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试论美国文化多元性的成因与特征   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
美国文化从它的创造主体分析是一种移民文化。它在美国经过初步形成、成熟定型进入当前的多元文化发展阶段。美国移民的多“源”性决定了这种文化在民族认同基础上具有鲜明的多元性。影响移民文化形成发展的三个主要要素是:移民祖籍国的文化传统,移民与新环境的斗争以及在此过程中不同族裔移民的融合。它对美国的双重影响,既有“海纳百川”的包容性与杂交性,也可以成为某些美国社会问题产生的文化因素。  相似文献   

关于美国移民研究的几个问题   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
美国是世界上最大的移民国家。移民为什么要移居美国?其数量有多少?移民与美国工业化、高新技术和学校教育事业的发展有着怎样的关系?外来移民是怎样推动美国国内人口向着均衡化趋势流动的?美国又是如何对移民进行限制的?这些问题既令人关注,又在美国史研究中占有极重要的地位。因为移民在美国从无到有、从弱到强、从小到大整个发展过程中,起着无可替代的作用。  相似文献   

19世纪中后期,美国纽约城市犯罪问题严重。美国流行的观点是:移民是犯罪的根源;国内学认为移民犯罪率低于土生美国人。本通过对纽约市移民犯罪事实的分析,指出城市犯罪的原因和外来移民人口有一定的联系,但不是根本的原因。纽约移民犯罪问题的辨析不仅关系到如何准确评价移民的历史地位,而且对于我国外来人口犯罪和管理具有积极的借鉴意义。  相似文献   

美国成人移民扫盲教育可以追溯至南北战争时期,直至现在,成人移民的扫盲教育尤其是英语教学仍是美国任重而道远的工作。从移民扫盲教育的对象、扫盲教育相关机构、扫盲目标等几个方面梳理成人移民教育的发展脉络,可以对美国的扫盲教育有一个比较清晰和全面的认识。  相似文献   

美国是一个典型的移民国家,可以说没有移民就没有美国。现今随着移民的大量涌入,美国不可避免地出现了许多矛盾。要解决这些矛盾,美国移民政策势必面临改革,移民政策改革受诸多因素的制约。本文结合美国移民政策的历史和实际对现今美国政策移民改革做一简要的探析,今后一段时间移民政策改革面临怎样的形势。  相似文献   

美国是一个由移民组成的国家,华人作为美国移民中的一个重要组成部分,对美国的发展壮大做出了不可磨灭的贡献。美国以其独特的自然优势、文化教育优势、和经济优势,以及人性化的移民政策吸引着世界各地的移民。在我国,也掀起了移民美国的浪潮。然而,移民背后所隐藏的问题却并不为大众所熟知。通过对移民过程和移民之后的问题进行冷静的思考和分析,希望国人能够理性地认识和对待移民美国的热潮。  相似文献   

外来移民与近代美国   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
美国是移民及其后裔组成的国家,外来移民对美国很大,没有近代史的移民,就没有近现代史上美国的文明。  相似文献   

1965年以来美国华人新移民的特点   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
本文通过对美国华人新移民人口、经济、政治特征以及文化适应的分析,旨在说明新移民与老移民有很大的不同,进而阐述中国移民对当代美国所起的重要作用。许多新移民有较高的文化程度,他们中的许多人受过高等教育或受过专业训练。不像早年移居美国的老移民,新移民更愿意去实现他们的“美国梦”。新移民也是1965年移民法的受惠者。在社交上,新移民比老移民在唐人街以外有更多的接触,一些人作为同事生活在白人中间并与白人共事。政治上,新移民比老移民更关心他们的权利,他们逐步地参与美国政治生活。华人新移民在跳出美国种族樊篱的同时,在有活力的主流文化中发挥了重要作用  相似文献   

墨西哥“非法移民”是美国非法移民的主体。它根源于19世纪中期美国对墨西哥大片领土的占领,在发展过程中经历了三次大的浪潮。墨西哥“非法移民”对美国的发展做出了贡献,也带来了一些社会问题。在国内反非法移民的呼声下,美国政府多次出台控制非法移民的政策,墨西哥“非法移民”仍屡禁不止。增加对墨西哥的经济援助,帮助墨西哥发展经济,才是美国解决“非法移民”问题的根本途径。  相似文献   

187法案和1996年非法移民改革和移民责任法是90年代初、中期美国非法移民问题,特别是墨西哥非法移民问题激化以及由此而起的反移民情绪的结果,标志着美国新移民时代的到来.这两部移民法打乱了墨西哥移民的生活,给他们带来了重大影响.墨西哥移民在美国的的生活更加艰难了,同时他们为了改善境遇,归化率提高了.但是两部移民法阻挡非法移民的作用是有限的.特别是当美国的政客们为了政治目的不得不拉拢日益壮大的墨西哥移民团体.  相似文献   

Government response to migrant workers is an issue which has recently received considerable attention in the American press in connection with President Carter's proposal of "amnesty" for many of the 8 to 12 million illegal aliens living in the United States. This country has historically been a mecca for people seeking to better their economic conditions, and a constant flow of immigrants has long been a part of American life. It is only more recently, however, that Scandinavia, along with all the industrialized nations of Western Europe, has been faced with an influx of—both legal and illegal—immigrant laborers.  相似文献   

