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本文运用参数法,对江苏省东台市主要农业土壤肥力进行综合定量评价.首先选取与土壤肥力密切相关的6个因素,建立综合评价指标体系,结合东台市土壤的理化性质特点,确定各指标的评价指数;根据各个因素对土壤肥力影响的大小不同,建立判断矩阵,确定其权重.然后,对东台市的主要9种农业土壤的肥力进行综合评价.评价结果是缠脚土和灰沙土为一等地;红沙土、小粉浆土、勤泥土和黄泥沙土为二等地;黄沙土和小粉土为三等地;砂性潮盐土为四等地.最后针对评价结果,提出了土壤合理利用的建议.  相似文献   

为了更全面、更直观的评价土壤肥力优劣.采用模糊数学的方法,通过结合生产实际对能反应出土壤肥力水平的代表性指标进行综合评价.将常规的土壤化验指标深层次应用,而不仅仅局限于土壤养分的某一方面.将模糊数学的方法应用于土壤学教学之中,评价土壤肥力.  相似文献   

近年来,国内外生态恢复研究多数并未考虑生态系统恢复所具有的突变性.本研究针对生态恢复演变过程的突变特征建立了生态恢复评价指标体系,在ENVI4.2、Arc GIS9.2、MATLAB7.0等3S技术平台上,采用突变级数法对长汀县朱溪小流域生态恢复进行了定量评估和动态趋势分析.研究结果表明:(1)长汀朱溪小流域生态恢复总体较好,80%的流失区都可恢复到Ⅲ级以上(含Ⅲ级),采取的有效治理措施主要为封禁;(2)对长汀朱溪小流域生态恢复因素主要有植被盖度、水土流失指数、土壤肥力和地表温度,其各个影响因素重要性大小排序为:植被盖度〉水土流失指数〉土壤肥力指数〉地表温度;(3)突变级数法和生态恢复的交叉融合具有重要应用价值和实践意义.研究认为,采用了突变级数法进行综合评价不仅避免了人为制定权重的主观性,也反映了南方红壤侵蚀小流域生态恢复演变过程的突变特征,更为科学地揭示了生态系统恢复变化过程的本质规律.  相似文献   

中学生综合素质评价在实施中暴露了许多不足之处和值得改进的地方笔者在实施中学生综合素质评价过程中有几点体会.一、综合素质评价应落实于学生日常学习生活之中.二、综合素质评价,应"量化"学生素质.三、综合素质的量化和日常评价方式,促进了学生素质的全面发展.四、综合素质评价方式也有值得改进和完善的地方.  相似文献   

立足于山东省高校综合评价录取改革的实践,山东省试点高校综合评价录取形成了一定的改革经验并取得了初步成效.为了进一步完善综合评价录取体系,亟需厘清高校综合评价录取的定位,进一步提升综合评价录取的科学性,实行个性化的人才培养模式,建立动态跟踪机制,完善社会监督机制,保障高校综合评价录取顺利实施.  相似文献   

立足于山东省高校综合评价录取改革的实践,山东省试点高校综合评价录取形成了一定的改革经验并取得了初步成效.为了进一步完善综合评价录取体系,亟需厘清高校综合评价录取的定位,进一步提升综合评价录取的科学性,实行个性化的人才培养模式,建立动态跟踪机制,完善社会监督机制,保障高校综合评价录取顺利实施.  相似文献   

高中生综合素质评价作为一种新型评价制度,体现了新课程高考改革的价值取向和教育导向.当前我国各地高中生综合素质评价存在的问题在于评价目的不够明确,评价指标不尽合理,评价人员不够全面,评价过程不够规范,评价结果使用不够充分等.改进和完善高中生综合素质评价应更新评价理念,优化评价指标,改进评价方法,规范评价过程,强化结果应用.  相似文献   

对学生原始成绩进行标准化,然后进行线性变换得到标准分.根据模糊数学综合评价原理,建立隶属函数,对学生标准分进行模糊综合评价.得到更为合理的学生成绩综合评价模型.  相似文献   

