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柏拉图在其《理想国》第五卷中深刻地论述了女性教育问题,具有一定的历史意义,但同时有其一定的局限性,表现在:天赋相同的自我否定;平等教育的不平等前提;女性身份特殊性的忽略;教育目的的非实用性等。解读这一思想,对于我国教育事业的发展具有一定的启迪作用。  相似文献   

试述柏拉图音乐教育思想   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文从音乐美学角度阐述柏拉图的音乐教育思想,通过对音乐的本质、音乐的核心教育、音乐与体育的关系这几个方面的深层剖析,挖掘音乐在当今素质教育中的深层价值。  相似文献   

The purpose of this paper is to explore the nature of eros in relation to a sense of lack in Plato's Symposium. It starts from a sketch of the idea of fulfilment that is often found in the contemporary culture, especially when it is connected to the sense of a good life. The term ‘fulfill’, consisting of ‘fill’ and ‘full’, implies a sense a lack and an action of filling. Filling the lack to the full is the image that is often entertained when a good life, or a good education, is considered. The paper examines the similar image contained in Plato's Symposium, where lack is assumed as the precondition for love. One of the aims for love is to fill the lack; that is, to obtain the object of love. Three speeches in the Symposium, given by Aristophanes, Socrates and Alcibiades, will be discussed in turn. In doing so, three issues, in particular, will be discussed: the sense of lack, the object of love, and the aim for love. I suggest that instead of a straightforward solution to the predicament of love, a better way of understanding Plato's account of love through the three speeches is by understanding it as a dilemma, an approach taken by Martha Nussbaum. Nussbaum argues for Plato's hesitation in following Socrates’ program of the ascent of love, in which the ‘lack‐filling’ is guaranteed. The teacher's role is thus understood in two different ways. It is on the one hand, as the bridge between student and knowledge, and on the other, the revealer of the values of lack. The paper finally adopts a Lacanian idea of ontological lack to supplement Nussbaum's argument, taking up the often neglected values of lack in the Symposium, and its implication for education.  相似文献   

公民教育思想是柏拉图《理想国》中的一个重要论述,贯穿了他构建理想国的整个过程。理想国是他对日趋衰败的希腊城邦政治和公民教育状况反思的结果,而在构建理想国时表露出来的公民教育思想以强大的理论魅力对我们今天的公民教育仍具有十分重要的启示意义。  相似文献   

柏拉图是西方系统阐述德育教育的第一人,其德育观对于西方教育思想有着极为深远的影响。他认为,道德教育的目标是达到个人与国家的正义和谐,培养哲学王。他的德育观可以用一句话来概括,即“知识即美德”。如何理解“知识即美德”,深入探讨此问题可为我们当代的道德教育提供借鉴。  相似文献   

柏拉图是西方教育史上第一位系统地探讨道德教育理论并付诸实践的人,他的教育名著《理想国》中蕴涵着十分丰富的道德教育思想,对道德教育的基础、中心思想、目标和重点等都进行了深刻而系统的阐释,对我国当前的道德教育具有一定的启示和借鉴意义。  相似文献   

多年以来,我国教育史学界研究柏拉图教育思想的主要依据是其对话录《理想国》。但根据中外哲学史学界的研究成果,我们实际上还可以通过其他相关文献进行更加深入地研究,如柏拉图的其他对话录及一些未成文学说。德国图宾根学派的研究成果更揭示出柏拉图的未成文学说对于研究其哲学乃至教育思想的重要理论意义:古代伟人多通过口传来进行教育活动,近代以来在研究人物思想方面崇尚书本的做法并不一定适合古代。柏拉图在其《斐德诺篇》和《第二封书信》中曾对书写著作进行的深刻批判不仅表明其对书写著作的根本态度,也具有教学方法上的重要意义。  相似文献   

