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以重庆市为例,对农村扫盲教育的现状进行分析,发现部分脱盲农民的整体文化素质偏低、缺乏实用技术能力。因此,脱盲农民有必要接受扫盲后教育,而扫盲后教育作为终身教育体系的一部分,旨在弥补扫盲教育的不足。因此,应加大对农村扫盲后教育的投资力度,巩固并深化扫盲教育,加强农村实用技术教育,重视农村成人学校师资建设,从而推进农村扫盲后教育的健康有序发展。  相似文献   

联合国粮农组织和联合国教科文组织通过国际教育计划研究所进行教育促进农村发展的国际研究.并于2002年11月在亚洲会议上向与会者介绍他们的研究。会议在此基础上展开了教育与农村发展的研讨,主要涉及五个主题:1)全民教育;2)通过教育与培训提高粮食安全;3)减少贫困;4)回应农村劳动力市场转型:教育与培训的意义;5)农村地区的艾滋病。这些主题涉及到亚洲发展中国家的发展特别是发展中国家农村发展的普遍性和全局性问题,是教育和农村发展研究中应该引起广泛关注和深入探讨的问题。  相似文献   

This article reports research findings of a comparative research project, supported by a generous grant from the International Development Research Centre (IDRC). We studied adult education policy implementation in the Province of Alberta, Canada; in Mexico City and a rural district of the State of Mexico; and urban and rural districts of Dar‐Es‐Salaam in Tanzania, East Africa. The study was conducted between 1987‐1991 by three research groups coordinated internationally by Carlos Alberto Torres. Interviews were conducted in the three countries with 50 policy‐makers, 155 adult education teachers, and 447 adult learners. Policy‐makers and teachers wer interviewed using structured, in‐depth interviews, and students were surveyed twice, at the beginning of the programs in 1988‐89 and 15 months later. Only public programs in adult education, skill upgrading, and literacy training were selected, including Alberta Vocational Centers (AVC) and Community Vocational Colleges (CVC); seven different public programs in Mexico, and Folk‐Development Colleges and adult literacy programs from the Institute of Adult Education in Tanzania. Rural and urban programs were studied in Northern and Central Alberta, in the Federal District (Mexico City) and a rural district outside Mexico City, and in a rural municipality and the urban area of Dar‐Es‐Salaam in Tanzania. Two types of programs were studied in the three research settings: academic upgrading programs (consisting of literacy training and adult basic education) and skill upgrading programs Although this article reports specific research findings for the province of Alberta, it benefits from the findings of the international study and from criticisms and analyses made by members of the international teams. Hence, the authors are grateful to Suleman Sumra and Yosiah Bwatwa from the University of Dar‐Es‐Salaam, Raj Pannu and M. K. Bacchus from the University of Alberta, and Sylvia Schmelkes, Carlos Muñoz Izquierdo and Susan Street from the Center for Educational Research in Mexico, for their many contributions to this research.  相似文献   

Young people in Africa encounter many difficulties in entering the labour market and in searching for decent and productive jobs. Research on the links between formal education and vocational training and their economic returns are especially crucial in understanding the inadequate demand for their labour. This article presents evidence based on the 1-2-3 Surveys conducted in seven West African countries; the surveys provide a consistent and comparable picture of the urban youth employment situation in these countries. The analysis also indicates that vocational education could be helpful in integrating the formal sector and that it often offers better earnings and better firm performance than general education, especially at higher levels of schooling. Overall, young workers with no formal vocational education and training face poorer working conditions, while those who have had a traditional apprenticeship in a small firm occupy an intermediate position. Finally, on-the-job training plays a crucial role in the informal sector of the West African cities.  相似文献   

It is widely acknowledged that in order to improve the quality of education in primary schools in developing countries there is a need to place pedagogy and its training implications at the centre of teacher education reform. Like many countries in Eastern and Southern Africa, Tanzania has introduced various initiatives and reforms to improve the quality of teacher education at the pre- and in-service stages. Drawing on evidence from a baseline study of primary teacher interactional and discourse practices, and a review of teacher training colleges, this paper explores the training needs of teacher educators in Tanzania who, in the light of recent reforms to teacher education, will be responsible for education and training at the pre and in-service levels.  相似文献   

