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The Classroom Appraisal of Resources and Demands (CARD, elementary version) was used to investigate teacher stress among a sample of elementary teachers (n = 521). The CARD measures teacher stress by examining the subjective experience of both classroom demands and resources provided by the school, and thereby attempts to capture the situationally specific nature of teacher stress. This study attempted to examine whether the CARD can provide reliable and valid information that addresses the call by experts in the field of teacher stress research for measures that consider each teacher's specific occupational circumstances. Specifically, the factor structure of the CARD was supported empirically. Further evidence was offered for the construct and concurrent validity by correlations between CARD scales scores and other measures theoretically relevant to teacher well‐being: general health, teacher efficacy, self‐critical attitudes, and burnout symptoms. © 2009 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

语文新课程改革在课堂教学层面上遭遇到的最大挑战就是语文课堂的无效和低效问题。新课程语文课堂教学取得了一些实质性进展,但也出现了形式化、低效化现象。提高语文课程教学的效度是当前深化语文课程改革的关键和根本要求。  相似文献   

Stress research increasingly emphasizes the role of appraisal in determining which events are perceived as stressful. The Classroom Appraisal of Resources and Demands (CARD) was developed to measure teachers’ appraisals of their classroom demands and resources in order to assess their risk for experiencing occupational stress. The present purposes are to review the literature identifying appraisals as a key determinant of stress, to describe the development of the CARD, and to provide meta-analytic results from 18 studies comparing CARD scores to the following variables: teacher’s job satisfaction and occupational commitment, burnout symptoms, stress prevention resources, and challenging student demands. Results suggest moderate effects for associations between the CARD and these constructs, and implications for educational policy aimed at reducing turnover and increasing teacher and student welfare are discussed.  相似文献   

奥斯丁的《傲慢与偏见》历来就以其优美的语言形式,鲜活的人物形象闻名于世.本文分析了小说的语言风格特征,并探讨了其在孙致礼的中文译本中的种种表现手法:模仿、重建、凸显.  相似文献   

近年来,新课标的实行引发了多种多样新的教学模式,出现了多种多样的教学方法。小学语文阅读教学出现生动活泼的局面。但是由于传统的教学模式在教育领域已经根深蒂固,且对于教龄较长的教职员工来说,过去的教学经验是其当前的生存之道,他们普遍认为过去的教学经验是自己几十年教学生涯积累的宝贵财富,不容忽视甚至丢弃。但是,当前的小学生由于思想生活环境较之以前有很大的不同,过去的教学模式及方法适应不了现行的教育体系。因此如何提高小学语文阅读教学效率便值得我们思考。  相似文献   

课堂教学有效性的研究是教改的核心和关键,要确保课堂教学的有效性,不仅仅要注意教学形式的改变,更要强调课堂教学本质的保证。目前,课堂教学三维目标的提出为达到教学的最佳状态指明了方向。同时,教师个体教育品质的提高为教育本质的达成提供了有力的保证。  相似文献   

本文对高二年级上学期的新教材的修订作了说明,其中以说明阅读教材为主.阅读教材引导实施文学鉴赏教学,课文有诗歌、散文两大类.  相似文献   

The Course-Faculty Instrument (CFI) demonstrates similar measurement properties with student populations at four diverse institutions. These students agree about the nature and extent to which course and instructor attributes relate to their learning. The results suggest that: (1) a perceived learning criterion may have general relevance to students, and (2) validity extension research is an economically feasible alternative to full-scale instrument development and validation efforts. Since validity extension is practical and facilitates cross-institutional comparisons, it appears to be a more viable strategy for researching and instituting student evaluation systems than is suggested by its current usage.  相似文献   

对高校学生评教信度和效度的反思   总被引:15,自引:1,他引:15  
由于高校教学管理观念上存在误区、学生评教制度设计不合理、学生评教组织过程不严密、评价主体参与不足、评价结果处理不当、学生评教未能形成经常化、制度化等原因,被广泛应用的学生评价教师教学质量(简称学生评教)在实践中没有发挥应有的作用。需要从以下几方面加强建设:正确认识学生评教工作,建立科学的学生评教制度,正确处理学生评教的结果,关注学生评教制度带来的道德风险,以提高学生评教的信度和效度。  相似文献   

在当今各国的司法实践中,司法鉴定的使用日益广泛,鉴定意见在帮助法官查明事实方面也有着无可替代的作用。但是我国司法鉴定的相关制度并不是十分完善。一直以来,相当一部分法官和当事人把鉴定意见当作科学结论,而忽视了其言词证据的本性,因此疏于对其证据能力和证明力进行审查。因此,我国应借鉴各国的实践经验,分析我国现状,从鉴定机构、鉴定人、鉴定意见三方面完善立法,以促使司法鉴定更好地发挥功效。  相似文献   

