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Is the allocation of higher education resources a means to regional development? Although many governments have approached higher education as part of a wider regional policy, it is still very much an open question whether higher education regionalization really works. The evidence from the most conspicuous Scandinavian example of using higher education for regional development - the creation of Norrland University - indicates that the allocation of higher education resources may be conducive to breaking up traditional patterns of center-periphery interaction, but it also shows that the activities of the periphery play just as crucial a role as the special framing of the policy of the center in determining outcomes.  相似文献   

曹焕熊 《化学教学》2007,(11):66-68
例1.(04,济南)已知金属钠和水能发生以下反应:2Na 2H2O=2NaOH H2↑.现取金属钠4.6g投入到100g水中,充分反应后,冷却到室温(20℃),得到一种不饱和溶液,向所得溶液中逐滴滴入MgSO4溶液,实验测得溶液的总质量与滴入MgSO4溶液的质量关系曲线如图1所示.根据题意回答下列问题:  相似文献   

机械类本科毕业设计中的突出问题探讨与对策   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
根据机械类本科毕业设计的现状和特点,分析和阐述了机械类本科毕业设计目前存在的突出问题,并从规范指导模式、加强过程质量管理和提高创新能力等多方面寻找对策,为机械类本科毕业设计的教学改革和提高本科毕业设计质量提供了思路和经验。  相似文献   

高等学校现实存在的教授行政化和行政学术化现象,揭示了学校看人准但用人有误的问题,并进一步分析了产生这种现象的社会和制度基础,这种现象虽然体现了过去的繁荣,但却有碍创新型国家建设,必须重新界定学术规矩,推进高校治理能力现代化,而其中的关键就是建设教授共同体,在行政与学术之间做出明确区分.  相似文献   

Postgraduate students involved in delivering undergraduate teaching while working toward a research degree are known as graduate teaching assistants (GTAs). This study focused upon the problems and benefits arising from this dual role as researchers and teachers, as perceived by GTAs at the University of Cambridge. To this end, GTAs at Cambridge were invited to participate in an online survey (n?=?153). Teaching is seen to offer a wide range of benefits to GTAs, including benefits to the GTAs’ own research, transferable skills development, career development and teaching skills. Time pressures emerged as the principal problem associated with the role. The data are consistent with findings from previous studies, while also providing further detail about the nature of the benefits and problems. In particular, additional insights are offered relating to benefits and problems associated with different teaching activities, and disciplinary differences.  相似文献   

《行政法学》案例教学浅谈   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
依法治国的核心是依法行政,行政法的教育是我国法制建设的重要内容在高校的行政法教学中采用案例教学法有利于发挥学生的积极性和主动性,更好地理论联系实际.行政法案例主要分为三类:解题型、示范型、分析型,在实施教学中主要把握好三个环节:一是行政法案例的编写;二是行政法案例的分析和讲评;三是教学后的考评。  相似文献   

The prospective relationships of conduct problems and peer coercion and deviancy training during kindergarten (mean age = 5.3 years) to overt and covert conduct problems in third-fourth grade were examined in a sample of 267 boys and girls. Coercion and deviancy training were distinct peer processes. Both were associated with earlier child conduct problems but were differentially associated with child impulsivity, verbal ability, anxiety, peer rejection, and deviant peer affiliation. Coercion by peers predicted overt conduct problems and peer deviancy training and the interaction of deviancy training and coercion predicted covert conduct problems in third-fourth grade. Peer deviancy training occurs in early childhood and may serve as an independent risk mechanism in addition to peer coercion for early-onset, persisting conduct problems.  相似文献   

随着世界经济全球化与区域化时代的来临,高等教育的发展与区域发展的联系日趋紧密和直接.文章以河南省为研究对象,在一定理论基础上分析了该省高等教育区域化的现状,并综合得出了相应的初步结论.  相似文献   

