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从符号学的角度看意象派诗   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
从符号学角度读解意象派诗歌,需要读以横组合与纵聚合、外延与内涵、能指与所指三个层面为切入点读解诗中呈现的意象符号,进而达到对诗歌内涵的整体把握。  相似文献   

意境是诗歌创作的主体,是诗歌美的集中体现,是诗歌的灵魂。译诗要发掘意境,领悟诗美,把意境和审美有机结合起来。发掘诗歌意境,首先,要了解诗歌创作的时代背景、作者生平、文学修养等。其次,可从意象、修辞、句法结构等方面入手。再次,可对字、词、句进行点评分析。  相似文献   

高昂  高万年 《天中学刊》2007,22(1):68-72
《红楼梦》男主人公贾宝玉的两个既俊俏又聪慧的大丫环——袭人和晴雯,作者并无贬一个褒一个、薄一个厚一个,而是把她俩作为同是受驱使、受奴役的正面人物来描绘的,真实地活画了身处贾府特殊环境和具有特殊地位的两个丫环的典型形象。正确认识、分析这两个人物,对于深入研究《红楼梦》的艺术形象创造应当是有益的。  相似文献   

在当前铺天盖地的家庭教育类图书出版热潮中,新近由中国商业出版社出版的《中国家长批判》一书非常引人注目。它不再是一本普通的家庭教育或者素质教育类太多侧重于具体方法的图书,而是立足于思想性和批判性,开始走出市面上家教类图书只流于有关成功孩子、成功家长等泛滥成灾形式的新锐作品。本书第一次把目光从教育孩子转移到了教育家长身上,通过对家庭教育目前的焦点、热点、难点问题,采访了全国各地60几位专家、学者、教师、家长、孩子及社会各界人士,以生动而尖锐的访谈对话体形式,指出了中国家长身上存在的严重问题及家庭教育…  相似文献   

Cultural images,cultural signs from the related cultural environments are context-independent.Meaning generation of source cultural images results from combined influences of subjective interpretations and objective referential parameters.The translator’s accurate assessment of the relevance between the target and source contexts concerning source cultural images decides their specific translation strategy and means for achieving fidelity of translation.  相似文献   

A major goal of education for Tibetans, as for all China's ‘minority nationalities’, has been to encourage patriotism towards China and to foster a sense of nationhood. This paper considers the ways in which this priority has conditioned the schooling of Tibetans since 1950. Although this priority is unchanging, the paper looks at how it varies in degree and content as political leaders or policies change. An analysis of the primary curriculum reveals the process whereby Tibetan ethnicity is recreated through selective rendering of elements of Tibetan culture, history and religion to reposition it in the Chinese national context. It argues that while in central China the ideological content of the curriculum may have diminished with economic development, in Tibet, as in other border regions, the particular blend of patriotic and moral education is likely to continue as long as the Chinese state feels threatened by outside cultural and political influences.  相似文献   

在中小学,无论是规模较大的学校,还是规模较小的学校,处于“一人之下,众人之上”地位的副校长,既是校长的参谋和助手,又是学校某方面工作的直接领导者和责任人。在学校中,副校长可算是举足轻重的“重量级”人物;在工作中,副校长是校长和职能部门管理人员联系的桥梁和纽带,具有承上启下的作用。副校长素质水平怎样、领导作用发挥得如何,直接影响着学校领导班子建设和集体领导的效能。副校长要演好这一角色,使自己成为一名优秀的学校管理者,必须做到以下“八要”“八不要”。  相似文献   

运用焦点-背景理论,从语音、韵律、词汇、结构等层面对诗歌《忧郁之歌》的意象进行解读,认为上帝不是纯粹信仰的对象而是敌人。与上帝开战,即使输给了上帝,也虽败犹荣。  相似文献   


This paper looks at a specific set of corporate images, namely photographs of apprentices of the Luxembourg steel conglomerate ARBED, and analyses how young workers are depicted in these images. The paper draws on a collection of 2251 glass-plate negatives (re)presenting ARBED’s industrial cosmos, including its vocational school the Institut Emile Metz. The roughly 160 images of apprentices contained in the collection put on display the apprentices’ bodies and a variety of activities in different contexts. The images’ contents testify to the institute’s programmatic hybridity and the constant (re-)mix of formal and semi-formal learning activities intended to educate natural, urban, mobile and communal men and future workers. Our focus is on Boy Scouts’ activities in a variety of different environments, which have functioned as a liminal space for educating a workers’ elite, mitigating the risks of industrialisation and fostering social harmony and cultural belonging.  相似文献   

