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《有太阳的墙》——新西兰小学的阳光故事。在新西兰河畔的小学里,有一个不被人注意的小女生找到了三个朋友,建立了秘密俱乐部。她一心想要得到奖章,与她的“敌人”——校园的一号明星作对。但最后她发现,她要的不是奖章,而是快乐,而是她从三个朋友和一个“敌人”那里得到的很大的快乐。长春出版社出版/赵荔著《小红鱼手机无信号》是一套知识性较强的童话集。每篇童话里都有一个小问号,内容涉及动物、植物、军事、环保、气象、基因工程等。回答这些小问号,能增长你的知识,启迪你的思维,点燃你心灵深处智慧的火花。河北少年儿童出版社出版/董…  相似文献   

俗话说,“兵马未动,粮草先行。”出国留学,钱是重要保障。为了凑足出国的学费,生活费,许多家长都伤透了脑筋。其实,也有省钱的门道,就是申请奖学金。先看看我们这期给你介绍的奖学金再说。  相似文献   

从你来到这世界上那一刻起,问号就一辈子陪在你左右。它与你形影不离,它散发神奇的魅力待你去揭开它的意义。问号。到底是什么呢? 问号是一把钥匙,它开启的是智慧的大门。求知总是从不会到会的。问号让你看到不懂、不足;问号会催促你去努力、去学习。当你看到它时,总会想到把它变成句号,这便是奋斗的开始了。  相似文献   

英、澳、新、奖学金,难于上青天英国、澳洲、新西兰的教育体制比较一致,均把教育作为产业出口,就以英国来说明。英国专为国际学生设立的奖学金均很少,即使是本科出国也很难得到奖学金。能够得到奖学金的大多数为公派出国和出国进行博士阶段研究的人员。澳洲和新西兰也如此。英国对大专生申请硕士学位的规定:  相似文献   

1.你打扮得非常漂亮,准备去参加朋友的婚礼,结果半路被人一盆水给泼了。A只有怪自己不小心啊-请转到问题6 B一定要找那个人算帐-请转到问题2 2.你的考试全部高分,却没有拿到专业奖学金,为什么呢? A被人举报说你打小抄了-请转到问题8 B奖学金发下前你已转系-请转到问题3 3.你觉得世界上最浪漫的地方是?  相似文献   

英、澳、新奖学金难上难英国、澳洲、新西兰的教育体制比较一致,均把教育作为产业出口。因此就举英国来说明。英国专为国际学生设立的奖助学金很少,即使是本科出国也很难得到奖学金。能够得到奖学金的大多数为公派出国和出国进行博士阶段研究的人员。澳洲和新西兰也如此。英国对大专生申请硕士学位的规定1.应届大专毕业生或工作时间在三年以内的大专生,如果没有合格的托福(580分以上)或IELTS(6.5分以上)  相似文献   

问号(?)与句号(。)、叹号(!)都是表示句末停顿的标点符号。同学们在作文中常常喜欢滥用问号,只要一看见句中有疑问词,就不管三七二十一用上问号,其实,问号与疑问词并不总是连在一起的。下面这些句子都用了问号,请判断一下,哪些用得对,哪些用得不对。1.我与小聪最初的相见,不知道是何时,在哪里?2.是你来找我?还是我去找你?3.难道你连这样浅显的道理也不懂吗?4.老师拿起一杯水问同学们:“这杯水有多重?”5.老师又说:“这杯水的重量并不重要,重要的是你能拿多久?”你会用“?”吗?  相似文献   

聪明人都出国了?本书讲述的是一群曾经出国后选择了回国的聪明人和一群没有出国或不打算出国的聪明人,他们在进入研究院前前后后的故事。作者的努力使中关村希格玛大厦里的微软不再神秘和遥远。想知道比尔·盖茨何许人也,你应该读《未来之路》;要了解比尔·盖茨的微软中国研究院和在那里工作的黄皮肤黑头发的雇员。或许这是一本你最不应该错过的书。(莫虎) 在过去的十几年中,微软始终是一个世界范围的话题,即使在我们国家,关于微软的故事也有很多正式的出版物。与以往这些出版物不同,本书所描述的主要是微软公司里一批中国人的命…  相似文献   

问号:提问!美美:问号同学,你不要总是提问,也应该学着自己去寻找答案!(问号挠挠头,不好意思地后退了一步)蜘蜘:小博士,我想知道琥珀都是怎样被发现的,除了在海边可以找到,在别的地方也可以找到吗?  相似文献   

亲爱的编辑:你好! 我是一名大一学生,有将来到美国读硕士的打算,对一些问题不很清楚,请你为我指点迷津: 1.我现在在一所非重点大学学习汉语言文学。听说一般大学的文科不好出国,是这样吗?我希望出国学习语言文学、新闻传播或社会科学等方面的学科,请问我现在应该往哪些方面努力呢? 2.据网上说2005年秋天TOEFL考试要改革,我希望在这之前考完。这样在成绩过期前,来得及联系学校、申请奖学金吗?(我大约在2007年6月毕业)  相似文献   

当前非政府组织的发展已然十分壮大,在主权国家和政府间国际组织触角所不能触及的领域,非政府组织弥补着政府间国际组织的职能盲区,但其国际社会的地位却十分尴尬,这种状况对非政府组织的进一步发展是一个阻碍,使其行为的效力无法确定。为了更好地发挥非政府组织的功能,有必要在一定范围内赋予非政府组织相应的法律地位。  相似文献   

