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历史最大的属性是什么?历史是前人为后人所记录的人的活动,历史是属人的。历史产生于人,服务于人,而人之所以为人,从哲学角度上看,必须是“活”的人,死了的人失去了人的特征也就不成其为人了。历史也是“活”的。  相似文献   

人是不断生成的存在,创新是人的存在方式之一。教育是为人和人为的,是人的发展变化的函数,所以人的创新性存在就要求教育必须不断创新,只有创新才有生命力,创新也是教育的存在方式。决定教育创新的因素是社会与人,只要社会营造并提供了适宜创新的环境,在此基础上又实现了人的创新,教育创新也就顺理成章了。  相似文献   

在人类思想史上,马克思创造性地以人的实践活动为基点全面审视和考察人,正确地揭示了人的本质以及人的存在和发展的必然性,第一次对人及人的问题给予了完整科学的理解,是人学理论的革命性变革。实践地把握人,是马克思主义人学的根本方法,也是它与传统人学相区别的主要特点。马克思主义实践人学认为,人的本质就是在一定社会关系中的创造性实践。实践是人的根本存在方式,也是实现人的全面发展的根本途径。  相似文献   

“人是目的”是康德伦理学的一个重要命题,构成了整个伦理学系统的基础,是他的伦理学中最具进步性和现实性的成果之一。人是唯一具有理性的动物,理性决定了人之为人和人的道德价值,因此人是最神圣的。理性以自身为目的,而人作为理性存在者,本身就构成了自身的目的,但是康德并没有完全否定人作为手段的一方面,他用意志自律来达到了两者的统一。人的意志自律,也就是自由,自由是人的本质,人有了自由才使道德成为可能。  相似文献   

称谓语,就其狭义上来说,是人与人之间的称呼用语。称谓语是构建人与人之间的关系纽带,因此,称谓语的不同内涵赋予了不同的情感,人物之间的不同关系蕴含了不同情感。  相似文献   

研究教育本质已有比较多的成果,但主要着眼于教育结果的角度阐述本质,即使强调了人的发展是教育本质的观点,主要也是讨论人的发展目标以及实现的途径。事实上,教育是人的教育,需要从人的存在角度阐释教育本质,世界观不仅仅是“如何观”与“观什么”的问题,而且阐明人的生存是一种建构性的活动,人是在与世界互动中,领悟人的生存意义。因此,使人成为意义的存在者是教育本质的明确规定。  相似文献   

选择是每一个人的生活与学习中必须做的事。有的人选择了生,有的人选择了死;有的人在失败后选择了再次拼搏,有的人则选择了放弃;有的人选择了兢兢业业,有的人则选择了虚度一生。  相似文献   

连续几年对全国高考状元进行了访谈。他们成功的共同心理特点之一是对高考充满信心,相信自己能在高考中考出自己的实际水平。 要学会微笑 人在充满信心时往往春风满面,面带笑容,而人在丧失信心时往往愁眉苦脸、无精打采,面带愁容。笑是使人充满信心的表现,是人内心快乐的外部表现,笑和人的信心体验是一致的,和人的自信心相互促进,自信心使人充满微笑,微笑使人更加充满信心,二者相互产生促进作用。  相似文献   

科学主义与人主义作为人类化的悖论性思维前提,科学主义是近代科学发展的产物,而人主义则有较长的历史,但无论科学主义还是人主义都是对人的本质的片面理解。科学主义反映和确证了人的自觉本质,而人主义则反映和确证着人的自由本质,结果是,它们都在占有人的本质的企图中最终失却了人的本质。人学化作为人的存在方式,是人的“自由的自觉的活动”的本质的反映,它规定了科学主义和人主义思维悖论的人学维度。  相似文献   

大家好,我们是白炽灯,很多人认为,美国人托马斯·爱迪生是白炽灯的发明人。嗯,这么说没有错。但是,如果认真考究起来,嗨,牵扯的人可就多了。  相似文献   

苹果公司作为全球个人电脑与信息技术的领军企业,凭借其旗下软硬件产品的稳定性、扩展性和易用性等优势,在全世界范围得到共识。而在教育领域中,苹果公司的产品也占据着举足轻重的地位,影响广泛。相应的软硬件产品在教育领域中被广泛应用,并取得巨大的成功。从平台、资源、种类三方面优势,分析苹果教育软件的成功原因,对比我国教育应用软件的短板和劣势,分析其对我国教育软件发展的启示。  相似文献   

Curriculum decisions are increasingly seen as technocratic or bureaucratic problems, rather than democratic issues that must be deliberated over. As such, curriculum decisions are placed in the hands of a small minority of bureaucrats and business elites who assume the only purpose of education is to prepare children for college and/or the labour market. Within these times, it is essential to revisit classics works in order to move forward a critical theory of the curriculum. To develop a critical theory of the curriculum, I shall revisit two classic books in curriculum studies—R.S. Peters’s Ethics & Education and Michael Apple’s Ideology and Curriculum. I place Michael Apple and R.S. Peters in conversation with each other because both believe, albeit differently, that the curriculum ‘stands in need of justification’: both agree the curriculum must be publically justified through democratic deliberation. Furthermore, Apple and Peters develop different sets of tools for a critical theory of the curriculum—Apple provides tools for critique and Peters tools for the normative standards. However, both inadequately develop the normative standards for determining when the curriculum is democratically justified. These normative standards, I argue, are developed by Habermas’s critical theory of discourse ethics which is capable of building upon and expanding the insights of Apple and Peters.  相似文献   