While many countries in Eastern and Southern Africa are on track for meeting the Education for All targets, there is a growing recognition of the need to improve the quality of basic education and that a focus on pedagogy and its training implications needs to be at the heart of this commitment. By drawing on three East African countries, Kenya, Tanzania and Uganda, which are at different stages of development with regard to the reforming of teacher education, this paper explores the challenges and the lessons learned from each of the countries with regard to the development and strengthening of pre- and in-service training. The tension between quality, breadth and cost-effectiveness is explored together with a broader discussion of key principles to be taken into account when enhancing teacher education in the region as a whole.  相似文献   

如何补充乡村教师、吸引优秀人才到乡村学校任教是一个国际社会共同关注的问题.世界上一些国家采取的主要补充策略有:利用经济激励,增强招募优势;培养当地人才,保障定向就业;注重乡村体验,完善职前培养;关注职业发展,注重情感激励;吸纳其他人员,转入教师行业.借鉴国际经验,在我国乡村教师补充中,还需优化经济激励,提高激励有效性;明晰对象和内容,实现培养专门化;选拔优秀学生,注重职后发展;调动多方力量,共担补充责任.  相似文献   

In the 1970s, policies restricting the growth of post‐primary education and guaranteeing government employment for the few graduates limited the spread of the ‘diploma disease’ in Tanzania. The economic crisis of the 1980s meant growing underfund‐ing of education, which, combined with bureaucratic inefficiency and corruption, has led to the collapse of educational quality. Consequently, the majority rural poor have increasingly turned away from formal schooling, while the urban middle class continue to compete through education for the limited number of modem‐sector jobs. Liberalisation has resulted in rapid informalisation of the economy and the shrinkage of the public sector. But, just as previous reforms were unsuccessful in promoting rural development, so the present education system is incapable of promoting self‐employment in the informal sector. Dore predicted that, as a ‘late developer’, Tanzania would suffer an acute attack of certification sickness. That the symptoms are only now appearing among a relatively small segment of the population suggests, perhaps, that Tanzania is an even later developer than Dore imagined.  相似文献   

Economic competitiveness is at the top of national, regional and global political and economic agendas. Several countries in all regions of the world have established policies and institutions devoted to economic competitiveness, including in developing and transition countries. This leads to the question of how to define national economic competitiveness and, as a logical consequence, how to measure it. This article provides a critical analysis of two major global indices measuring national economic competitiveness, the World Economic Forum (WEF) and the International Institute for Management Development (IMD), with a special focus on the index published by the WEF due to its broader global coverage. The article shows that human capital has been given relatively little explicit recognition, despite the large weight of human capital in the WEF index. This article asserts through simulations based on WEF data that countries performing poorly in national economic competitiveness rankings can improve their standings significantly by focusing reform efforts on raising quality of education and on expanding access to education and training. The simulations also show that the potential improvements in national economic competitiveness are unequally distributed across the globe, and that in terms of national economic competitiveness, developing and transition countries stand to gain relatively most from improving their education and training systems compared to developed nations. Suggestions for improving measurements of education and training in the WEF index conclude the article and it is shown that educationalists can help refocus policy discussions on how to improve education and training systems through discussions on substance.  相似文献   

This article describes an interdisciplinary continuing education approach for health professionals in a rural remote area implemented by the Northern Educational Centre for Aging and Health (NECAH) at Lakehead University in Thunder Bay, Ontario, Canada. The article discusses issues of rural health care practice and the implications for practitioners’ educational needs. The key components involved in delivering interdisciplinary education and teamwork training are reviewed, followed by a discussion of the relevance of an interdisciplinary participatory approach for rural practitioners given their practice context and work style. Using NECAH's experience in planning and delivering a 5‐day interdisciplinary education program in palliative care as a case example, it is argued that simultanous attention to these issues in the design and delivery of continuing professional education for rural professionals contributes to a relevant educational experience in the short‐term and an increased interdisciplinary collaboration in the long‐term. The article suggests that NECAH's interdisciplinary participatory approach is a significant model for the continuing education of health professionals in rural remote areas.  相似文献   

