是单纯的验证性实验,作者在这些方面做了一些探索性工作,对检测技术实验教学内容和形式进行了改革尝试,取得一些经验.  相似文献   

本文首先简略介绍了进行网络学习资源共享的研究的一些背景;其后,对OGSA架构提供的资源共享机制进行了分析,并进而对基于OGSA架构的网络学习资源共享方案进行了高层与技术上的分析;最后,作者给出了相关结论与建议。  相似文献   

用计算分析的方法,以“解剖麻雀”的形式,对同一作者相同体裁的文本进行了细致的比较研究,系统地描写了庄重与幽默两种言语风格在修辞特征上的具体形态,并在此基础上推衍出了庄重风格和幽默风格建构的基本原则。不仅以科学的形态指明了两种言语表现风格的基本特征,也与前此言语风格研究“印象式”的非科学研究模式划清了界线,从而为中国修辞学及言语风格研究的科学性奠定了一块基石。  相似文献   

教育学课程是高等院校师范专业学生的专业必修课,该课程的学习将对学生其它课程及以后的实际工作提供一定的帮助,但在实际教学中却存在着一些问题,这些问题的产生与该课程的考试形式有着一定的联系。为解决这些问题,作者对课程、学生及考试形式作了一些探讨,提出一些措施,以期改进以后的教学工作。  相似文献   

广州市交通运输职业学校《卫星定位技术应用》教学实训平台原有的设备是为《GPS卫星定位与导航技术》课程提供实训服务的,随着后续3+2中高职对接课程《导航设计基础》的开设,及其相应实训室建设调研的深入开展,作者发现可以在现有《卫星定位技术应用》教学实训平台的基础上进行合理的改造,即可实现《导航设计基础》课程实训服务功能,作者为实现实训室功能最大化,节省实训室建设资金做了一些研究与实现。  相似文献   

广州市交通运输职业学校《卫星定位技术应用》教学实训平台原有的设备是为《GPS卫星定位与导航技术》课程提供实训服务的,随着后续3+2中高职对接课程《导航设计基础》的开设,及其相应实训室建设调研的深入开展,作者发现可以在现有《卫星定位技术应用》教学实训平台的基础上进行合理的改造,即可实现《导航设计基础》课程实训服务功能,作者为实现实训室功能最大化,节省实训室建设资金做了一些研究与实现.  相似文献   

有形文化即物质性的文化,是与人类非物质文化相对的有形之物。广西中越边境地区有形文化遗产内容丰富,形式多姿。由于各种主客观原因,边境地区物质文化遗产不断遭受摧残。要保护好文化遗产并合理开发利用,需要提高认识,需要有法规条例,努力打造优势文化品牌,加强边境线文化联营,确定狠抓重点工程项目,升华有关艺术品。推出边疆文化风情旅游线,研究和发展文化产业,注意提高民族有形文化的社会效益和经济效益。  相似文献   

The form factors of handheld computers make them increasingly popular among K-12 educators. Although some compelling examples of educational software for handhelds exist, we believe that the potential of this platform are just being discovered. This paper reviews innovative applications for mobile computing for both education and entertainment purposes, and then proposes a framework for approaching handheld applications we call “augmented reality educational gaming.” We then describe our development process in creating a development platform for augmented reality games that draws from rapid prototyping, learner-centered software, and contemporary game design methodologies. We provide a narrative case study of our development activities spread across five case studies with classrooms, and provide a design narrative explaining this development process and articulate an approach to designing educational software on emerging technology platforms. Pedagogical, design, and technical conclusions and implications are discussed.
Eric KlopferEmail:

从能力的两个不同侧面入手,在开设物理教具设计与制作课程的过程中,既重视动手动脑能力的培养,又重视素质教育,以有形能力促潜在能力,以潜在能力反作用于有形能力,使学生手、脑综合发展,从而体现了素质教育的真正含义.  相似文献   

Despite a decline in popularity within US society, posters continue to hold a prominent place within middle and high school science classrooms. Teachers’ demand is satisfied by governmental and non-profit science organizations that produce and disseminate posters as tangible products resulting from their research, and instruments to communicate scientific content to teachers and students. In this paper, we examine the design of such posters for their implied, underlying assumptions about learning and their alignment to the unique setting of the classroom. Based on this analysis and research into both cognition and the design of multimedia, we propose a design framework for educational posters that activates students’ attention, catalyzes cognitive processing, provides a framework to guide student’s construction of knowledge and connects to extended learning through live or web-based exploration of phenomenon. Based on this framework, we present a prototype poster and explore implications for poster producers, teachers, and academic researchers.  相似文献   

