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图书馆的有偿服务应根据提供服务的性质、资源的类型和功能确定收费标准,所收取的费用应该用于图书馆的进一步发展;实行有偿服务应以保证无偿服务为前提。产业化不仅从根本上改变了图书馆的文化性和公益性,在实践中也很难行得通,因而是不可取的。  相似文献   

本文论述了图书馆有偿服务和无偿服务的区分、范围,二者的辩证关系,指出了图书馆的非企业性质决定了其在搞好无偿的公益服务的前提下,才可以进行合理的正当的符合政策法规的有偿服务,从而实现自身最大的社会效益和经济效益.  相似文献   

本论述了图书馆有偿服务和无偿服务的区分、范围,二的辩证关系,指出了图书馆的非企业性质决定了其在搞好无偿的服务的前提下,才可以进行合理的正当的符合政策法规的有偿服务,从而实现自身最大的社会效益和经济效益。  相似文献   

新形势下高校图书馆改革应重视人才队伍建设,进行管理体制改革,处理好无偿服务与有偿服务的关系。  相似文献   

李卫双 《教师》2014,(29):44-45
高校图书馆是一个不断生长的机体,具有非常丰富的馆藏资源,虽然其服务处于不断发展、完善的过程中,但馆藏资源利用率仍然很低。随着社会发展的需求,高校图书馆应逐渐改变服务职能,在保证学校正常教学和科研服务的情况下,采用有偿或无偿方式向社会大众提供服务。本文主要分析了高校图书馆社会化服务的必要性,探讨了高校图书馆社会化服务的保障机制,以实现高校图书馆社会化服务目的,满足社会大众文化需求。  相似文献   

图书馆日常工作中遇到信息资源管理方式、无偿服务还是有偿服务、私人产品还是公共产品、图书馆市场营销等问题。就图书馆在保存传统无偿服务的同时,实行商业方式的有偿服务;它既是私人产品又是公共产品,是介于两者之间的准公共产品;图书馆应主动的自我营销。新形势下,从经济学上认清这些问题,有利于图书馆今后更好的发展。  相似文献   

师专图书馆面临“四多四少”的困境。摆脱困境的唯一途径是深化图书馆的改革。其基本思路是信息产业的经营和服务,为乡镇企业和农村经济发展服务,建立国企联合作;立足本校,面向农村市场,提供多种形式的有偿服务,开拓图书馆发展的新局面。  相似文献   

师专图书馆面临“四多四少”的困境。摆脱困难的唯一途径是深化图书馆的改革。其基本思路是信息产业的经营和服务,为乡镇企业和农村经济发展服务,建立国企联合体;立足本校,面向农村市场、提供多种形式的有偿服务,开拓图书馆发展的新局面。  相似文献   

近几十年来,随着我们国家经济文明的不断发展,公共图书馆的服务已经由原来的有偿服务变为现在的无偿服务.但是随之而来的,免费开放环境下的公共图书管理服务出现了一系列问题,鉴于此,主要围绕这些问题展开叙述,并提出相应的建议,以期不断提高公共图书管理服务的质量.  相似文献   

社会主义市场经济的发展,给高校图书馆的改革和发展带来了活力和动力,过去那种只讲社会效益,不讲经济效益的保守观念已不适应市场经济的需要了。高校图书馆在为本院教科研人员提供无偿服务的同时,也要重视对社会各界的信息需求提供有偿服务,这是高校图书馆在新形势下自我求生存的必由之路。高校图书馆一般是随着学校创建而逐渐发展起来的,历史较长,管理水平较高,基础条件好,藏书量又较大,系统性较强,形成了丰富的文献信息资源库。这为高校图书馆开发文献信息,对外有偿服务奠定了雄厚的物质基础。高校图书馆专业藏书体系极强,一…  相似文献   

"关键词检索"是付费搜索的一种模式。"关键词检索"引发的商标侵权案件因广告主选定他人商标标识作为关键词而产生。针对中、美、欧近年来出现的"关键词检索"案件及相关判决,应坚持"商标性使用"在商标直接侵权责任构成中的前置性地位。同时,网络搜索服务提供者对广告主选定的关键词须负有一定的事前主动审核义务。这样不仅有助于完善网络时代的商标侵权责任理论,而且对于关键词检索中广告主及网络搜索服务提供者商标侵权责任的判定具有重要意义。  相似文献   



Parental depression symptoms often change over the course of child welfare family preservation and parenting services. This raises the question of whether certain processes in family preservation services might be associated with depression symptom change. This study tests three correlational models of change among family preservation service participants: (a) changes in depression symptoms are one facet of broad general changes in wellbeing; (b) the quality of the home visitor-client relationship is associated depression symptom changes; and (c) linking parents to adjunctive services is associated with symptom changes.


Participants were 2,175 parents in family preservation services, largely for child neglect, who were surveyed using standard measures at pre-treatment, post-treatment and 6 month follow-up. Change patterns were evaluated using growth models, including bivariate parallel and multivariate second-order models.


Parallel growth was noted among depression symptoms and changes in social, economic, familial, and parenting domains. A second order change model positing a global change pattern fit the data well. Working alliance had a modest association with improvement, but successful linkage to outside mental health services was not associated with improvement.


Changes in diverse indicators of wellbeing follow a global pattern which might support use of less complex rather than more fully comprehensive service plans. Findings about lack of adjunctive usual care mental health service benefit may be related to uncontrolled factors and this is a topic in need of additional study.  相似文献   

针对当前高校图书馆文献资源配置中存在的问题,建议通过核定文献资源的使用费标准,实行文献资源的有偿使用,这将有利于理顺供求关系,提高图书馆的文献配置质量和管理水平,也有利于图书馆的持续发展。  相似文献   

Purpose: Globally, many extension professionals and policy-makers are advocating fee based services, in addressing the fund shortage and sustainable provision of agricultural advisory services. Hence, the article attempts to expose the farmers' willingness to pay (WTP) as agricultural extension in Bangladesh is experiencing chronic fund crisis.

