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教师的课堂教学行为对差生学业成绩影响很大,不管是积极的,还是消极的,教师都要慎重行事.教师有必要清楚教师课堂教学行为与教师教育观念的关系,以及教师对不同差生应付诸的行为.  相似文献   

影响"大四"课堂教学因素的归类分析与对策探究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
自从大学生就业实行双向选择以来,大学阶段的第四年已经成为"就业年",在此期间的课堂教学受到了普遍影响.本文就如何更有效的对大学四年级学生进行课堂教学和管理,减少因就业和升学等因素对课堂教学的冲击,进行了一些探讨,并就大学四年级学生的心理状况对课堂教学的影响进行了调查分析.提出了针对这些情况如何采取教学措施、如何实施个性化教育、如何在课堂教学中实施整体性教育,以及提高课程单元、知识单元和素质单元的结合程度,提出了一些见解,在实践中收到了一定的成效.  相似文献   

该文结合目前本科药学专业的职业生涯规划教育所存在的主要问题和学生对职业生涯规划的需求,对药学生职业生涯规划课程的教学进行设计研究。通过对课程的内容和教学方式进行合理设计与优化,以期在提高学生对课程满意度的同时,行之有效地提升学生在大学阶段乃至未来职业生涯发展中的职业品质和竞争力。  相似文献   

关于数学素质教育的思想已经被广泛接受,虽然中学数学的“素质教育”改革还有很长的路要走,但大学预科学生特别是科学生却可以立即由“应试教育”向“素质教育”转移。这需要在教育思想上、在教学手段和教学内容上都有相应的变化。  相似文献   

As classrooms begin to adopt a greater number of digital technologies such as computers and tablets, it is important for educators to understand how effective such tools can be in aiding in the delivery of instruction to students who struggle in mathematics, such as those identified with a learning disability in mathematics. One digital‐based instructional strategy with a limited research base for students with a learning disability is video modeling. Through a single subject alternating treatments design, this study compared the use of video modeling to face‐to‐face explicit instruction for teaching geometry word problems to three secondary students with a learning disability in mathematics. Across 10 sessions of intervention, all three students demonstrated improved performance on all dependent variables with both interventions, while the explicit instruction condition produced slightly greater accuracy scores for two of the three students. The results and their implications for the field of mathematics are discussed.  相似文献   

同步直播课堂是不同于传统课堂的新的教学模式,对缓解日益严峻的教育不均衡问题有重大意义。然而随着同步直播课堂越来越广泛的应用,其本身客观存在的由技术、师生分隔异地、实时交互困难等问题所导致的师生情感交流难题也随之而来。笔者通过文献研读、实地参与同步直播课堂试点实验,分析了同步直播课堂中师生情感交流问题产生的原因,进而从教师、学生、学习资源、师生交互设计等方面提出解决对策。  相似文献   

外语本科专业翻译教学的中心任务是培养学生翻译专业能力。基于翻译教学"条件范畴因素"和"决定范畴因素",融入多媒体和网络技术的外语专业本科翻译基础课程课堂教学与自主学习整合教学模式以翻译学习网站作为中枢组织教学活动,使课堂教学与自主学习主次互补而又融为一体,有利于提高翻译教学效率。  相似文献   

就技术素养的内涵与结构、重要性的认识进行了阐述,通过襄樊学院物理与电子工程学院大学二年级两个专业四个班级的技术素养训练课程设计,并结合他们的实践,对技术素养训练课程的教学设计与教学实践作了探索性的研究.  相似文献   

苗侗文化概论课程的开设有助于学生更好地学习、掌握这门课程的知识,同时也能够使学生通过学习更加深刻地认识苗侗民族,了解民族传统文化,为发扬和传承民族文化奠定基础。本文以凯里学院预科开设的苗侗文化概论课程为例,阐述了苗侗文化概论课程开设的意义,剖析了课程教学中存在的问题,提出了解决对策。  相似文献   

该文探讨了利用Blackboard网络学堂实施翻转课堂的形式,实现在英语专业基础课程《基础英语》的个性化教学的具体策略,提出应通过课程设计,给予学生在学习材料选择、学习时间安排和一定程度上学习进度安排的自由。在过程评估阶段,应重点鼓励对学生的个人进步和同学协作,从而实现英语教学的个性化、协作化。  相似文献   

Drama and science together exploring the connection of material, the teaching techniques, experiences and attitudes.  相似文献   