教师在语文教学过程中应采取行之有效的方式,将影视资源引入语文课堂,使影视资源的应用价值得到充分体现。针对当前语文课堂教学存在的教学模式单一、学生兴趣匮乏、教学资源不足等问题,文章从激发学生兴趣、开展阅读教学、开展写作教学、增强情感体验等方面,对影视资源在语文课堂的运用进行相关探讨。  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to develop a valid and reliable Turkish version of the Friendship Activity Scale (FAS). Both the English and Turkish versions of the FAS were administered to 36 students to check for language equivalence. The Turkish version of the FAS was then administered to 226 students to ensure internal consistency, and to 61 students to test re-test reliability. The FAS and Adjective Check List (ACL) were administered to 49 students to check concurrent validity. There was a significant relationship between the English and Turkish versions of the FAS (r?=?.78), and there were no significant differences between the two measurements (p?<?.05). Cronbach Alpha Reliability of the FAS for the Turkish sample was .86. The Intraclass Correlation Coefficient of the repeated measurements of the FAS appeared to be sufficiently high (.89), and there were no significant differences between the mean values of two interval measurements (p?<?.05). The FAS significantly correlated with the ACL (r?=?0.58). The total item correlations of the FAS were acceptable, ranging between 0.26 and 0.65. In conclusion, the FAS appears to be a valid and reliable instrument for measuring the behavioral intentions of Turkish elementary school children, and their commitment to initiating a friendship with a peer with a disability.  相似文献   

《中法简明条款》法文本及其汉译   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
《中法简明条款》约定“以法文本为准”,此约定牵涉到谅山事件责任等一系列历史问题的研究。为了进一步推进相关历史问题的研究,提供《中法简明争款》法文本并进行汉译。  相似文献   

Observations seem particularly susceptible to rater error due to the level of subjectivity involved in assessment. Thus, the present paper aims to investigate: (1) inter-rater agreement (IRA) using the Classroom Assessment Scoring System – Secondary version (CLASS-S) and (2) the CLASS-S factor structure in a Norwegian context. Inter-rater agreement analysis comprise percent within one (PWO). Confirmatory factor analysis are performed to analyze the factor structure. Certified trainers scored videotaped observations. The study indicates that an acceptable IRA can be achieved in a Norwegian setting, and it reports promising results regarding the structural validity of the CLASS-S.  相似文献   

关注有效性:网络资源利用现状的调查与分析   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
通过问卷法考察、分析了我国远程教育网络资源利用的现状。结果表明,使用者(学习者)对目前远程教育网络资源的总体评价是比较好的,现有网络资源对理解教材内容、对考试等有着不同程度的帮助作用;但本科与专科、文经与理工类课程网络资源的使用效果却存在着一定的差异。分析认为,提高远程教育资源利用的有效性,要以需求为导向,在建设层面,注重整合与共享;对使用者层面,关注适用与实效;在技术层面,追求标准与精制。  相似文献   

方兴未艾的对外汉语教学及汉语输出   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
近年来,全球范围内兴起了“汉语热”。热学汉语现象,折射出的是中国改革开放二十多年来取得的巨大成就,中国的发展给世界各国带来机遇,掌握汉语成为很多人把握机遇求发展的重要选择,同时也标志着中国软力量的迅速增强。为使这个朝阳产业壮大起来,使汉语真正成为世界强势语言,我们所面临的工作是什么?  相似文献   

构想效度(construct validity)一直是效度研究的核心问题,本文对中国汉语水平考试(HSK[高等])和实用汉语水平认定考试(C.TEST)的构想效度进行了探讨。文章首先梳理了这两种考试的构想模型,并初步提出了操作性定义。研究样本为550名同时参加了这两种考试的考生,我们使用因素分析法对所得数据进行分析。结果显示,目前我们只能有把握地说,这两种考试都测到了考生的"阅读理解"能力,对其他能力的检验本文还不能给出明确的结论。  相似文献   

从“语言公差”的概念来研究汉诗英译的效度问题, 以“夜雨寄北”的英译为例, 认为“以诗译诗”翻译出诗歌的决定性结构, 是汉诗英译本可以接受的最大公差, 而在此基础上呈现的各种文本的审美差异则是诗歌翻译的再创造, 且只能在最大程度上缩小公差。  相似文献   

课堂教学作为课程实施中最根本的要素,它的有效性如何直接关系到课堂教学质量。影响课堂教学功能定位的主要因素有:对教学过程本质的态度及认识、教育自身的特点和现实教学条件及教学传统等。明确的课堂教学功能定位是确立预期教学目标的基础,而预期目标的达成仍然是判定教学有效性的基本指标,同时也要从"预设"与"生成"的关系,从师生双方积极的教学体验来判定课堂教学的有效性。  相似文献   

《圣经》英译与汉译是翻译史上规模宏大、历史悠久、汇集数代翻译家、学者及宗教人士所进行的翻译活动。通过比较英译与汉译的实践过程,不难发现它们有着许多共同点,但由于历史、地理、宗教信仰、语言差异等原因,它们亦体现出较大的差异。  相似文献   

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