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员工发展培训是英国高等学校战略发展规划的重要组成部分,是学校可持续发展的重要因素。英国各高校都建立了科学的员工发展培训工作模式并设有专门的机构,其培训覆盖面广,针对性强,工作内容涵盖学校教学、科研、管理、服务工作的方方面面。利兹大学人力资源部下设的SDDU专门负责该校员工发展培训工作,其服务对象涵盖了学校所有人员类别。其发展培训工作理念和经验值得我们学习和借鉴。  相似文献   

高职院校学生干部的选拔培养工作,直接关系到学校教育教学效果,事关高职院校人才的培养水平与质量,是高职院校教育教学工作的重要组成部分。随着我国经济社会的发展,新时期新形势,要求高职院校切实改进学生干部的培养选拔工作。藉此对高职院校学生干部培养选拔的重要性进行阐述,分析当前形势下高职院校学生干部选拔培养中存在的问题,在此基础上提出新时期高职院校学生干部选拔与培养的路径选择。  相似文献   

This article describes the use of an observation system to measure middle school staff practices, environment characteristics, and student behavior in the school common areas. Data were collected at baseline from 18 middle schools participating in a randomized controlled trial of school‐wide Positive Behavior Support. The observations were reliable and showed sensitivity to differences between school settings and between schools. Multilevel models with students nested in schools were used to examine the associations of staff practices and the school environment with student behavior. Less effective behavior management and more staff criticism, graffiti, and percentage of low‐income students were associated with student problem behaviors. Greater use of effective behavior management and positive attention, and fewer low‐income students were associated with positive student behavior. The use of data‐based feedback to schools for intervention planning and monitoring is illustrated. Implications for school‐wide efforts to improve student behavior in middle schools are discussed. © 2011 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

This contribution looks at the competency development during teacher training and entry into work. The multi-perspective research design makes it possible to collate data at five stages within this transition process: at the start (t1), in the middle (t2) and on completion (t3) of teacher training for primary school level (year 1–6) student teachers in two education colleges in Switzerland, as well as novice teachers at the start (t4) and on competition (t5) of their first year of work. The data covers eleven topic areas. This paper will present findings of data analysis for two of these topic areas for all five stages of measurement: (a) knowledge of lesson planning was captured using case vignettes and (b) teaching practice during the study program and in the first year of work was recorded on video. The same data was collated from the teaching staff involved in the practical training of the student teachers. The statements on the case vignettes were studied using content-analysis. The lesson videos were analyzed using low-inference coding for the visible occurrences during teaching and with a high-inference rating on the quality of the lessons. The results, including those for a comparison of student teachers and novice teachers with practical teacher training staff, give insights into the effectiveness of teacher training and the impact of practical experience in the first year of work on knowledge of how to plan lessons and on the form and quality of teaching. Overall, the new training at both education colleges can be given a pleasingly positive appraisal in terms of professionalization. It is, however, also possible to recognize where and to what extent a need for further developing the standard of professionalization of teaching still exists.  相似文献   

高职院校师资校本培训困境探源   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目前,中国高职院校的师资队伍建设有了较大发展,但在队伍的高职特色建设方面仍然面临诸多困境。通过调查,从现行人事制度、课程设置、教材内容、实训室建设、培养计划等五个方面分析了制约高职院校师资校本培训的原因,指出营造高职院校师资校本培训的积极氛围,对于推动队伍朝着专业化方向发展是非常必要的。  相似文献   

新建本科院校的办学质量逐步提升,为获得独立硕士学位授予权,可以尝试联合培养专业硕士研究生,着重抓好学科建设、师资队伍建设和基础建设,并结合保山学院的实际情况论述了联合培养的可行性。  相似文献   

This study evaluated the scale‐up of a Safe & Civil Schools Foundations: Establishing Positive Discipline Policies positive behavioral interventions and supports initiative through 4 years of “real‐world” implementation in a large urban school district. The study extends results from a previous randomized controlled trial that established the effectiveness of the Safe & Civil Schools program in 32 elementary schools in the same district. This study emphasizes the application and evaluation of the program in regular district schools. Four‐year results indicate that elementary, middle, and high schools experienced moderate but steady improvements in (a) school discipline, (b) student safety policy and training, (c) staff perceptions of student behavior, and (d) student suspension and chronic tardiness rates. With few exceptions, improvements occurred after schools began Safe & Civil Schools Foundations training, and more years of training were associated with larger cumulative improvements in school and student outcomes. Given that similar effects were observed in schools with and without random assignment of training, and only after training began, we concluded that the improvements stem from Safe & Civil School's Foundations training.  相似文献   

