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调整与适应:高等教育结构与劳动力市场的关系探寻   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
在现代社会里,高等教育不仅要在人才培养总量上满足劳动力市场的需求,更需要在结构上实现合理优化,达到与劳动力市场人才需求及就业结构的动态均衡。我国劳动力市场正日益呈现出由低级向高级发展、由卖方向买方转变、由东部向西部推进、由封闭向开放过渡的变化趋势,因此,高等教育的层次结构、专业结构、布局结构和体制结构等必须作出相应的调整,只有这样才能使我国高等教育培养和输送的人才不断满足劳动力市场的需要。  相似文献   

从大众高等教育到普及高等教育   总被引:33,自引:0,他引:33  
新信息技术的发展要求对普及高等教育的本质进行反思 ,并对其所需条件的认识进行更新 ,这涉及到高等教育制度结构和对待高等教育态度的深刻变革。精英形式的高等教育需进行重新定位。本文在比较的背景下主要分析了美国及欧洲社会的高等教育在走向普及形式的过程中面临危机的原因 ,认为美国特有的结构特征和文化特征赋予了其独特优势。而技术发展的不确定性及各国经济、社会结构的差异性决定了通过新技术扩大入学机会将采取不断实验的方式进行  相似文献   

This paper describes the resultsof a study that re-examined the relatively lowhigher education participation rate of peopleliving in rural or isolated Australia. Thefocus of the study was the goals and plans ofAustralian school students in their seniorschool years and the underlying attitudestowards education. The study suggests highereducation participation for people in rural andisolated areas may be affected less by distancefrom university campuses than by socioeconomiccircumstances and the influences of ruralsocial and cultural contexts. Socioeconomiceffects are generally more pronounced andpervasive than any effects of locationidentified by this study. The implications ofthe findings for equity policy and programs arediscussed.  相似文献   

Universities in Europe face a variety of reform initiatives, and university reform can be seen as a wicked problem that should be resolved through collaborative efforts. In Finland, there has been considerable resistance to proposed reforms, with university personnel complaining that they have not been heard. Students, on the other hand, seem reluctant to participate in the debate. The situation does not lend itself to the collaborative resolution of wicked problems. Organizational changes are liable to failure, if wicked problems are not addressed effectively. This article presents a deliberative jury method in a university setting as a participative way to solve wicked problems and to pave the way for change. The method is tested through two cases in a Finnish university. These cases suggest that students and staff working together can devise and explore more comprehensive solutions to wicked problems, overcome the participation dilemma and generate change in their organization.  相似文献   

The objectives of this paper were to explore the existing status of agricultural higher education in India, application of marketing concepts in similar institutions and to find the most appropriate marketing concept to make agricultural higher education more competitive. Extensive searches of relevant agricultural education, business management and higher educational data bases were made. It was found that agricultural higher education in India is stagnant and is facing an identity crisis among its stakeholders. Marketing theories and concepts which are now being applied in higher education across the globe have not been thought of in the context of agriculture education. A review of the literature suggested that considering the objectives, the multiplicity of stakeholders and the nature of public-funded agricultural education, marketing orientation would be most appropriate. Based on the experiences of similar institutions, the paper suggests a three-level strategy for the implementation of marketing orientation in institutions of agricultural higher education.  相似文献   

本文对世界各地助学贷款的不同目标作了简要的回顾和评论 ,着重论述了两种不同目标取向的助学贷款之间的差异 :第一类助学贷款追求经济目标 ,如贷款的设立是为了促进高等教育的成本补偿 ,为紧张的大学财政获取额外财源 ;第二类助学贷款追求社会目标 ,如设立贷款的目的是为了增进高等教育入学机会均等 ,帮助更多贫困家庭的学生上大学。以经济目标为导向的助学贷款一般不含政府补贴 ,以社会目标为导向的助学贷款可能享受政府的补贴 ,但需要对贷款对象进行认真仔细的确认。文章最后指出 ,助学贷款的设计和评价必须考虑到贷款政策的目标。  相似文献   