With a population of approximately 850 million living in an area of 9.6 million square kilometres, or the size of the United States of America or Europe, China's efforts to provide mass education since 1949 can only be described as impressive. Whether it is formal education or non-formal education, as educators in non-communist countries categorize education systems, China's education of the masses must be seen in the light of its role of “social reconstruction”. The vital role of education in accelerating economic growth is only a means to bring about reconstruction, not an end in itself as in other developing countries.  相似文献   

美国博士后工作已经有一百多年的历史,其发展经验表明,社会科学领域需要博士后工作。本文在梳理我国社会科学领域博士后工作的历史、描述发展现状的基础上,重点分析了我国社会科学领域博士后工作中遇到的一些现实问题,如培养方式单一、经费较少、对人才成长的作用没有理工科明显、流动站发展定位不清等。  相似文献   

分析了美国外来移民与我国进城务工人员基础教育财政政策差异,认为美国投入大量资金解决人口流动带来的随迁子女教育问题,对社会发展起到了重要作用,美国针对移民人口的教育财政政策对我国解决进城务工人员子女的教育问题具有一定的参考意义.  相似文献   

Individuals of Arab descent residing within the United States currently number between 1.2 million and 3.9 million. These families are characterized by considerable diversity depending upon their nationality, religion, and extent of acculturation to both Western and Arab cultures. More recently, Arab families have immigrated to the United States in response to traumatic events, such as war, a situation that has complicated their subsequent adjustment and acculturation to life in the United States. The growth in the Arab American population suggests that school psychologists are increasingly likely to work with their children and families. However, despite the National Association of School Psychologists (NASP; 2000) and American Psychological Association (APA; 2002) ethical guidelines requiring culturally competent practice, little has been written to guide the school psychologist's work with this population. This article draws on the available literature on Arab cultural values and acculturation to enhance culturally sensitive school psychology practice at the individual and systems levels. © 2007 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Psychol Schs 44: 183–198, 2007.  相似文献   

Japanese immigrants have been living in the United States for nearly 150 years. Yet, despite the continued presence of this population, there is not a lot of research to suggest why Japanese families have not become more active participants in preschools across the United States (US). In an attempt to understand this phenomenon, this paper examined the voices of nine Japanese immigrant mothers living in the US and articulates their major concerns and ideas; it also provides suggestions to early childhood professionals regarding these insights. Fundamental to this study is the belief that both Japanese parents and preschool teachers need to make a sincere effort to learn and employ communicative strategies and to acquire fundamental knowledge for building effective relationships. Data were drawn from semi-structured interviews and conducted over 12 months of fieldwork. Implications for early childhood professionals are explicated and briefly discussed.  相似文献   

A bidimensional acculturation framework cannot account for multiple destination cultures within contemporary settlement societies. A tridimensional model is proposed and tested among Jamaican adolescent–mother dyads in the United States compared to Jamaican Islander, European American, African American, and other Black and non‐Black U.S. immigrant dyads (473 dyads, M adolescent age = 14 years). Jamaican immigrants evidence tridimensional acculturation, orienting toward Jamaican, African American, and European American cultures. Integration is favored (70%), particularly tricultural integration; moreover, Jamaican and other Black U.S. immigrants are more oriented toward African American than European American culture. Jamaican immigrant youth adapt at least as well as nonimmigrant peers in Jamaica and the United States. However, assimilated adolescents, particularly first generation immigrants, have worse sociocultural adaptation than integrated and separated adolescents.  相似文献   

There is widespread national debate over how to address and advocate for undocumented immigrants in the United States. Education is key to the economic, occupational, and social mobility of young unauthorized immigrants, but policies and practices can hinder or open their access to education. Educators pursue a range of activities to support undocumented students in school. This article identifies the conceptualizations, strategies, and thought processes of educators who advocate for undocumented students. The results reveal that advocates’ backgrounds, resources, goals, identity, and the communities in which they advocate influence their perceptions and practices of advocacy.  相似文献   

19世纪英国移民是美国外来移民中一个有着独特经历和贡献的群体。来自美国移民始祖故国的他们和其他新来者一样远渡重洋而来,却很快融入美利坚社会,并被视作“看不见的移民”。他们拥有美国工业建设和经济发展亟需的先进技术和革新理念,并努力将这些技术和理念付诸实践。无论他们不同于抑或相似于其他进入美国的移民族群,19世纪英国移民定居美国后的种种经历和贡献在美利坚共和国的发展中具有重要意义。  相似文献   

美国是一个移民国家,其移民的形成原因是多方面的。在1860年之前与欧洲经济发展和人口增长、工业革命等社会因素相关联。美国移民进程是全球化进程的伴生物,是国际性的劳动力再分配过程,是世界移民进程的一个重要组成部分。移民们“和而不同”,对美利坚民族性格和美国精神的形成和发展产生了重要影响,对美国社会经济文化的发展做出了重要贡献。  相似文献   

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