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杨莉 《内蒙古教育》2008,(10):10-12
教育是培养人的活动,人理所当然是教育中最核心的因素。当我们探讨教育问题时,必须学会从人的视角来分析问题。当前,传统的课程知识观正遭受到被解构的命运。究其原因,主要有如下几方面:第一,当代人生存的环境发生了转变,知识性生存成为人们的基本生存方式。知识开始全面参与、干预人的日常生活。知识与人的关系问题成为备受关注的问题。第二,新课程改革必然要求重新审视课程知识观,纠正传统课程知识观所带来的弊病并建立与之相适应的课程知识观。由此,课程知识观的重建迫在眉睫。  相似文献   

三维目标的课程观诠释   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
基础教育课程改革引发了我国课程与教学概念的重建,导致了课程观、教学观、知识观等方面的转向。从课程观的视角,观照当前课程改革中课程设计、课程实施与课程评价的转变;诠释新课程"三维目标"丰富的课程现转向的内涵,从而认识"三维目标"内在的整体性、全面性、统一性和时代感;揭示"三维目标"与传统教育目标之间的内在联系,又认清它对于传统教育目标的超越的本质。  相似文献   

程宜康 《职教通讯》2012,(10):11-17
当今我国高等职业技术教育课程改革正在深入展开,并取得重要突破和广泛成果,而相应的课程研究对此做出了极其重要的贡献,特别是在课程观、知识观、能力观、课程模式、课程开发、课程体系构建等方面的理论和实践研究取得了显著成就,但是也还存在着如高职教育课程特殊性研究欠缺、课程研究二元对立思维、课程研究学术传统尚未形成等问题。  相似文献   

在我国当前课程改革中,如何理解课程知识的性质,以一种怎样的知识观去对待知识,是课程与教学领域中如何设计好教材、教学的关键,是解决课程问题的根本前提,也是回答教育问题的重要条件.本文对历史上以及当今实际人们关于课程-知识观的看法作一探讨,以期能为我国课程改革实践起一抛砖引玉的作用.  相似文献   

从课程设计的视角审视课程现状及问题,是我国高等工程教育课程改革的前提和基础.案例研究和文本分析结果表明,我国高等工程教育课程与工程实践的契合度不高,具体表现在课程设计的教育目标、预期学习结果、课程结构、实践环节、学习经验与评价等要素中,问题的根源在于课程改革缺乏工程观、人才观和课程观的指导.我国工程教育课程改革应在“整体工程观”的指导下,回归工程本质,平衡工程教育课程中“理论”与“实践”内容,构建集知识、技能和态度“三位一体”的课程目标,优化课程结构,设计归纳式的学习经验,以应对全球化知识经济对我国工程人才培养质量的挑战.  相似文献   

知识观是人们对知识本质、类型、属性、价值等问题的基本认识和看法,是人们对"什么知识最有用"和应"掌握什么样知识"的根本立场和观点.信息化产业的飞速发展使人们的知识观已经由传统的知识观向现代的知识观转变,这种变化不仅影响了对知识本身的研究与讨论,同时对学校教育领域中课程模式的选择问题提出了新的挑战.  相似文献   

传统的课程观向现代课程观的转变.体现出从学科结构理论向社会改革理论的走向.从知识中心向学生发展中心的演变.形成学科结构、社会改革、学生发展三大理论体系。高等职业教育的迅猛发展,给课程理论注入了新的内容,后现代课程观的出现.为解读高等职业教育课程提供了新的理论视角。  相似文献   

在课程改革中,物理教师如何建构自己的知识观,各家亦是观点不一。本文试图从知识观的分类着手提出对此问题的看法。  相似文献   

课程观与教育代价   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
娄立志 《教育科学》2002,18(4):31-33
从教育代价的视角可以为课程改革提供一个理性的尺度,不同课程观指导下的课程改革会引发不同的教育代价:学科中心的课程观注意了学科体系的完整性,但却忽视了学生发展的主动性;儿童中心的课程观重视了学生的兴趣和需要,但却丧失了知识体系的完整性和逻辑性;人本主义的课程观强调了个人的情意,但却往往会导致人的认知发展的落后,不能达到其所追求的学生的“自我实现”;社会再造社会的课程观所付出的最大的教育代价其课程主张在教育实践中不能很好地达到实施。教育代价的研究有助于理性地制定课程目标、合理地选择课程内容、科学地进行课程组织。  相似文献   

