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课本第35页:“荷兰人在北美建立了新尼德兰殖民地,即后来的纽约。”《教学参考书》第92页:“英国得到它已占领的新阿姆斯特丹,后来,英国以英国国王查理二世之弟约克公爵的名字命名为新约克,即纽约。”新阿姆斯特丹是曼哈顿岛的一个贸易据点,新尼德兰殖民地是在哈得孙河流域,为避免发生疑问,将课本中的“纽约”改为“纽约殖民地”是否更妥当?可否给“纽约”加上“殖民地”?$山东省青州市第六中学@张彦  相似文献   

Yankee,即“美国佬”一词,使用已久,迄今约有300年的历史。起初,它作为一种绰号,用来称呼住在新英格兰殖民地的居民。但这个词是从何而来,意思是什么它又是怎样进入语言并且成为一个惯用语的呢?关于它的来源,有20多种说法,但其中较为可信的只有两种。很多人认为Yankee来源于苏格兰,其意为机灵、聪明。甚至现在,一些精明的商人仍被称为Yankee,但大多数专家都认为它来源于荷兰。很多年前,德国人把做奶酪的荷兰人叫做Yankee。十七世纪初,一部分荷兰人来到美国,定居在新英格兰殖民地附近。后来,当地居民也很快沿用了这个…  相似文献   

<正> 从1607年英国在北美大陆东海岸建立第一块殖民地开始,英国人先后在北美建立了13块殖民地。这13块殖民地就是今天美利坚合众国的前身。 在13块殖民地建立过程中,有大批欧洲移民涌来,其中主要是英格兰人。除英格兰人之外,还有苏格兰人、爱尔兰人、法国人、德国人、荷兰人、犹太人等。从社会地位上来讲移民中的绝大多数都是劳动人民,在宗教信仰方面则是宗教改革后的新教各派教徒,包括法  相似文献   

加纳共和国位于非洲西部,南濒大西洋的几内亚湾。面积239460平方公里,20世纪90年代估计人口数为1520万人,居民多为苏丹语系尼格罗人,首都为阿克拉。15世纪起葡萄牙、荷兰、英国殖民者侵占,1901年沦为英国殖民地,1957年独立。加纳经济以农业和采矿业为主。  相似文献   

众所周知,美国是一个移民国家。所谓的美利坚合众国,起先是由英国的16个殖民地(后有3个被兼并) 联合而成的。这些殖民地人口复杂,据1790年的统计, 在当时的白人中,英格兰人最多,占60.1%;其次是德意志人,占8.6%;苏格兰人占8.1%;爱尔兰人占3.6%; 荷兰人占3.1%;法国人占2.3%;西班牙人占0.8%;瑞  相似文献   

荷兰在台湾的基督教教育,从本质上讲是殖民地奴化教育,但在客观上也开创了台湾教育的先河,对台湾社会产生了较为深远的影响。  相似文献   

关于“美国佬”来历的传说有许多种.多数行家一致认为“美国佬”一词源于荷兰.很久以前,做奶酷的荷兰人被德国人称为“北方佬”.这些人中的一部分于17世纪早期来到英属北美殖民地定居下来.荷兰人干农活很内行,他们笑话想在山上石块堆里办农场的新英格兰殖民主义者,便把自己的诨名安到新英格兰殖民主义  相似文献   

美国的历史,一般都是从英国在北美建立殖民地开始。经历了殖民地年代,独立战争,南北战争进入资本主义时期,在第一次和第二次世界大战争中,靠战争发了横财成为暴发户,成为资本主义世界的霸主。一、殖民地年代1442年,意大利人哥伦布为探索通往亚洲的海道,横渡大西洋,偶然踏上了美洲的土地。从此,西班牙、荷兰、法国和英国殖民主义者,陆续来到北美。英国人在16世纪向北美洲的东南部开始“探险”活动,但对北美的大批的殖民侵略是在17世纪到18世纪中期,即独立战争前夕,英国在北美已占有北起加拿大,南到墨西哥湾东达整个大西洋沿岸,西抵密西西比  相似文献   

