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在19世纪末、20世纪初的美国,儿童观的转变、儿童研究运动的兴起、新的儿童教育理念的传播以及改革学校呼声的不断高涨,为"儿童中心"论在美国的兴起准备了条件本文旨在通过对历史文献的梳理,考察这一时期美国教育界的相关思潮,分析"儿童中心"论的兴起和在早期阶段的主要含义。19世纪末20世纪初,在公立学校课程改革的论争中,帕克运用赫尔巴特学派"集中"的概念较早明确提出了儿童是学校中心的观点,儿童研究运动的代表人物霍尔提出了"儿童中心的"学校理想,而杜威则通过比较新旧教育的差异,将"儿童中心"作为新教育的基本特征。在同样使用"儿童中心"概念的教育家的思想中,这个观念所指陈的问题不同,其含义也存在明显差异。对"儿童中心"论兴起背景与过程的探讨,有助于更合理、更充分地把握这个观念的准确含义及其历史价值。  相似文献   

19世纪末到20世纪初,美国工业社会的人才需求与传统学校教育冲突,"新学校"运动兴起,同时对20-30年代中国教育产生了深刻影响。"新学校"运动的教育主旨:教育融于生活,学校与社会同一,有效的教育产生于学习者的直接经验等观念,蕴涵着丰厚的现代职业教育理念。  相似文献   

19世纪末和20世纪初美国的儿童研究运动对美国的教育科学产生了重大影响。霍尔作为这一运动的代表人物,其教育思想和心理学思想至今仍具有较高的参考价值。本文对儿童研究运动及其目标和方法、在美国的兴衰和影响进行了论述。  相似文献   

美国城市教育史学是以城市教育史作品作为研究对象,对美国的城市教育史的研究历程进行反思的学科。19世纪末到20世纪50年代初,城市教育史并没有引起教育史学家的重视。1968年凯茨的《对早期学校改革的嘲讽:马萨诸塞州19世纪中期的教育革新》标志着美国城市教育史学的诞生。20世纪70年代到80年代是美国城市教育史学发展的黄金时代。这个时期,城市教育史学有三条研究路径:温和修正派的一致论、激进修正派的冲突论和"折衷主义"。20世纪80年代中期以来,美国城市教育史学转向了"后修正主义"。  相似文献   

美国赫尔巴特运动是19世纪末20世纪初在美国兴起的旨在通过宣传、研究和实践赫尔巴特和德国赫尔巴特学派的教育学说以改革美国学校教育的教育运动。它以德·加谟和麦克默雷兄弟为主要领导人,以伊利诺师范学院为依托,在将近十年的时间里,从教育理论到学校课程、教学方法、教师培训等方面,对美国学校教育产生了多重影响。尽管这场运动昙花一现,但对美国现代学校教育制度的建立发挥了独特的作用。  相似文献   

19世纪末20世纪初,美国处于重大的社会转型时期,伴随着社会转型,社会各领域产生了一系列的问题,为解决这些社会问题,美国兴起了社会调查运动。受社会调查运动的影响,学校调查运动也开展起来,并成为社会调查运动的重要组成部分。在学校追求效率和教育寻求科学化的背景下,学校调查运动发展迅猛,对美国教育产生了重要影响。  相似文献   

一、我国学前儿童健康教育的回顾 现代人对于学前健康教育的重视始于19世纪,法国率先在学校教育中提出要关心学校卫生和儿童健康,以后各国相继仿效,美国儿L童健康组织于1919年第一次使用“健康教育”一词。 在两方教育观念的影响下,我国学期儿童的健康教育也日益受到重视。19世纪20年代初,陈鹤琴等教育家就提出学前教育的重点  相似文献   

作业教育思想起源于文艺复兴时期,但它作为一种教育思潮,兴起于19世纪末20世纪初的德国,流行于欧美其他国家,出现了以"作业学校"代替"读  相似文献   

19世纪末20世纪初在美国教育界兴起的以实用主义哲学为理论基础的实用主义教育观推动着美国成人教育运动;本文试图从对实用主义教育基本特征说起并进一步用其指导我国成人教育的理论研究与实践。  相似文献   

一、杜威的“活动课程”“活动课程”又称“经验课程”,是从儿童的经验出发组织教材,并让儿童积极主动地参与整个教学活动,把教材变成直接的个人经验。(一)提出19世纪末20世纪初,美国社会发展对教育提出了挑战,社会要求学校培养有创造精神和实践操作能力的人。而传统教学不能适应美国社会的需要,在这种情况下,以杜威为代表的“进步主义教育派”提出了“儿童中心、活动中心、社会中心”的现代教育思想。与之相对  相似文献   

