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王凡 《神州学人》2008,(8):37-39
4月初的俄罗斯春寒料峭.圣彼得堡也是乍暖还寒,时阴时晴。但是,奥运圣火的即将到来.为美丽的“北方威尼斯”圣彼得堡带来了火一样的激情。  相似文献   

“北方威尼斯”建城300周年的城市在世界众多逾千年的古城中只能算是小老弟,500万人口的规模也难与过千万人口的大都市相媲美。但是,在地球北纬60度线以北,最大、最美和最有名的城市桂冠当属圣彼得堡!她虽不是俄罗斯的发源地和最大的城市,但却是俄罗斯的骄傲和象征!也是现代俄罗斯的摇篮!1695—1696年,富于开拓精神的彼得大帝在打通黑海出海口的战争失利之后,他把目光投向了北方。经过3年的北方战争,于1703年5月16日(新历27日)打败北方强国瑞典,占领涅瓦河三角洲上的要塞——兔子岛,打通了俄罗斯的出海口,开始在此建造彼得保罗要塞(城堡),并…  相似文献   

国内的4月已是草长莺飞,而此时的俄罗斯还是风兼残雪、河带断冰的时节。那年就是这个季节到的圣彼得堡,并在那里生活了近一年。这一年的访学,让我对这座美丽的城市多年无法忘却。  相似文献   

刘景 《神州学人》2010,(2):34-35
俄罗斯人有一个特点,特别喜欢过节。每逢节日,无论男女老少,全都不工作,一起上街溜达。而且他们都感情特别外向,想哭就哭、想笑就笑,玩的时候就狂欢个痛快,从没有谁扭扭捏捏。这一点在开放的圣彼得堡表现得尤为突出。  相似文献   

2005年3月.我来到俄罗斯.作为俄罗斯国立师范大学美术系硕士研究生.开始了2年6个月的求学生活。  相似文献   

俄罗斯圣彼得堡大学又称列宁格勒大学,是世界上最优秀的大学之一。圣彼得堡大学坐落在涅瓦河北岸.与冬宫遥遥相对,这里是圣彼得堡最美的地方。圣彼得堡大学于1724年创建,是俄罗斯最早建立的著名综合性大学和世界知名的众多学派的源头,也是俄罗斯教育、科学和文化中心之一。2003年在世界排名第23位。  相似文献   

程冰 《神州学人》2007,(9):38-40
无法比拟的魅力城市到圣彼得堡不久,就看到了一年中最短暂也最美丽的秋天,放眼望去,秋日灿烂的阳光下,建筑、街道和运河掩映在大团大团红黄相间的叶子中,高大的落叶乔木簇拥着一块块地毯样的绿地,伊沙基辅斯基大教堂巨大的金色穹顶和彼得保罗教堂直刺天空的尖顶,骄傲的突出在城市的天际轮廓线上,极像一幅色彩明快的俄罗斯古典主义风景画卷,让人心旷神怡。倘若这时和朋友们一起在夏园中散步,踩  相似文献   

“水上都市”威尼斯位于意大利东北部的威纳托省,它仿佛一颗镶嵌在美妙长靴靴腰上的水晶,在亚得里亚海的波涛中熠熠生辉。  相似文献   

圣彼得堡,位于波罗的海芬兰湾东端的涅瓦河三角洲。它原来是波罗的海芬兰湾出海口的一片沼泽地,其周围地区,包括现在芬兰湾一带的土地,称为“英约尔曼兰”,原为瑞典王国所拥有。沙皇彼得一世为了争夺面向西欧的出海口,在18世纪初开始了对瑞典21年的北方战争,彼得一世从瑞典手中夺取了英约尔曼兰,并在这里修建城市,起名为圣彼得堡。  相似文献   

幽兰 《留学生》2010,(11):48-49
初到圣彼得堡,会给你异样的感觉.看看周围的建筑,仿佛置身于18世纪古老的欧洲城市,圣彼得堡是俄罗斯第二大城市和最大海港,这座美丽的城市.亦是俄罗斯的文化首都,其独特的魅力令人难忘.要感受俄罗斯文化的博大精深,感受俄罗斯民族性格中的浪漫与忧郁.去圣彼得堡的宫殿园林探访,—定会不虚此行.  相似文献   

圣彼得堡,只要提到这个名字就让人想起那些俄国最伟大的诗人、作家以及作曲家:普希金、杜斯妥也夫斯基、柴可夫斯基。十九世纪对圣彼得堡的富有阶级来说是段黄金岁月。那是一个充满了芭蕾  相似文献   

李小荣 《家教指南》2001,(2):118-122
本文主要对《兄常劝弟奉修三宝,弟不敬信,兄得生天缘》进行了校录和注释.  相似文献   

现藏圣彼得堡,编号为SI 2 Kr 17号和SI KrⅣ256号的回鹘文文书所本之原件撰写于1053年,是高昌回鹘王国统治者下发给驻守在西部边境指挥官的命令。其中的记述,反映了喀喇汗王朝与高昌回鹘王国间战争的某些重要史事,意味着当时高昌回鹘王国的西部边界已由伊塞克湖东南地区回缩至今尤尔都斯盆地,正可补史料之缺。另据文书中没有签章花押、SI 2 Kr 17号文书的语句多有重复且与SI KrⅣ256号文书内容相同的情况判断,这两件文书均非命令原件,而当是以原件为范本用于学习的抄件。  相似文献   

《Higher Education Policy》2002,15(2):177-185
This article focuses on attempts to introduce elements of sustainable development education into the curriculum of one of the largest Russian universities. At St. Petersburg State University, compulsory courses relevant to sustainable development have been introduced or modified in 14 faculties out of 20 during the last decade. Examples of environmentally oriented projects within and outside the university are given. The authors touch upon the state of affairs in higher education in Russia, and write about sustainable development in a wider sense, beyond the environmental context. Sustainable development in education for Russia is one of the most important pre-requisites for sustainable development in society. A model for reforming the system of national higher education is given to illustrate possible ways of achieving sustainability in education.  相似文献   

Comparative studies of attitudes in different countries have resulted in the claim that parents in the USA and England tend to have unrealistically positive views of their children's schools and academic performance. Low expectations, together with a belief in the importance of natural ability, it has been argued, lead to low standards and reduce striving to succeed. The present study builds upon earlier investigations of children's attitudes, beliefs and behaviours in Sunderland, Eastern Kentucky and St Petersburg by surveying parental perspectives. Findings from these three regions reinforce earlier findings about English and American complacency and the more demanding nature of the Russian context. In line with our earlier studies, and contrary to the suggestion of a number of writers, an emphasis upon effort, rather than ability, was a strong feature of the English and American responses, although it is pointed out that such beliefs may not actually result in high work rates. The paper concludes by suggesting that the important role of parents in instilling important attitudes and behaviours in their children is undermined by the current emphasis upon schools as fundamentally responsible for ensuring high levels of achievement.  相似文献   

The emphasis placed upon interactive teaching in recent years has stimulated considerable debate about its nature. This article attempts to explore some features of teacher/pupil interaction occurring in classrooms in two countries and compares teacher/pupil interaction in mathematics lessons in St Petersburg, Russia with those in the North‐East of England. The research explores the patterns of interaction, both public and private, the number and duration of interactions and the nature of the dialogue, in both locations. Issues which are highlighted are the tension between interaction and cognitive pace, and the tension between collective involvement and response to individual needs. Close examination of the interactions in the two locations highlights differences in sequence and blend which are not immediately apparent, raising questions about the outcomes which are most highly valued in each context.  相似文献   

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