在高等教育国际化背景下,俄罗斯积极推进高等教育领域的海外办学活动,一方面力求以"教育出口"刺激经济增长向创新型社会过渡,另一方面努力将海外分校打造成促进人文交流合作的重要平台。俄罗斯高校海外办学涉及区域较广,在亚洲、欧洲乃至中东都有分布,但主要集中于独联体国家,目的在于巩固对该地区的传统影响力和区域性国际关系秩序;与此同时,近年来中俄战略协作伙伴关系日渐深化也极大地推动了两国高校间的合作。但面对国际教育市场的激烈竞争,俄罗斯高校海外办学还存在俄语普及率低、教育竞争力较弱、频遭西方制裁等问题,俄罗斯政府仍在不断调整对策以应对挑战。  相似文献   

The aim of this paper is to study research strategies in the Humanities in Sweden. The Swedish higher education sector is under transformation and a new funding system has been proposed. The study investigates the university strategy processes, mainly at the dean’s level. The results show that most institutions are active in order to be well prepared when a new funding system is launched. There are, however, big differences between universities in attitudes towards the proposed changes as well as the level of activity.  相似文献   

在经济全球化下,城市逐渐成为国家和区域间竞争的主体。城市间的竞争,往往表现为人才、科技和创新力量的竞争。大学正是人才、科技和创新力量的集中点。大学的研究表现,在相当程度上,反映大学所在城市和地区的创新能力和竞争状况,以及该城市和地区未来发展的可持续性。本文利用在SCI和SSCI发表文章数,衡量京、沪、港、台的主要大学在过去十年研究成果的表现。数据显示,在过去十年,这四个城市的大学在研究方面都有长足进步。整体而言,香港表现最好;台北第二,但很快会被第三位的北京追上;就大学研究表现而言,上海与上述城市仍有距离。  相似文献   

简述了美国成人高等教育机构自我评估的内涵,介绍了此类模式在美国的几种典型个案,分析了它的优缺点,并就我国如何开展成人高等教育自我评估提出了建议。  相似文献   

The dramatic growth in student numbersassociated with the shift from elite to masssystems across virtually all developedcountries is central to current transformationsin terms of structure, purpose, social andeconomic role of higher education. As a part ofthis process of expansion and heterogenization,new groups of students who, for a complex rangeof social, economic and cultural reasons weretraditionally excluded from orunder-represented in higher education, mightbe expected to participate in increasingnumbers. The paper develops the concept ofnon-traditional learners and demonstrateshow an examination of ways in which highereducation systems respond to such learners canprovide a fruitful basis for a comparativeanalysis of change in higher education acrossten countries – Austria, Australia, Canada,Germany, Ireland, Japan, New Zealand, Sweden,United Kingdom, and the United States. Theprimary emphasis in the study was on theinstitutional and policy issues which appearedto either inhibit or support participation bynon-traditional learners. On this basis sixfactors were identified which seemed to beparticularly influential with regard to theparticipation of non-traditional students andthe associated moves towards a lifelonglearning mode of higher education.The evidence suggests that, while progress canbe reported on a number of dimensions incomparison with a similar analysis ofparticipation by adults students in the samecountries undertaken just over a decadeearlier, high participation rates do notautomatically imply that the functions ofhigher education in social selection andreproduction are obsolete, or that issues ofaccess and equity can be regarded as featuresof the past.  相似文献   

Although information technology is increasingly used to deliver distance and conventional courses, there have been few studies of the effect of technology‐enhanced education on the organization and purposes of academics’ instructional work. I explore this issue in undergraduate and masters level education through the vehicle of case analyses of technology‐rich classes taught in a public research university in the United States. What the cases illustrate is an emergent pattern of what I am calling ‘Mode III’ instructional production, in which the production of a course involves a matrix of non‐faculty support personnel, and may be oriented to commercial purposes reflective of an increasingly embedded academic capitalism in the new economy.  相似文献   


The recent report of the Milburn Review into Social Mobility highlights the under-representation of young people from lower socio-economic groups in higher education and encourages universities and others to act to remedy this situation as a contribution to greater social mobility. The paper uses data from the Longitudinal Study of Young People in England to examine the relationship between social background, attainment and university participation. The results show that differences in school-level attainment associated with social background are by far the most important explanation for social background differences in university attendance. However, there remains a small proportion of the participation gap that is not accounted for by attainment. It is also the case that early intentions for higher education participation are highly predictive of actual participation. The results suggest that although there may be some scope for universities to act to improve participation by people from less advantaged backgrounds, a much more important focus of action is on improving the school-level achievement of these students.  相似文献   

