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巫蛊之祸是汉武帝末年发生的重大事件。汉武帝在卫太子举兵反叛之前并未有诛杀太子之意,直至太子起兵反叛,武帝才下令诛杀,并由此引发了统治阶级内部的持续动荡。汉朝盛世局面一去不复返,由此开始了休养生息的政局。  相似文献   

吴王太子刘贤被刘启所杀害在文帝四年或五年,他是咎由自取。文帝没有因刘启杀人而更换太子,也没有用儒家的贤人更换太子身边的刑名权谋之人;晁错因为文帝喜爱刑名权谋反而得到了提拔,作了太子家令。可是,杀吴王太子虽然没有动摇刘启的太子地位,却激发了吴王的不满情绪;虽然用晁错为太子家令并不意味着文帝政治的转型,而强硬政策的施行却加快了吴王为首的七国叛乱。  相似文献   

周平王元年(公元前770年),郑武公将郑国东迁虢、郐间的初都京城;周平王二十八年(公元前743年),郑庄公将郑都迁至郐地新城;周惠王六年(公元前761年),郑文公定都新郑,郑国共三次迁都。郑国最后一位国君郑康公,于二十一年(公元前375年),被韩国所灭。周显王遵循“灭国不灭祀”的历史惯例,封其子宙公之子据公于嚣山之阳,称践土君,守祭武公寝陵。此处被称为“郑王之墟”。这里便成为中国最大、最早,流传时间最长的郑氏祖茔。  相似文献   

探讨了江淹先后进入刘宋始安王子真、新安王子鸾及建平王景素幕的时间及其过程,对历来的各种说法进行了较为详细的辨析,并提出了自己的见解.  相似文献   

<正>The Tragedy of Hamlet dramatizes the revenge Prince Hamlet exacts on his uncle Claudius for murdering King Hamlet,Claudius's brother and Prince Hamlet's father,and then succeeding to the throne and taking as his wife Gertrude,the old king's widow and Prince Hamlet's mother.This paper will discuss something about dominant voice in the play.Dominant voice is the major voice in the country,the society,or the whole world.Those people who have the power or  相似文献   

Verbal retelling abilities for social studies lectures were examined and compared in 20 adolescent boys, ages 12-5 to 14-7, with language-learning disabilities (LLD) and 29 with normal language abilities (NL). Participants viewed one videotaped social studies lecture with a comparison expository discourse structure and one with a causation discourse structure. Following each lecture presentation, participants verbally retold the lecture. Results of several repeated-measures analyses of variance indicated that the group with LLD produced a significantly smaller number of T-units, subordinate clauses, subordinate clauses per T-unit, T-units per second, lecture components per second, and percentage of lecture components in their retellings, compared with the group with NL, regardless of lecture type. Both groups produced a significantly greater number of T-units and subordinate clauses for the comparison lecture. By contrast, both groups recalled a significantly greater number of lecture components per T-unit and per second for the causation lecture. Results indicated that the comparison discourse structure facilitated more substantive and elaborate retellings, whereas the causation discourse structure facilitated more efficient, concise retellings in both groups. Research and instructional implications are discussed.  相似文献   

Previous research has shown that providing written organizational lecture cues boosts notetaking and that boosting notetaking raises achievement. Lecture learning literature, however, is silent on whether spoken organizational lecture cues boost notetaking and achievement. To find out, participants listened to a lecture that contained or did not contain spoken organizational lecture cues. Participants either recorded lecture notes or refrained from notetaking while listening to the cued or uncued lecture. Results showed that spoken organizational lecture cues boosted the number of noted organizational points and details by 39 and 35%, respectively. Results also confirmed that lecture cues and notetaking work to raise achievement. Notetaking resulted in about 13% higher test achievement than not taking notes. Cueing raised test achievement 15–45% versus noncueing. Educators are encouraged to use spoken organizational cues while presenting lectures.  相似文献   

