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Increasing the options available to the learner as to when, how, where, with what materials, and what he or she learns is becoming increasingly important, not only for personal and educational reasons but also for economic motivations. Increasing the flexibility of training for persons already in the work force is seen as particularly appropriate, and telematics applications are expected to have particular value in facilitating more-flexible course delivery in training and workplace contexts. In this analysis we consider the concept "flexibility of training" in more detail, decomposing it into a series of, sometimes incompatible, dimensions and presenting some propositions as to likelihood of the different flexibility dimensions becoming implemented in practice. The study of flexibility relative to trans-national tele-learning is illustrated through its central role in the research component of the TeleScopia Project, sponsored by the Commission of the European Community.  相似文献   

This paper reports how palmtop computers were used in an English secondary school over the course of a year. In particular, it concentrates on the perceived effectiveness of such computers in an educational setting, and on how teachers' and students' knowledge and use of "content-free" applications increased over that time. The benefits and potential problems with this new technology are discussed along with the consequences it has for classroom and school organisation.  相似文献   

淮阴师范学院教师教育技能实训中心建设过程中,以人才培养质量为目标,以现代化的技术手段为载体,以有效的运行机制为抓手,以科学的管理功能为目标,以完善的训练体系为根本,着力构建师范生教学技能训练平台,为师范毕业生走上工作岗位前进行系统化、职业化培训。通过中心平台的建设、开放和有效利用,促进了教师教学技能、专业技能和创新实践能力的提高,推动了人才培养的质量,提升了师范生就业竞争力。  相似文献   

文章从微型教学和课堂观摩观察入手,对印尼华文课堂教学中的词语教学、课文和语法教学、课堂教学技能、分技能教学中存在的问题提出了自己的看法,并对目前华文教学和师资培训提出建议。  相似文献   

Using a randomized-control trial, this study evaluates a program designed to support Ghanaian kindergarten student-teachers during pre-service training through mentorship and in-classroom training. Several potential barriers to improved teaching quality and learning outcomes are examined. Findings show that the program improved knowledge and implementation of the national curriculum for individuals both when they were student-teachers and, the following year, when they became newly qualified teachers (NQTs). There were mixed impacts on professional well-being, increasing personal accomplishment and motivation but decreasing job satisfaction for NQTs. There were mixed impacts on teaching quality, with increases in child-led learning but decreases in some other aspects of quality. There were no impacts on NQTs’ student learning outcomes. The findings highlight system level challenges with both the posting of NQTs and the absence of support in their first teaching year. Implications for global early childhood education policy and teacher education are discussed.  相似文献   

以美国密西根大学教学研究中心的培训活动为例,介绍了密西根大学开展高校教师培训的成功经验。首先介绍了密西根大学教学研究中心的服务对象和服务内容,然后通过对具体培训活动的分析,阐述了培训对于教师成长的独特价值,最后分析了密西根案例对我国高校开展类似活动的启示。  相似文献   

In this paper we describe a pedagogic experiment, intended to support and encourage interactive group discussion among students from different universities, in different countries, in what we call Internet Seminars. In an Internet Seminar students and teachers cooperate via the Internet to research and discuss a common subject. In the case discussed here, the chosen subject, 'Teleworking' was selected as one which would have particular resonance with the medium of the seminar, and also as being a topic which is not, as yet, part of the mainstream teaching curriculum. The aims of the seminar, however, were not only or even primarily concerned with the subject material. We also hoped to encourage and help the students develop the transferable skills of project planning, research, team-working and communication, with the added stimulus of working in a multinational context. We describe the form of the seminar, report on its outcomes, and comment on the successes and failures of our approach. © 1999 IFIP, published by Kluwer Academic Publishers  相似文献   

According to the relevance of teacher attitudes in the teaching process as well as to the great number of discussions among experts of pre-school education, it was interesting to examine the students of pre-school teaching about their attitudes toward the use of computer among pre-school children. The sample consisted of N = 40 students from regular study and N = 37 students of irregular study of Pre-school education from Faculty of Teacher Education in Rijeka. Their attitudes have been investigated using an 18-item questionnaire created for the purposes of this study only. Overall, it was determined that future pre-school teachers have no clear and decisive general attitude toward the use of computer among pre-school children. In addition, they have shown from neutral to more positive attitudes according to all other items but with certain conditions. The discussion resulted with the recommendations for pre-school teacher’s education.  相似文献   

Students today comprise a very diverse group, and this will be reflected in their attitudes towards learning. This study set out to examine four different cohorts of UK students during the same time period. Contrary to expectations, it was found that attitudes towards books and computers, as measured by separate but matched scales, were equal, even though experience of the two media varied considerably. A key predictor for computer attitude was found to be confidence for learning from computers rather than general computer confidence. Further, attitudes and confidence towards books and computers as learning tools varied significantly across the four cohorts.  相似文献   