Methodology: This study used contingent valuation method (CVM) for investigating farmers' WTP. Logit and Tobit model was employed to assess the determinants of WTP and amount willing to pay (AWTP) respectively. Besides, different qualitative methods were employed to have a deeper understanding of the research problems.

Findings: WTP was conditioned by providing quality extension services at farm and/or home of the farmers. The study also focused on farmers preferred mode of payment, criteria influencing payment decisions and the type of services for which they are willing to pay. Paid model can contribute to quality extension services, if started with a market oriented commodity based approach accompanied by adequate crop insurance support.

Practical implications: The study considered international experiences and national crisis in delivering extension services that provoke actions towards changing the extension policy of Bangladesh. The findings also prompt the factors that influence the paid extension service delivery for the crop farmers of Bangladesh.

Originality: Although, many studies have been conducted on privatisation of agricultural extension around the globe, we are not aware of any single study on crop farmers' willingness to pay for the extension services in Bangladesh.  相似文献   

邮政合同纠纷案件的处理出现分歧的原因,主要在于对邮政合同的含义、特征、功能等基本方面缺乏清晰认识以及完善的立法规定。因此,应加强邮政合同的研究和立法。根据世界各国邮政改革和发展的趋势以及我国的国情,应该将邮政合同仅限定为邮政通信合同,使其成为实现邮政通信普遍服务的法律工具。邮政通信合同在性质上是一种民事合同,应将其纳入未来民法典合同则予以规定。在设计相关条款时,必须突出此种合同的法律特征,尤其要根据邮政通信企业的特殊性,对合同损失赔偿采用限额赔偿原则。  相似文献   

浅谈新时期高职院校后勤的“管理育人,服务育人”   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
"管理育人,服务育人"是高职院校后勤工作的宗旨,也是学校新时期后勤工作的重要任务。高职院校后勤工作中如何进行管理育人、服务育人,已成为高职院校后勤工作中的关注热点与研究的难点,因此,应切实做到把"管理育人,服务育人"的宗旨目标化、制度化、程序化,为全面实现高职院校的目标做出应有的贡献。  相似文献   

近年来我国加快了购买公共教育服务法治化步伐,政府购买服务的法律责任内容及其分类的研究不断取得发展,但对担保等新的责任类型及如何实现并未形成共识。政府担保责任是在以契约方式由社会力量提供公共教育服务条件下产生的一种新型责任,构成了实现公共教育服务“提供—生产”职责分离的条件。为此,要在认识政府购买公共服务的“契约治理”本质基础上,区分“公共教育服务”与一般服务的属性差异,并由此分析政府购买公共教育服务担保责任的含义和特征,揭示担保责任实现的行动逻辑。行政机关的价值定位对契约关系发展和购买服务效果具有主导影响,担保责任实现需要把握以下策略:处理好调控引导与使用行政优益权的关系,恪守购买服务法治化要求;遵循对价交换原则,为成本普惠、教育质量等担保责任履行提供条件;尊重社会组织真实意志,提高购买服务的契约合意程度。  相似文献   

在通过对广西北部湾经济区生产性服务业的现状初步分析的基础上,着重应用区位商及空间基尼系数进行分析,以较全面了解北部湾经济区生产性服务业发展的空间及细分行业上的差异,从而更好制定相应对策.分析得出北部湾经济区有发展物流的区位优势、南宁在区域内生产性服务业总体及各细分产业有一定的比较优势,北部湾经济区的信息传输、计算机服务和软件业聚集程度与全国历年上升的趋势相背离,应引起高度重视等主要结论.  相似文献   

将辽宁省作为研究对象,运用2002、2007和2012年的投入产出表,动态比较分析生产性服务业和装备制造业的行业增加值及比重、中间需求率和中间投入率、融合发展影响等情况。结果发现:就辽宁省而言,装备制造业对经济发展带动作用大于生产性服务业;生产性服务业的发展主要依靠中间需求,并且具有"高附加值、低带动型"的行业特征;而装备制造业的发展则主要依靠最终需求,并且具有"低附加值、高带动型"行业特征;装备制造业与生产性服务业融合发展处于极低水平。  相似文献   



This study set out to carry out a feasible, real-world, randomized clinical trial to examine the benefits of home-based paraprofessional parent aide services in reducing physical abuse and neglect risk in high-risk parents.


Families were randomly assigned to receive either parent aide plus case management services (n = 73) or case management services only (n = 65), collecting in-home data on physical child abuse and neglect and proximal risk and protective factors, just prior to service initiation, and again after six months of services.


Mothers receiving parent aide and case management services reported significant improvements from baseline to six-month follow-up in self-reported indicators of physical child abuse risk, as well as improvements on parental stress, mastery, depression, and anxiety, whereas mothers receiving only case management services did not. The slopes of such observed changes across groups, however, were not found to be statistically significantly different. No discernable improvements were found with regard to indicators of risk for child neglect.


As the first randomized clinical trial examining the effectiveness of parent aide services, this study provides the first controlled evidence examining the potential benefits of this service modality. This study suggests promising trends regarding the benefit of parent aide services with respect to physical child abuse risk reduction and related predictors, but evidence does not appear to suggest that such services, as they are presently delivered, reduce child neglect.

Practice implications

These findings support the continued use of parent aide services in cases of physical child abuse and also suggest careful consideration of the ways such services may be better configured to extend their impact, particularly with respect to child neglect risk.  相似文献   

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