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充分发挥导学主任在导学群中的作用   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
现代远程教育的核心是教学模式的改革,在改革上坚持以学生为主体,教师为主导,使学生树立自主学习、个别化学习的新观念。在开放教育中导学主任发挥着重要的作用,他们是学生联系学校的桥梁和纽带。  相似文献   

通过深入调研,分析了现代远程教育条件下,指导教师在《基础会计》课程教学过程的主导作用,以及学习者在教师指导下自主学习情况,探讨了如何充分发挥指导教师在远程教学过程专业课程教学阶段的作用。认为指导教师要彻底改变观念,实现讲授主体向导学主体的转变;课程实践教学活动的设计应体现“学习者为中心”的理念,并提出加强指导教师在学习者自主学习过程中的监督、检查作用的对策。  相似文献   

An important challenge in higher education today is the growing tutor–student ratio that diminishes the ‘human touch’. As learning and teaching ultimately form an interpersonal process, this will lead to student discontent and impact on their learning. Whilst there is little that teaching practitioners can do in terms of the growing student numbers they have to tutor, they may however influence student learning by enhancing their positive emotions. This study examines the importance of emotions in improving cognitive skills and how they interact with knowledge and reflection. This research contributes to theory by examining the role of emotions as a moderating factor in the learning process. Our findings reveal that emotions moderate the direct relationship between knowledge and cognitive skills, and the indirect relationship between knowledge and cognitive skills via reflection. The findings demonstrate the critical role that emotions play in student learning. Implications for theory and practice are discussed.  相似文献   

残疾人开放远程教育因其教育对象的特殊性,将是开放大学实现大规模、个性化、因材施教教育理想最好的试验田。转化学习理论是当前成人教育、终身教育领域中最重要的理论之一,对有效开展成年残障学员远程高等教育乃至终身教育有重要意义。本文运用调查问卷法和个案访谈法对成年残障学员转化学习过程进行了详细分析,从学校、辅导教师、学务导师和学习伙伴等四个维度给出开放远程教育成年残障学员教学模式发展转型路径。  相似文献   

Learning computer programming is difficult for many students. Distance education students in particular often have problems as the difficulty of the course content is compounded by the problems of isolation from other students and their tutor. This paper reports an investigation of distance education student performance in an introductory computer programming course. The aim of the study was to develop a better understanding of the factors associated with academic success, withdrawal or failure and to attempt to identify students at risk of non‐completion. Some implications for teaching computer programming externally are discussed.  相似文献   

Near‐peer teaching involves more experienced students acting as tutors and has been widely used in anatomy education. This approach has many advantages for the learner due to the social and cognitive congruence they share with the teacher, however, the influence of distance between the teacher and learner on these congruences has yet to be explored. The aim of this study was to compare the attitudes and perceptions of the student learner towards neuroanatomy review sessions taught by either a senior medical student or a junior doctor. The students were randomly assigned to an allocated tutor. All tutors used standardized material and had access to identical resources. The type of allocated tutor was swapped between the two teaching sessions and 99 student feedback forms were collected in total. The rating for the overall quality of the teaching session was not significantly different between the junior doctors and senior medical students (P = 0.11). However, criteria closely relating to social and cognitive congruence such as “enjoyment of the session,” “delivery of the teaching,” and “was it a good use of time” were all rated significantly higher for the senior medical students (P < 0.05). The results of this study suggest that small increases in distance along the near‐peer teaching spectrum have an impact upon the student's perception of their learning experience. While all teachers were suitable role models it appears that junior doctors are too far removed from their own undergraduate experiences to share congruences with pre‐clinical medical students. Anat Sci Educ 7: 242–247. © 2013 American Association of Anatomists.  相似文献   

现代远程开放教育教学模式的改革,传统的辅导员的素质及工作职责已面临挑战,不再适应远程开放教育学生的需要,为适应这一转变,本文提出了“专业辅导员”一词,并对其提出了相应的要求。  相似文献   


