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"对话"与"独白":基础教育课程改革中的评价问题探讨   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
教育评价的理论走向是从“客观判断”到“理解式对话”。要实现真正的对话式评价就要给受评者的反思性独白留下空间。新课程标准评价的研究过程体现了由“客观”判断转向理解式对话的过程,并在有关方面实现了由简单引进向本土生成的转变;“新基础教育”课堂教学评价则是自陈与对话的交融,每一个阶段都体现了自评与他评、内评与外评的结合。  相似文献   

对话式学生评价缘起于独白式学生评价的现实困境,具有功能发展性、主体多元性、情感真诚性、过程开放性与结果可诉性等特征。作为新生事物,对话式评价在现实中存在大量伪对话的现象,致使其本身的主导、自陈与效率受到冲击。面对这一现状,当前对话式学生评价的现实意义更多的是其理念追求的价值,以此促使各价值主体观念改造和行为跟进,消减传统独白式学生评价的空间,真正赋予学生评价以灵肉。  相似文献   

"主体间性"作为一个重要的哲学范畴,指人作为主体在对象化的活动方式中与他者的相关性和关联性.在主体间性哲学的视野下,课程评价呈现出如下发展趋势:评价主体从对象化关系走向主体间性关系,评价理念从主体的独白走向主体间的对话与自陈交融,评价方法从客体化的量评走向主体化的质评与客体化的量评相结合.  相似文献   

学生评价的转向:基于发展性评价的视角   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
创新人才培养迫切要求教育评价的转向。发展性评价作为一种"过程和结果并重、教学与评价紧密结合"的评价新理念,要全面实施必须实现全面发展的学生评价体系的转向、教师发展性评价的转向、教育评价管理理念的转化以及教育评价手段的升级和更新。  相似文献   

高效教学中的知识、方式与评价   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
高效教学是指以有效知识为学习活动对象,通过有效活动方式和有效评价促进学生有效发展的教育实践活动.相对于知识的学术形态与教育形态,知识的学习形态是一种更为有效的促进学生发展的知识形态.根据教与学相互作用的方式,课堂教学活动方式有三种形式:先教后学、先学后教、教学对话,其中教学对话的实践活动方式是"对话性讲解";从评价与学习活动的相互作用的方式,可以把学习评价分为对学习的评价、为学习的评价和学习内评价.有效发展是实现"高价目标"的过程,是学生主动发展的过程,是学生生命化发展的过程.  相似文献   

新课改所提倡的发展动态性学生评价和传统的学生评价相比,评价功能由侧重甄选转向侧重发展,改传统教育“筛”的功能为现代教育“泵”的功能,变“选择适合于教育的儿童”为“创造适合儿童的教育”;评价主体从教师一元转向教师、学生、家长及社会有关人员多元;评价内容从单一评价学生学习成绩转向了评价学生各方面素质;评价方式、方法从单纯的“打分”或“划分等级”转向以定性评价统整量化评价的多样化;  相似文献   

正是在经历了三次深层的哲学转向(现象学转向、解释学转向和语用学转向)洗礼中,真实性评价得以提出并一步步地揭开了人的评价的哲学本质,凸显了人在教育评价中的意义和价值.基于人的评价理念,真实性评价从不同的方面变革着教育评价,即通过反思批判了传统教育评价中的"科学主义"和"控制化"倾向;通过创新在评价方法中引入了"文本"分析和"语境"分析;进而由此辩证地走向了教育评价的过程性思维.  相似文献   

教学方式的变革:由异化到回归   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
"独白式"教学造成了教育的异化,造就学生的"高分低能".教育的回归在于教学方式的转型,即由"独白"走向"对话".教师的教学行为、教学决策和教学评价能力对于改善教学方式、促进师生互动和提高学习效率有着至关重要的作用.在教学方式从"独白"到"对话"的过程中,教学必将回归其多姿多彩的本来面目.  相似文献   

中国教育伦理要使其所涵涉的主题、诉求和旨趣打上时代性烙印与获致当代性标识,实现自身在当代的重构,应该以对话与责任为基本向度。具体言之,一是在对话向度中实现自身从依凭权力机制自上而下的教育伦理立法转向社会主体民主化的教育伦理建构,从教育专家的伦理独白转向公众与教育专家的平等对话,从以教育者为中心的教育人伦结构转向教育者与受教者和谐互动的教育伦常秩序;二是在责任向度中实现自身从自为性责任主体转向为他性责任主体,从成材之教的责任承担转向成人之育的责任承诺,从学术责任的应答转向社会责任的担当。  相似文献   