苗承燕  王嘉毅 《中学教育》2011,(6):103-109,96
文章选取甘肃、宁夏、贵州三省区六个国家级贫困县中17所学校进行调研,并采用随机抽样法,选取460名在职农村中小学教师进行教师生存现状问卷调查。本研究主要针对西部贫困地区农村教师的经济待遇,职业满意度,教师专业发展等进行调查分析,对改进教师生存现状提出政策和建议:加大政府对农村地区的教育投入,提高教师的经济收入,减轻经济负担;提高教师工作满意度,激发教师工作热情;改变现有的教师评价体系;加强教师培训,增加教师培训的机会,促进教师专业发展。  相似文献   

The barriers to menstrual hygiene management faced by adolescent schoolgirls in low-income countries are gaining interest at practice and policy levels. The challenges include inadequate water, sanitation and disposal facilities for the management of menses with privacy and dignity, and insufficient guidance to help girls feel confident in attending school during menses. The studies described here aimed to examine how menarche impacts the lives of schoolgirls in three low-income countries (Ghana, Cambodia and Ethiopia). The focus included girls’ school participation; their relationship with parents, teachers and peers; their evolving sanitation and hygiene needs; their understanding of cultural issues and taboos around menses; and what education, if any, they received prior to and during puberty. This comparative analysis was aimed at identifying similarities between the three countries that would enable the adaptation to each context of a training book on menstruation issues for girls, which was developed from a previous study conducted in Tanzania. In all three countries, participatory activities were utilised with girls and results were analysed using grounded theory. Findings included: similarities regarding the importance of culture in perpetuating negative attitudes towards menstruation, limited provision of health information and insufficient facilities within schools. Differences were revealed regarding menstrual myths, parent–child dynamics, sources of guidance and student–teacher relations. There is a critical knowledge gap around menstruation and girls’ education in these contexts that must be addressed to ensure that girls experience a positive menarche and can manage menstrual hygiene.  相似文献   

农村成人教育发展被边缘化、个体参与培训的动力不足、性别差距根深蒂固和培训过程中的语言沟通障碍已经成为发展中国家农村成人教育面临的巨大挑战。从各国解决农村成人教育问题的实践中可以看出,发展中国家农村成人教育具有如下一些发展趋势:逐步建立多元化经费投入机制;农民作为受教育主体的地位与权利日益受到重视;能力建设逐渐成为农村成人教育培训的核心;积极吸纳志愿者与大学生作为师资队伍的重要补充;正规教育与非正规教育逐步走向融合;质量监测评估日益受到重视。  相似文献   

杨红 《成人教育》2008,(7):12-14
文章以云南省西双版纳地区为个案,概要地介绍了当地扫盲及扫盲后继续教育开展的情况,如实地反映了当地扫盲及扫盲后继续教育在思想意识淡薄、经费紧张、教师待遇差、成人教育机构萎缩、教材滞后等方面存在的问题。通过对当地扫盲及扫盲后继续教育存在的矛盾的分析,作者提出了建立以需求为导向的扫盲新体制、探索开发地方性教材和坚持经济效益与社会效益并重的建议和对策。  相似文献   

The centrality of education in the pursuit of better economic and social prosperity is now well established. The dominance of human capital theory, which provides a strong argument for better education as a key factor in fuelling economic growth, has encouraged policy makers, in various countries, to focus on education reform as a key priority and to borrow policy solutions from other countries. This special edition explores one policy solution in depth. It investigates the preparation and training of school leaders in very different countries and takes a comparative perspective. This article argues that the limitations of standardized strategies are clearly visible when taking a comparative view and, most importantly, that context matters significantly in shaping, defining and explaining differential educational performance.  相似文献   