采用层次分析法计算指标权重,采用灰统计建立综合评价模型,从高校行政人员管理体制、考评体系、人员待遇、人员晋升、人员考评档案管理5个方面构建高校行政人员的激励政策综合评价指标体系,并将综合评价模型应用于高校行政人员激励政策综合评价实践.研究表明:这一综合评价体系,是高校行政人员激励政策综合评价的有效方法.  相似文献   

针对大学生综合素质评价中存在的模糊性和不确定性,采用区间值表达评测人员给出的评价信息.给出针对较复杂多级评价指标体系的区间值模糊综合评价方法.通过引入指标权重来表示某级评价指标对上一级评价指标评价结果的重要性程度.将所给方法用于大学生综合素质评价可使评价结果更加高效并且接近实际.  相似文献   

否定转移是指位置上与一个词或短语放在一起的否定词,有时在意义上或逻辑上可转移到去否定另一个词或短语。通过总结英语否定转移的四种表达方式,即从一般否定转移到特指否定;从特指否定转移到一般否定;从一种特指否定转移到另一种特指否定;从否定主句谓语动词转移到否定从句谓语动词,来探讨其在汉语中的翻译,以期进一步提高翻译的准确性。  相似文献   

In the interaction between the child and the adult, interest can be a significant motivational initiator of activities. Systematic monitoring and development of the interest in music activities enables the teachers to influence the preschool children in forming a positive attitude towards the art of music. The research involving preschool teachers, children at the age of five to six and their parents, was conducted in order to determine the interest of preschool teachers and children in music activities. We found that the teachers showed greatest interest in singing songs, playing instruments and listening to music. The children’s favourite activities in kindergarten were movement to music (dancing), singing songs and playing on instruments, namely activities where they could take active part in the educational process. The parents reported that at home the children preferred most to listen to music, to sing songs and move to the sounds of music, and less to play on instruments and to be creative in music. The development of the children’s interest in music depends on the teachers’ expression of interest in music activities, on the choice of music activities and music contents and on the experience in the music environment of the family.  相似文献   


My objective in this paper is to write a pharmacology of the university by thinking about its relationship to systemic stupidity, intelligence, and the possibility of becoming. Starting with an exploration of the contemporary dystopia of drive-based stupidity imagined by the French philosopher Bernard Stiegler, which I seek to capture through the idea of the humiliation of thought, I look to deepen his response to this situation by suggesting a return to the work of two of his key sources, Martin Heidegger and Gilles Deleuze. My objective here is to use their work in relation to Stiegler’s in order to suggest a utopia of educational becoming. Following my exploration of Stiegler’s dystopia, in the second part of the article I read Heidegger’s philosophy in order to formulate a utopian theory of education becoming, which is sensitive to the possibility of authoritarianism contained in his catastrophic decision to become a member of the Nazi party. Against the dystopic humiliation of thought Heidegger’s turn to Nazism can be seen to represent, I turn to Deleuze in the name of a model of educational becoming that recognises difference in itself, before noting that this philosophical approach has similarly found humiliation in the contemporary neoliberal university dominated by a form of rhizomatic power. Finally, I look to develop a fusion of Heideggerian and Deleuzean approaches to deepen Stiegler’s pharmacological critique of the contemporary dystopia of systemic stupidity and its potential resolution in an educational utopia of invention on the other side of the humiliation of thought.  相似文献   

本文对如何培养和提高师专中文专业生写作思维能力的问题进行了探讨,主张在写作教学中教师必须把握好四个环节:一是明确思维特点,讲授思维方法;二是抓住写作理论课堂,引导学生走上科学思维轨道;三是加大文章赏析力度,锻炼科学思维能力;四是抓好习作实践,提高学生写作思维能力。  相似文献   

