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<正>【重点词组或短语】1. listen to tapes听录音磁带2. ask sb. for help向某人求助3. have conversations with sb.同某人谈话4. too...to...太……而不能……5. give a report作报告6. word by word逐词逐句地7. the secret to...……的秘诀8. be afraid to do sth.害怕做某事9. fall in love with爱上10. body language肢体语言11. as well也  相似文献   

1.H e uses a lift to go up and down.(P32)他使用电梯上下(楼)。此句相当于:H e goes up and dow n by lift.这里的lift是名词,意为“电梯”。例如:W e often take the lift to the twelfth floor.我们常常乘电梯到第十二层楼去。注意:give sb a lift意为“让某人搭车”、“帮某人的忙”。lift也可以作动词用,意为“提起”、“举起”、“升起”。例如:The boy can lift a pailof water from the ground.这个男孩能把一桶水从地上提起来。This box is too heavy for m e to lift.这箱子太重,我搬不动。2.H e leaves his hom e and w alk…  相似文献   

A nim als have always been used to represent cer-tain hum an characteristics.Countries also use anim alsas sym bols.From eagles to lions,m any countries usean anim al to show its national spirit and character.1.U S:T he bald eagleThe im age of an eagle is on the U SPresident’s flag,and on the one-dollarbill.The bald eagle is a large,pow erful,brow n bird with a white head and tail.The term“bald”does not m ean that thisbird lacks feathers.Instead,it com es fromthe old word piebald,that m eans,“m arked w ith ...  相似文献   

刘征 《考试》2007,(Z1)
1.Who is it up to to decide whether to go or stay?由谁来决定去或留?析:该句结构是由句型“It is up to sb to do sth.”(应由某人负责)转换而成的。即对sb进行提问,将此句型变成特殊疑问句形式:Who is it up to to do sth?  相似文献   

used to...,be used to...,be used to do...,be used for/as...等词组形似且用法容易混淆,为了帮助同学们分辨它们的用法,现小结如下。1.used to do sthused to表示“过去常常……”、“过去惯常……”,指过去有但现在已经不存在的情况或习惯,可与各种人称的单、复数形式连用,后接动词原形。例如:H e used to go hom e by bus.他过去常常坐车回家。The river used to be clean.这条河过去是干净的。used to的否定句常用didn’t use(d)to,used not to或use(d)n’t to形式,疑问句常用D id sb use(d)to...?或U sed sb to...?形式。例如:H e …  相似文献   

1.—did you solve the problem?—I solved it learning to forget.A.H ow;w ith B.H ow;byC.W hat;w ith D.W hat;by2.H e is very young.H e can’t carry the heavybox.That is to say,he is carry theheavy box.A.so old that he canB.very young toC.too young toD.young enough to3.—W hy do you exercise every day?—healthy.A.K eep B.To keepC.K eeping D.K eeps4.If you don’t know how tospell this word,youshould in yourdictionary.A.look it upB.look up itC.look it forD.look for it5.—D o you enjoy in…  相似文献   

W e have a rather sm allhouse, w ith only tw o bedroom s. Y ou canthink our alarm (恐 ),then, w hen A unt C lara w rote to say thatshe 慌w as com ing to stay w ith her fam ily for the w eekend. H er fam ily, Ishould say,has four boys,allunder the age oftw elve. I sent offa telegram (电 报 )atonce,and explained(解 释 )in it thatour house w as too sm all.A unt C lara called us up the next m orning. “Iforgot to explain,” she said in her sw eetest voice. “T he boy w illbebringing a co…  相似文献   

The 2010 Winter Olympics is an international sporting and cultural event that will take place from February 12 to 28, 2010. Hockey , figure skating , speed skating, short track speed skating, along with the opening and closing ceremonies will take place in the city of Vancouver.The fam ous ski resort W histler w ill share the event w ith V ancouver. It w ill be the first w inter gam es held in a large city while m ost of the previous gam es have taken place in sm aller resort tow ns up to …  相似文献   

一、单项选择(20分)1.Everyone is here.Lets the bus.A .get up B.getdown C .geton D .getoutof2.W e each an English book.A .have B.has C .is D .are3.They are going to leave Sunday m orning.A .at B.in C .on D .w ith4.There is going to a footballgam e this afternoon.A .have B.is C .are D .be5.Playing gam es is as im portant as classes.A .have B.has C .to have D .having6.M arch 8th is .A .W om ens D ay B .W om en s D ayC.W om an s D ay D .The w om en s D ay7.Y ou d better in class.A .…  相似文献   

单词识记:1.belong (?).属于;belong to sb.属于某人,为某人之财物;belong to sth.与某事物或某处有关联;是某团体(家庭,组织等中的)一员2.author n.作家,作者;近义词:writer 3.picnic n.郊游野餐;(各人自带食品的)聚餐;have a picnic进行一次野餐活动4.possibly adv.可能地,或许,也许;possible adj.可能的5.drop v.落下,掉下,放弃;drop sb./sth.off让某人下车,中途顺便将某物送到某处;drop English放弃英语6.appointment n.约会,约定;make an appointment with sb.与某人约会;keep/ break an appointment践约/失约;have an appointment with the dentist与牙医预约7.crucial adj.至关重要的.be crucial to对……至关重要  相似文献   