在生命体验的视野中,独白是个人抒怀言志之生命叙事,与对话并不对立,但并不当然地导致道德学习主体的失语;独白式道德教育也不必然是自说自话、不听人言的道德灌输,如果过分地追求对话之形式,势必导致师生之间无意义的滥语.独白与对话互相交融,独白是一种不可或缺的道德教育方式,是对话的前设环节;对话由师生的独白交互进行,教育者可以独白,道德学习者亦能独白,这些作为片段的师生各自的独白链接、融合而成道德教育的对话过程.故对话式道德教育不能简单化地贬斥独白、消解独白,而要既倡导对话,又尊重独白,并努力建构一种让生命在独白中对话并在对话中独白的话语交往模式.  相似文献   

文学理论学科范式是指文学理论工作者基于文学理论学科的本质及其教学实践过程形成的一套共同信念,以及借助这一套信念规范、约束其理论思维与实践操作的模式与手段.壬戌学制创制了一套具有现代理论话语特征的文学理论话语表述方式,对文学理论课程的教学内容和教学方法进行了初步规划,为文学理论课程的讲授提供了一套规范而具可操作性的实施程序,从话语类型和教学模式两个方面实现了文学理论学科范式的现代转换.  相似文献   

我国当前教育评价范式的变革过程,正沿着"非此即彼"的变革路向推进,其中呈现出诸多的矛盾与冲突。基于"课程标准"的教育评价范式作为平衡点,可以看出,教育评价范式对变革中产生的矛盾和冲突是从量化测评到质性描述、从情境无涉到情境关联,从独自控制到对话协商、从预设判断到动态生成。这一变革始终遵循着从总结性评价向形成性评价转变的逻辑,对基于课程标准评价范式的反思应注意课程标准的科学性、合理性及课程标准与评价标准的关系。  相似文献   

Comparability between different educational qualifications is an important issue within policy discourse in the UK. In this context, the comparability of qualification demands has been explored through the use of expert human judgement. The involvement of human judgement in estimating assessment demands has consequences for methodology. This review considered the ways that the Kelly's Repertory Grid (KRG) technique has been used to compare assessment demands over recent years. The review involved the identification and analysis of research documents as well as consideration of the original theory on which the KRG method was founded. This article describes how the technique has been adapted as it has shifted from its original psychotherapeutic context to be used in educational assessment and comparability studies. The review also explored possible disadvantages that stem from these adaptations, leading to recommendations to ensure the validity of findings when using the technique in educational assessment studies.  相似文献   

The purpose of this paper is to trace the evolution of school assessment in Bhutan, briefly, as a background to considering the present and future school assessment issues especially as they relate to quality concerns and educational improvement in Bhutan. A benchmark for Bhutan, the National Educational Assessment (NEA) programme in Bhutan was inspired by a 2002 initiative in South Asia funded by the World Bank. In this paper, we address how the 2003 NEA was developed. Emerging issues are discussed including methods of reporting and the concept of “benchmarking” in three senses of that term. Technical issues are also addressed in the context of the desire to administer another comparative NEA in 2010. Out of these developments, the Bhutan Board of Examinations has developed ideas about expanding access to system-wide assessment data to different levels of stakeholders in order to achieve improvements. A 2x2 matrix is provided identifying four key questions around judgments of educational achievement at two key levels (system and school) within and between these levels. This matrix represents a model of the evolution of assessment in Bhutan. This paper should be of interest to education systems in developing countries that have undertaken or intend to undertake national educational assessment programmes.  相似文献   

Sustainable assessment has been proposed as an idea that focused on the contribution of assessment to learning beyond the timescale of a given course. It was identified as an assessment that meets the needs of the present in terms of the demands of formative and summative assessment, but which also prepares students to meet their own future learning needs. This paper reviews the value of such a notion for assessment; how it has been taken up over the past 15 years in higher education and why it might still be needed. It identifies how it has been a successful intervention in assessment discourse. It explores what more is needed to locate assessment as an intervention to focus on learning for the longer term. It shows how sustainable assessment can help bridge the gap between assessment and learning, and link to ideas such as self-regulation, students’ making judgements about their own work and course-wide assessment.  相似文献   