从数字的联想意义看中英民族文化心理差异   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
不同的国家或地区,乃至不同的民族,对于不同的数字均赋予了不同的联想意义,使普通的数字具有超越语言的灵性,体现出不同的文化类型。中英语数字泛化的内涵和外延,虽有共同的喻义,也存在着明显的差异,反映了中英民族不同的文化心理,因此,对比分析中英数字的文化内涵和外延,有助于我们了解中英民族的文化心理,避免在跨文化交际活动中因文化差异而引起误解和冲突。  相似文献   

One of the ongoing debates in Canadian higher education is the dilemma of the brain drain and the seemingly conflicting goals between the strategies and intentions of various government departments. While Citizenship and Immigration Canada aims to recruit the brightest students from across the globe to study in Canada and to enable their long‐term stay as permanent residents and ultimately as citizens, the Canadian International Development Agency is mandated to strengthen human capacity in developing countries. This paper provides a critical analysis of the brain drain problem by juxtaposing Canadian policies with Cuban policies as manifested in the two countries’ divergent approaches to international students and tertiary education scholarships for students from poorer countries. Following an overview of the existing scholarship programmes in both countries, ethical and philosophical considerations are examined that appear to underlie the two countries’ individual‐rights‐based and collective‐rights‐based justifications for making decisions about the terms on which students from other countries are permitted to study in Canada and Cuba.  相似文献   

广告文化传播的隐性要素在实施中须注意的问题   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
广告文化的传播要素有两类:一类是基本要素又称为显性要素,它通过信源、信息、媒体信道、对象和反馈,扩大广告文化的氛围,强化广告的信息传播。另一类是隐性要素,它通过情感因素、心理因素、时空因素、文化背景、权威意识进一步拓宽广告文化的功能。广告显性要素的传播主要是受经济发展等客观因素的影响。而广告的隐性要素则更广泛地受到经济全球化以及各国经济环境、风俗习惯、民族心理、思维方式和价值观念等文化因素影响,导致世界各国广告隐性要素既有共性也有个性。本文就广告隐性要素在共性与个性使用中须注意的问题加以探讨,使广告隐性要素得以恰当的实施,使广告文化的传播达到有效的结果。  相似文献   

This study examines the major factors that may hinder or enable the adoption of e-learning systems by university students in developing (Qatar) as well as developed (USA) countries. To this end, we used extended Unified Theory of Acceptance and Use of Technology 2 (UTAUT2) with Trust as an external variable. By means of an online survey, data were collected from 833 university students from a university in Qatar and another from USA. Structural equation modelling was employed as the main method of analysis in this study. The results show that performance expectancy, hedonic motivation, habit and trust are significant predictors of behavioural intention (BI) in both samples. However, contrary to our expectation, the relationship between price value and BI is insignificant. Our results also show that effort expectancy and social influence lead to an increase in students’ adoption of e-learning systems in developing countries but not in developed countries. Moreover, facilitating conditions increase e-learning adoption in developed countries which is not the case in developing countries. Overall, the proposed model achieves an acceptable fit and explains its variance for 68% of the Qatari sample and 63% of the USA sample. These results and their implications to both theory and practice are described.  相似文献   

The career choice motivations of potential teachers, their interests and other factors relevant to their choice of career are studied in order to achieve the best possible recruitment of new entrants to the teaching profession. However, the research and findings which are already available in this field are inadequate. The article is the first study which aims to analyse the structure and applicability of the internationally accessible FIT-Choice instrument to detect the relevant factors for teaching as a career choice in Germany, Austria and Switzerland on the basis of representative samples (n = 6,601) in order to create a data basis which will enable the previously unconnected research initiatives in German-speaking countries to be combined. In addition, teaching experience is taken into account and used to check how valid the career choice motives stated by the students are. The overall objective is to explore the extent to which measurements of career choice motives and teaching experience and analysis of two areas can be generalised across different institutions and countries and can go beyond the limited significance of the previously available findings, and eventually to formulate generalisable assumptions about the ideas which influence teaching as a career choice, and especially the motivation which leads to this career choice.  相似文献   

21世纪的教师教育被各国纳入到精英教育体系,教师教育专业通过深入的课程开发,使新任教师的知识结构更加符合基础教育实际的要求;在教育课程的设置上则采用文理兼修、核心与辅修课程相结合、教学内容具有更强的实践性等方式,达到既能满足社会需求,又能促进新任教师人格的完善和可持续发展的目的.  相似文献   

The author remarks that globalization is here to stay and that it is much more than a matter of global markets. She points out some of its beneficial aspects in South East Europe. It will, for example, allow members of diasporas from former trouble spots to keep in contact with their home countries by Internet and to assist them. Such positive developments can already be identified in some countries of the region. UNESCO is encouraging such innovations in higher education so as to enable it to benefit from the opportunities offered by new global transforma tions.  相似文献   

Roger Ingham 《Sex education》2013,13(4):375-388
This paper considers the common criteria by which school‐based sex and relationship programmes are evaluated, and argues that the domination of public health outcomes serves to make invisible other aspects of courses that warrant attention. In particular, the role of pleasure in sexual development and relations is normally not acknowledged. While it may be unacceptable in most cultures to suggest that teaching young people how to achieve sexual pleasure is valuable, there are increasing indications—from developing as well as developed countries—that public health outcomes may benefit from a greater acceptance of positive sexual experiences. It is suggested that greater comfort with one's own body will enable greater ability to communicate wishes to others, and to be less ‘pressured’ into unwanted sexual relationships.  相似文献   

职业教育是促进就业的教育。适应劳动力市场的需要,满足社会对合格劳动力的要求,解决社会就业问题,是职业教育最主要的目标。德国的"双元制"职业教育名列世界各国之首,是促进德国经济迅速腾飞的重要原因。"双元制"教学活动的总目标是为青年人提供尽可能广泛的个人教育,使他们在接受教育的过程中逐渐熟悉未来的工作和社会。  相似文献   

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