"皇家"风范 位于纽约市曼哈顿的哥伦比亚大学,是一所典型的城市大学. 1754年,美国还属于英国殖民地,英皇乔治二世捐款给纽约市民筹设了以人文、科学和语言为主的"国王学院",这所美洲大陆最古老的学院之一的"国王学院"就是后来的哥伦比亚大学.  相似文献   

公元前1世纪凯尔特与日耳曼部族住在荷兰。17世纪为海上殖民强国,拥有大片殖民地。18世纪后荷兰殖民体系逐渐瓦解。1795-1806年成为法国的保护国,称巴达维共和国。1848年成为君主立宪国。1914-1918年在一战中保持中立。1945年解放。在海牙设立国际法院。  相似文献   

The fruit of learning is that the person who has it enjoys his life, which is to say, the life of his mind, for that is the specifically human thing about him. The happy man has a good time with his mind. That is the end of education beyond which, surely, there is no other end.

Education and Freedom by Rickover, H. G., Vice Admiral, USN. New York: 1959, E. P. Dutton. 256 pp. $3.75.

Reflections on Learning by Howard Mumford Jones. New Brunswick, N.J.: Rutgers University Press, 1958. 97 pp. $2.75.

Teaching Arithmetic for Understanding by John L. Marks, C. Richard Purdy and Lucien B. Kinney. New York: McGraw-Hill, Inc., 1958. 429 pp. $6.00.

The Education of Teachers: New Perspectives, Official Report of The Second Bowling Green Conference. Washington 6, D.C.: National Education Association of the United States, 1958. 339 pp. $3.25.

Contemporary Literary Scholarship: A Critical Review edited by Lewis Leary. New York: Appleton-Century-Crofts, Inc. 1958. 474 pp. $5.00.

Ethics. A Source Book, Edited, and With Introductions and Study Questions, by Oliver A. Johnson. New York: The Dryden Press, 1958. 529 pp. $5.75.

Personality: an Interdisciplinary Approach by Louis P. Thorpe and Allen M. Schmuller. New York: D. Van Nostrand Company, Inc., 1958. 368 pp. $5.50.

Selected Readings in the Philosophy of Education, Joe Park, editor. New York: The Macmillan Company, 1958. 429 pp. $5.00.

Values in Culture and Classroom by H. Otto Dahlke. New York: Harper and Brothers, 1958. 572 pp. $6.00.

The Psychology of Personal Adjustment by Roger W. Heyns. New York: The Dryden Press, Inc., 1958. 548 pp. $4.90.

Science for the Elementary-School Teacher, New Edition, by Gerald S. Craig. Boston: Ginn and Company, 1958. 894 pp. $6.75.

Education in Society: Readings edited by Bernard N. Meltzer, Harry R. Doby, and Philip M. Smith. New York: Thomas Y. Crowell Co., 1958. 495 pp. $3.25.  相似文献   

《北京人在纽约》与《绿卡族》都是二十世纪九十年代比较重要的涉外题材的电视剧。他们都面临着相同的宿命结局。微妙的区别在于《绿卡族》是中国人混了美国身份回来了,而且带回了美国的先进的观念和经营理验,取得了一定意义上的成功,这较之《北京人在纽约》,他们不仅仅走出去,而且还把目光聚焦于生他们养他们的故土。由于面临的时代背景不同和出生地域的不同,二者的宿命程度却不一样。从这个角度讲,显示了一种超越的必然性。  相似文献   