正从课程观的视角来分析,基础教育中主要存在着两种形式的历史课程观。当前历史教育界盛行的是哪一种课程观?历史课程改革倡导的又是哪一种课程观呢?所谓"成人的历史"课程,是指在对儿童的历史教育中,历史课程的设计者与教科书的编写者,担心儿童在历史学习中会受到负面的历史认识、历史价值观的影响,按照成人心目中儿童应该接受的历史知识以及形成的历史认识等思维,去编纂教科书或选择历史学习内容。由于历史人物纷繁复杂,历史事件千奇百  相似文献   

新课程背景下语文知识观的嬗变   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
知识是我们探讨语文教育与人的关系时必须直面并要我们作出假设与选择的一个核心的命题,也是此次语文新课程改革能否成功的一个关键命题。而知识对语文教育最集中的影响则体现在语文知识观上,即人们对语文知识的态度与看法。此次语文新课程改革要求我们重建语文知识观,包括对语文知识的性质、来源、生成方式及知识对人的意义关系等基本问题进行重新思考和建构。  相似文献   

In this paper, we support the validity of drawing from science studies to reshape science education. While true educational reform must involve alternative curricular structures, we stress that we do not propose here either a comprehensive curricular framework or a report on a pilot classroom project, as our research perspective comes from science studies rather than from education. Instead this paper is intended to encourage educators to draw from methodologies used in science studies to further their goals in education research and in classroom teaching. First, we examine theoretical connections and divergences between science studies and theories of education. Secondly, we discuss the benefits of teaching science as a social process and offer some suggestions that can be introduced by classroom teachers into pre-existing science curricula.  相似文献   

Worldwide, science education reform movements are stressing the need to promote ‘scientific literacy’ among young people. Increasingly, this is taken to include empowering students to engage critically with science-related news reporting. Despite this requirement now featuring in statutory curricula throughout the UK, there has, to date, been a dearth of research-informed advice to assist science teachers as they identify appropriate instructional objectives in this regard and design relevant learning activities through which these might be achieved. In this study, prominent science communication scholars, science journalists, science educators and media educators were interviewed to determine what knowledge, skills and habits of mind they judged valuable for individuals reading science-related news stories. Teachers of science and of English from nine secondary schools in Northern Ireland addressed the same issue. A striking – and significant – finding of the study was the very substantial number of statements of knowledge, skill and disposition offered by participants that relate to ‘media awareness’, an issue largely overlooked in the science education literature. The school-focused phase of the research suggests that cross-curricular approaches involving teachers of science collaborating with those of English/media education or media studies may best serve to address this important curricular goal.  相似文献   

This article theorizes on the role of school subjects, especially history, in multicultural and intercultural education, arguing that to ensure intercultural learning there is a need to integrate these curricular intentions in subject teaching. However, the epistemological reorganization that such integration involves will challenge both a traditional structured content knowledge, and the multicultural research focused on deconstructing these traditions. This article investigates Michael Young’s concept of ‘powerful knowledge’ as a way to incorporate knowledge in the discourses of intercultural education. While proponents of the intercultural perspective emphasise educational policies and socialisation, advocates of powerful knowledge tend to dismiss such political interference. In order to use powerful knowledge in this context the concept is reconceptualised by relating it to curriculum theory and Gert Biesta’s conceptual distinction between educational purposes. Finally, this intersection is pursued through the example of history education. When acknowledging that societal needs, policy and disciplinary boundaries are interrelated, the perspective of ‘powerful knowledge’ can bring the potential of subject knowledge to intercultural research, and thus prove useful in identifying the guidelines necessary to develop History as a contemporary relevant subject.  相似文献   

