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A.  J.  Dalton 《英语沙龙》2010,(7):14-15
Every year, it costs British students more and more to attend university. Students are graduating with larger and larger debts. So is a university degree really worth it?  相似文献   

Alumni-student mentoring programs have become commonplace at many universities, and yet, scholarly research has rarely explored the impact of these programs on participating students and alumni. To address this, we investigated three alumni mentoring programs at a large research-intensive university in Australia. Using a mixed methods approach (a web based survey and interviews), we sought both students' and mentors' perceptions of their alumni mentoring program and how their involvement may have impacted their perceptions of the university (n=197). The findings highlight that alumni mentoring programs provide distinct benefits to both students and alumni and may result in improved university engagement. Our results also indicate new revelations about alumni mentoring programs, including the challenges associated with mentoring postgraduate students and recommended best practice to ensure the success of alumni mentoring programs.  相似文献   

The recent changes in the relationship between universities and society and the change of attitudes of governments towards higher education institutions are analysed. The different possible reactions of the institutions to the more demanding attitude of society as a whole are discussed. The authors present a critical view of the concept of entrepreneurial universities based on the work of Burton Clark and on the results of the quality audits of the Association of European Universities (CRE), and offer some comments about their applicability and usefulness to European higher education systems.  相似文献   

The main aim of this article is to explore similarities and differences in the institutional features of private and state universities in the Italian higher education system and to assess whether graduating from a private university conveys advantages in the labour market. In the first part we use administrative data to describe the main institutional features of the two types of university, looking at organisational aspects, enrolments and graduates, financial resources, tuition fees, and teachers' characteristics. In the second part we develop a theoretical framework looking at sociological and economic theories of education and labour market, from which we derive some hypotheses on the expected results. In the last part, we apply a propensity score matching analysis on data from the Italian University Graduates Survey conducted in 2007 by the Italian National Institute of Statistics, which provides information on more than 40,000 graduates who obtained their degree in 2004. The main results indicate that graduates from private universities are younger, have a higher socio-economic background and a slightly better previous school career than those from state universities. Contrary to a widespread belief, once accounted for self-selection into the type of university using a wide range of variables, graduating from a private university has neither a significant nor a substantial effect on employment probability, hourly wage and occupational level three years after graduation.  相似文献   

探讨贾绍东,杨云升海南大学外国语学院 ,海南大学外国语学院0中国大学教学China University Teaching55-57H319.3F085;17;H;FF085_17;贾绍东000200040003000854-56大学英语教学中的学习策略培养初探李广凤山西大学外语系0  相似文献   

With the development of information technology, computer-assisted language learning is becoming a trend in foreign language teaching environment. It is argued that characterized by the universal availability of authentic materials, the multimedia capability and the nonlinear (hypermedia) structure of the information, the World Wide Web have the potential to enhance language learning. This paper evaluates a web-based listening programme in terms of language learning potential, learner fit, authenticity and impact. It concludes with the appropriateness of the tasks designed in this programme.  相似文献   

High turnover and short tenures are the norm for state university presidents in the last part of the twentieth century. Depending on the type of institution, the average state university president stays in office about four years, some three years shorter than the national average of seven years for all higher education institutions. The article discusses this trend and relates length of tenure to the formal and informal evaluations of presidents. Beginning with a presentation of presidential tenure (time in office) data and a discussion of the benefits of longer terms, the article continues with a dialogue on the role of the president in state institutions of higher education. It is argued that the position of president necessitates constituent leadership with presidents often expected to please all constituencies. Included in this discussion are the nature, role, and effectiveness of evaluations of university presidents. The authors conclude that evaluations of presidents make little difference in decisions to retain or remove presidents. Even a good or great evaluation does not offset the impact of the unforseen event or changes in political leadership within a state or on a board. The authors agree that annual reviews or reports are valuable in improving a presidents performance and leadership. Evaluations make a difference when they are supervised by individuals with direct knowledge of the job, are fair in terms of expectations from often divergent constituent groups, and focus on maximizing the ability of the president to improve the institution.  相似文献   

Vice President Hu, thank you very much for your kind and generous remarks. Thank you for welcoming me and my wife, Laura, here. I'm so grateful for the hospitality and honored for the reception at one of China's and the world's great universities.The standards and reputation of this university are known around the world, and I know what an achievement it is to be here. So congratulations.My visit to China comes onan important anniversary,as thevice president mentioned.Thirtyyears ago this …  相似文献   