【考点解析】根据题意“一旦做出了决定,我们所有人应该坚持,”正确答案为B项。stick to意为“坚持”。例如:stick to one’s word“遵守诺言”;stick to a post/principles坚守岗位/原则;lead to“导致”;refer to“提及;参考;查阅”;没有direct to的说法,但可以说direct sth.at/to sb./sth.“把……对准……的目标”;direct sb.to a place“给某人指路”;direct sb.to do sth.“指引某人做某事”。  相似文献   

SEND send along发送,派遣;send sb away打发某人离开,解雇,派出;send sb back叫某人回去;send down(向下)发送,使(温度、价格等)下降;send forth寄出,发出(气、味等),长出(芽、枝等),出版;send forth a loud cry大叫一声;send in送来,呈报;send sb in叫某人进来;send off寄出,发出,给……送行;send on预送,转送;send out发送,发出,长出(枝、叶等);send over发送,派送;send round使传阅;send up发射,发出,上送,使(价格、温度等)上升;send sb about his business叫某人少管闲事,解雇某人;send by water用船送,水运;send for派人去请;send sb on an errand派某人去干某事;send sb on a mission派某人去执行任务;send the blessings on sb为某人祝福;send one's love to sb向某人问候(致意)  相似文献   

Unit 9 When was he born?1.She's a kind and loving grandmother.(P56)她是一位心地善良而慈祥的祖母。kind意为和蔼的、友好的,用作定语或表语,也常用在bekind to sb(对某人善良)或It is kind of sb to do sth(多谢某人做了某事)等结构中。例如:His father is very kind.他父亲十分善良。  相似文献   

M r.Sm ith liked to be exact. O ne day when he was w alking in thestreet a m an cam e over and asked him E xcuse m e but w here's the , : “ ,nearest bookshop ?” The nearest bookshop Y ou have to cross a bridge and then turn “ ?to the right. ” A nd is the bridge long “ ?” Thirty m eters. “ ” The m an thanked him and went towards the bridge. Suddenly heheard som eone running after him . Stop M r.Sm ith w as shouting. I'm s…  相似文献   

我过去常和一个爱咕哩咕噜自言自语的妇女在一个办公室工作。一次,她盯着桌子上的一些东西问道:“如果一个人自己跟自己说话,打扰你吗?”“没关系,我不介意……”我开始回答道。她吃了一惊,抬起头说:“不关你的事!”1.Y ou K eep O ut O f T hisI used to share an office w ith a wom an who m um bled to herself.O netim e she w as staring at som e things on her desk and asked,“D oes itbother you if a person talks to herself?”“N o,I don t m ind...”I began toanswer.She startled and looked up,“Y ou keep outof …  相似文献   

U nit51.我劝他学点法语,可他认为这不是一个好主意。【误】I persuaded him to learn som e French,but he didn t think itwas a good idea.【正】I tried to persuade him to learn som e French,but he didn tthink it was a good idea.【析】persuade指以道理、请求等“劝服”、“说服”。“劝说某人做某A School G arden Of English中学英语园地事”常用“persude sb to do sth”或“persude sb into doing sth”来表达。persuade sb to do sth只能表示“劝某人做某事”并取得成功,如果未收到说服之效,只可说“try to persuade sb…  相似文献   

M r.Sm ith liked to be exact. O ne day when he was w alking in thestreet a m an cam e over and asked him E xcuse m e but w here‘s the , : “ ,nearest bookshop ?” The nearest bookshop Y ou have to cross a bridge and then turn “ ?to the right. ” A nd is the bridge long “ ?” Thirty m eters. “ ” The m an thanked him and went towards the bridge. Suddenly heheard som eone running after him . Stop M r.Sm ith w as shouting. I‘m sorry. I just rem em bered ...  相似文献   

一、词汇过关1.agreement【用法】用作不可数名词,意为“同意;意见一致;协调;相合”。例如:W e are in agreem ent with theirdecision.我们同意他们的决定。There is little agreem ent about w hat todo.对于应该做什么,大家几乎没有一致的意见。还可用作不可数名词,意为“契约;协议”。例如:Y ou have broken our agreem ent by notdoing the work you prom ised.由于你没有做你答应做的工作,你已破坏了我们之间的协议。【搭配】be in agreem ent with sth.同意某事be in agreem ent w ith what sb.says.同意某人所说的be in agreem en…  相似文献   

“Fingers w ere m ade before forks. ” W hen a person gives up goodm anners, puts aside knife and fork, and dives into his food, som eone is likelyto repeatthatsaying. The fork w as an ancient agricultural tool, but for centuries no onethoughtofeating w ith it. N ot untilthe eleventh century, w hen a young ladyfrom C onstantinople broughther fork to Italy,did the custom reach E urope. By the fifteenth century the use ofthe fork w as w ide spread in Italy. TheEnglish explanation w as th…  相似文献   

一、词汇过关1.interrupt【用法】用作及物动词,意为“打断;中断”。例如:Traffic in the city w as interrupted bya snow storm.市内交通被暴风雪所阻断。R ain interrupted our baseball gam e.下雨中断了我们的捧球比赛。It is rude to interrupt other’s speech.打断别人的话是不礼貌的。interrupt常构成搭配interrupt sb.w ithsth(用某事打断/干扰某人)。例如:She interrupted m y speech with aquestion.她问了一个问题,打断了我的演讲。2.introduce【用法】用作及物动词,意为“介绍”,常构成搭配introduce sb.to sb.。例如:H e i…  相似文献   

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