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通过对浙江省10个地区105名小学科学教师工作状况的调查表明,浙江省小学科学教师大部分属于"转行"或"兼职",缺少理科专业背景;课堂教学以讲授法为主,科学课的探究意识有待加强;教研组在教师发展中的功能弱化,教师亟需专业发展的有效支持。在小学教育本科专业中开设科学教育专业,提倡参与式的小学科学教师职后培训模式,构建专业网络支持系统,是提高小学科学教师素养和能力的基本途径。  相似文献   

高师小学教育专业目前主要有三种培养模式:学科培养模式、教育心理学课程主导模式和综合培养模式。这几种模式都能解决工作中"教什么"和"怎样教"的问题,但学生的人文素质培养却显薄弱。文章提出的"综合人文素质培养模式"旨在提升学生的综合人文素质,培养学生的个性魅力,使其更能适应教师教育工作和社会工作的需要。  相似文献   

教师教育是专业化的职业教育。但长期以来,在高等师范院校,教师教育却是"专业教育"与"职业教育"的对立。就小学教师培养(培训)而言,遵循《小学教师专业标准》和《教师教育课程标准》(小学部分),本着"学会工作→终身学习"的职业教育理念,依据小学教育的真实工作过程在课程内容上构建基于工作过程的"小学教育知识篇"和"小学教师技能篇"的两大组合模块,正是进行教师教育课程与配套教材建设的创新尝试。  相似文献   

小学教育专业ESR培养模式的理论思考   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
小学教育专业 (本科 )在我国是从 1998年开始兴起的一个新兴专业。把小学教师的培养工作提升到本科层次 ,表明了国家实施科教兴国战略的决心和对教师教育工作的重视。为了提升小学教育专业学生的教师综合素质和从教能力 ,大连大学师范学院构建了ESR培养模式 ,即让学生在实践中体验教育 ;在教师指导下讨论教育 ;最后再去研究教育。如此循环往复 ,形成了一个具有创造性的教师教育新模式。  相似文献   

《小学教育专业认证标准》对高校小学教育专业建设具有直接的引领、指导和规范作用,但各高校对该标准的认识和实践不尽一致,其背后主要体现了三种价值取向:一是标准对照,规范办学;二是标准调适,特色办学;三是标准创生,内涵办学。以安庆师范大学小学教育专业建设为例,呈现其从标准对照到校本创生的探索过程,坚持以全科教师为指向重构培养目标,突出综合、关注乡情,优化课程内容,立足实践"铸师魂""强师能"。小学教育专业认证标准还应进一步兼顾全科教师的培养,增加标准本身的弹性,突出小学教育专业的特性。  相似文献   

本科层次小学教育专业获批招生十几年来,多数单位在小学教育专业办学的"定位"上虽形成了一定共识,但在如何实现人才培养的"到位"上却缺乏普遍的深层共识。这反映了小学教育专业建设中特色不明的普遍问题。小学教育专业的特色在于其多学科与小学教学育人实际工作的多元交叉。各培养单位应在明确小学教育专业复合性学科建设的重要作用的基础上,以学科的健康发展稳步推进该专业的各项特色建设,从而实现人才培养的"到位"。  相似文献   

信息化时代的来临为我国教师教育带来前所未有的机遇与挑战。网络研修这种新形式使教师专业发展的目标和模式被重新定义。但不可否认,教师利用网络研修环境促进专业成长的内驱力有待唤醒;开展专业学习的良好习惯有待养成;专业发展需要的满足仍有待提升。网络研修社区的价值定位应以"人"为中心,坚持"三去""三留"原则,并努力构建网络研修与校本研修相结合的新常态模式,信息化时代的教师教育才能真正发挥应有作用。  相似文献   

基于对全国11个省(自治区、直辖市)27所高等师范院校师范生培养状况的大规模调查,主要考察培养怎样的教师、如何培养教师,以及培养情况如何三方面的问题。研究发现,高等师范院校教育类课程体现了师范生培养目标,其中学科教育类课程凸显我国教师教学的专业特性;但在教学技能、方法和策略上存在重理论轻实践现象;师范生的科研水平和能力还有待提升。要深入推进教师教育的变革,从课程内容和教学上加强师范生的专业素养培养;关注师范生与教育教学工作密切相关的专业特质和心理素养;加强学科教育类课程及其学习的政策导向,重视师范毕业生工作适应能力和发展需求;并在系统的教育理论及专业技能培养和训练基础上,切实推进教师综合社会地位的提升,努力树立中小学教师专业人士形象。  相似文献   

小学教育专业"双师型"教师是致力于应用型小学教师培养的重要师资力量,是沟通大学与小学的教育桥梁。本文对小学教育专业"双师型"教师的内涵进行解析,探讨了小学教育专业"双师型"教师的素养构成及成长路径。  相似文献   

教师职业认同是教师专业发展的内在动力。对贫困乡村小学英语教师职业认同现状的调查研究显示:贫困乡村小学英语教师的"职业行为"较为规范,但"职业认知"有偏差,"职业能力"有待提高,"职业情感"有待提升。影响贫困乡村小学英语教师职业认同的主要因素有经济收入、社会地位、职业价值观和教育科研能力等。采取政策扶持和教师自我提高的措施有助于提高贫困乡村小学英语教师的职业认同水平,助力乡村英语教育的发展及乡村振兴。  相似文献   

国际化视域中推进境外生教育管理的创新与发展,既是教育发展的需要、人本的需要,也是我国经济与文化建设的需要.国际化视域中的境外生教育管理创新与发展内涵主要体现在其内容、观念和形式方面.为此,必须树立国际化教育观念,坚持一元主导、倡导通识教育,开展国际化校园文化活动和创新管理与服务相结合的方式.  相似文献   


Instructional videos are widely used to study teachers’ professional vision. A new technological development in video research is mobile eye-tracking (MET). It has the potential to provide fine-grained insights into teachers’ professional vision in action, but has yet been scarcely employed. We addressed this research gap by using MET video feedback to examine how expert and novice teachers differed in their noticing and weighing of alternative teaching strategies. Expert and novice teachers’ lessons were recorded with MET devices. Then, they commented on what they observe while watching their own teaching videos. Using a mixed methods approach, we found that expert and novice teachers did not differ in the number of classroom events they noticed and alternative teaching strategies they mentioned. However, novice teachers were more critical of their own teaching than expert teachers, particularly when they considered alternative teaching strategies. Practical implications for the field of teacher education are discussed.