课改背景下师范生教学技能的内涵探究及培训模式建构   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
为适应社会发展和教育改革的需要,教师教学技能承载了更为丰富的内涵。对教学技能的理解必须从狭义的对教学行为的掌握转为广义的运用已有知识或经验来完成教学任务的活动方式,是多种能力的综合。为满足这一需求,应以理论学习、案例分析和实践模拟为基本点,构建新的技能训练模式。  相似文献   

为了弥合教师职前培养和职后实践存在的裂痕,培养技能性、应用型的未来教师,必须深化高师院校改革,强化实践环节。通过示范操作,研究、分析与设计,讲、演、讲,说、听、评,见习、实习与引领等实践性课堂形式,可以实现高师院校与基础教育的有效对接。  相似文献   

师范生的教育教学能力是从教入行的核心竞争力,主要包括教学设计能力、教学表达能力、学习指导能力、组织教学能力、专业发展能力。文章从教学设计能力培养,包括教学目标制定、教学思路设计、教材分析处理、教学方式方法选取能力等方面提出培养方式和途径。  相似文献   

以宁波职业技术学院探索“素能本位,工学结合”人才培养模式为例,阐述了人才培养模式的三大体系——培养目标定位体系、培养过程运行体系和培养质量保障体系,归纳了人才培养模式的八项基本特征,对兄弟学院构建人才培养模式具有启迪作用。  相似文献   

“教学做合一”教师培训模式的实践与研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
针对当前影响教师培训的主要矛盾和存在问题,我们应该用陶行知"教学做合一"的思想指导教师的培训活动,以"千教万教,教人求真"的职业信念制定培训目标,以"千学万学,学做真人"的标准选择培训内容,以"学研用一体"的模式组织培训活动,以培训活动的方式的多样化来增强培训的有效性,构建教师培训的新体系。  相似文献   

Critics of Catholic and independent (nongovernment) schools in Australia contend that the higher levels of performance of students in nongovernment schools can be dismissed as simply a function of student- and especially school-level socioeconomic status (school-SES). A recent article extends this critique to school-sector differences in students’ evaluations of their teachers and schools, arguing that the observable school-sector differences are because of differences in school-SES, not because of school-sector differences in their teachers and schools. In response, this article reviews these arguments and focuses on school-sector differences in students’ evaluations of their teachers and schools using the Organization for Economic Development and Cooperation’s (OECD) measures in the PISA 2009 study. On eight of the 10 attitudinal measures, students attending Catholic and independent schools have more positive evaluations and these school-sector differences survive controls for students’ SES, their overall level of achievement and school-SES, which has no substantive influence. Although the effect sizes are generally small (0.06–0.26) their combined influence means that nongovernment school students enjoy superior learning environments which is likely to contribute to their generally higher levels of academic performance in senior secondary school.  相似文献   

分组教学作为一种教学手段,在中职计算机课堂教学中获得了较广泛的应用。但为了避免流于形式,在实施过程中需要明确要求,重视团队协作能力培养,强调过程统一与合理评价,真正体现分组教学的作用。  相似文献   

本文以深圳大运会中的深圳高校教师志愿者对世界英语及世界英语教学的态度为背景,发现他们的语言态度总体趋于保守,内圈英语的辨识度普遍高于外圈英语。大运后的教师访谈显示教师志愿者对世界英语的语言态度呈现多元化趋势,且在语言偏见和文化定型上显示出一定的矛盾性。多数受访教师志愿者认为有必要在今后的教学中融入各种英语变体的认知,以增强高校学生的跨文化交际能力,也为职业外语教学改革提供具有跨文化参考价值的实证和依据。  相似文献   

Research suggests that information and communication technologies (ICT) used in the form of computer assisted instruction (CAI) may benefit student learning. There is, however, limited research about the application of CAI in non-Western educational contexts. Here I describe the use of CAI in the learning of science in India. Evaluation of student learning by quantitative and qualitative means suggests that CAI has led to enhanced learning for a variety of science topics in this educational setting. I also reflect on issues germane to the Indian context and provide guidelines for the use of CAI in science instruction in countries for which ICT facilities in schools are somewhat compromised.  相似文献   

潍坊市中小学教师继续教育模式的形成与发展   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
本文通过对潍坊市中小学教师继续教育工作的回顾,总结了适合本地教育现状的初中新教师培训、初中骨干教师培训、中小学教师计算机全员培训的模式,并对实施过程进行分析,从多个方面谈继续教育培训的体会,提出了培训中的问题,同时对改进的方法进行探讨。  相似文献   

"国培计划"是教育部、财政部于2010年开始实施的旨在提高中小学教师特别是农村教师队伍整体素质的重要举措。吉林师范大学物理基础实验教学中心承担2期"国培计划"农村初中物理骨干教师实验技能培训任务。我们充分发挥实验中心的人力、实验室和教学资源的优势,确保了培训工作的实效性,使受训学员在实验技术、实验教学、实验资源开发等方面的技能和能力都得到了明显提高。  相似文献   

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