This study examines staff development practices in community college student affairs. Nineteen interviews were conducted with supervisors in a variety of departments at community colleges. We found that supervisors frequently used multiple practices such as conducting staff meetings, attending institutional training, or viewing topical webinars were frequently used by supervisors to provide professional development opportunities. We also highlight distinct approaches including the concept of active listening and after-hours activities. Finally, we explore implications for staff development in community colleges and identify potential future practices and improvements.  相似文献   

调查显示,高校大四学生到课率普遍较低。这种状况极大影响着高校的办学效果,影响着大学生的就业成功率。究其成因,可以予以多方面地合理归因。文章从学生管理、教师管理、学校管理人员三方面分析了其成因,以期引起学校管理者的重视,解决高校大四学生到课率低的问题。  相似文献   

University teachers often see first‐year as a training ground for students, acculturating them to university expectations and requirements following their secondary school experience. By later years, students are typically expected to know what is required of a ‘university student’. However, the assumption behind this is that different academic staff hold similar views of university teaching and learning and that those teaching first and later years would be in agreement on what is expected of a student at different levels — an assumption which was implicit in the university department described in this article.

The aim of this article is to present the range of views shown by academic staff within one department about the relative roles and responsibilities of staff as teachers and of students as learners at first‐year level. This is of interest because, at least in this department, the degree of variation which was found was unexpected, generating unrealistic expectations and assumptions about students. This led‐to‐the generation of departmental strategies for improving communication about such issues amongst staff, with the intention of making differing views explicit. The lesson which may be of general value is the importance of ensuring structured opportunities for staff within departments to share their views and expectations about teaching and learning.  相似文献   

Student behavioral problems pose a myriad of challenges for schools. In this study, we examine the relations among teacher and school‐level constructs (i.e., teacher collaboration, supervision/discipline, instructional management), and student‐related outcomes (i.e., high‐risk behaviors, barriers to learning, student social–behavioral climate). Teachers across 29 high schools, in a large urban school district serving primarily low‐income students, completed self‐report surveys. Multilevel regression was used to test both individual‐ and school‐level predictors of student outcomes. Findings suggest that teacher practices at the individual and school levels are linked to student high‐risk behaviors, barriers to student learning, and school climate. More specifically, findings indicate that better supervision/discipline and instructional management are associated with fewer high‐risk behaviors and barriers to learning. More instructional management is also linked to positive social–behavioral climate. Results from this study highlight the association between teacher practices and a range of student‐related problem behaviors, and suggest that system‐level interventions in the school may have positive effects.  相似文献   

Intervention approaches to bullying are largely preventive in nature, and even these have been shown to be ineffective, if not iatrogenic, with adolescents. Responses to bullying are limited to traditional punitive approaches or “no‐blame” approaches aiming to restore the relationship between the targeted students. Neither of these approaches may effectively engage the perpetrator of bullying at a motivational level, and we propose motivational interviewing (MI) as a means of promoting meaningful behavioral change among youths who bully. We provide a narrative review of MI and map its core features onto the extant literature on self‐reported motivations for bullying, highlighting the ways that MI fits with bullying and could serve as a potent solution that could be deployed by school psychologists and other student support staff members. Qualitative preliminary feedback and initial competency in MI from trained practitioners are presented as preliminary data from a cluster‐randomized control trial, documenting school staff perspectives on the integration of MI into their approach to bullying with recommendations for integrating MI into school settings.  相似文献   

开展教学诊改工作,是职业院校建立常态化自主保证人才培养质量机制的重要举措。学校要始终围绕人才培养质量一个核心,关注教职工和学生两个群体发展,确保基本办学方向、基本办学条件、基本管理规范的三条底线,坚持规划、责任、奖惩、督导四落实,从学校、专业、课程、教职工、学生五个层面进行自我诊断、自我改进,依托一个智慧校园平台运用数据科学决策,运行“8字螺旋”持续提升人才培养质量,形成学校“八有”工作常态,从而促进学校治理能力和治理水平的现代化(简称“12345188”行动路径)。  相似文献   

