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在需要的地方填上冠词:1.The chance to enter_____college came and he took it.2.It is good of you to take_____troube to help us.3.The couple are of_____age.4.child as he is,he knows a lot.5.(1)Let’S have a rest for_____moment.(2)He is busy for_____moment.6.(1)I failed for the first time,I think I should try_____second time.(2)______second time I saw him,I found his door locked.7.(1)We have never spent______more pleasant day before.(2)_______more you speak,the greater Ptogress you Will make.8.(1)______word came tha the had just come out of prison.(2)Wait a minute,I want to have_____word with you.9.(1)_____man is the only animal that can speak.(2)Be_____man.Don’t lose heart.10.(1)Out of_____question,he can hold the important position.(2)AS it is raining hard,the footbsll match is out of_____question.11.(1)Say it in_____English.(2)What’s_____English for“计算机”?(3)He can say it in_____English language.12.(1)Great Changes have taken_____place in our China in the last 15 years.  相似文献   

Part One Ⅰ.TEXT COMPREHENSION There are 20 statements in this part.Some of them are true(T),and some are false(F),according tothe texts you have learned.Write T or F in the following brackets.(20 points,1 point for each)1.After Rip Van Winkle had slept in the valley for anight,he found he had become a citizen of the United States.( )2.The Wrong House and New Applications are two stories With surprising endings.( )3.In Lady in the Dark,the old lady refused to give up her jewels because they told the past of her life.( )4.Helen Keller thought it would be a good thing for a small Child to be stricken blind and deaf for a few days.( )  相似文献   

Only for the sea     
Beautiful dreams can't alwayscome true, but we must have some.(A motto)We like to link our ideals to theother seashore, regard ourselves asa boat, and take the realization ofideals as a journey at the boundlesssea. Though this simile is no longerfresh, it is still popular. That's be-cause all of us are rowing at full tiltand heading for the other shore, inorder to live our beautiful dreams.The other shore is a prize-awarding platform many people arefighting for. Every competitor wisheseagerly…  相似文献   

娜阵匆,娜.哪声甲()1.一Do 1 have to eome baek tomorrow?一es,vou—.(2007武汉) A .ean B.may C.must D.should·()2一When does yourmothergo shopping?一Usually_Sunday momings.(20()7武汉) A.on B.in C.at D.for ()3 .1_the CDst。you if 1 have time tomormw,(2007北京) A.袱11 return B.returned C .have retumed D.retum ()4一Will you get there by_train?一No,I’11 take—taxi.(2007天津) A.1; a B.a:the C.人/D.the;a ()5一Who 15 singing in the Classroom?一—must be Susan·(2007天津)‘A.She B.ItC厂rh…  相似文献   

请看在2005年高考试卷中考查有关动名词用法的试题:1.He got well-prepared for the job interview,for he couldn?t risk____the good opportunity.(2005上海卷32题)A.to lose B.losing C.to be lost D.being lost答案为B。risk后常接动名词作宾语。2.——You know,Bob is a little slow____understanding,so…——So I have to be patient____him.(2005重庆卷30题)A.in;with B.on;with C.in;to D.at;for答案为A。be slow in doing something意思是“做某事迟钝”。3.I really can?t understand____her like that.(2005安徽卷34题)A…  相似文献   

J.K.(Jo)Rowling was born in Chipping Sodbury in the UK in 1965.The funny-sounding name for a birthplace may have contributed to her talent[才能]for collecting odd[奇怪的]names。  相似文献   

<正>Step 1.Lead-in.(导入)1.T:Hello,boys and girls.S:Hello,Miss Mao.T:Before the class today,I want to share some videos and pictures with you.Do you want have a look?S:Yes!(展示学生们在学校、老年公寓和福利院活动、演出的视频片段和照片。)T:Look!He can do kung fu.She can dance…She can draw pictures for the  相似文献   

1._sueh heavy pollution already,it may now be too late to elean up the river.(NMET20ol) A .Having suffered B .Suffering C .To suffer D .Suffered2·Finding her ear stolen,_.(2001上海) A .a polieeman was asked to helP B .the area was searched thoroughly C .it was looked for eve叮where D .she hurried to a polieeman for helP3 .The bell_the end of the Period rang,_ our heated diseussion.(2001上海) A .indieating;interruPting B .indieated;interruPting C .indieating:intemiPted D .indieated;i…  相似文献   

