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史蒂夫是个12岁的小男孩,正在读小学七年级。但是,由于他的父母都是酒鬼,所以,他眼看着就要永远辍学了。值得注意的是,他有阅读技能,阅读非常棒,但是,尽管如此,他考试却总不及格。从一年级开始,虽然他总是考不及格,但是他却不曾留过级.而是照常地升级。史蒂夫个子很高,块头很大,比起其他12岁的男孩子,他看上去更像一个少年,但是,他却一直不被人们关注,直到那天怀特小姐来到他们班上。  相似文献   

陈拙 《华夏文化》2005,(4):61-63
一个受人拥戴的人,应当具有知人之明。他的威信并不仅仅表现为周围的人们或者他的部下多么欣赏他、感激他、奉承他、恭维他,而在于人们信任他、追随他、揣摩他、有求于他。人们自内心深处对他的期望和企求是最具实质性的、功利性的,也最有吸引力。口头上的吹捧,包括那些真心实意的感谢,实际是十分廉价的。神灵是信众的精神寄托,而受拥戴者则不仅是群众的精神寄托,更是他们的世俗依靠。  相似文献   

刘伟 《世界文化》2007,(10):12-13
威廉·布莱克1757年11月28日出生于伦敦,他的父亲是一个小本经营的袜商。从童年开始,布莱克就声称见到过幻象。4岁时,他看见上帝“把头放在窗户上”。大约在9岁的时候,一次在乡村散步,他看见一棵树上栖满了天使。尽管他的父母努力阻止他“说谎”,但他们还是注意到他与其他孩子的不同,没有强迫他进入正规的学校而在家里自学。10岁时,布莱克表达了希望成为一个画家的愿望,于是父母把他送进绘画学校。两年以后,他开始写诗。14岁时,父亲打算送他去一位著名艺术家门下当学徒。  相似文献   

幽默二则尤末(一)一个刚刚步入不惑之年的人总是为头上出现白发而不安。有一天,他的女秘书来到他的办公室,让他签署文件,女秘书站在一旁等着。他突然意识到,女秘书一定在看他头上的白发。“你在看我头上的白发吗?”他略带不满他说。“不,先生,”女秘书回答道,“...  相似文献   

黎巴嫩的穆罕默德先生是1994年我随中国青海杂技歌舞团访问中东时结识的朋友。我第一次注意到他,是在贝鲁特大学学院剧场做演出前的准备工作的时候。那天,天气十分炎热,我们坐在观众席上稍事休息。这时,我看见前排有一位黎巴嫩朋友全神贯注地低头写字,他满头大汗往下淌。“呵,他写的是中文广我见他在自己的名片上一笔一划地写上了“穆罕默德·塔哈;”在他旁边放着别人给他写的他的中文名字的范本。他临摹得似乎很吃力,手中的笔好像有千斤重。我走近他,拍了拍他的肩膀,要过纸和笔,给他示范了一s。他点头笑了奖表承感谢,接过纸笔…  相似文献   

每一位艺术家在心底里都清楚,他在向观赏大众诉说着什么。他不但希望他所诉说的形式能打动人,而且内容也是独一元二的。他希望观赏大众乐意倾听他的诉说,并理解他的一番苦心——他要借艺术启发他们,教育他们。  相似文献   

刘君 《世界文化》2005,(7):18-20
他的眼睛瞪着,嘴巴张着,翅膀张开。这是我们想象中的天使。他的脸朝向过去,我们看到的是一连串的事件,他看到的却是一件大灾难,残骸不断堆积到残骸上,并且一直堆到他的脚跟前。天使想留下,唤起死,让残破的东西回复原状,然而一阵暴风自天堂吹来,他的翅膀感到巨大的暴力,天使再也合不上双翅。这场风暴不断将他推向他背后的未来,而他的前方成堆的瓦砾残骸则堆得如天高。  相似文献   

丈夫愤怒了,妻子爱的原来并不是我 他开着车,漫无目的地在街面狭窄、纵横交错的旧城区转来转去,他有意地避开那条笔直的高速公路。他害怕一旦驶到高速公路上,车速就会不由自主地超过他思维的速度,将他抛出去,一直将他扔到一个他还来不及想象、也从不曾知道的地方……  相似文献   

他也有感受挫折的时候,因为他没法玩篮球,没法滑冰,实际上很多事情他都不能做。不过,他有一套自己的处理办法。他能够在头脑中想象自己在篮球场上奔跑的情景,就像他把乐境痴迷地糅入琴弦一样。这就是世界小提琴大师依萨克·帕尔曼。帕尔曼1945年出生在以色列的特拉维夫市,其父母是波兰人。3岁半时,他开始拉小提琴。一年后,他患小儿麻痹症致双腿瘫痪。没人知道,疾病究竟在多大程度上阻碍或激发了他的音乐天赋。人们看到,9岁的帕尔曼开始在音乐会上演出了。但还是有人认为,对帕尔曼来说,在这个竞争激烈的行业中,开独奏音乐会实在…  相似文献   

