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柯兰 《儿童音乐》2008,(1):77-77
月亮和星星在一起,花儿和露珠在一起,老师和我们在一起,星星儿变得更美露珠的心儿更甜学习的知识更丰富有趣。嘀哩哩,嘀哩哩月亮,星星,花朵,露珠儿,我们生活在祖国美好的校园里。大海和白帆在一起,帆儿徐徐向前奋飞森林和小鸟在一起,小鸟天天报告春的消息老师和我们在一起,成长的小主人努力向上爱学习。嘀哩哩,嘀哩哩,大海,白帆,森林,小鸟儿,我们行进在实现未来理想的队伍里!嘀哩哩,嘀哩哩,老师,老师永远和我们在一起。老师和我们在一起@柯兰~~  相似文献   

开放性和现代化是电大改革和发展中两个重大的命题。要实现电大的真正开放和现代化,必须很好地解决以下问题:在教育思想和观念上,要实现教育思想和观念的开放和现代化;在教学形式和层次上,实行全方位多形式、多层次办学;在招生办学对象上,体现入学从宽,考试从实,毕业从严的思路,采取适度宽进严出;在教学媒体建设上,综合运用并体现以学生自主学习为中心;在师资队伍建设上,建设一支符合开放和现代化教学的干部和师资队伍;在学生思想素质提高上,坚持以学生为中心提高人的素质;在学校教学管理上,坚持教学为中心,发挥电大特色和优势;在教学系统建设上,发挥系统优势,服从全局利益,体现各级各层作用。  相似文献   

几年来,我院在党委的领导下,在职工代表和全院职工的的共同努力下,加强民主参与、民主管理和民主监督,紧紧围绕中心,服务大局,认真履行职代会的各项职能,在医院的建设和科学发展中发挥了重要作用。  相似文献   

探究性学习,即在教学过程中创设一种类似科学研究的情境和途径,让学生主动地探索、发现和体验,从而学会分析和判断,增进思考力和创造力。因此,在小学数学活动中,  相似文献   

感受成功喜悦 “失败是成功之母,成功更是成功之母”。我在担任班主任时,以生为本,设计多种活动,鼓励学生参与,通过活动让学生发现自己的优点和特长,认识自己在集体中的地位和作用,鼓励他们将特长和优势向学习中辐射。在办板报的活动中,发现学生在美术上的禀赋;在体育活动中,发现学生的体育专长:在“爱我校园”的演讲和相关文娱活动中,发现学生在播音与主持、电视编导等方面的突出表现,及时引导,  相似文献   

创新意识是指对自然界和社会中的数学现象具有好奇心,不断追求新知,独立思考,会从数学的角度发现和提出问题,并进行探索和研究的创造性心理倾向.在探究学习过程中,教师要通过设置问题情境,鼓励和引导学生在动手实践的基础上分析、思考,探索、发现,体悟、升华,让学生理解知识的产生和发展过程,把握数学规律的内在本质,在潜移默化中培养学生的实践能力和创新意识.  相似文献   

在自然界,有食物链之说;在生物学界,有生物链之说;在金融界,有资金链之说;在产业界,有产业链之说……链者,环环相扣,首尾相连之谓也。任何一个链,它的有机构成和运作,标志着一个新系统的建立和新功能的发挥;它的断裂,则意味着该系统的解体和功能的破坏与丧失。在语文教育界,明确提出语文教育“链”构想的,当数洪宗礼先生。  相似文献   

21世纪,教育改革在全世界范围内受到了前所未有的重视。全球许多国家特别是一些发达国家,都在反思过去,提出更符合历史发展和时代要求的目标和模式,把培养具有创新精神和实践能力的人才同国家未来的竞争力、民族的崛起和复兴相提并论。可见,经济不仅全球化,教育也在全球化。在全球性的倡导教师职业专业化的浪潮中,教师不仅备受社会关注,被寄予厚望,而且被委以重任,教师之重要性非同一般。  相似文献   

“能源问题广泛渗透在各门学科中,并和各种产业和日常生活息息相关。”在人类发展的历史中,能源革命促进了人类文明的跃进,但在当代社会中,浪费能源的现象又客观存在。在“能源危机”面前,在积极开发和利用无污染或污染小的新能源的同时,节约能源显得尤为重要。节约能源已经成为关系人类生存和发展的一个重大社会问题,围绕这一主题,  相似文献   

建立与新课程相适应的校本教研制度,建立多元开放的教学研究体制,是当前学校发展和教师成长的现实要求和紧迫任务,是深化教研工作改革的重点。在此背景下,教研工作面临着新的挑战和机遇,转变工作职能、重建教研方式等问题历史性地摆在了我们的面前。在新课改实验中,我们在思考中实践,在实践中思考,在不断的思考和实践中收获。  相似文献   