Students with specific learning disabilities (SLD) typically do not perform at the expected levels of academic achievement. Tangible mobile applications are learning devices that allow for physical engagement and multisensory interaction. They present as promising tools to facilitate learning for students with SLD. This study explored the use of a tangible mobile application for assisting three seventh-grade Turkish students with SLD to learn scientific principles regarding cell concepts. A multiple-probe design across participants was used to examine the effectiveness of a tangible mobile application. In addition, issues related to usability of the application were also explored. The overall results of the study showed that the tangible mobile application was effective, and the students with SLD were willing to use this application, enjoyed the process, and used the application and objects easily/correctly.  相似文献   

Evidence‐based classwide interventions have the potential to help a large number of students by preventing problem behaviors before they become a significant problem in the classroom. Results of a study examining the effectiveness of a classwide peer‐modeling intervention package to improve students' on‐task behavior in the classroom are presented. The classwide intervention took place in three mixed‐grade classrooms (third/fourth, fourth/fifth, and fifth/sixth) with 14–20 students each. Fifteen‐minute intervention sessions occurred approximately two times a week for a total of six to eight sessions. During each intervention session, students watched a 4‐minute videotape segment depicting a peer model demonstrating near 100% on‐task behavior, which was accompanied by verbal coaching and small tangible rewards. Results demonstrated large treatment effects across all three classrooms, which remained large in two of the classrooms at follow‐up 4–8 weeks later. Corresponding positive social validity by participating students and teachers was also documented. Results are discussed in terms of implications, limitations, and future research directions. © 2010 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

Climate change is one of the most pressing challenges facing society, and climate change educational models are emerging in response. This study investigates the implementation and enactment of a climate change professional development (PD) model for science educators and its impact on student learning. Using an intrinsic case study methodology, we focused analytic attention on how one teacher made particular pedagogical and content decisions, and the implications for student’s conceptual learning. Using anthropological theories of conceptual travel, we traced salient ideas through instructional delivery and into student reasoning. Analysis showed that students gained an increased understanding of the enhanced greenhouse effect and the implications of human activity on this enhanced effect at statistically significant levels and with moderate effect sizes. However, students demonstrated a limited, though non-significant gain on the likely effects of climate change. Student reasoning on the tangible actions to deal with these problems also remained underdeveloped, reflecting omissions in both PD and teacher enactment. We discuss implications for the emerging field of climate change education.  相似文献   

Can cognitive research generate usable knowledge for elementary science instruction? Can issues raised by classroom practice drive the agenda of laboratory cognitive research? Answering yes to both questions, we advocate building a reciprocal interface between basic and applied research. We discuss five studies of the teaching, learning, and transfer of the “Control of Variables Strategy” in elementary school science. Beginning with investigations motivated by basic theoretical questions, we situate subsequent inquiries within authentic educational debates—contrasting hands-on manipulation of physical and virtual materials, evaluating direct instruction and discovery learning, replicating training methods in classroom, and narrowing science achievement gaps. We urge research programs to integrate basic research in “pure” laboratories with field work in “messy” classrooms. Finally, we suggest that those engaged in discussions about implications and applications of educational research focus on clearly defined instructional methods and procedures, rather than vague labels and outmoded “-isms.”  相似文献   

结合国内高等教育信息化建设现状,提出了云计算应用的研究思路.本文充分将现代前沿技术与高职教育工作相结合,针对高等职生教学云系统、高等职业技能训练云系统、高等职远程教育云秉统和高等职业教育办公云系统进行重点研究.本应用研究将带动高等教育云模式的创新.  相似文献   

Margaret Mackey 《Literacy》2016,50(3):166-172
This article explores questions that arise when we consider the things that make literacy possible. How do they interact with ordinary household objects and activities, and what intertextual implications arise from such mundane interactions? The concept of dual representation suggests that some objects may have both a physical and a symbolic existence; a book is a thing that sits on a shelf but it is also a representation of an imaginary content. It is commonplace to think of electronic texts as having only a virtual life, but they also reside within an object that has a tangible household existence. Objects are very often managed by hands, and this article explores the role of the hands in directing attention and in connecting the objects of literacy to their surrounding environment. It draws on an extended study of one child's access to analogue literacy material. Comparing that access to the repertoire of contemporary children, it suggests that we may better understand the role of literacy in our lives if we attend to the tangible as well as the abstract associations the objects of literacy evoke and if we think of literacy as a form of material as well as intellectual engagement.  相似文献   

We steer transfer research in a new direction by examining the use of Web 2.0 technologies for supporting learning transfer resulting from formal training. We report survey results from training professionals (N = 83) on how their organization uses such methods to cue and support workers’ application of learned knowledge and skills on the job. Guided by the technology acceptance model (TAM) theory, we examined predictor variables found to influence technology use based on empirical and theoretical support in the information technology (IT) literature. Results indicate that trainers are influenced by several individual factors (computer experience, computer anxiety, and computer self‐efficacy), as well as their organization's learning climate, to use Web 2.0 tools to support transfer of learning. Trainers also prefer to use social media, networking applications, and visual media to support transfer among learners. We discuss implications for using Web 2.0 technologies in support of learning transfer and provide directions for future workplace learning research.  相似文献   

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