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This article reports on an ethnographic study of a fourth-grade bilingual classroom. The focus of the article is on the culture that is created in this classroom and how children are socialized to it. Three themes are explored: socialization around being engaged learners, socialization to participate in a community of learners, and socialization to be second-language learners. I argue that the culture of the classroom for students who typically do poorly in school and who have negative experiences in school, such as the poor, urban Latino students in this study, must be one that has different roles, values, beliefs, and expectations than what exists in the cultures outside the classroom. In this way, the children experience school in positive ways which can lead to school success.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to conduct a needs assessment of bilingual/bicultural elementary science classrooms in order to determine if the current instructional environment addresses the educational needs of Hispanic/Latino children. This study examined 57 randomly selected elementary bilingual/bicultural science classrooms in a large metropolitan area of the southwestern United States in terms of culturally syntonic variables (i.e., culture-of-origin beliefs and/or practices that impact the teaching/learning process). Findings from this study indicate that Hispanic/Latino children are receiving science instruction: (a) with culturally asyntonic printed materials, teaching strategies, and supplementary materials, (b) in classrooms that do not use the child's native language, familia learning groups, peer tutoring, or manipulative materials, and (c) with oral and verbal instruction that lack culturally syntonic role models, examples, analogies, and elaborations. Findings from this study imply that changes are needed in pre-service and in-service teacher training, in science textbook formats, and in the scope and focus of elementary school bilingual/bicultural science curriculum and instructional strategies.  相似文献   

The authors present a perspective on emerging bilingual deaf students who are exposed to, learning, and developing two languages--American Sign Language (ASL) and English (spoken English, manually coded English, and English reading and writing). The authors suggest that though deaf children may lack proficiency or fluency in either language during early language-learning development, they still engage in codeswitching activities, in which they go back and forth between signing and English to communicate. The authors then provide a second meaning of codeswitching--as a purpose-driven instructional technique in which the teacher strategically changes from ASL to English print for purposes of vocabulary and reading comprehension. The results of four studies are examined that suggest that certain codeswitching strategies support English vocabulary learning and reading comprehension. These instructional strategies are couched in a five-pronged approach to furthering the development of bilingual education for deaf students.  相似文献   

Little is known about the effectiveness of the interactional systems through which meaning is constructed in classrooms in multilingual contexts. Although language can be `planned', the actual discourse of the classroom is `unplanned'. It is well-attested that the discourse of the upper primary classroom in Brunei includes the use of Malay alongside the official language of the classroom, English. This paper argues that as talk is potentially the most valuable resource in the classroom, educational planning should take into account the existing communicative practices in the classroom.  相似文献   

人种志是一种源自人类学的研究方法,教育人种志的研究兴起于20世纪末,在我国对教育人种志的研究尚处于起步阶段.本文试图对教育人种志的定义、特征、信度、效度,以及教育人种志研究的意义进行一些阐述.  相似文献   

传统的民俗学将向何处去?这是民俗学界普遍关注的问题.本文认为,新时期民俗学要想走出困境,对社会和学术做出自己独特的贡献,必须树立新的学术品格,对社会有所担当.从"历史学"转向"当代学",将民俗研究导入当代社会,直面当下社会的变迁;从追溯历史、重构原型、回归传统,转向关注现实、关心人生、阐释社会、服务当今社会.让以研究"古代遗留物"为开端的学问转向以研究当下现实社会习俗为主的与时俱进的学问;让以"民间文学"、"口头传承"为主体和"历史考据"、"原型重构"为主要研究方法的民俗研究传统,转向以"当代民俗"、"现代传媒"为主体,以"整体研究"、"综合研究"为主要方法的新民俗研究.民俗学的这种当代性建构需要民俗学学者们具有敢于突破传统的勇气和不断创新的精神.  相似文献   

受到关键期假说的影响,我国众多教育工作者将递进式双语教学模式应用到了小学阶段中。本研究通过对实施该模式多年的郑州市某双语小学的实际调查,研究该模式对学生的影响,分析其对小学双语教学的有益启示,以期对小学双语教学有所帮助。  相似文献   

为了培养学生良好的阅读习惯,积极践行“阅读常态化”的理念,我校以心理学家勒温的场动力学理论为依托,充分发挥团体动力的作用,创设浓郁的阅读“场”环境,通过思想引领、环境营造、活动促进,星级评价构建师生常态阅读氛围。  相似文献   


