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冀昱 《中学生英语》2002,(22):17-17
使用比较结构时应注意以下几个问题:1.前后比较的两部分应对等【误】His handwriting is much better thanher.【正】His handwriting is much better thanhers.【析】本句中的handwriting不应与her(“人”)比较,而应和hers(=her handwriting她的书法)相比较。  相似文献   

1.他有重要的事要告诉你。误:H e has im portantsom ething to tellyou.正:H e has som ething im portantto tellyou.析:当形容词修饰som ething,anything,nothing,everything等复合不定代词时,形容词应放在这些复合不定代词的后面。2.她和你父亲一样是位好老师。误:She is as a good teachers as your father.正:She is so good a teacher as your father.析:在“so 形容词 名词”结构中,若名词是可数名词单数,不定冠词要放在形容词之后。3.你认为我们首先应当做什么?误:W hat do you think should we do first?正:W hat do you think…  相似文献   

1.上海比中国其它城市大。误: Shanghai is bigger than any other cities in China. 正: Shanghai is bigger than any other city in China. 析:“any other…”意为“其它任何一个……”,后接单数名词。2.他的身体比以前差。误: His health is more worse than before. 正: His health is worse than before. 析:比较级前可加much, still, even, a lot、a little等词语修饰,表示程度,但不可用more加比较级形式。  相似文献   

1.我比她更喜欢那个男孩。误:I like the boy better than her.正:I like the boy better than she.析:从上面的汉语句子看,是两个主语在比较。主句中的主语是  相似文献   

1.比较对象的“一致性”问题我们都知道,只有同类事物才能比较,在使用比较级时,一定要注意相互比较的对象要有可比性,要对等。作为比较对象的成分不能省去。例如: 误:Your spoken English is better than I. 正:Your spoken English is better than mine. 误:The population of China is bigger thanAfrica.  相似文献   

1.look like...意为“看上去像……”,其中的like为介词;look asif...意为“看上去仿佛(或好像)……”,其中的as if后接从句或从句的省略形式。例如:She looks like her m other.她看上去像她的妈妈。It looks as if it is going to rain.(=It looks like rain.)看上去天要下雨了。H e looks as if talking to him self.(=H e looks as if he is talking tohim self.)他看上去像是在自言自语。2.try to do sth意为“试图做某事”;try doing sth意为“试着做某事”。例如:The m an tried to escape,but he failed atlast.那个人企图逃跑,…  相似文献   

1.现在她正自学英语。[误]She is learning English herself now。[正]She is learning English(all)by herself now.[正] She is teaching herself English now.[析]表示“自学”可用learn…(all)。by oneself或  相似文献   

●作业讲评● 1.汤姆和吉姆一样高。误:TomissotallasJim. 正:TomisastallasJim. 析:在肯定句中,表示两者在某一方面程度相同用“as+原级+as”结构,不可用“so+原级+as”结构。但在否定句中,既可用“notas +原级+as”结构,又可用“notso +原级+as”结构。如:Heisnotso(as)youngasLiPin. 2.我的钢笔比你的贵些。误:Mypenismoreexpensivethanyour. 正:Mypenismoreexpensivethanyours. 析:在含有比较等级的句中,比较的双方必须是同类事物。3.她跑得比任何人都快得多。误:Sheranveryfasterthanan…  相似文献   

在英语中,有一些副词和副词短语可以用来修饰形容词或副词的比较级,表示比较的程度。举例如下:1.much“……多”She’s much better today.她今天好多了。He runs much faster than I.他比我跑得快多了。He looks much younger in red.他穿红色看起来年轻多了。2.far“……得多”  相似文献   

1.他和李平一样高。误:He is as taller as Li Ping. 正:He is as tall as Li Ping. 析:表示比较的程度相同时用“as+形容词或副词的原级+as”句型。2.我的苹果没有你的多。误:My apples are not so many as yours. 正:I haven’t so(as)many apples as you.  相似文献   

1.吉姆,她是魏华。误:Jim,she is Wei Hua. 正:Jim,this is Wei Hua. 析:当介绍别人认识时,要使用句型“This is…”,而不能用“She/He is…”句型。另外,要注意介绍顺序,一般是先把主人介绍给客人,把年轻的介绍给年长的,把地位低的介绍给地位高的,把男士介绍给女士。2.我和她是同班同学。误: I and she are class-mates.  相似文献   