The ‘knowledge society’ has become a central discourse within educational reform. This article posits that the impact of the knowledge society discourse on curriculum and assessment has led to the emergence of what the authors term a new-form/re-form curriculum, and it asks whether what is transacting in contemporary movements in curriculum is less the reform of curriculum and more the emergence of a new-form/re-form curriculum. What is emerging is well beyond the discussions of outcomes and curriculum alignment that characterised much curriculum reform effort in the late 1990s. In this new-form/re-form curriculum ‘content’ is displaced by ‘skills’ and ‘knowledge acquisition’ by ‘learning’. Curriculum coverage is replaced by learner engagement. In this context, assessment also begins to take on new-form/re-form. Assessment now engages and promotes learning as process rather than as product. Two cases – the Republic of Ireland and Queensland, Australia – are analysed and compared to illustrate this shift in the conceptualisation of curriculum and assessment. Consideration is given to the possibility that this new-form/re-form curriculum represents a settlement in the contestation associated with learning outcomes and their perceived technical rationality and market focus. The paper concludes that the new-form/re-form curriculum is emerging in locations as diverse as Ireland and Queensland.  相似文献   

Long-standing concerns within the field of educational assessment consider the impact of assessment policy and practice as matters of equity, inequality and social justice. Yet educational assessment policy and practice continues to have powerful social consequences for key users such as children and young people. This paper re-positions these consequences as a matter of ethics. It uses the work of Messick to frame how ethical matters extend beyond test instruments into the realm of uses and impact. A case study of the 11+ school transfer system in Northern Ireland is presented to illustrate ethical dilemmas emerging as a consequence of actions and decisions of using assessment systems for particular purposes. In looking forward to how we might attend to ethical matters in assessment policy and practice, a consideration of a children’s rights approach is outlined that may provide a moral and legal framework for action.  相似文献   

论现代教育评价的发展趋势   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
教育评价由于人们极端化的追求,在许多方面已蜕变为束缚学校教育工作的樊篱,导致教育价只重视选拔功能,忽视评价的改进功能,忽视学生的主体价值。现代教育评价改革将走向智力因素与非智力因素评价的统一、教育与管理功能的统一、科学主义与人主义方法的统一。  相似文献   

文章以大学英语小班辅导课程的构成为切入点,通过分析小班辅导教学的特点、目的,结合教师话语策略的研究现状,从教师提问方式的选择、反馈策略的调整、教师话语质量的提高以及话语量的控制等几方面有针对性地提出了教师在小班辅导教学中应较多选用参考性问题;评价性反馈与话语性反馈相结合;努力提高话语质量,使自身话语简洁、清晰;让学生成为课堂的主要发言者等有助于提高大学英语小班辅导教学效果的话语运用策略。  相似文献   

An experimental design was adopted in the present study to cross-compare the effect of two formative assessments, namely peer assessment (PA) and teacher assessment (TA), with summative assessment (SA) on the improvement of language learners’ writing skill and self-efficacy. Writing excellence was operationalized by structural (grammar), lexical (word choice), and discoursal (cohesion and coherence) well-formedness. Furthermore, focused group interview was run to elicit the learners' attitudes and preferences toward type of assessment. Three cohorts of proficiency-matched language learners sat for a semester-long experimentation (20 sessions × 90 min = 30 h) and three testing sessions. The results revealed that PA group significantly improved in the writing skill, but TA and SA groups did not. Self-efficacy was not enhanced in any of the assessment groups under study. The interviews and follow-up member checkings indicated that the pupils did not have positive attitudes toward PA and preferred TA. Among the sources of this disfavor, they referred to misunderstanding, lack of knowledge or attention, tiredness, poor handwriting of the assesse, shyness, friendship bias, and even feeling not qualified enough to judge their peers’ tasks. Overall, then, the study reported a mismatch between the students’ actual performance and attitudinal beliefs under different assessment conditions, implying that (a) Iranian students are more inclined toward teacher-dominated pedagogies and (b) triangulation of assessment modes provides more reliable optimal results.  相似文献   

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