For over twenty years British universities have been providing post-graduate, professional training for adult educators from Africa and other Third World countries. This is an account of the first comprehensive attempt to assess the impact of such training. It identifies the concerns and problems that prompted the three year ODA funded evaluation project; it describes the research methods employed; and it outlines some of the dominant issues that are arising from the first stage of the analysis of the interviews conducted with a wide range of participants in advanced level training for adult educators from four countries: Ghana, Kenya, Sierra Leone and Tanzania.  相似文献   

Educational language choice has been one of the most provocative issues of the 20th century and continues to be a dominant issue at the turn of the new millennium. Efforts to naturalize English as the only suitable language for post primary school education persist in many African countries, including Tanzania. In the United States the campaign for "English only" in the schools is gaining momentum, despite the increasing multilingual population in the schools. Focusing on Tanzania and the United States, this article examines the fallacy of a monolingual, English only, policy in education. It examines the ethos surrounding the debate about the language of instruction, and considers some of the detrimental effects upon students of attempting to impose a monolingual policy. Finally, the paper suggests possible roles of educators and researchers in fostering international understanding of educational language issues as one aspect of the quest for global peace and social justice in the 21st century.  相似文献   

The double-edged sword of Jomtien (1990), which emphasized access to education, and of Dakar (2000), which placed additional emphasis on the quality of education, the Holy Grail, provides the context for the expansion of education in developing countries. One of the most frequently espoused ingredients for success is good governance. The cornerstone of the discussion raised in this article is a small-scale qualitative case study, which investigates the impact of local governance, i.e. community organizations, on community schools in rural Punjab, Pakistan.The research asks: What are the factors which community organizations contribute to teachers’ motivation? What is the impact on teachers’ performance and what are the implications for the quality of teaching? The resulting discussion explores the extent to which community organizations may support teachers better than the more centralized government system, whilst also reflecting on their limitations.Evidence is presented to support the view that local governance may enhance monitoring and accountability systems, and the ethos of schools, but that without the resources to deliver adequate levels of training and follow up, it can deliver very little significant improvement to the quality of teaching.  相似文献   

This article looks at the effects of privatisation policies on girls' education in the Kilimanjaro Region of Tanzania. It begins by describing changes in economic and education policies in Tanzania since independence in 1961. It presents the results of a study about parental wealth and education and the findings from an essay task completed by girls at a secondary school in the region.1 The article also provides life-history sketches of several girls who have not attended secondary school and a discussion of the social and economic factors that mark the distinction between “educated” and “uneducated” girls in Tanzania today. These different sources of information show how cultural notions about gender and economic hardship in Kilimanjaro work together in making the attainment of a secondary school education an untenable goal for girls from poor households.  相似文献   

The authors of the present article are engaged in a research project funded by the Norwegian Research Council. In this project the language policies of Tanzania and South Africa, as well as the practices of these policies in the classroom are analyzed. The article gives some preliminary results from the project. While the language policies of Tanzania are described as confusing, contradictory, and ambiguous, the language policies of South Africa seem clearer and more progressive. In Tanzania, Kiswahili is seen as the national language, while both Kiswahili and English are official languages. The issue of language has, however, disappeared from the constitution in Tanzania. In the constitution of South Africa, 11 languages are official and seen as equal. But when it comes to practice in the classroom in both countries, the majority of the learners struggle to learn academic content because of the foreign medium that is used as the language of instruction from secondary school onwards in Tanzania and already from the fourth grade in primary school in South Africa. The research reported here shows that whatever the official policies may be the teachers in the classrooms will use whatever language they and their students feel most comfortable with. Examples are given here of the coping strategies teachers and learners use in both countries like translations, code-mixing and code-switching. At the end of the day the learners have to write their exams in English however. The language in education policy in most African countries lead many African pupils to fall even further behind. What seems to be a learning problem or a matter of bad grade, drop out and repetition is really a language problem.  相似文献   

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