Finland's Ministry of Education sponsored the development of an environmental education (EE) course for practicing educators of teachers. One to 3 persons from each teacher training unit at various universities and training schools attended a tutor training session, during which a course for other teacher trainers was developed. The course focused on personal development and curriculum development. Tutors used distance education with some locally arranged contact teaching to teach the course. Tutors also led local study groups. Teacher trainers who attended the course learned and applied new teaching practices and produced new model lessons. They also reflected on their personal environmental philosophy and gained in environmental knowledge. Preliminary evaluation of the program indicated that high-quality learning experiences occurred. This 2-step distance education model could be used for large-scale implementation of EE for in-service teacher training.  相似文献   

高质量的远程教育,需要一支高质量的专业队伍。然而目前我国现代远程教育的从业人员,大多数都缺少对这个领域的了解,知识和方法准备不足,严重影响了远程教育教学过程的实施和质量的提升。因此,对从业人员进行专业或在职培训已经成为这个领域越来越迫切的问题。但是什么样的培训内容和方法能够满足远程教育从业人员的需求呢?首先需要对从业人员进行工作或职业资格分析,了解其角色和能力需求。基于工作分析的思路,运用典型工作任务分析和实践专家研讨会法对我国远程教育机构有经验的从业人员进行调查和访谈发现:我国远程教育从业人员主要包含课程设计人员、学生支持人员、教师、技术人员四类关键角色,其职业发展经历入职、独立工作、项目主管、部门主管四个典型阶段。远程教育机构可以通过通用的培训课程和针对不同关键角色的培训课程,在职业发展的不同阶段,选择有针对性、适时、合理的培训课程对从业人员进行培训。同时,远程教育机构还应当采用“任务驱动式”或“基于项目学习”的教学模式开展从业人员培训,将每一个典型工作任务转化为一门任务课程或项目课程,为学习者创建真实的任务情境,从而实现真正的能力培养而不是传统的知识灌输。  相似文献   

This qualitative study used data from semi‐structured interviews with eight school counsellors working with adolescents in secondary education and asked them how they perceived counselling interventions as helping to raise achievement. The present context in secondary education is perceived as results led. This adheres to government policy as manifested in the National Curriculum and the examination system. However at a grass roots level there is a growing acceptance of having counsellors working in schools to support the emotional and psychological needs of children and adolescents. The counsellors identified three areas in which they felt their clients' achievement was raised through a counselling intervention: developmentally, socially and less directly, academically. Further study is called for to explore what effect applying a complementary integration and understanding of counselling and educational philosophy might have on raising achievement with adolescents in secondary education.  相似文献   

教育个性化思潮席卷世界,由此引发了各国的教育教学改革。教育个性化的思想体现于各流派思想之中且不无相通之处,都以"学生为本",关注学生生命的完整与灵动,具有重新界定教师的"导师"作用,并倡导系统性与倾向性教学相一致,揭示了教育的最终走向。当然,教育个性化思潮也有其不完善之处,关键原因在于一些流派思想哲学基础的缺失,教育工作者需对其折射出来的不当之处应看得更为深远。  相似文献   

This paper discusses the problems associated with recruitment and training of school psychologists and school counsellors for employment in remote and isolated geographical areas. Detailed information is provided describing a model of training in the distance education mode which was developed by Charles Sturt University — Mitchell at Bathurst and the NSW Department of School Education in Australia. The model allows for the training of teachers (who already have three‐year majors in Psychology) for the role of School Counsellors, while they remain in employment in their place of residence. The preliminary evaluation indicates close to 100% completion rate for the students enrolled at Mitchell and enthusiastic support for the graduates from their employing supervisors.  相似文献   

This is the first of a series of papers describing how the Open University, a large distance education institution, has embraced the Internet as a medium for supporting its students, tutors, academics, and administrators throughout the education process. This paper reports on a holistic approach to integrating technology into the teaching process which addresses how to provide necessary functions in effective forms—some traditional, some new. It describes the development and structure of actual systems, which incorporate electronic student registration; electronic assignment submission, marking, and recording; electronic tutorials and other interaction; and electronic examinations. It describes and summarises some of the findings of the evaluation of those systems, including student, academic, and administrator feedback. Finally, this paper reflects on the benefits of an integrated holistic approach in exploiting the Internet's potential to support distance learning on a massive scale. Subsequent papers in this series will address specific areas in detail: the student experience, the role of the tutor in an electronic environment, and the institutional perspective.  相似文献   

