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Using cluster analysis, we identified two types of career counseling clients: (a) Clients with moderate levels of career-related distress, discomfort, and uncertainty and (b) clients with high levels of career concerns, personal distress, and stigma about career counseling. The more distressed group expressed lower evaluations of a career counseling session and perceived their counselors as providing fewer action-oriented counseling skills than the less distressed group. No differences emerged in terms of client's perceptions of the therapeutic relationship. The practical implications and limitations of these results are discussed.  相似文献   

The authors hypothesized that multicultural personality and ethnic identity would significantly predict variance in multicultural counseling competencies in counselor trainees, beyond the variance predicted by demographics, multicultural training, openness, and cognitive racial attitudes. Results showed multicultural personality predicted multicultural counseling competency, but ethnic identity did not. Results and implications are discussed.  相似文献   

大学生职业发展与就业指导课程处于不受学生重视的困境,而课堂游戏是提高学生学习兴趣的有益尝试。它扬弃了灌输式教育方式,改变了教学的思维,提高了教学效果,具体应用方法有团体辅导法、角色扮演法、角色互换法、矛盾法、图画法、SWOT分析法等。  相似文献   

职业辅导思想的历史嬗变——从职业指导到生涯辅导   总被引:24,自引:0,他引:24  
本通过阐述职业概念向职业生涯和生涯概念的转变、职业指导向生涯辅导概念的转变,比较全面地介绍了国外职业生涯辅导由职业指导向生涯辅导转变的历程,并对这种转变的内部和外部原因进行了比较深入的分析。  相似文献   

The work world is now full of uncertainty and change as a result of forces such as globalization, downsizing, advancing technology, and increased diversity in the work force. Further, people cannot count on maintaining a job with one company, or even one career, throughout their work lives. In order to meet clients' needs, career counselors must utilize approaches that are compatible with these realities. We review a set of approaches for career counseling that should be effective for clients now and into the future. Specifically, we argue for a holistic approach to career counseling, use of the Personal Career Theory as a client-centered approach to counseling sessions, incorporating creative interventions that draw upon chance events and flexible decision-making, and an emphasis on building interpersonal skills and relationships. We conclude with a summary of recommendations for career counseling practice.  相似文献   

The authors explored the relationship between counselors’ multicultural counseling competence (MCC), poverty beliefs, and select demographic factors. Results of hierarchical linear regressions indicate that MCC is predictive of counselor individualistic and structural poverty beliefs. Implications for counselor multicultural training and immersion and future research directions are included.  相似文献   

The emerging information age will make education/work relationships stronger and stronger. These relationships must be emphasized by school counselors. This document discusses how this can be done both for youth planning to attend a four-year college and for those planning some other kind of postsecondary career-oriented education. One possible solution is suggested.  相似文献   

要通过工作机制从短期行为向长效机制转变、工作主体从教师主体向学生主体转变、工作内容从低层次服务向高层次指导转变、工作方式从传统向现代转变,以充分实现高校就业指导工作的职能,有效地促进大学生就业。  相似文献   

职业生涯辅导在我国的高等特殊教育中具有独特的价值。本文从促进聋人大学生职业成长和终身发展的视角,分析了聋人大学生职业生涯辅导的缺失与问题,探讨了聋人大学生的心理特点及对其职业生涯发展的消极影响,提出了对聋人大学生进行科学职业生涯辅导的内容、方法和途径。  相似文献   

当今大学生就业竞争日益激烈,而目前高校对大学生职业生涯规划教育指导严重缺失。本文对大学生在校职业生涯规划状况进行简要分析,并提出一些建设性意见。  相似文献   

International students experience significant difficulties as they adjust to the dominant culture in the United States. However, there is a substantial gap between the reported academic and sociological distress these students experience and their help‐seeking behaviors. This article reviews international students’ distinctive challenges in seeking professional help and proposes guidelines to effectively support these students by enhancing college counselors’ multicultural counseling competence.  相似文献   