19世纪末,中国传统教育遭遇新教育的挑战;20世纪初,清廷颁行学制,废除科举,全方位、大规模地加快中国教育从传统到现代的转型进程。教育转型急剧地影响到学生学业的变化和教师职业的更易、徐特立早年读私塾、做塾师,在新政兴学之初告别塾师职业,接受师范教育,从旧式士子转变为现代知识分子,走上做新式教员、创办新式学堂之路,成为近代中国基础教育变革在地方社会强有力的推动者。本文通过探究徐特立早年的人生经历与职业转换,反映了中国基础教育现代转型为教师职业和人才流动所带来的变化,折射出教育转型中个人命运与时代发展的关系。 更多还原  相似文献   


As was true for many school districts across the United States during the early decades of the twentieth century, Houston Independent School District sought modernization through a multimillion dollar building program and curricular reform. Houston's new course of study, heavily influenced by the theories of child-centered pedagogy, received widespread praise from curricular experts at the nation's top schools of education. In the 1920s, Houston was a segregated, southern city that, in many ways, shared the conservatism of the region. Nevertheless, Houston's superintendent, E.E. Oberholtzer, was able to overcome resistance from taxpayers and teachers to successfully implement his program. Corporate élites from the petroleum industry, among the biggest boosters of progressive educational reform in Houston, believed that a child-centered curriculum would develop the leadership skills and creative ability needed to train white-collar workers for the expanding economy. Those left behind, primarily students of color, were further disadvantaged in the changing job market. Jim Crow was an essential component to the success of the reform policies in Houston. As twenty-five per cent of the population, African-American students deserved twenty-five per cent of the district's revenues. Segregation allowed the district to use almost one hundred per cent of the money for curriculum reform on only seventy-five per cent of the population. Nevertheless, Houston manufacturers were dependent on unskilled black labor and were hit hard by the exodus of the Great Migration. Thus, corporate élites could not be too blatant in their discrimination against African-Americans. The pro-industry school board responded to the threats of migration and the demands of Houston's vociferous black press by building two new modern African-American high schools, refurbishing "Old Colored High School," and vastly improving the number and condition of elementary schools for black children. Yet, although these new schools did represent a vast improvement over black education before Oberholtzer's arrival in Houston, in the face of massive expenditures and dramatic improvements in white education, the material gains of black students lagged far behind the educational opportunities for white students. While the new, child-centered curriculum excluded black students (except for the heroic efforts of individual black educators), curriculum development excluded the vast majority of teachers. White teachers lost considerable power over pedagogical decisions in their own classrooms as they faced onerous, top-down directives. The district maintained control over teacher education by opening a junior college in 1927 to train white teachers according to the new pedagogy. Many white teachers resented the district's efforts to tie salary raises to increased educational qualifications, even for experienced teachers. In 1928 conflicts with the superintendent contributed to the growth of new memberships in the all-white Houston Teachers Association. In response, the school district passed a significant salary increase for white teachers that was funded partially by reducing the automatic annual increases in black teacher salaries. Intense job competition within African-American schools kept black teachers from protesting their discriminatory salaries and treatment. Ironically, many black teachers, excluded from training in child-centered pedagogy, welcomed additional educational opportunities. Black teachers themselves fought for the creation of Houston Junior College for Negroes, although the new college failed to receive adequate funding. Thus, the school administration modernized white schools by denying new educational opportunities to black students and teachers. While many scholars have criticized the supposed "advantages" of progressive education, in Houston, at least, progressivism operated as another form of unearned white privilege.  相似文献   

This study examines apparently similar historical phenomena in 19th‐century Prussia and Switzerland: the establishment of modern foreign languages in the curriculum of upper‐secondary education. Through the course of the 19th century, there appear to have been great transnational European affinities with regard to both the differentiation of the upper‐secondary education into types and the development of the curriculum. However, the contextualization of the curriculum within the overall organization of the school system raises doubts as to whether the similarity is more than only quantitative. A second contextualization of the overall organization of education within cultural convictions also reveals fundamental differences rooted in different political convictions, such as monarchism and republicanism. As a result, despite the formal similarities, the establishment of the foreign language education in Switzerland and Prussia could not have been more different.  相似文献   