Mandates such as No Child Left Behind (2001) No Child Left Behind Act of 2001, Pub. L. No. 107-110, 115 Stat.1425 (2002). [Google Scholar] and Individuals with Disabilities Education Improvement Act (2004) Individuals with Disabilities Education Improvement Act of 2004, 20 U.S.C. §1400, H. R. 1350. [Google Scholar] shifted the emphasis of instruction to include skills that access the general curriculum for students with moderate to severe intellectual disability. The purpose of this study was to describe changes in literacy instruction of teachers who participated in literacy research using secondary data analysis of instructional videos from 2004 to 2010. Results from the study suggest that teachers in 2004 focused on fewer components of reading that did not include phonemic awareness or phonics than teachers in 2010. Other changes in instruction included use of systematic instruction, grade-appropriate materials, and structure of literacy lessons.  相似文献   

Undergraduate research experiences may increase persistence in STEM majors. We describe a research program that targets first-year students selected for their curiosity and attitudes towards science. We explain the implementation of the program over 3 years and present evaluation data using a group of matched controls. Participants and controls pursued STEM degrees at equivalent rates, but participants were significantly more involved in research. Initial laboratory interest and mentor pairing may have played a role in this finding. Female participants, particularly those with male laboratory mentors, engaged in more research than men.  相似文献   

高校思想政治理论课课堂教学中大学生参与行为,对发挥思想政治教育主渠道作用至关重要。通过对江西省10所高校大学生进行随机调查,结果表明,大学生参与意愿不强、热情不高、能力有限,且教师对大学生参与行为干预不足。为提高大学生参与的积极性和主动性,增强教学的实效性,教师应提出明确要求,通过多种途径使大学生有能力参与,并有效干预大学生参与的过程,设置激励目标让大学生不断参与。  相似文献   

Abstract. This 3‐year Model Demonstration Project involved the development and field testing of an individualized course‐specific strategy instruction model with college students with learning disabilities and Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD). The 46 participants received individualized semester‐long strategy instruction by graduate students in special education. A variety of data sources were used to evaluate the implementation of the model as well as the academic success of students who received individualized strategy instruction. Quantitative analyses indicated that the group as a whole as well as the subset of students on probation and suspension significantly improved their grades and sustained this improvement over time. Qualitative analysis identified two factors related to improvement: independent use of strategies and the supportive nature of the strategy instructor–student relationship. Qualitative analysis also identified two factors related to nonimprovement: academic/cognitive skill deficits and emotional/medication‐related issues. Implications of the model for postsecondary education and suggestions for future research are discussed.  相似文献   

This article examines an innovative model of online international education regarding disability through a human rights perspective piloted through a collaboration between Universidad LaSalle, Mexico, and University at Buffalo, United States. The course is organized around a pressing global human rights and development issue. Its objective is to promote effective practice with persons with disabilities through cross-national, cross-disciplinary, human-rights based education; strengthen students’ sense of global engagement; and foster cross-cultural expertise and competence with diversity. The implications for effective professional education in law and social work are discussed. The article also examines pedagogical strategies and presents case study materials, identifies key disability rights themes common to both nations and cultures, and explores how distance learning technology is implemented in the course. A preliminary assessment of this newly piloted approach is also presented, based on data from students, as well as the implications for teaching and practice.  相似文献   

我国研究生扩招使研究生教育受到越来越多的关注,同时也引来更多的争议。国外的研究生培养模式相较我国处于发展的先列,中外研究生培养模式的异同点比较有助于我国研究生培养模式的改进、发展和创新。  相似文献   

民族预科教育是我国普通高等教育的一个特殊层次,也是民族高等教育的重要组成部分。新疆高校民族预科教育起始于20世纪50年代末,至今已有40多年的历史;民族学院预科教育起始于20世纪50年代初,至今已有50多年的历史。新疆高校民族预科教育模式与内地民族学院预科教育模式相比,既有相同之处,也有不同之处,同时还存在不足之处。为此,提出了一些改进建议。  相似文献   

随着来华留学生的数量逐年递增,公费奖学金的预科教育引起了国家教育主管部门的高度重视。近十年来,预科教育在教学实践和理论研究方面都取得了丰硕的成果,但也存在一些问题,笔者在此提出自己的观点以向同行专家求教。一是增设中医院校作为预科教育承接院校,二是来华留学生预科教育的重心由公费奖学金生向自费学生倾斜。  相似文献   

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