The intention of this paper is to investigate the use of the term ‘process’ in educational analysis. Drawing on a model proposed by Apple & Weis (1985) for conceptualising ideological reproduction in education, the paper argues that ‘process’ is in greater need of clarification than the terms to which it refers. The claim is that ‘process’ has become a taken‐for‐granted but untheorised term in writing about ideology in particular and has become what Ardener (1978) calls, a ‘language shadow’. By this he means a metaphoric circumlocution that ambiguously sketches ideas that are beyond the capacity of real language to express. To this extent, ‘process’ masks rather than explicates the very mechanisms that are said to set in motion terms such as ideology. Consequently, it is argued that the process model of Apple & Weis requires additional elements for the theoretical explanation of ideological reproduction and for establishing a fit between the model and the world it depicts. Finally, the paper attempts to extend Apple & Weis's analysis by proposing a closer focus on the discursive practices of schools so that their complexity is accounted for in theoretical models.  相似文献   

移动互联网产业是互联网产业发展的结果,是移动终端与互联网相互融合的高级阶段。一方面,与传统互联网市场相比。其技术更新、行业动态性更强,且具有传统互联网产业所不具有的相对封闭性;另一方面,新的“代销模式”取代旧的“批发模式”,MFN合同条款频繁出现,使得移动互联网垄断协议的界定变得吏为复杂。文章以“苹果电子书定价垄断”一案为切入点,探讨界定苹果公司行为存在的疑难问题,以期通过寻求垄断协议以外的规制途径——优势地位滥用的认定,为应对移动互联网市场动态发展中出现的问题提供解决思路。  相似文献   

Sylvia Rimm received her doctorate in educational psychology from the University of Wisconsin–Madison. She has published Underachievement Syndrome: Causes and Cures (Watertown, Wis.: Apple Publishing, 1986); How to Parent So Children Will Learn (Watertown, Wis.: Apple Publishing, 1989); Gifted Kids Have Feelings Too (with Christine Priest) (Watertown, Wis.: Apple Publishing, 1990); and Education of the Gifted and Talented (with Gary Davis) (Needham Heights, Mass.: Allyn and Bacon, 1993), now in its fourth edition. She has co-authored or authored tests for identifying talents, interests, and achievement. She currently directs Educational Assessment Service in Watertown, Wisconsin, is head of the Family Achievement Clinic at MetroHealth Medical Center in Cleveland, Ohio, and is a clinical professor of psychiatry and pediatrics at Case Western Reserve School of Medicine, where she has taught courses in the principles of parenting and the psychology of the gifted.  相似文献   

This paper explores the growing trend of using mobile technology in university classrooms, exploring the use of tablets in particular, to identify learning benefits faced by students. Students, acting on their efficacy beliefs, make decisions regarding technology’s influence in improving their education. We construct a theoretical model in which internal and external factors affect a student’s self-efficacy which in turn affects the extent of adoption of a device for educational purposes. Through qualitative survey responses of university students who were given an Apple iPad to keep for the duration of a university course we find high levels of self-efficacy leading to positive views of the technology’s learning enhancement capabilities. Student observations on the practicality of the technology, off-topic use and its effects, communication, content, and perceived market advantage of using a tablet are also explored.  相似文献   

课程是围绕知识的选择、组织而展开的,知识的发展深深地影响着课程形态的演进。19世纪斯宾塞提出的"什么知识最有价值?"虽然引起了人们的思考,但随着知识的客观中立性神话被打破,这一科学取向的课程设计理念又在20世纪七八十年代被阿普尔转换为"谁的知识最有价值"这一政治取向。尽管阿普尔的思想显示了智慧的深度,却依然没有摆脱科学认识论及其主客二分的思维方式在教育中的映射。只有转换提问的方式即"知识怎样最有价值",寻求知识与学生间的意义关联才是这一问题的出路。  相似文献   

为进一步推动国内的阿普尔研究,本文简要回顾了阿普尔的个人履历及其与中国(包括台湾)教育学术界的交往历程,并对国内(包括台湾)所做的"阿普尔研究"进行了全景式的回顾.通过对阿普尔本人的直接接触和文献研究,本文对国内一些学者对其本人的一些不甚准确的介绍做了澄清,对一些学术文章和学位论文中所反映出来的翻译、研究方法和有关"新自由主义"的歧义等方面问题进行了揭示,并对国内一些学者对其学术思想所做的草率评价做了必要的辩护.  相似文献   

2009年11月由台湾《苹果日报》推出的"动新闻"因为其传播"腥膻色"在台湾引起了轩然大波,招致公众和业界人士对"动新闻"的新闻伦理及新闻真实的多重拷问。文章针对"动新闻"的"新闻真实"问题作了粗浅分析,认为"动新闻"这种新闻形式的出现具有必然性。"动新闻"同时具有"新闻"和"剧作"的特点,作者尝试提出"动新闻"向"新闻剧"转变的假设,从而为"动新闻"具有"想象"和"感情"等特征提供理论层面上的支持。  相似文献   

2008年是苹果大展身手的一年。自从MacBook Air——世界上最轻薄的笔记本——独占鳌头后,苹果如同微软在上个世纪90年代发行了伟大的XP系统那样开始在科技市场上夺取主导地位。  相似文献   

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