This paper offers a perspective on bilingual education (BE) as inclusive education. Ethnolinguistically-separated schools and classrooms in Sri Lanka resulted from an enduring, mother tongue instruction policy which abetted a deeply ethnically-divided nation. More recently, Sri Lanka has experimented with a BE programme in pursuit of enriching the perceived value of the local mother tongues as well as building students’ knowledge of English as a global language. This article presents analysis of the inclusive practice of two Sri Lankan BE teachers in their attempts to advance social cohesion through bilingual education. We demonstrate the logic of practice focussing on four features of the teachers’ work: promoting interethnic relations through regular change of seating arrangements; equal delegation of responsibilities and absence of favouritism; cooperative group work in ethnically heterogeneous groups; and, promoting heteroglossic language practices or translanguaging. The positive, inclusive consequences of these practices are corroborated by focus group data gathered from students in the school. We argue that teachers have a significant role in changing the logic of practice in the classroom, and that the implicit rules teachers encode in their pedagogy can reorient exclusionary, ethnocentric identity positioning towards more inclusive, supraethnic identities.  相似文献   

教育民族志方法的探讨   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
研究者将人类学的民族志方法运用到教育研究中,通过长期的田野调查,直接、便捷和真实地反映研究者的研究路径和在与被研究者互动中获得的第一手资料,完成定向理论分析,这一过程称教育民族志。教育民族志是一种整体性的描述,这种方法的运用可以拓宽对教育现象的观察视角、丰富研究内容,特别是对于挖掘隐藏在教育现象背后的许多不可视的和不可量化的因素有独特的贡献。近年学者们在教育领域中运用这一方法时出现了一些概念的混淆、误解和误用,因此本文旨在探讨这种研究方法的来源、概念、原理及需要遵循的基本原则,使教育民族志研究的方法不断地得到完善和丰富。  相似文献   

Federal legislation demands that bilingual children be assessed in their primary language or mode of communication. This means that bilingual children with possible handicapping conditions must be assessed to determine their dominant language, and that further testing must be conducted in their primary mode of communication. This paper explores the issues involved in assessing bilingualism and handicapping conditions (e.g., learning disabilities) of bilingual, culturally different children and evaluates the assessment methods that have been devised.  相似文献   

民族志方法与传播研究   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
民族志作为一种研究方法,被导人传播研究领域后,对传播学做出了巨大贡献,传播学甚至由此而产生一个新分支——民族志传播学。同时,传播研究也在质化研究的方向上迈进了一大步。在传播研究中,民族志方法在人际传播和大众传播两个领域均有应用。与实证主义研究方法相比,民族志方法具有自身的认识论立场和方法论取向。  相似文献   

教育俗民志是俗民志研究范式应用于教育情景的一种研究方法和类型.教育俗民志研究强调研究过程的自然性,注重对微观问题的整体把握,强调定性分析和研究程序的弹性化.教育俗民志研究对于教师的专业发展具有重要意义.教育俗民志研究适用的范围有:学校组织的结构和文化、组织成员的角色行为、学校课程理论与实践、教学评价问题等.  相似文献   

信息技术在当今高校教育中已经得到广泛应用,但是在构建师生互动课堂方面,中国高校教学方式没有太大改变。课堂应答系统作为在国外教学中应用比较成熟的一种教学手段,对于改进我国高校教学是一个很好的补充。主要介绍了什么是课堂应答系统,其应用环境及使用流程,介绍了两种基于课堂应答系统的最常用教学模式,并对此系统在应用过程中的优势与不足进行了分析。  相似文献   

Patterns and Sequences. Phonics for Basic Language
An Oxford Spelling Book
Fuzzbuzz. Level 3
A Review of Reading Tests
Graded Phonics
1000 Pictures for Teachers to Copy
A Taste of Freedom
Schools Council Mother Tongue Project  相似文献   

人种志方法与课堂研究   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
人种志方法在课堂研究中的应用日益广泛 ,参与观察是它的基本特征 ,人种志方法的最大长处在于它的描述能力 ,并可对所获得的信息作细致、重复分析。研究过程中应尽可能采取客观的资料收集方法 ,多现场进行研究 ,以提高人种志研究方法的有效性  相似文献   

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