公子扶苏作为秦帝国的皇长子,在没有嫡子的情况下,理应为第一顺位的继承人,但最后却落得自杀的结果。试从主客观两方面来探究其与王位失之交臂的原因。  相似文献   

课堂对于大学具有核心地位,学界大师们对什么样的课是好课常有论断,视角虽有不同,观点实多聚焦.一堂好课应该是精神的享受,知识的盛宴,交流的舞台,切磋的论坛,思辨的场地.好课凝魂,好课新体,好课聚气,好课发力,好课乃“精气神”之焕发蓬勃,乃关注人之终极价值,因而使得大学机体健康强壮.  相似文献   

讲课,关键是内容。内容精通,讲课没有大问题。其次是内容之间的逻辑关系清晰顺畅。最后是表达具体、优美。内容、逻辑关系、表达方式,就是讲课的三要素。学理、条理与文采,学科、逻辑与艺术,艺术师范生掌握了这几方面,就掌握了讲课。  相似文献   

Researchers demonstrated the effectiveness of interteaching relative to lecture in 4-year university classrooms, but exploration in other settings is deficient. This systematic replication examines the extent to which interteaching leads to increased exam scores compared to traditional lecture in the community college classroom. Participants in two introductory psychology sections took identical exams following counterbalanced alternating lecture and interteaching conditions. Most student exam scores following interteaching were slightly higher than exams following the lecture condition, with statistically significant differences in two of the six exams. Students in both sections correctly answered more interteaching-based than lecture-based questions on the cumulative final exam, although these differences were not significant. During interteaching, students earned significantly more points throughout the semester compared to the lecture condition. Also, more students reportedly preferred interteaching relative to lecture. The results of this study comparing interteaching to lecture in a community college setting are consistent with the results in the original study within a 4-year university classroom. Students’ exam score gains and significant cumulative point differences suggest interteaching may be an effective alternative to traditional lecture, potentially producing meaningful differences in student performance within the community college setting.  相似文献   

In spite of advances in physics pedagogy, the lecture is by far the most widely used format of instruction. We investigated students’ understanding and perceptions of the content delivered during a physics lecture. A group of experts (physics instructors) also participated in the study as a reference for the comparison. During the study, all participants responded to a written conceptual survey on sound propagation. Next, they looked for answers to the survey questions in a videotaped lecture by a nationally known teacher. As they viewed the lecture, they indicated instances, if any, in which the survey questions were answered during the lecture. They also wrote down (and if needed, later explained) the answer, which they perceived was given by the instructor in the video lecture. Students who participated in the study were enrolled in a conceptual physics course and had already covered the topic in class before the study. We discuss and compare students’ and experts’ responses to the survey questions before and after the lecture.  相似文献   

This article proposes a computer-mediated education system, which uses discussion-embedded lecture videos. Currently, lecture videos and online discussions exist separately, and discussion topics are managed without reference to the lectures. However, when the discussion is based on the lecture, this separation makes it difficult for the participants to comprehend the discussion and contribute to it. In this article, the author proposes a system that works on the basis of a close relationship between the lecture video and the discussion. In the proposed system, the contributed comments are embedded into the corresponding parts of the video. Therefore, participants can read related discussions while watching the lecture video and they can watch the corresponding part of the lecture video while reading the discussion. Participants can appreciate the relation between the discussion and the lecture and understand the content and background of the discussion more deeply. These advantages facilitate further discussion. Thus, a more effective distance learning education environment can be achieved.  相似文献   

Theories of conditioning, modeling, and andragogy suggest drama's usefulness for teaching such topics as survey research methods to social work students. A randomized factorial experimental design compared groups of graduate social work students receiving materials presented in the form of a play or a lecture by two different professors. Initial testing indicated that the lecture by two different professors. Initial testing indicated that the lecture and play groups were equivalent in attitudes toward the experience. One week later the play group had significantly more positive attitudes. While the lecture and play groups were initially equivalent in knowledge retention, the lecture group showed significantly higher scores one week later.  相似文献   