论公民教育   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
公民教育在我国是一个较新的话题,以培养合格公民为宗旨的公民教育在中国开展终将成为必然。公民教育的目标不是局限于理解和获得知识,而是侧重于对人的价值、信念、态度和能力的培养:学校公民教育是公民教育的主要实践途径.社会公民教育则是学校公民教育的继续。  相似文献   

In many countries teachers belonging to the dominant group, either by descent or through enculturation, confront children and youth whose ethnic, cultural, religious or social background is partly or totally different. To teach teachers to deal effectively with the problems caused by these differences, it is proposed to make use of the model of a ‘Fourfold Gap’ between the teacher and the student who belongs to another community: linguistic, cognitive, cultural and social. Within the framework of this model, concrete examples should be used, of the type usually encountered in the daily work of a teacher. A sample of these, taken from Israeli schools, is presented. Measures should be taken to counteract possible negative effects of this method: the emphasis on differences, neglecting similarities; and apprehensions about this ability to deal with situations which seem to require a very high level of knowledge. Use of the model in teacher training and inservice education in Israel has shown its potential for improving teaching in multicultural classrooms.  相似文献   

Estonia is a post-communist Baltic state in which neoliberal market ideologies and still prevailing socialist norms exist side by side in educational policies and practices. It is no longer self-evident what is ‘normal’ and what is ‘problematic’. Special education class for students regarded as having problems is a new innovation in Estonia. The paper analyses the history and current changes and discusses how a ‘problem child’ is constructed in Estonian teachers' perceptions and in the pedagogical methods used with these children. The paper draws on teachers' writings and on an ethnographic study in a special education class. Some comparisons with Finnish educational policies and ethnographic research on secondary schools are made. The findings suggests that in Estonia, a ‘problem child’ is a student who does not conform to the norms of the school, and in focus is behaviour that disturbs the teacher: problems in relation to schools' regulations of time, voice, embodiment and equipment, lack of engagement and unruly behaviour. We reflect the Estonian case with some comparisons with Finland using the concept ‘professional pupil’ introduced in an ethnographic research.  相似文献   

Across national contexts, in the attempt to develop and buttress ‘knowledge economies’, increasing pressure is placed on the need for flexible lifelong learners capable of constant knowledge and skills renewal. In this paper, I explore the impact of this broader sociopolitical context on the policy approach to poverty and, in particular, homelessness in Australia. Examining the ways in which education and learning for adults are increasingly at the centre of public policies, I trace the uses of education and learning in homelessness policy. Contextualising this within a consideration of recent shift towards a ‘skills agenda’ in the adult education sector, I argue that the purported power of education in homelessness policy must be understood in light of structural inequalities in the labour market and in the society more broadly.  相似文献   

The notion of the common good has been cited as a key constituent of citizenship education in England, within which the development of a concern for the common good represents a key disposition. The term has, however, received little critical attention to date within the discourse of the subject, either in terms of its theoretical basis or its educational function and form. For this reason to develop the common good represents an ill‐defined aim of the citizenship education in schools. This article seeks to redress this by critically engaging with different formulations of the common good within recent civic republican political theory. More specifically, it attempts to delineate between notions of the common good that are essentially moral and notions that emphasise political understandings of the term, and which, in so doing, minimise the moral. On the basis of this exploration a number of issues are raised for citizenship education in England and it is suggested that to fail to view the common good as a moral enterprise is inherently problematic.  相似文献   

Many countries suffer from teacher shortages. One possible solution to this problem is to recruit second-career teachers. These second-career teachers form an intriguing group. They bring an abundance of previous experiences into a new, professional domain. The purpose of this study is to identify pedagogical principles that support the training of second-career teachers. Special attention is given to the transfer of previous experiences obtained in different professional contexts. The literature on alternative certification programmes is reviewed from a pedagogical perspective. The results indicate that second-career teachers differ from first-career teachers in several respects. These differences appear to be related to their previous experiences. The differences also appear to influence their professional development. The study suggests that a tailor-made pedagogy for second-career teachers is needed, along with certain programme features, which take into account the specific needs of this group of students. Four design principles were identified, i.e.: addressing expectations, addressing challenges related to the transition to teaching, addressing transfer and developing a theory of practice.  相似文献   

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