埃里克·克雷尔(ERICHKRELL)是澳大利亚著名的残疾人画家。埃里克·克雷尔1933年生于柏林,1959年移居澳大利亚。青年时代的克雷尔酷爱体育,尤其钟情于拳击和足球。他最大的愿望就是代表澳大利亚国家足球队参加国际比赛。然而,他的梦想很快就破灭了。一次度假归途中,意外的车祸使他四肢瘫痪,成了终身残废。正常人享有的一切从此与他无缘,更甭说他的足球梦了。他陷入深深的痛苦中。在住院治疗期间,克雷尔遇见一位长他多岁,名叫伊丽莎白·玛尔琴科的护士,对克雷尔关怀备至,体贴入微。不但在生活上给他以许多帮助,还在精神上给…  相似文献   

Luo Tianyang, a talented photographer, runs a photo studio. He is the pride of his mother and wife. However, under pressure from some friends, he begins taking drugs. His wife, a gentle and kind-hearted young woman, encourages him to get clean and sticks with him through thick and thin, helping him fight the agony of drug addiction. At last, Luo Tianyang says goodbye to drugs and returns to a happy life with help from his mother, his wife, friends and police officers.Director: Wang Wei Dire…  相似文献   

He is tall, gentle, modest, friendly and calm. There is a hint of undemonstrative passion and confidence in his dignified manner.Probably it is the unique charm of his personalities that bestows the irresistible authority upon him in the present painting circle of Chengdu.[第一段]  相似文献   

In 1934, a convict was found hanged in his cell. His final words reveal the fearful state of his mind on learning his appeal against a sentence of flogging had been rejected. Historical records about his prison life offer insights into suicide and prison informers, subjects which have received little attention from historians. His activities as an informer increased the weight of imprisonment for him in the period prior to his death. He is a statistic in the Prison Commissioners’ annual report, but his death became a crucial component of rejuvenated campaigns for an enquiry into the use of corporal punishment.  相似文献   

前年夏天的一个周末,我到大港去看望我的学生郑子建君。子建君,是我年轻时在静海当老师时的一个学生,聪明、能干,又为人忠实、仗义,所以一直没断了联系。他到大港后,做保险工作,几次来电话约我去玩,我想也好,顺便看看大港什么样,就去了。  相似文献   


Lord Palmerston died on 18 October 1865, still prime minister at the age of eighty. He was given a state funeral in Westminster Abbey on 27 October. By that time his stepson-in-law, Lord Shaftesbury, had begun spreading the word to a half-believing, half-unpersuaded public that Palmerston had died ‘the good [evangelical] death’, confessing in his last moments not only his sins but his belief in a life to come for all penitent believers in Christ's atoning sacrifice. This article reviews the surviving evidence of witnesses at Palmerston's deathbed and attempts to reconstruct the meaning(s) which Palmerston and his attendants (both family and medical) placed on the rituals in which they participated during the final days of Palmerston's life. A particular effort is made to provide a plausible cultural and intellectual context to Palmerston's participation in these rituals. Palmerston, it will be argued, was a ‘religious believer’ but in a very different sense from that wished on him by the younger generation who stage-managed the event.  相似文献   

I have been acquainted with Liang Jun for quite a few years and most impressed by his smiles. It is his optimistic personality and pinwheel making that have made him a person that brings happiness to others.  相似文献   

Liu Mingwu is well known for his artistic achievements in koji ceramic, a kind of soft ceramic sintered in low temperature environments. But he is so extensively involved in a wide range of art forms that it is superficial to regard him only as a ceramic artist.[第一段]  相似文献   

On October 30, 2007, Chen Songyao took out the two flower-print boards stored in his closet for years and to his surprise, strong herbal fragrance from the board made him so refreshed. After more than one decade of stand-by,these two old print boards were again used for producing Chinese blue calico in the clamp-resist dyeing.  相似文献   


This paper explores Eric Hobsbawm’s interest in Jazz, and argues that he helped popularise the music, gave it intellectual credibility and that his jazz writings are still relevant for jazz scholars and cultural historians. Jazz also influenced his view of history. Drawing on his recently catalogued private papers, it suggests Hobsbawm consistently argued for the historical significance of jazz, was flexible in the use of genre and subgenre and was aware of the role of the music business, and the way critics and writers helped shape the music’s meanings. The paper also argues that Hobsbawm wrote partly as fan, and that his penetrating analysis of jazz sometimes led him to undervalue other popular music forms.  相似文献   

After Stuart Hall’s death in 2014, Korean newspapers ran detailed obituaries praising him as an influential British intellectual figure. The broad media attention appears to be unusual, given that he maintained a relatively unknown presence in the Korean cultural fields compared with other theorists. This work examines how and in which context Hall’s writings have been cited, or not cited, and emphasized in the Korean cultural studies. The incorporation of Hall’s writings into the resources of the academic field entangled him in scholarly rituals of parochial citations and applications, resulting in the fragmentation and de-contextualization of Hall’s overall problem. The selective focus on and occasional absence of certain aspects among his intellectual and political legacies may demonstrate how imported British cultural studies have, or not yet, been indigenized and localized in Korean cultural and political contexts.  相似文献   

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