大学生职业决策生态模型对高校职业辅导的启示   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
大学的就业指导和职业辅导工作开展不力的一个重要原因,就是缺乏有效的理论指导和明确的工作思路.由于东西方经济成熟水平和文化的差异,简单地套用西方的理论和方法既不能合理地解释和描述中国大学生的现实择业行为,也不能有效地实施职业指导.通过西方职业理论的适用条件及中国大学生职业决策的环境和个人心理特点,为高校职业辅导工作提出了一些建议.  相似文献   

高职院校开展就业指导工作的几点思考   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
根据目前国内就业形势的需要及职业教育就业指导的现状,高职教育就业指导应做到:办学定位准确,合理制定符合实际的就业指导课程体系;形成全程就业指导体系,突破“短期培训”的模式;改变现有的指导方式,加强实践教育和案例分析;加强就业指导从业人员队伍的建设;充分利用网络提供就业信息,提高就业指导能力.  相似文献   

The practice of career counseling has been derived from principles of career theory and counseling theory. In recent times, the fields of both career and counseling theory have undergone considerable change. This article details the move toward convergence in career theory, and the subsequent development of the Systems Theory Framework in this domain. The importance of this development to connecting theory and practice in the field of career counseling is discussed.  相似文献   

This paper explores the challenge of diversity in an increasingly multicultural world, and adopts the position that the valuing of diversity can be taught – especially within the context of teacher training and education in general. It gives an overview of major components of diversity training within the context of multicultural counseling, and stresses what counseling can offer teacher training in regard to diversity issues and competencies for the Greek educational setting. Finally, it examines key notions of difference and ‘otherness’ in Greek thought, which can inform contemporary discourse on diversity and multicultural counseling theory and practice.  相似文献   

Limited information on the actual and preferred career counseling and career testing activities of school counselors exists. An analysis of a statewide school counselors' survey revealed career counseling and testing preferences, priorities and predictors. Results revealed counselors preferred trait/factor approaches to career counseling, including Holland's RIASEC theory, Person-Environment-Correspondence theory and Cognitive Information Processing theory, respectively. With respect to career counseling and career testing priorities, means comparisons indicated that elementary, middle, and high school counselors' actual time performing career counseling duties is minimal; however, they desire to spend significantly more time on career counseling and testing. Multiple regressions revealed important predictor variables for actual and ideal time spent on career counseling and career testing. Limitations and recommendations for further research are discussed.  相似文献   

随着我国高等教育由“精英”走向“大众化”,大学生的就业形势也面临严重的挑战,对大学生进行职业生涯规划教育就显得尤为重要。针对中医专业大学生职业生涯规划教育中存在的时机滞后、重点不明、缺乏分类指导等问题,应结合中医专业的特殊性,紧密围绕中医学的职业素质要求及职业发展道路,从巩固专业思想、提高专业能力、注重医德教育、明确职业发展方向等方面采取措施,以切实发挥职业生涯规划教育在中医专业人才培养中的重要作用。  相似文献   

职业咨询是教育工作者运用心理学等方法,协助当事人更好地解决在选择职业、安置就业和职业发展等方面所遇到问题的教育实践活动。通过对当前独立学院职业咨询工作现状的调研,发现独立学院职业咨询存在着学生需求量大,但学校重视不够;咨询人员专业化不够,咨询效果不理想;咨询内容单一,无法满足学生多元化需求等问题。要做好独立学院职业咨询工作,就要从转变思想,加强对职业咨询重要性的认识,建设专业化的职业咨询队伍,完善多元化的职业咨询内容体系等方面入手,努力提高独立学院职业咨询服务水平和质量。  相似文献   

Collegiate student-athletes present unique issues regarding career development. Career counselors who infuse the Learning Theory of Career Counseling (Krumboltz, 1996) into their work with collegiate student-athletes can help these clients learn new ways to explore career possibilities. By co-creating learning opportunities with student-athletes, counselors can help promote expansion of clients' interests, skills, beliefs, values, and personal qualities. Such growth can help members of this population deal with issues like identity foreclosure and social isolation en route to establishing a set of problem-solving and decision-making skills that will serve them well over the course of their lives.  相似文献   

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