研究以问卷调查法、访谈法以及课堂观察法为基本研究方法,对甘肃省临夏回族自治州H县3个学区8所学校教师专业发展现状与培训需求进行了相关的调查。调查发现,边远学校师资民族成分多元,学历水平不高,学校办学满意度一般,课堂教学中新课改理念尚未落实,教师专业能力亟待提高,课堂教学质量与效率有待提高,学生学习水平整体不理想。就培训而言,教师参加高层次培训少,培训内容与形式多元,培训效果一般。因此,西北少数民族地区农村学校要积极推进"优质学校"发展计划,加强聚焦课堂的校本教研的质量与效率,以教育信息化促建高效课堂,加大教师培训力度,加强学生学习方式的转变。  相似文献   

《劳动合同法》的实施对民办高校教职工的招聘和试用期管理、培训、劳动合同管理、工资福利等用工成本管理四个人事管理工作环节产生了一系列影响,为此民办高校可采取相应对策,化危为机,力争在法律约束下改进人事管理水平,维护学校和教职工双方权益,促进民办高校健康发展。  相似文献   

At present in Italy a primary teacher training course lasts four years at upper high school level. At the end of this the student is awarded a diploma enabling him once he has passed a state examination to be included in the school rolls. The considerable changes in society in recent years have had a strong influence on the schools, thus it has become urgent to change teacher training systems so that teachers can better come to grips with new educational methods. Nowadays the primary school teacher must be a very understanding person as well as professionally well prepared so that he can get a deep insight into the personality of each pupil, and be able to grasp the significance of wide‐reaching social and cultural changes. It therefore seems to be necessary to give aspiring infant and primary teachers a four‐year university training which is the focal point of the proposals so far made by the various professional associations and by the Ministry of Education too, both of whom during meetings and seminars have drawn up training programmes and methods.

These will foreseeably include: specialised subject teaching to a certain degree;a two‐year common training period followed by a further two years to specialise in the various branches chosen by the students ;professional practical training as a part of the curricula. The universities will have to equip themselves and train teaching staff to comply with these new demands. Then: cooperation with schools and other educational agencies must be constant and systematic; the curricula can be put into practice only with the constant coordination between teachers, to each of whom specific duties have been assigned.  相似文献   

治理“水课”是提高高校教学质量的必由之路,近年来高校办学规模快速扩张,新建应用型本科院校“水课”的治理直接影响本科教育的整体水平。文章针对新建应用型本科院校,以学生为核心观察和梳理“水课”现象;基于学科建设、专业建设六个方面深度探讨“水课”的成因;从人才培养方向、师资队伍建设以及学生管理三个层面提出“水课”的治理策略。  相似文献   

Arrangements for initial teacher education in Northern Ireland are different from England and Wales in three major respects. Firstly, no formal contracts exist between Higher Education Institutions (HEI) and schools for the training of student teachers. Secondly, no financial resources are transferred from the HEIs to the schools to assist with supporting student teachers while on school placement. Thirdly, the competence framework has been designed to identify the distinctive contribution which schools make to the training process. The amount of time student teachers spend in schools, however, is the same as that in England and Wales but no formal training has been provided for schools to enable them to undertake the new and additional responsibilities which the competence framework implies. This paper describes an initiative in which the whole staff in a primary school in Belfast participated in a programme of Mentorship Training which was provided and accredited by the University of Ulster. The programme which comprised two modules was offered at postgraduate level and was designed to assist the teachers to develop a more structured and systematic approach to supporting and training student teachers and newly qualified teachers. On completion, the programme was evaluated and the findings are reported in this paper.  相似文献   


This paper describes the changes to the IT element of the secondary Post Graduate Certificate of Education (PGCE) course at the University of East Anglia, in the light of the government initiatives requiring a shift to a partnership approach to initial teacher training. This shift means that only one third of the 36 week course is now delivered at the University. The paper describes the recommendations of a joint working party representing partnership schools and university staff. The implementation of the group's suggestions involved a fundamental revision of the IT component for both university and school based elements and a re‐definition of the roles of all staff involved. This paper concludes with a discussion of the evaluation of the new scheme, including the results of a student questionnaire, after it had been implemented for one year. This found that our move to deal with IT as a subject specific issue was successful and highlighted the level of IT use in school subject departments as the single most important factor determining students’ use of IT in the classroom.  相似文献   

“均衡原理”以边际效应的价值论为基础,从整体的角度论述了商品、市场的供求变化和消费者、企业家以及资源所有者三者的效应最大化。本文通过讨论目前高职院校师资队伍建设中存在的一些共性现象,从成本-收益的角度,分析学校人力资本积累和教师专业成长利润最大化的均衡点,以期为建设一支社会、学校、教师、学生多方满意的高职师资队伍,提供借鉴和参考。  相似文献   

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