李·C·鲍林格是美国哥伦比亚大学的第十九任校长.他在任期内致力于通过全球化与地方性相结合的治校方略,把哥伦比亚大学建设成为一个融合国际化战略与地方性品质于一身的世界一流大学,显著地促进了哥伦比亚大学的发展.鲍林格校长的办学理念和治校方略可资新时期大学改革借鉴,对当前的世界一流大学建设具有不菲的参考价值.  相似文献   

Obara Kuniyoshi, a leading representative in Japan’s New Education movement in the early twentieth century, founded his own private school, Tamagawa Gakuen, in 1929. Although his educational philosophy owes more to contemporary Western ideas about educational reform than to Japan’s educational heritage, Obara throughout his life invoked the juku, a type of private academy prevalent in Japan until the late nineteenth century, and made ‘juku education’ one of his principles. This case study examines Obara’s ‘juku‐myth’ both in the context of Obara’s educational thought and achievements and in the context of recent discussions about collective memory as a historical reality in its own right.  相似文献   

《中等教育的基本原则》被公认为20世纪美国中等教育的"大宪章"。报告的发布直接推动了美国中等教育的全面改革和综合中学这种全新的中学模式的创立。作为该报告主要执笔人,卡拉伦斯·达尔文·金斯利的思想和实践对20世纪20-30年代美国中等教育的革新和综合中学模式的确立作出了巨大贡献。国内学界鲜有关于金斯利在该报告形成和综合中学模式建立过程中所扮演角色的研究。本文基于较为充分的文献史料,从金斯利与综合中学创立之间关系的角度,探究他是如何通过一生的努力去推动综合中学模式在美国的建立和发展,以期弥补这位综合中学模式奠基者被人"遗忘"的缺憾。  相似文献   

二十世纪初实用主义教育思想在美国开始盛行。因此这一时期美国的教育改革发生转型,出现了教育实用化的趋势,由此带来了职业教育的迅速发展。同时在改革过程中,美国也开始重视职业教育的规范和立法。改革使美国的教育适应了当时社会的发展,学生能够更快的融入社会。  相似文献   

This paper traces the changing status of the school as a counter culture in the anthropological and historical literature, in particular from the moment when compulsory mass schooling assumed the function of ideological state apparatus in the post‐revolutionary 19th century West. It then focuses attention on what may be called the New School, which could be said to represent an evolved, postmodern embodiment of the social archetype of the school as interruption of the status quo. It emerged in the form of schools initially associated with Romanticism and with socialist libertarian or ‘anarchist’ impulses, and moved, if temporarily, into the educational mainstream in the late 19th and early 20th centuries in the left sector of the Progressive Education movement, proliferated in the 1960s and 70s in various school reform movements, and is a constant presence today in the theory and practice of those schools that identify themselves as ‘democratic’. It is based on principles of adult–child dialogue and direct democratic practice. Examples that we have of the New School tend to be characterised by material and activity environments that value variety, emergence, choice, emotional safety, self‐initiation and self‐organisation; that are multi‐sensorial and polysymbolic; and that are organised on the principles associated with mastery learning, social learning theory and play theory—that is, moderate complexity and optimal cognitive arousal as exemplary conditions for learning.  相似文献   

Research Findings: This study used teacher questionnaires to investigate the relationships of early childhood education teachers’ depressive symptoms, professional motivation, and job-related stress to their beliefs about children and teaching practices. Teachers (N = 207) were recruited from early childhood education programs in the southern United States. Path analyses showed that teachers who exhibited fewer depressive symptoms were more likely to have a career orientation to their jobs and indicated feeling less job-related stress. Teachers with a career orientation to their jobs were also more likely to have child-centered beliefs and endorse developmentally appropriate teaching practices. Teachers’ job-related stress, however, was not related to beliefs about children or teaching practices. Practice or Policy: These results suggest that teachers’ psychological and job-related well-being are linked to their beliefs about children and teaching practice in early childhood education. It is therefore important to provide support systems and preventive programs for teachers to enhance their well-being.  相似文献   

19世纪下半叶至20世纪上半叶是美国历史发展中的一个重大社会转型期。在此时期,美国出现了因严重的社会失范而引发的种种社会矛盾与问题。基于社会危机主要是一种道德危机的判断,杜威围绕着寻找新道德的基础和维持、再生产新道德的机构这两个主要课题展开了其民主主义道德教育思想:以道德教育实现民主主义,以民主主义改造道德教育。杜威的道德教育思想对于同样处于社会转型期的当下中国道德教育改革有两点启示:一是凸显道德教育的民主目的;二是重视道德教育自身的民主化改革。  相似文献   

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