震灾区旅游价值在于祭奠与缅怀死者、安抚与慰问遗属、教育与激励生者,具有特殊性,因而须减少经营中的市场性因素。这要求在法制基础上严格限制震灾区景区经营中的产业化深度与广度,有效限制震灾区景区的经营范围和经营模式,切实兼顾促进震灾区经济社会恢复与发展、满足人民群众Et益增长的旅游文化需要、抚慰遗属感情,维护与发扬社会的善良风俗等多元价值。  相似文献   

Previous research indicates a link between childhood maltreatment and elevated conduct problems. Yet the literature is less clear on associations between maltreatment and callousness (e.g., lack of empathy or guilt). This is a critical gap given that callousness is a robust predictor of serious aggressive and violent behavior. We examine the association between substantiated maltreatment events in childhood and adolescence (up to age 13) and conduct problems and lack of guilt at age 14. We analyze self- and parent-report data along with official maltreatment records on 557 youth (50% female; 69% non-white) from a larger dataset (Longitudinal Studies on Childhood Abuse and Neglect; N = 1354). Results of multinomial logistic regression models indicate that youth with histories of substantiated maltreatment events are more likely to have elevated conduct problems and decreased guilt at age 14, particularly if they experienced maltreatment before the age of four years old. Youth who exhibit conduct problems and also appear to lack guilt are more likely to have a personal history of substantiated maltreatment. We discuss our results in terms of their implications for theory and practice.  相似文献   

行政裁决制度的存在符合现代法治原则,不违反我国宪法有关权力分工的规定,保障了公民宪法上的诉讼权利。国立法机关在构建和谐社会的争议解决制度时,应当给予行政裁决制度合理的发展空间,使行政裁决成为和谐社会中重要的争议解决制度之一。  相似文献   

随着微信的快速发展,政务微信运营已日趋成熟,成为政府新媒体信息发布与构建公共关系的平台。它在沟通民意、实践执政为民的思想、打造"阳光政务"、弘扬社会正能量等方面发挥了巨大作用。但也存在如下问题:不务实、少交流、反应慢、高姿态等。针对这些问题应采取完善内容、加强互动、及时更新、表达方式要亲民等措施,让政务微信真正成为政民沟通的全新平台,发挥其重要的政府公共服务功能。  相似文献   

抽象行政行为是相对于具体行政行为的一种政府实施行政管理的手段。我国一直以来对抽象行政行为是采取内部行政机关即上级监督和外部权力机关即人大监督两种非诉讼的方式。随着我国社会的发展,由于享有司法豁免权,违法抽象行政行为对合法权益的侵害给社会造成的损害加剧,而现行监督体制的局限不能有效合理的救济合法权利,不利于我国的社会主义事业的发展。所以笔者在借鉴国外先进经验的基础上结合中国实际,对抽象行政行为的司法监督这一构想提出建议。  相似文献   

行政裁量权是现实广泛存在的公共权力,对行政现代化建设影响巨大。文章介绍了行政裁量权的概念,从理论与实践上分析了其广泛存在的逻辑和它对行政建设的困惑。指出行政现代化建设主要是行政法治和行政德治。行政裁量权作为行政的核心,事关行政现代化的发展大计,应该加强行政裁量权的法治化和德治化。  相似文献   

中国银行业监督管理委员会发布行政处罚办法和行政复议办法,规范行政处罚和行政复议行为。银行业行政处罚具有职权法定、突出行政处罚程序和确立查处分离原则的特点;银行业行政复议制度具有复议机关特定、实行一级复议制度、书面复议制度和复议不停止执行原则的特点。  相似文献   

行政规范性文件是设定有普遍性行为规则的一种规范体式的文件.将行政规范性文件纳入行政诉讼受理范围,其必要性在于社会生活实践发展和实现行政诉讼立法目的的需要;其可行性在于确立行政诉讼中的行政规范性文件受理审查制度的条件已经成熟.  相似文献   

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