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In both the literature on inclusive education and in international policy development, there has been considerable interest in the use of sets of indicators for the implementation of inclusive education at national and local levels. Drawing on sets of indicators developed in Europe and the Pacific Islands, this study proposes a set of such indicators for Kuwait. These indicators are then presented in a survey of 161 special education teachers working in public elementary mainstream schools across Kuwait. Analysis of the results is used to explore how such indicators could play a role in promoting policy implementation for inclusive education in Kuwait and more widely in Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) countries.  相似文献   

学科德育是指教师在学科教学的过程中有意识地对学生进行的道德教育。高校实施学科德育有其学理、政策和现实依据。实施学科德育应加强学科德育的组织领导、做好学科德育的宣传和培训工作、探索学科德育的考核激励机制、推进通识教育、加强专业伦理和职业道德教育、加强师德建设。  相似文献   

教师教育制度创新探微   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
基于教师发展阶段理论,提出教师教育制度创新宏观策略,并论述这些策略实践转化机制问题。教师教育既不是教师成长的开始,也不是教师成长的结束,因此要精选将来从事教师职业的人,对教师教育制度进行全面创新,以适应教育事业发展的需要。  相似文献   

教师继续教育模式初探   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
选择适当的继续教育模式,是保证教师培训质量的重要环节。本对当前较有代表性的个人开发,学术本位,科研驱动型,课程中心,远距离培训等几种培训模式作了较为系统的对比分析,对各种培训模式的基本特点进行了探讨。  相似文献   

高校生态文明教育初探   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
简述高校生态文明教育概况,分析存在的教育机制残缺、生态意识淡薄、价值观错位等问题,进一步提出高校生态文明教育的途径:拓宽教育渠道,提升认知水平;树立正确理念,提倡绿色消费。  相似文献   

建立教育目的导引机制初探   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
基础教育被扭曲为“应试教育”,与教育目的没有发挥其导功能有一定的关系。主要原因在于人们理论上模糊了实然与应然的差异,社会主体与个体主体的差异,内在的教育目的与外在的教育目的的差异。在既定的社会经济条件下,实现教育目的的关键是把外在的教育目的转化为内在的教育目的。而社会主义意义上的教育评价则是实现这种转化的基本方式。  相似文献   

Why has Australian offshore higher education become the educational investment of choice for many students? What benefits do students anticipate from this education? What is the relationship between educational goals and educational experience? To address these questions, this paper draws on findings from empirical research conducted with students studying at an offshore campus of an Australian university in Malaysia. It was found that students typically chose to enroll with the Australian university to receive an international education. Reasons offered for seeking an international education effectively delineated two groups of students. For Malaysian nationals, an international education was valued largely as a passport to employment with (Western) multinational corporations operating in Malaysia. Generally the Malaysian students made positional investments in Australian offshore higher education. For non-Malaysian students an international education was typically selected as an aid to procuring a new identity. These students chose an international education with the hope of expunging provincial outlooks. From international education, they wanted new ways of viewing the world, new habits of thinking and new skills and approaches. They sought a personal metamorphosis. These students, therefore, typically made self-transformative investments in international education. The paper further shows that investment choices influenced the way students experienced their education. Of the two populations distinguished by investment type, students who made self-transformative investments were more likely to respond positively to challenging education experiences associated with studying at the campus.  相似文献   

为改善中学教育状况,2012年9月奥地利正式把“新中学”纳入教育体系,以代替原来的主体中学。这是50年来奥地利教育体系的重大革新。新中学是一种成绩导向的学校类型,富有当代最新颖的教育理念。奥政府希望借助新中学创设新的教学文化,促进每个儿童个性化的成长,为奥地利的发展打下坚实的教育基础。  相似文献   