研究生教育的核心目标理应是研究与创新能力的培养.然而,通过现状调查与国际比较,我国研究生教育在招生、内容、方法等方面远远落后于人才发展的目标需要,研究生教育的各个环节没有真正聚焦创造力.因此,我们需要在招生模式、教学内容、教学方法、导师制度等方面加大改革力度,借鉴国外先进的教育理念和方式,构建并实施以创造力培养为核心的研究生教育系统工程.  相似文献   

Graduate students play an integral role in undergraduate chemistry education at doctoral granting institutions where they routinely serve as instructors of laboratories and supplementary discussion sessions. Simultaneously, graduate teaching assistants (GTAs) balance major research and academic responsibilities. Although GTAs have substantial instructional facetime with large numbers of undergraduate students, little is known about their conceptions of teaching or their identities as teachers. To investigate the knowledge that GTAs have regarding teaching in this unique context, their teaching identities, and how these developed, we conducted 22 interviews with graduate students from several universities at various levels in their graduate school career using a modified Teacher Beliefs Interview. Interviews were analyzed for two overarching teacher learning constructs: teacher knowledge and teacher identity. We characterized chemistry GTAs' teacher knowledge and identity and determined major influencing factors. We found that chemistry GTAs often identified as a tutor or lab manager, which hindered their self-investment in developing as teachers. The results presented herein contribute to an understanding of GTAs' teacher knowledge, teacher identity, and their teaching context, from which training can be designed to best support GTA development.  相似文献   

The literature shows that an active exploration of difference between university‐ and school‐based perspectives can provide important opportunities for student teacher learning in initial teacher education. This paper presents a study that looks at the learning opportunities presented to student teachers as they talk about teaching and learning with their school‐based mentor and part‐time university‐based tutor on a distance education course in initial teacher education in the UK. The study adopts an activity theoretical approach complemented by a broader social learning theory perspective. Content analysis is used in four separate cases to examine and report on conversations that centre around one taught lesson. The study reveals understandings about the way that learning opportunities are presented to student teachers and argues that it can be enhanced by looking at student teacher learning systemically, with a focus on dissonant perspectives.  相似文献   

辍学率居高不下是困扰远程开放教育发展的一个严重问题,已引起国内教育界人士的普遍关注。研究者以宁波广播电视大学英语本科2010年春季入学的58名学生作为样本,一学期后辍学者共10人,研究者邀请到其中的4人以及他们的专业教师和班主任进行了面对面或电话访谈。基于以上调查,研究揭示了远程开放教育英语专业学习者辍学的影响因素,并提出了降低辍学率的几点建议。  相似文献   

现代信息技术广泛应用于教育,不仅引发了教育领域的深刻革命,同时也“催生”了现代远程教育的诞生。对现代远程教育与传统日制教育的教学方法,其理论成因是密切相关的,虽然存在教育个性化的差异,但相互整合、优势互补的空间较大,这也是提高教学质量,创新教学模式,增大办学效益的必然。  相似文献   

The article examines the role of career counsellors in secondary education in Cyprus, with emphasis on their effect on students' career decisions. Survey research was used to collect information from 611 students and 36 career counsellors in Cyprus. Students were asked to rate the importance of several factors as influences on their career decisions. This allowed for the assessment of the importance of career counsellors relative to other influencing factors. In a separate survey, career counsellors provided information on their job satisfaction and their effectiveness in providing guidance and information to students. Both quantitative and qualitative data were collected. According to the findings, students consider counsellors to be of little or no importance as sources of guidance and information in the decision‐making process which precedes the choice between higher education and employment. Moreover, counsellors point to serious problems at the workplace which limit their effectiveness. The article discusses ways of addressing the problems faced by career counsellors and enhancing their role as significant reference individuals in further education and career decisions.  相似文献   

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