During the latter half of the twentieth century, Australia, like many countries in the Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development, experienced rapid expansion in participation in higher education which was supported by government through increases in the number of publicly funded university places. However, in spite of this expansion, a disproportionately large share of the undergraduate student population is still drawn from higher socio-economic backgrounds. This paper seeks to understand the persistence of inequality in higher education by examining changes in patterns of participation in Australian universities since the 1970s. Using logistic regressions to analyse data collected by three Australian surveys conducted between 1987 and 2005, the authors examine the influence of having a university-educated parent on an individual’s chances of obtaining a higher education degree. They find that although the expansion of higher education has had some impact in terms of reducing inequality, having a university-educated parent continues to exert a direct effect on an individual’s propensity to graduate from university. The paper draws on the theories of maximally maintained inequality and relative risk aversion to interpret institutional and student behaviour. The policy challenges of addressing structural inequality in higher education are also discussed.  相似文献   

We present a case study to analyze how higher education students attending a Spanish University (N = 100) democratize the virtual classroom by assuming responsibility for their learning and that of the other members of the class; participate actively in social, cognitive, and teaching issues; and collaborate by creating a learning community and reflecting individually and as a group. Our mixed methodology includes the following: (1) content analysis with a categorization system adapted from the community of inquiry approach and (2) two questionnaires on students' perception of the democratic elements in the virtual classroom. The results show that the students assume democratic principles of responsibility, critique, participation, and collaboration. We observe the role that the teachers play in facilitating democratization of the classroom through flexible design of instruction, promotion of social relationships, and orientation of the debate toward the learning objectives. This investigation shows the implementation of democratic principles in the virtual classroom.  相似文献   

Reflecting on how ‘transition’ can be interpreted in the context of an art and design college, this article will discuss how the access programme at the National College of Art and Design (NCAD), Dublin supports the art students’ lifecycle in, through and out of college. The article will present an overview of NCAD’s access programme and will track its development as it has evolved and how, through a series of targeted initiatives and key partnerships it has identified, retained and supported students beyond graduation. The NCAD has a distinctive widening participation programme that is embedded in the School of Education but is part of the organic culture of the art college. This support enables the mainstreaming of NCAD’s access policy through its engagement with schools and community, seeking to raise aspirations and awareness of art and design as a life option for young people.  相似文献   


Research on the group characteristics and channels for selection of party secretaries at private institutions of higher education has important significance in strengthening leadership by party organizations and perfecting internal governance structures at private institutions of higher education. A survey of 293 private institutions of higher education shows that, on the whole, party secretaries tend to be more advanced in age, with a fairly reasonable ratio of men and women, while their academic qualifications need improvement. The career trajectories of party secretaries display diversification, and their power is gradually expanding. The principal channels for selection of party secretaries include appointment by the educational affairs department of the party committee, or election by the school. In the future, a qualifications-based access system should be established for party secretaries at private institutions of higher education, and the selection system for party secretaries should be perfected, with accurate positioning of their roles, and correct handling of relationships with school operators and presidents, allowing secretaries to better exercise their roles as leaders, participants, supervisors and coordinators, so as to usher in safe, stable and standardized school development.  相似文献   

对21世纪的高等教育来说,全球化既是其外部生存条件无法避免的特征,也是用以分析其与市场、政府关系的一个关键词。在主权国家条件下,政府对高等教育的作用无疑是非常关键的,与市场一起构成了传统的权力矩阵模型。但在日益呈现无边界特征的全球高等教育服务市场中,政府与高等教育之间的关系因为市场力量的强大而变得复杂,政府的角色需要重新定义,三者之间的权力矩阵关系也需要在无边界的背景下重新梳理。  相似文献   

文章从目标定位的类型、误区、原则三方面详细论述了地方本科院校的目标定位,从办学理念、队伍建设、校园规划、学科建设、人才培养等方面阐述了地方本科院校的发展战略,对地方本科院校的固有特征进行了深入探讨。  相似文献   

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