Since the late 1980s and early 1990s, Comparative and International Education (CIE) has almost disappeared from the curricula of teacher education colleges in Ireland, the United Kingdom and the United States. Yet, CIE is experiencing a revival at postgraduate level. This article will explore the reasons for this dichotomy and the decline of CIE in initial teacher education. It will use findings from a research study in an Irish teacher education college to inform this exploration. The author initiated, developed, and offered a CIE course to final year BEd (n=24) students in 2003 and again in 2005. This article will use data gathered during the latter course to explore CIE for undergraduate trainee teachers, considering students’ motivation for choosing to study CIE, their perceptions of CIE, and their beliefs about how it may enhance their professional practice in classrooms. It will explore, in particular, a significant finding that emerged from the study – the potential of CIE in developing student teachers’ capacities to teach in multicultural classrooms.  相似文献   

虽然我国在基础教育中推行了“国家课程”、“地方课程”、“校本课程”三级课程管理体制,但校本课程开发仍很薄弱。究其原因,人们对校本课程实施意义的认识不到位,对校本课程开发的基点把握不准是重要方面。必须高度重视校本课程的开发,把我国基础教育课程改革引向深入。  相似文献   

This paper examines the vocational education aspects of the new National Policy on Education (NPE) in Nigeria. The NPE advocates a 6+3+3+4 system which means that the educational system would be divided into six years of primary school, three years in a junior secondary school, three years in either a senior secondary school, a technical or teacher training college and four years in a university. The junior secondary school will be terminal for those who do not have the aptitude for the more academic subjects of senior secondary school and the emphasis at this stage would be both pre-vocational and academic. While it is generally thought that the vocational provision outline in the NPE would help to lay the foundation for a modern technological society, it is clearly an over-simplistic appraisal of the Nigerian socio-economic background. First, the selection for the trainees in vocational education is not usually from an open population in terms of relevant characteristics but from a closed population, those who had already proved to be of lower than average ability, by failing to gain entry to the ‘academic’ senior secondary school. The social implication of such a situation is that trainees in vocational education are caught up in an ‘ecological niche’ in society as fishermen, miners and other direct producers. Secondly, when the elite, the top federal government officials, advocate vocational expansion, it is often for other peoples' children rather than their own. Furthermore, as could be seen from the results of the Udoji report set by the government to harmonize civil service salaries, those who had academic qualifications from schooling rather than vocational qualifications were more favoured. Thus this paper calls for a rethink of the NPE, bearing in mind the realities of the Nigerian educational system and the job market.  相似文献   

This study uses an ordered probit model to examine the impact of student characteristics and perceptions of the teaching evaluation process on student ratings. The results indicate that expected grade, ethnic background, gender and age are a significant influence on student ratings. A primary student-based influence on teaching evaluation performance would appear to be the perceived potential outcome of the evaluation in terms of tenure, promotion and salary decisions, and improvements in teaching and staff allocation. The impact of student perceptions and characteristics is also found to vary across the various dimensions of teaching performance with the potential bias being highest for evaluation questions relating to overall performance, and lowest for questions relating to formative assessment and deep learning outcomes.  相似文献   

知识经济时代的学校教育 ,必须以发展学生的创新思维 ,开发学生的创造潜力为核心 ,因此 ,实施创新教育已成为时代的要求。而创新教育的实施应改变那些与创新教育要求不相适应的教育方式 ,在教学中坚持贯彻开放性、民主性、自主性、创造性、成功性等教学原则。  相似文献   

当前,思想政治教育效益问题的全面和系统理论研究比较缺乏和滞后,也制约着思想政治教育学科的科学化和现代化。本文提出有必要在学界已有研究的基础上,系统和深化思想政治教育效益的理论研究。  相似文献   

目前,我国教育信息化取得了长足的进步,但同时也面临着教育资源分布不均、共享困难以及管理成本高等诸多挑战。基于云计算技术的云教育模式为解决以上问题提供了良好的解决方案。该文给出了云教育的基本概念,提出了一种云教育模式的体系架构,分析了实现云教育模式需要解决的关键问题,最后总结了云教育模式带来的优势。  相似文献   

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