The eight-year-long period from Japan’s initiation of the Second Sino-Japanese War in 1937 to its unconditional surrender in 1945 forced Japan to invest its national economy and industrial and scientific technologies in the war. In addition, in the name of the Greater East Asia Co-Prosperity Sphere, Japan initiated its assimilation and Kominka (Japanisation) policies (皇民化政策) in the colonies Korea and Taiwan. Japan used education as a tool to expand its influence over members of society, and attempted the frequent use of Japanese and Kominka (皇民化) in daily life to penetrate the awareness of people in the colonies. Japan also started to enforce various assimilation policies. A comparison of the implementation of Kominka policies (皇民化政策) in Taiwan and Korea shows that, in terms of school admission rates and frequency of use of Japanese, the proportion of school admission rates for frequent speakers of Japanese to primary education in Taiwan are significantly higher than those in Korea. Moreover, in terms of primary education, national schools were implemented in both Taiwan and Korea according to the “National School Order” promulgated in 1941. Japan made use of the term “education equality” to win people over. In fact, it aimed to strengthen the concept of Kominka (皇民化), the education of militarism, and to force the Taiwanese and Koreans to become “imperial citizens” loyal to the Emperor. Japan’s ultimate objective was to create an environment that met military needs for civilian and military resources.  相似文献   

Many scientists, driven by the teaching impulse, idealism, or the wish to see science thrive in the United States, take up one or another form of school teaching or participate in programs designed to enhance science teachers' knowledge of science and science teaching skills. Funding is available, from governmental and private sources, to support innovative programs designed to increase the supply of well-trained science teachers. The provision of new funds to support graduate programs in fundamental science that provide a separate track for graduate students who choose a career in teaching, in preference to a career in the laboratory, is a particularly promising development. It is essential that such programs include proper training in pedagogy. Above all, the Nation must recognize the need to provide proper long-term salary support for science teachers in the public schools countrywide, if any of the programs to improve teaching is to succeed.  相似文献   

Postmodern theory is used to consider literacy instruction with and without an electronic whiteboard to investigate what it means to move beyond using technology to replicate older models of classroom structure that may be historically situated but that also limit or at least, do not support engagement in ways that may be possible through use of new technologies. Using postmodern theory in this regard is a way in which to consider again the thoughts and practices that tend to construct identities and ideologies in ways that work against true engagement in literacy tasks, lead to subjection and demonstration of acquiescence in place of engagement that leads to participation and critical engagement. Critical engagement as opposed to gaining and maintaining student attention to task are considered in this paper. Thinking about use of the electronic whiteboard from a postmodern perspective cautions us about careful use of this technology to avoid sending messages to students about them and their role in literacy development, the classroom, and in society.  相似文献   

高等学校科技档案日益丰富,但是科技档案工作普遍存在价值低估、管理制度缺位、专业化引导缺乏、科技泄密和知识产权争议等问题。为此,需要建设专兼结合的高素质档案管理队伍,提高科技档案的利用率;完善管理机制,增强科技资料归档制度的执行力;加大宣传力度,提升科技人员和档案管理人员的保密意识和能力;加强信息平台建设,提高科技档案管理信息化水平;开阔视野,构建高校科技档案资源共享系统。  相似文献   

力学课程中蕴含着丰富的人文因素。在教学过程中开展特色教学,有意识地引入力学课程中的辩证唯物主义、美学、品德等方面的素材,对学生进行人文素质教育,既能够活跃课堂气氛,也能够激发学生学习的积极性,更能够在传授科学知识的同时,让学生掌握分析和解决问题的辨证方法,引导学生建立正确的世界观、人生观,提高自身的美学修养和思想品德修养,从而促进学生的素质教育。  相似文献   

广义价值初探   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
广义价值是从系统论角度出发定义的。所谓价值就是事物与事物之间在相互联系、相互作用的关系中所产生的影响。广义价值不仅考察事物(包括人)的价值,还考察对事物(包括人)的价值。前者包括事物的外在价值和内在价值,后者包括外部事物及环境对事物的价值以及事物内部要素对事物的价值。广义价值的定义有多方面的意义。  相似文献   

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