形容词和副词的比 较等级常 有一些特 殊现象,它们多是常考点及易错点。现将其归纳总结,以便同学们正确运用。 一、同级比较的特殊点 1.在 as ...as 结构中,若形容词作定语修饰单数可数名词,不定冠词 a (an) 应置于形容词和名词之间,不可放在形容词之前。例如: 她和你父亲一样是好老师。 【误 】 She is as a good teacher as yourfather. 【正 】 She is as good a teacher as yourfather. 2.在 not so (as)...as 结构中,若形容词修饰名词短语,该名词短语应用于 so (as)之前。例如: 你找不到一个像这个同样有用的机器。 …  相似文献   

水乡 《中学生英语》2002,(20):12-12
1.这种茶比那种茶好。[误]This tea is better than that one.[正]This tea is better than that.[析]one只能代替可数名词,不可代替不可数名词,而that可以代替不可数名词。  相似文献   

一、as if意为“好像”、“仿佛”,可以引导表语从句和方式状语从句。1.as if在look,seem等系动词后面引导表语从句。例如:She looks as if she were ten years younger.她看起来好像年轻了十岁。It seems as if our team is going to win.看来我们队要取胜了。2.在as if引导的  相似文献   

1.你不记得以前见到过这人吗?【误】D on’t you rem em ber to see the m anbefore?【正】D on’you rem em ber seeing the m an tbefore?【析】rem em ber doing sth.表示“记得做过某件事”;rem em ber to do sth.则表示“记得要去做某件事”。与此相似的还有forget doing sth.(忘记做过某件事);forget to do sth.(忘记要做某件事)。2.她经常被同学们看见在跳舞。【误】She is often seen dance by herclassm ates.【正】She is often seen to dance by herclassm ates.【析】在主动句中,m ake(),let,hear,see,使watch,notice,fed等动…  相似文献   

形容词、副词比较等级的用法是初中英语语法中的一个重点,也是中考英语考查的热点之一。英语初学者在使用中极易出错,现将形容词、副词比较等级使用中常见的错误归纳分析如下:一、比较对象错误或比较对象不明确。1.我的书比你的新。误:M y book is newerthan you.正:M y book is newerthan yours.析:在使用比较级的时候,两个同类的对象才能进行比较。“书”和“书”可以相比,但“书”不能和“人”相比,故应将you改为yours或yourbook。2.广州比北京热。误:Guangzhou is hotterthan Beijing.正:Itis hotterin Guangzhou than in Beijing.析…  相似文献   

下列各组句子及单句中的划线部分外形相似甚至相同,但意义不同,你能加以区别吗?1.(1)He knows better than others.(2)He knows better than to do sucha thing.析:句(1)中的knows better只是一个自由短语词组,其后跟连词than组成比较结构,句意为“他懂得比别人多”。句(2)中的knowsbetter than是习语,后接不定式,意为“很懂得,很明白(而不至于……)”,整句意思为“他很明白,不至于干这种事”。2.(1)They left at once.(2)They were all talking at once.析:句(1)中的at once相当于immediately,作“马上,立刻”解,句意为“他们马上离开了…  相似文献   

1.[误]I have less books than Tom.[正]I have fewer books than Tom.[析]less是little的比较级,而fewer是few的比较级。less后应加不可数名词而fewer后是可数名词。2[.误]There are three girls in my group.The cleverer is Mary.[正]There are three girls in my group.The cleverest is Mary.[析]在两者之间应用比较级,在三者之间或三者以上的范围内应用最高级。3[.误]The boy sat there as quiet as his sister.[正]The boy sat there as quietly as his sister.[析]as…as的用法要注意的是:①在其中间应加形容词或副词的原级,而…  相似文献   

1.她的手表比我的新。【误】Her watch is newer than I【正】Her watch is newer than mine.【析】在比较等级句型中,比较的对象必须是同类事物才能进行比较。2.他是两个男孩中较聪明的一个。【误】He is cleverer of the two boys.【正】He is the cleverer of the two boys.  相似文献   

作为初中生,想要过形容词比较级的使用关,不但要弄清形容词比较级在使用过程中的一般规律,同时还要掌握它的句型结构和特殊用法。形容词的比较级用于两者间的比较。1.将两个人或事物(不一定每方只一人或一个事物)进行比较,如果A优于B时。其结构为:A be 形容词比较级 than B*She is taller than I.她比我高。*This book is more interesting than that one.这本书比那本书有趣。2.如果A劣于B时,其结构为:A be less形容词 than B或者A be not so/as 形容词原级 as B*This book is less useful than that one.*This book is not as usefu…  相似文献   

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