当前中国教育改革又聚焦到了"知识"问题上来了.然而,无论何种教育知识观都未能使实践产生实质积极性的影响,应试教育"变本加厉".从根本上反思书本知识与生活经验的关系,已成为教育研究和改革重大而紧迫的课题.本文在中外认识论"先验"研究深度变革基础上认为,书本知识是知识形成并同时是生活经验得以可能的前提,而生活经验是书本知识现实化并形成完整知识的内容和途径.新的教育知识观具有十分重要的理论和实践意义.  相似文献   

教育学教学“诗·思·用”三维模式,旨在从教师教育的高度探讨教育学教学的改革方式。通过“扎根于史”、“启趣于思”、“立足于用”,从时间、空间和实践三个维度进行系统研究,期望从根本上改变教育学教学的现状,使之适应教师教育发展的需要,使教育理论真正进入学生的意识,为教育实习和人职就业服务。  相似文献   


This paper examines the issue of secondary school vocational education reform in North America from a critical‐feminist perspective by linking directly to challenges that women face in pink and blue collar jobs. In the first part of the paper we review the research literature on pink and blue collar jobs in the clerical, sales, service, and manufacturing sectors. We explore how occupational sex segregation, job value and job security shape the working contexts of female employees in these jobs. In the second part of the paper we turn our attention to the implications of these challenges for vocational education reform. We focus on how curricular contexts such as traditional and non‐traditional vocational curricula, secondary school‐workplace linkages, and nonvocational courses could be reformed to become more responsive to the workplace challenges that current and future female workers face in pink and blue collar Jobs.  相似文献   

依据校本及国外高等教育国际化的发展现状,揭示了国际化对高校国际竞争力的重要意义,探讨了大学英语课程与教学改革的思路和对策。从课程国际化和需求分析的视角,指出大学英语课程与教学所面临的机遇和挑战,进而探讨大学英语课程与教学的多样性和层次性改革,提出基础、提高与跨文化、学术英语课程体系与教学的应对措施。并强调在校本国际化环境下,应加强大学英语和学科全英与双语师资的培养。  相似文献   

从实践的视角反思农村基础教育问题,需要对传统的教育价值观、教育目标、教师管理、教研机构等进行变革。突破知识观的霸权地位,确立生活观,理顺知识与生活的关系,使农村学生学习知识的过程成为学会生活并追求幸福生活的过程;培育“第二种选择”,使农村学生既能升学也能就业,使农村中小学成为农村社会的教育中心、科技中心、文化中心;解放农村教师,营造一个“留人、育人”的工作环境,建立“农村教师离职国家补偿制度”,形成一个农村教师“退出”的辅助机制;重建县级教研室,改组教研员队伍,拓展研究领域,增强专业引领和决策咨询功能,推动农村基础教育课程改革的特色性发展和“以县为主”的教育管理体制的完善。  相似文献   

Like many areas of curricula internationally, technology education has encountered difficulties in achieving continuity between the rhetoric of prevailing policy and the reality of enacted practices. In technology education, the conceptually oriented nature of curricular goals is theorised to play a significant part in influencing this relationship. One way in which investigations of this relationship have been approached is considering the application of pedagogical content knowledge (PCK) frameworks as a mechanism to understand the interaction of teachers’ knowledge and enacted practices. However, understanding from the philosophy of technology, and the technology education literature, suggests that technology education treats knowledge differently to many other disciplines. As a result of this, the interactions between teachers’ beliefs and knowledge are theorised to play a more significant role in influencing enacted practice in technology education. Building on this perspective, this article considers the need to investigate the roles of teachers’ knowledge and beliefs, and the interactions between these, in the investigation of enacted practice. Further to this, the article problematises the potential for a dominance of exploratory research, though acknowledging the need for research within different paradigms; a common frame of reference is advocated. In advocating a more holistic approach to investigating enacted practice, and the factors which may influence teachers’ enactment of teaching practice, it is envisioned that this article takes a step towards methodological coherence regarding the study of enacted practice in technology education.  相似文献   

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