1.(天 津 卷 )Y ou should understand the traffic rule by now.You’ve had it____ often enough. A.explaining B.to explain C.explain D.explained 2.(天 津 卷 )Idon’twant____ like I’m speaking illof anybody,butthe m anager’splan isunfair. A.to sound B.to be sounded C.sounding D.to have sounded 3.(上 海 卷 )H e got well-prepared for the job inter- view ,for he couldn’trisk ____ the good opportunity. A.to lose B.losing C.to be lost D.being lost 4.(上 海 卷 )____ into use in April2000,the hot…  相似文献   

A.选择填空。1.More and more people are signing up for Yoga classes nowadays,advantage of the health and relaxation benefits.(2005上海卷)A.taking B.taken C.having taken D.having been taken2.When the first English settlers arrived in the New World,theIndians jewllery made of animals bones greeted them warmly.(2005上海春招)A.wearing B.to wear C.worn D.having worn3.The old man,abroad for twenty years,is on the way back to hismotherland.(2004江苏卷)A.to work B.working C.to have worked D.havi…  相似文献   

我们先看几道高考题: 1. I couldn't do my homework with all that noise .(2005年北京卷) A.going on B.goes on C.went on D.to go on 2.two exams to worry about, have to work really hard this weekend. (2004 年北京卷) A.With B.Besides C.As for D.Because of 3.It was a pity that the great writer died his works unfinished.(2004年福建卷) A.for B.with C.from D.of 4.production up by 60%,the company has had another excellent year.(2000 年全国卷)  相似文献   

Listening Section(20 points) InstruetionsYou will hear a number of reeordings and you will have toanswer the questions based on what you hear.There will betime for you to read the instruetions and questions,and youwill have a ehanee to eheek your work.All…  相似文献   

This is Teachers’Day and a time to be grateful to all teachers.Our beloved teacher,the love and care you have given us will encourage us to go through a long and arduous journey.On the voyage of life,you have kindled the light of hope for me. What you have done enriches my mind and broadens my view. On this day I honour you sincerely.Thank you for making learning not a dull thing but a great joy.You have been a qualified teacher and even a better friend.We wish to show our gratitude and th…  相似文献   

(follow through with a stated intention)A:You've been promising to take us to Disneyland for the past two years. Since the kids arefree, how about putting your money where your mouth is?B:You don't have to remind me. I have every intention of doing exactly what I said I'd do.But you yourself know that in the past we have been unable to go because of other financialobligations. Things have eased up and it looks like we'll be able to go this year.兑现诺言(英文)@杨飞…  相似文献   

<正>高考英语短文改错题是学生感到棘手的题型之一,笔者对今几年的高考短文改错题,以及学生平时的习作做了细致的分析并加以归类后,发现错误主要集中在以下几个方面:1.动词1.1谓语动词(1)But my spoken English need to be improved.(2)I think reading books have a positive effect on all things.(3)In the bedroom there are a bed,a sofa,a desk and a chair.(4)I have planned to go to the nursing house,  相似文献   

1.If you go to the party,you#ll have a great time!(P34)如果你来参加聚会,你会玩得很开心。have a great time意为“玩得开心”。have a good/wonderful/fine/happy time和enjoy oneself也都可以表示相同的意思。例如:Did you have a good time/enjoy yourself at the party?你在聚会上玩得开心吗?2.I think I#m going to take the bus to the party.(P34)我想我要乘公共汽车去参加聚会。句中的think后面跟了一个宾语从句。其中有两点值得注意:1)think后面的宾语从句是否定形式时,可以将其中的否定词转移到主句中的谓语动词think上,…  相似文献   

1.考查"询问……是否介意……"的回答方法 -Would you mind watering the flowers for me? -___.I have to go to the hospital.(2006重庆)  相似文献   

1.Class Two will go for a picnic.They made_______6o’clock to meet at the foot ofMt.Tai.(2007山东淄博市)A.it B.thatC.them D./2.Look out!The traffic is_______fast_______we can’t cross the street now.(2007湖北潜江市)A.too;to B.enough;toC.so;that D.such;that3.—Don’t_______too late,or you will feeltired in class.—I won’t,Mum.(2007湖北随州)A.stand up B.stay upC.wake up D.get up4.By the end of last year,we_______thework.(2007新疆乌兰察布市)A.has finished B.had finishedC.have finished D…  相似文献   

郝昌明 《初中生》2007,(7):86-90
1.考查"询问……是否介意……"的回答方法 -Would you mind watering the flowers for me? -___.I have to go to the hospital.(2006重庆)  相似文献   

请看下面一组高考题:1.As a result of the serious flood,two- thirds of the buildings in the area ____.(07陕西卷) A.need repairing B.needs to repair C.needs repairing D.need to repair 2.The mother didn't know ____ to blame for  相似文献   

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