Economic theory predicts that improvements in signaling of achievement generated by external exit examination systems will (1) result in students learning more and this in turn will (2) enable them to get better paying jobs. Since New York State had the only statewide curriculum-based external exit exam system in the nation in the early 1990s, hypothesis 1 predicts that New York students should out perform socio-economically comparable students from other states. Cross section analysis of mean 8th grade NAEP math scores and SAT-I scores found that New York students were indeed about one grade level equivalent ahead of where one would expect given their socio-economic background. A similar analysis of dropout rate data found no differences between New York and other states. Hypothesis 2 was tested in HSB and NLS-88 data. Female students who reported that their high school required they pass a minimum competency exam in order to graduate were paid significantly more after they graduated from high school. Men did not earn more but did get a higher hourly wage.  相似文献   

At theX Day Care Center, in a New York City suburb, there was a group of single mothers, some separated from their husbands, others never married, who were confused and who were unsure about what they had to offer their children without a husband and father. In some cases this resulted in the mothers' general low self-regard and defensive attitudes, misperceptions, and unavailability to the communications about the children that customarily took place between the day care staff members and the mothers.Kenneth Schwarz is a Psychologist in Pound Ridge, NY  相似文献   

In 2002 Michael Bloomberg took office as Mayor of New York City and, over the next 12 years of his administration, oversaw a series of sweeping reforms in order to ‘fix’ the broken education system which he believed he had inherited. This paper details the key policy reforms in New York City’s public school system during this period, assessing the extent to which the reforms were successful and what can be learnt from a policy perspective for other urban education systems. It outlines the radical programme of school closure, structural reform, and the introduction of new measures of accountability and autonomy, concluding that reform in New York City can be grouped into four categories: leadership; structure and schools; accountability; and teachers. While a lack of targeted evaluation means that it is not possible to prove causation, it nonetheless shows that there is a correlation between this set of reforms and the fact that by 2013 New York City’s performance on national tests placed it amongst the best urban school districts in America when compared with other cities serving similar populations.  相似文献   

五点区是纽约历史上臭名昭著的社区。这里可以说是纽约的缩影,来自世界各地的人们汇集在这里,从事不同的职业。五点区最早是纽约本土人的地盘,经过数十年的移民潮以及纽约市向外围扩张,中下层收入的人们在这里谋生,他们之中有勇敢的爱尔兰人、精明的犹太人、谨慎的德意志人、技艺精湛的意大利人、勤劳的黑人等等。作为新来者,他们和美国的主流社会必定格格不入。当时的美国上层认为,五点区是一个肮脏龌龊的地方。事实上,五点区为各个国家人民的交流提供了舞台,它的存在繁荣了纽约乃至整个美国的文化。  相似文献   

The purpose of our multi-case study was to understand the experiences of non-novice New York City and Washington, DC public charter school principals who had participated in leadership coaching as a component of their leadership development. Eight New York City and Washington DC public charter school principal cases were selected through purposeful sampling. Data were collected through semi-structured interviews, documents, and artifacts, which were analyzed, coded and grouped into three broader themes: the coaching process, the impact of coaching, and principal leader identity construction. The findings supported the following conclusions: (a) Participants’ experiences of coaching were inconsistent with the coaching literature; (b) The impact of coaching was shaped by perceived competencies of the coach and the structure of the coaching session; and (c) Participants’ leader identity construction was supported through the process of coaching.  相似文献   

In the period 1919–1933 the experimental and community schools in Hamburg tried to put into practice a new model of schooling without a set curriculum that was based on providing a considerable amount of freedom for pupils and teachers. These experiences were introduced in the Netherlands by way of magazines published by the New Education Fellowship (NEF) or Dutch journals edited by educationalists and university professors. The Hamburg schools were also visited by Christian Anarchist teachers who were connected with new schools in the Netherlands and who already had experimented with new ways of life in small communities. In this article we describe their experiences in Hamburg. Their observation reports would not trigger a growing interest in a social community type of schooling; in general Dutch teachers, even the socialist ones, did not change their preference for the traditional classroom system of education. More individualistic methods from Montessori and Parkhurst (Dalton Plan), supported by university professors and inspectors of education, were considered to have more potential for changing the classroom system from within.  相似文献   

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