Lectures continue to be the dominant form of university teaching, and lecture capture technologies are tentatively taken up to support this form of delivery, rather than being used as a viable alternative. Much of the previous research, however, has been self-reports or survey-based, with far less attention given to qualitative explorations. This study aims to bridge this gap by using qualitative methods in order to examine students’ experiences of lecture capture provisions within the context of their own learning by utilising six focus groups to generate data. Thematic analysis was used to understand group opinions and experiences of lecture capture within university teaching. Two conceptual themes emerged: enhancing the learning environment and working and learning strategically. Results show that the value of lecture capture provisions could not be fully evaluated by students without considering their current learning environments. The main positive function of lecture capturing was to alleviate negative perceptions of lectures as a learning event, but it also provided students an opportunity to learn strategically. The extent to which lecture capturing develops and enhances the learning experience is discussed. Recommendations for how universities could utilise lecture capturing are proposed.  相似文献   


Mindfulness meditation involves focusing one's attention on the present moment in a non-judgmental way. Several recently published investigations have demonstrated that a brief session of mindfulness meditation, practiced before a higher-education course lecture, can improve performance on a quiz over lecture content given immediately following the lecture. It is less clear how mindfulness meditation, practiced before multiple course lectures, impacts performance on quizzes over time as well as on a cumulative exam over all lecture contents. The present experiment compared a mindfulness meditation group to an active control group; each practiced 6 min of mindfulness or relaxation prior to seven course lectures. Following each lecture, a quiz was given over lecture contents to measure short-term academic achievement. A cumulative exam was later given over all lecture content to measure long-term academic achievement. In contrast to prior published investigations, there were no effects of mindfulness meditation on academic achievement. Given these promising yet inconsistent effects, future work should explore the moderators (i.e., individual differences; duration, frequency, and style of meditation practice) of mindfulness meditation's salutary benefits.  相似文献   

This paper examines the complex relation between interest and comprehension recorded by postgraduate students in a language teacher education programme at various stages of two-hour lectures. The quantitative analysis suggests that its relationship with comprehension changes as the lecture continues. The analysis is also triangulated with the qualitative responses reported by students at different stages of the lecture. The type of comprehension that co-occurs with increasing interest differs from the type of comprehension that co-occurs with maintaining interest. Although the effect of comprehension on interest is low at the beginning of the lecture, its effect is more frequently noted as important at the later stages of the lecture. Postdictability (i.e., the ability to determine after the fact that unpredictability and difficulty that have been raised in the earlier parts of the lecture hang together and make sense) seems important in increasing interest, especially at the later stages of the lecture.  相似文献   

《小王子》作为一本篇幅短小却富含哲理的名著,自出版以来就深受人们的喜爱,无论是天真无邪的孩童还是涉世已深的大人,都能从中体会到人生的韵味和真谛。《小王子》译本语言众多,而其中文译本也不在少数。根据不同的文本类型,不同的译者对同一文本就有不同的译法。这也是赖斯的文本类型理论所提出的观点。在文本类型理论的视角下,文章采用语言最优美的张小娴译本与受众面较广的周克希译本进行对比,以此分析两个译本在语言和风格方面的差异,并对两个译本的特点做出对比分析。  相似文献   

人物研究是历史研究的重要领域。恭亲王奕是清中后期重要的政治人物,他的决策和行政作为对晚清中国走向构成很大的影响,该专题研究价值极高。尽管改革开放以来,历史人物研究呈现兴盛的局面。但是,恭亲王奕尚未摆脱充当近代史研究"背景"的局面,专题研究有待深化。  相似文献   

Lecture capture, defined here as the capturing of some or all elements of a live lecture in digital format, is becoming increasingly popular in higher education. Despite this increase in popularity, fewer than 10% of institutes of higher education globally have adopted comprehensive lecture capture systems. So, the majority of instructors wanting to use lecture capture technology will find themselves having to acquire their own technology and do the capture themselves. There are several factors that influence the use of lecture capture, including the instructor’s level of comfort with technology, their budget, and the context in which they will be using the tool. Using case studies of our own experiences, we hope to illustrate a variety of ways in which lecture capture can be appropriately used in higher education in this way. Following this, we outline several challenges that we faced and provide recommendations for how to overcome these. Lastly, we describe some issues that should be considered and addressed before getting started using lecture capture technology in a way that is customized to suit the needs of both professor and student. We hope that by following the guidelines outlined in this paper, and by seeing practical examples of how lecture capture can be used in a variety of contexts, the transition from idea to implementation will be an easier one.  相似文献   

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