一首《大学生的自习室》,一句“小样,你新来的吧”,一群着装前卫的帅哥靓妹,几间飘着菜香,播着《七里香》的大食堂,几座阳台上挂了衣裤的学生公寓楼,还有许多讲台上的饱学之士,勾画出大学生活的轮廓。我们离开父母的呵护,远走他乡,把希望交给自己主宰,这时,耳边回响起《祝你一路顺风》,一点点伤感却又屡屡幢憬。提上行李,背起书包,抬头看看,大学的校门就在眼前。我止步了,12年寒窗,高考的洗礼,还有4个月前的那激情燃烧的9个小时一锤定音。无所谓  相似文献   

University ABC     
查璐 《新高考》2011,(12):56-56
大学,是神殿,是绚烂的梦,是所有中学生憧憬的地方。每个人都向往大学,我们的近期目标也非大学莫属。大学是妙趣横生,五彩斑斓的。大学生活到底是个什么样子呢?有什么好玩的地方吗?大家一起来跟学姐看看吧!  相似文献   

The study, carried out in a Greek provincial town, focuses on the cultural meaning of university education and of participation in the extremely competitive entrance examinations to university. In spite of graduate unemployment, in relation to the labour market a university degree is seen as giving more possibilities. Also, the transition to university and the degree that follows are rewarded by the community with prestige and status. Moreover, gaining admission is also important in itself in relation to the individual's wish to achieve something with herlhis own strength. Finally, taking part in the examinations is seen as being of the utmost importance in relation to the local values. Regardless of the outcome, it allows the participants to realize a particular set of values among which the ‘duty to struggle’ seems to occupy, for historical reasons, a central place.  相似文献   

In his rector's address of October 15, 1874, Theodor Mommsen said to the students:

There is no formal law that prescribes for you how you must utilize your academic years; there is no intermediate examination to inquire into whether this use has taken place at all and, if so, in what way. No nation in the world places as much confidence in its youth as ours; and our academic youth has up to now justified that confidence. Go now your own way onward, even though this way may often lead into the thicket and you may well think that it is a wrong way; more often than we have dared to hope, it has been found that many ways can lead to the same, and the correct, goal. For every real man of unique qualities his own way is the best way for him; and that way is open to each of you. (1)  相似文献   

IntroductionAll over the world highereducation is facing a variety of problem s:finance,numberof students,quality of instruction,relevance of education etc.In order to deal with som e of these problems,ef-forts are on to devise alterative strategies and such strategy is Distance Education.In developed aswell as developing countries policy makers and educational planners are using Distance Education as ofone the importantstrategies for national development.Distance Education plays a m ajor ro…  相似文献   

University的起源 University源于拉丁语universalis,原意为“全体的”,随后演变为“一组人、某一团体”,后者也正是早期大学的含义所在:一群学者住在一起互相教授知识。  相似文献   

在美国,说起Ivy LeagueUniversity,就像中国人说起中国北大、清华、复旦一样。IvyLeague University常春藤联谊会大学指8所美国东北部历史悠久的名牌大学:  相似文献   

在美国,说起Ivy LeagueUniversity,就像中国人说起中国北大、清华、复旦一样。IvyLeague University常春藤联谊会大学指8所美国东北部历史悠久的名牌大学: Harvard University哈佛大学, Yale University耶鲁大学, Princeton University普林斯顿大学,  相似文献   

This study organized five black American undergraduate students into a participatory action research (PAR) team to examine Cross and Strauss’ (1998) and Cross, Smith, and Payne's (2002) functions of blackness theory (i.e., bonding, code switching, and individualism) within a sample of black American students, frontline staff (i.e., janitors), and faculty at a predominantly white institution (PWI) or university. The racial-ethnic lived experiences of black Americans at a PWI can reveal outcomes in terms of employee performance and student academic and social experience. Data were collected from four student focus groups (i.e., general student body, students in Greek organizations, student athletes, and student leaders), one frontline staff focus group, five individual faculty interviews, and one individual interview with a female student athlete. Each participant completed a demographic survey. Also, extensive field observations were taken of participants at this particular PWI. Findings revealed how black Americans use bonding, code switching and individualism as functions of a racial identity when navigating a PWI as a mainstream environment. Data suggest very little bonding took place across the three subsamples (i.e., students, frontline staff, and faculty) and bonding practiced by black Americans at this PWI was found to exist most often within subpopulations, specifically within students and frontline staff. Participants, overall, were comfortable with code switching between a professional identity and a more racial, black American and/or social identity. Also, a number of participants understood their individuality to be more salient than a racial or black American identity. Implications for PAR projects with black American college students are also discussed within this article.  相似文献   

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