In this essay, Mark Jonas argues that there are three broadly held misconceptions of Plato's philosophy that work against his relevance for contemporary moral education. The first is that he is an intellectualist who is concerned only with the cognitive aspect of moral development and does not sufficiently emphasize the affective and conative aspects; the second is that he is an elitist who believes that only philosopher‐kings can attain true knowledge of virtue and it is they who should govern society; the third is that he affirms the realm of the Forms as a literal metaphysical reality and believes that for individuals to attain virtue they must access this realm through contemplation. The goal of this essay is to correct these misconceptions. The rehabilitation of Plato's reputation may enable future researchers in moral education to discover in his philosophy new avenues for exploring how best to cultivate virtues in students.  相似文献   

柏拉图认为,城邦不仅是由公民组成的政治共同体,还是一个大型的公民教育组织。公民教育使城邦追求至善成为可能。作为实现这一高远目的的唯一途径,公民教育应当是城邦统治者最重要的职责。在讨论正义的过程中,柏拉图建立了一套完整的公民教育体系。建立正义城邦所需的哲学王,正是这一体系的最终产物。  相似文献   

柏拉图是西方最早系统阐述道德教育的思想家.他认为,道德教育的目标是达到个人和国家的正义与和谐,培养哲学王;道德教育的内容是培养智慧、勇敢、节制和正义"四元德";道德教育的方法是强调依据天赋、循序渐进、全面渗透、环境营造等.这些思想对于我国当代道德教育具有启发和借鉴作用.  相似文献   

论柏拉图伦理教育思想的现代意义   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
柏拉图在《理想国》中阐述了其伦理教育的目的观、内容观和方法观,反映了其在当时社会变革时期对理想社会的追求。柏拉图的这些伦理教育思想,对同样处在变革时期的我国学校道德教育实践和形成和谐的社会与正义的人,具有重要的现代意义。这种现代意义,集中体现在其伦理教育起点对当今伦理教育的启发性、伦理教育权威思想在当今伦理教育中的可参照性、伦理教育策略在当今伦理教育实践中的可借鉴性等方面。  相似文献   

The symbolist use of Epiphany in Ulyssess is James Joyce’s inheritance and development of Aquinas’ three aesthetic principles --"Wholeness, harmony and radiance". On the one hand, Joyce makes his readers realize the brief experience which, whether it is trivial or momentous, impinged on a person with the light of a sudden revelation of truth about life. On the other hand, he employs Aquinas’s three principles to guide the readers to understand the whole structure and connotations of the novel.  相似文献   

In 2008 the University of Melbourne began implementation of the Melbourne Model, its new vision for higher education in Australia. Six broad undergraduate university degrees have been introduced and graduate schools created. Students may now progress from an undergraduate generalist degree, with major, to a professional Masters. Alternatively, graduate lateral entry is available for students to pursue a professional qualification without prior preparation. This acceleration has significant implications for design studio teaching. Students with no design background but with an undergraduate degree are now able to study architecture or landscape architecture in just three years, compared to the previous four‐to six‐year undergraduate degrees. This article reviews and analyses the outcomes of an ‘accretive’ design studio (Christie 2002) devised for beginning Masters students which attempts to translate a new mandate of ‘acceleration’ into design pedagogy. Analysis of student focus groups, together with the work produced, revealed not only the value of the accretive model in delivering a cohesive understanding of the design process and a student engagement that exceeds the outcomes of traditional design studio but also highlights the value of an immediate immersion into a community of practice (Lave & Wenger, 1991). We argue that immersion, as distinct from conventional educational models which position education as ‘training’ for a future participation in a discipline, is central to any acceleration model, serving to position students as active definers of the discipline rather than passive observers and thereby increasing ownership of their learning experience.  相似文献   

The most visible aspect of the internationalisation of Higher Education is foreign students and this article outlines the factors which influence patterns and trends in international student mobility. Using the case study of undergraduate medical education, insights are provided on the issues which determine a student's choice of host nation and institution. Students who opt to study overseas to gain an award (the basic qualification to practice medicine) are the focus of this study, and the views expressed by them and individuals associated with international education, shed light on country and institution specific aspects which make the experience abroad either magic or misery.  相似文献   

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