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This study compares the impact of Anglican voluntary aided and voluntary controlled schools on a range of indices of local church life throughout the diocese of Chelmsford. After controlling for the influence of population size, the church electoral roll, the age of the priest in charge of the benefice, the number of churches in the benefice, and the number of stipendiary clergy employed in the benefice, the data lead to two conclusions. Voluntary controlled primary schools have no significant impact on any of the indices of local church life included in the study. Voluntary aided primary schools are associated with a significantly higher level of pre-teenage confirmands, but they have no influence on the number of older confirmands, the number of baptisms, the usual Sunday church attendance, or the number of festival communicants.  相似文献   

Many of the contemporary issues in education in Britain have their roots in the conflicts and compromises of the past. This is particularly so of the place of church schools in the overall provision of education nationally. Our increasingly secular and multicultural society naturally questions the ongoing relevance of explicitly Christian schools in the state education system of the 21st century (cf. Times Educational Supplement , 23 February 2001); yet the demand for pupil admissions to church denominational schools remains strong. The current government is committed to raising standards in all schools and acknowledges the significant contribution that the ethos and value-systems of church schools play in their success; yet it is aware that the 'dual system' of secular and religious schools, as an historic compromise, has given rise to considerable tensions with the state in the past (Chadwick, 1997) and could well do again in the future.  相似文献   

19世纪末20世纪初美英等国家的传教士在安徽建立的教会学校,在传播宗教思想、进行思想文化侵略的同时,对安徽传统封建教育的制度、思想、内容产生了强有力的冲击,促进和加快了安徽教育的近代化.  相似文献   

近代中国教会女学的兴起与发展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
教会女子学校是近代中国女子学校教育的重要组成部分,教会女子学校在中国的兴办因有其特殊的社会背景和宗教目的而存在一定的弊端,但它在开启近代中国女子学校教育道路方面所发挥的作用却是不可忽视的。  相似文献   

This article reports on the impact of organized research centers on professional effort, productivity, and perceptions of work satisfaction for life sciences faculty members at research intensive universities’ medical schools in the U.S. Results indicate that senior center-affiliated faculty members taught less but worked more total hours than peers not affiliated with centers. Senior affiliated faculty members were more productive than their non-affiliated peers and were more likely to be principal investigators on externally funded grants. Center-affiliated faculty members were more likely to be dissatisfied with their mix of activities and workload but more likely to be satisfied with job security and autonomy. Implications beyond this context are suggested. Sarah A. Bunton is a Senior Research Associate at the Association of American Medical Colleges in Washington DC. She received her B.A. from the University of Chicago, her M.A. from the University of Minnesota, and her Ph.D. in higher educational policy also from the University of Minnesota. Her research interests include postsecondary faculty work life and satisfaction, higher education organization, and student development. William T. Mallon is Assistant Vice President and Director of Organization and Management Studies at the Association of American Medical Colleges. Dr. Mallon received his B.A. and M.A. from the University of Richmond and his M.Ed. and Ed.D. in higher education policy from Harvard University. His research interests focus on the ways in which academic medical centers recruit and retain faculty and administrative leaders and the interorganizational relationships among medical schools, teaching hospitals, and parent universities.  相似文献   

作为中国南北两大民间故事村的伍家沟村和耿村在生活故事上有很多文化内涵类似的地方,如它们对智慧的推崇,对家庭和睦、和谐、和美的提倡、倡导良好的人际交往道德等。但由于所处的地域环境不同、所受文化浸染的不同,伍家沟村和耿村民间生活故事在文化内涵上也有很大区别,主要表现为伍家沟村民间生活故事崇善,而耿村民间生活故事尚义。  相似文献   

教育资源占有量不足、质量差,资源管理不善,利用效率低是农村薄弱学校在资源占有与利用方面的主要问题。为改变其落后面貌,农村薄弱学校应树立“本位经营”理念,深度挖掘校内外资源;特别是应注意开发和利用其教师的潜在力量,建设高素质的教师队伍;要服务社区,加强与社区融合;同时,校长要提高自身的资源开发与利用意识,提高资源整合能力。  相似文献   

乡村学校教学设施差,缺乏美术师资,学生学习工具材料奇缺等因素,教师在实施《美术课程标准》时,应该有所改变地进行:1、对现有统编教材,要灵活对待,有所取舍地进行课程教学;2、针对乡村学生的生活、性格特点,找准适合乡村学生的授课方法;3、就地取材,利用当地用生产、生活材料进行美术教学;4、挖掘乡土文化,把民族民间艺术引入课堂,开发有地方特色的美术教学。  相似文献   

THE RIGHT PRESCRIPTION FOR LEFTIST INDOCTRINATION: A DOSE OF THE FOUNDERS A thesis concocted by right-wing ideological watchdogs and advanced with elevated urgency in the wake September 11, 2001, claims that America's college and university students are hostage to a leftist, “moral-relativist” and multiculturalist professoriat.  相似文献   

以媒体生活圈理论建构的广告传播技术系统,借助广告解码的零门槛技术、广告传播的多声部媒介,强化了对当代生活方式的影响,生成了当代生活方式的趋媒性特征。但作为一种社会控制、传播霸权的技术范式,广告技术又可能危害健康生活方式的建构。  相似文献   

论述了泉州在元明清时期学校教育的发展状况,指出作为学校教育的一种——社学,在这时期也得到了迅速的发展。从元明清时期泉州各地社学的创办情况、社师的遴选、社学的教学内容、社学所起的作用及其对当今教育的启示等方面,对元明清时期泉州的社学作一探讨。  相似文献   


This study compares achievement levels for high ability students attending charter schools and students in traditional public schools in Georgia. Researchers examined student achievement (as assessed by the state's Criterion-Referenced Competency Tests) using three comparison groups: students in the closest traditional schools with similar grade levels, schools with similar demographics, and comprehensive school reform schools. Hierarchical loglinear analysis was used to determine the impact of school type and student demographic variables on student achievement mobility (i.e., the degree to which students, from 2004 to 2005, moved into or out of the top 10% of each grade level on the CRT mathematics subtest). Results for the first comparison did not provide evidence of a significant relationship between school type and achievement mobility, but results for the second and third comparisons suggest that Black students generally experienced positive or neutral achievement mobility in traditional schools and negative mobility in charter schools; White students generally saw negative achievement mobility in traditional schools and neutral to positive mobility in charter schools. Implications for the study of gifted education and gifted students within charter schools are discussed.  相似文献   

广西巴马县燕洞乡有6所寄宿学校,这些学校从实际出发,确定有别于其他学校的目标措施,使学校办出了特色。  相似文献   

1949年以后中国农村土地产权变动对农村经济发展的影响   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
刘媛媛 《天中学刊》2004,19(6):44-47
农村产权包括土地产权和除土地之外的其他财产权,其中最重要的是土地产权。1949年以后中国农村产权经历了农民的个体所有、集体所有以及集体所有和个体所有并存等几个阶段的发展变迁。这种变化表明,土地产权问题解决得好,农村经济就能持续快速发展,否则,农村经济的发展就会受到严重阻碍。当前解决农村经济的发展问题,应从完善土地产权制度入手,并建立健全各种保障制度。  相似文献   

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