简述了我国食品包装机械的现状,分析了我国食品包装机械在发展中所面临的问题和差距,并展望了我国食品包装机械的发展趋势。  相似文献   

尽管居民的粮食需求与农民的粮食供给缺乏弹性,尽管居民与农民在粮食供需方面的行为选择不会对粮食的供求关系造成太大的影响;然而考虑到粮农追求生产者剩余最大化的行为偏好与选择会给粮食流通造成事实上的巨大影响,因此,在对粮食流通体制做出制度安排时,也就必须要充分考虑到粮农的行为偏好与选择;否则,这样的一些制度安排不仅难以得到顺利的贯彻落实,而且也必将会难以取得应有的制度实施绩效。  相似文献   

Four rats were trained to press a bar for food pellets and then were housed in operant chambers for 6 continuous days of choice-testing between obtaining pellets freely or by barpressing. There were two additional 3-day choice periods following more barpress training. It was found that (1) animals preferred to secure food by barpressing when initially placed in the choice situation and immediately following additional barpress training; (2) there was a subsequent decrease to very low levels of response-dependent food taken during choice testing; and (3) opening the chambers for daily maintenance during choice-testing caused a temporary increase in barpressing for food. Thus the previously reported stability of high rates of barpressing in the presence of free food is, at least in part, dependent upon short testing sessions.  相似文献   

The relative importance of intramaze cues and extramaze cues in directing choice behavior on a radial arm maze was examined using a discrimination procedure which selectively rewarded rats for following only one set of cues. Rats in the intramaze group obtained food from a food cup on the end of each arm. Rats in the extramaze group obtained food from a food cup on a small platform just beyond the end of each arm. All rats were first shaped to perform correctly with the maze in a constant position. Then the maze was rotated to a new position after every choice. For rats in the intramaze group, the food moved with the arms, making intramaze cues relevant. For rats in the extramaze group, the food remained on the platforms (in the same position in the room), making extramaze cues relevant. Rats in the extramaze group performed almost perfectly during maze rotation, demonstrating that intramaze cues were not necessary to support accurate choice behavior. Rats in the intramaze group never performed better than chance, demonstrating that intramaze cues (from the rats, the reinforcement, and the apparatus) were not adequate to control choice behavior. The results of the present experiment are compared to those of other experiments describing the influence of “odor trails” or other olfactory stimuli on choice behavior in mazes.  相似文献   

本文从沥青路面的特性入手,分析影响平整度的主要因素,认为重点应从机械设备的选择调配,从摊铺、压实和接缝处理等施工工艺方面对平整度进行控制。  相似文献   

In seven experiments, 2 squirrel monkeys were given choices between arrays of food that varied in the quantity offered. In Experiments 1-5, the monkeys were offered choices between quantities of the same food that varied in a 2:1 ratio. The squirrel monkeys failed to show the temporal myopia effect or a decrease in preference for the larger quantity as the absolute number of food items offered increased. Even when given choices of 8 versus 16 peanuts and 10 versus 20 peanuts, both monkeys significantly preferred the larger quantity. An examination of the monkeys' rates of consumption indicated that 20 peanuts were consumed over a 1- to 2-h period, with eating bouts separated by periods of nonconsumption. In Experiments 6A, 6B, and 7, food was either pilfered or replenished 15 min after an initial choice, so that choice of the smaller quantity led to more total food in the long run. These manipulations caused both monkeys to reduce choice of the larger quantity, relative to baseline choice. The results suggest that squirrel monkeys anticipated the future consequences of their choices.  相似文献   

文章对食品工厂机械与设备课程教学改革进行了探讨,从培养学生学习兴趣、充分运用多媒体技术和加强实验教学进行了改革和实践,取得了较好的教学效果。  相似文献   

传统工业的发展与中国近代工业化道路选择   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本认为,鸦片战争后,尤其是甲午战争以来,中国传统工业生产力发生了一些变革,主要体现为手工工具的改良和“石磨 蒸汽机”的技术模式,这是手工业从传统向现代技术过渡 的中间技术,传统工业生产力的变革产生了若干积极效应:为手工业向大机器工业过渡准备了条件,促进了乡村手工业经济区的兴起,同时在某些方面为民族机器工业的发展提供了市场条件,从而丰富了中国近代工业化道路的选择。  相似文献   

Eating is broadly conceptualized as food choice. Food choice is a complex activity with many dimensions. Food choice is multifaceted as it involves whether, where, when, how long, how, why, with whom, for whom, and under what conditions eating occurs. Food choice is contextual as it is situated within specific conditions and settings involving both individuals and institutions. Food choice is dynamic as it unfolds and is embedded in eating episodes over lifetimes within historical eras. Food choice is multilevel as physical, biological, psychological, and sociocultural factors operate simultaneously and interact. Food choice is integrated as people coordinate many considerations to construct specific eating activities. Food choice is diverse in its broad scope of distinct and unique eating activities. Food choice can be examined using both multi‐perspective and multi‐purpose approaches, and it may not be possible to integrate different perspectives into a unified approach to understanding and changing food choice.  相似文献   

从食品机械与设备教学内容的调整,组织结构的优化,教学方法的改革,教学手段的改进,实践教学的加强,能力培养的注重方面进行了探讨和总结,并对今后的改革提出了设想。  相似文献   

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