英配昌 《中学教育》2009,(12):38-41
新教师入职后的专业发展往往面临两个困境:侧重“教学”还是“秩序”、侧重“教会”还是“进度”,这两个困境的存在与当前我们促进新教师专业发展手段的低效密切相关。新入职教师的专业发展优势与劣势都非常明显,必须针对劣势、发扬优势促进其专业成长。学校与区县教师继续教育机构应从适应学校核心工作——教学的角度,采取各种措施促进新教师专业发展。  相似文献   

The results presented in this article are taken from a case study of novice primary school mathematics teachers’ professional identity development from the perspective of the teachers themselves. The empirical material was collected through self-recordings, observations and interviews. The results show how the professional identity development of these novice teachers becomes a pursuit in line with their image of a primary school teacher. To develop a sense of themselves as primary school teachers they need to establish their own criteria - individual (including graduation and personal knowledge) and social (the ability to work in one school, have colleagues and have a class of their own for which they do the planning and teaching). These criteria are shown to be both a precondition for and a part of professional identity development. The novice teachers’ image of what it means to be a primary school teacher directs their actions and becomes the goal of their professional identity development. Because of its high impact, student and novice teachers’ image of primary school teachers ought to be made visible in both teacher education and teacher induction.  相似文献   

新时代教育改革情境中新教师的多重认同彰显了个体与时代命运的深度关联。本研究运用质性研究方法探究当前时代新教师面临的多重角色挑战,揭示他/她们在"成为一名教师"过程中的困境与互动,进而展现其专业发展过程中的冲突与和解。研究发现,当"多重角色"和"角色丛"交织时,个案新教师经历了角色冲突到角色融合的复杂演化过程。新教师受到工作压力、专业发展、重要他人、身份归属、职业认知、地区教育组织的培训及其政策等多方面影响,建构出多重认同叠合机制。该机制呈现阶段性动态变化的复杂性特征,同时存在"内生与外生、积极与消极、调节与制约、能动与结构"的共生状态,相互之间不断转化并促进新教师的专业发展。  相似文献   

This study presents a qualitative research based on three narratives written by novice mathematics teachers. We examine their unique professional world during their first year of work. The methodology of narrative framework, on which this article is based, helps to gain better understanding of the need for novice mathematics teachers to have pedagogical knowledge. Findings reveal three themes of pedagogical knowledge: the attitude of novice teachers toward students with difficulties in mathematics; parents’ expectations of and involvement with novice mathematics teachers; teacher–student relations. The implications of the findings show that novice mathematics teachers are required to have not only content knowledge of mathematics but also, and above all, pedagogical knowledge. The implications of this study enable reassessment of emphases required in training mathematics teachers, as well as the assistance and support they need, especially as they launch their careers.  相似文献   

This research traced changes in choices of technological tools and attitudes toward technology use among novice mathematics teachers at three stages of their professional development: as pre-service teachers, a year later, and in their work as novice teachers. At each stage, the participants were required to evaluate the benefits of technology use in their learning/teaching.

We found that the novice mathematics teachers used a variety of technological tools, while as students they preferred to use digital presentations or dynamic software. Moreover, the novice teachers used two additional tools: the school platform and the WhatsApp instant messaging application. The novice teachers placed significantly higher value on the benefits of using technology in teaching in terms of improvement in learning, enhancement of pupils' motivation and increased effectiveness of the lesson. These results indicated that only as practical teachers were the participants able to see the benefits of technology.  相似文献   

新教师专业发展的趋势与策略   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
姚红玉 《教师教育研究》2005,17(6):20-23,54
新教师阶段是教师专业发展的关键阶段。这一阶段的发展直接关系到新教师未来的专业发展取向。因此探索新教师所具有的特征,新教师专业发展中所遇到的问题,及问题产生的原因等就显得十分必要。对这些问题的研究也有助于提出解决新教师专业化发展问题的有效措施。  相似文献   

This article focuses on moral authorship as an element of the professional development of novice teachers in the Netherlands. Moral authorship refers to the ability of teachers to observe, identify, verbalize and reflect on the moral aspects of their work in a proactive and dialogical manner. We elaborate on moral authorship by theoretically exploring six interdependent tasks of moral meaning making: moral commitment, awareness, orientation and positioning, moral performance and evaluation. Narratives of 19 novice teachers were analyzed to explore moral authorship in teachers’ talk. The results show the opportunities of moral authorship to support, navigate, and reinforce the professional development of novice teachers. This study suggests professional self-dialogs for enhancing the development of moral authorship.  相似文献   

高中新课程改革要求高师院校教师从教育理念上改变传统的学生观、教学观和评价观,促进教师知识结构体系的优化,实现教师学习的终身化,在开展深入的教学研究和提高自身专业素质发展水平的同时,促进高中教师专业素质的全面提高。  相似文献   

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