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庞丽萍 《教师博览》2009,(12):36-37
第一次见我的学生.着实不怎么喜欢他们。那时,我刚从北方调来,而他们刚刚结束了军训.只见他们个个黑黑粗粗.很有点“生猛海鲜”的味道.心里不免多了一份警惕和不安:这些“生猛海鲜”不知会给我搞些什么花招呢。然而和他们同甘共苦了一年多后,如今再看他们,竞觉得个个都漂亮潇洒很有特点。我真信了一句名言:“人不是因为漂亮才可爱.而是因为可爱才漂亮.”  相似文献   

刚到新加坡的时候,生性好动的我喜欢在每节课结束后离开教室去熟悉我的新校园。而每次再回到班上时,往往是老师已经开始上课的十分钟后。如此三五次之后,班主任艾米莉小姐忍不住问我,为什么我每次都在老师的课上迟到。此时我才了解到,原来新加坡的学校从来不给学生提供课间休息时间,就连午餐时间,  相似文献   

"丁零零……"校园里回荡着阵阵悦耳的铃声。一大群学生从教室涌出来,踏上了各自回家的路,空中不时传来一阵阵天真的笑声,好像在表达着这样的意思:双休日到了!第二天,太阳公公又睁开了他那不知疲倦的眼睛,双休日的第一天开始了。我早早地就把那蜘蛛网似的家庭作业写完了,然后去找小伙伴玩耍。  相似文献   

静静的/坐在风里雨中/一圈一圈的/像铁环的圆/像篮球的圆/拴在腰上/见证校园的沧桑/男孩用脚踢踢你/女孩用手轻抚你/一圈又一圈的年轮/守候在教室的两旁  相似文献   

在信息化、网络化的时代,学校,早已不是院墙围住的那些教室、教室中专心致志的那些学生,还有学生敬仰注目的那位老师的景象。今天的教育,形式无处不有,无时不在,内容却尴尬地凸显城市化快速发展过程中的问题,露出急功近利、舍本求末的软肋。  相似文献   

[事件] 从今年9月1Et起,我国从小学到高中的学生们将开始统一学习校园集体舞。记者4日从教育部获悉,为促进青少年学生健康成长、全面发展,教育部组织创编了《第一套全国中小学校园集体舞》,并决定于9月1日新学期开始,在全国中小学校全面推广,其中男女生手拉手共跳的华尔兹将成为高中生的指定舞蹈。[第一段]  相似文献   

上课铃刚响,同学们踏着欢快的脚步从四面八方涌进教室. "今日点解个个都咁HAPPY,系唔系因为唔使上课啊?"韩莹莹轻声问身边的同学,刚好被从她旁边经过的丁老师听到.丁老师轻轻拉了拉莹莹两根翘翘的小辫子,微笑着用手做了一个"嘘"的手势:"请讲普通话!"莹莹挠挠头,有点不好意思.  相似文献   

“智慧校园”是在数字化校园基础上.对来自于校园各种信息数据实现感知、采集、监测、传递和分析,构建校园人与物、人与资源之间的联系,实现交互,拓展时间和空间。  相似文献   

钟昱 《教育》2007,(8S):46-47
为促进青少年学生健康成长、全面发展,教育部组织创编了《第一套全国中小学校园集体舞》,并决定于2007年9月1日新学期开始,在全国中小学校全面推广,其中男女生手拉手共跳的华尔兹将成为高中生的指定舞蹈。对这一新创议,疑虑者有之,反对者有之,当然,赞成者亦有之。教育部的这一倡导究竟是否符合学校的实际、学生的实际,本刊做出调查,将陆续刊出,以飨读者。这里刊发的是第一篇。[编者按]  相似文献   

我们班有一大批能人,“活宝”刘同尚就是其中一个。看,今天一大早,他就歪戴着帽子,哼着歌,迈着轻快的步伐进教室了。胖胖的大脸是他独特的标志,“嘿嘿嘿”的笑声是他独有的表达开心的方式。  相似文献   

Research on the transition to school has shown successful adjustment to be characterized by a high degree of effort, initiative, and positive interaction with peers and adults. These behaviors often have their root in the earliest transactions between infant and caregiver, particularly the infant's experience of having his/her cues and signals responded to in a consistent, sensitive way and the secure attachment which develops from such care. Through experiences with caregivers in the first year of life children begin to develop “working models” of others and self, models which influence how that child behaves at later ages, and which in turn influence how others respond to that child. Children who are deprived of the opportunity to develop a secure attachment often fail to develop the initiative and social skills which would facilitate their transition to school. Teachers' low expectations and negative responses to the child in the first years of school may perpetuate the child's negative working models and decrease the child's chances for subsequent school success. The challenge to us is to contradict the negative working models many children bring to school. This implies l) considering the meaning of the child's behavior within the context of his/her relationship history and current life experiences, 2) consistently and persistently caring for a child even in the face of apparent rejection of our efforts, 3) looking for opportunities to reframe how we and others perceive the child, and 4) being alert to subtle ways in which we and others may be perpetuating negative working models held by both the child and his/her parents.  相似文献   

Research on the transition to school has shown successful adjustment to be characterized by a high degree of effort, initiative, and positive interaction with peers and adults. These behaviors often have their root in the earliest transactions between infant and caregiver, particularly the infant's experience of having his/her cues and signals responded to in a consistent, sensitive way and the secure attachment which develops from such care. Through experiences with caregivers in the first year of life children begin to develop "working models" of others and self, models which influence how that child behaves at later ages, and which in turn influence how others respond to that child. Children who are deprived of the opportunity to develop a secure attachment often fail to develop the initiative and social skills which would facilitate their transition to school. Teachers' low expectations and negative responses to the child in the first years of school may perpetuate the child's negative working models and decrease the child's chances for subsequent school success. The challenge to us is to contradict the negative working models many children bring to school. This implies l) considering the meaning of the child's behavior within the context of his/her relationship history and current life experiences, 2) consistently and persistently caring for a child even in the face of apparent rejection of our efforts, 3) looking for opportunities to reframe how we and others perceive the child, and 4) being alert to subtle ways in which we and others may be perpetuating negative working models held by both the child and his/her parents.  相似文献   

Cooking with young children can be integral part of your curriculum. Here are some suggestions for working with children ages four to seven. Our four-year-old class has had a great time this year preparing simple entrees, as well as holiday gifts of cranberry bread wrapped in cellophane for our families. Not only is measuring, mixing and chopping ingredients fun, tasting the results with young children makes the process even more enjoyable.Liz Sellhoff Byrum teaches after school cooking classes at the Calhoun School and Allen Stevenson school in New York City.  相似文献   


Healthy Kids     
芒种,防湿防躁 6月5日左右是芒种节气,“芒种忙两头,忙收又忙种”,这是一个收获与种植的大忙季节。这个季节由于气温升高,空气中的湿度增加,体内的汗液无法通畅地发散出来,所以容易让人感到困倦,精神不佳。  相似文献   

Healthy Kids     
你知道吗?根据有关专家的说法,枕头的重量中,有10%是活的和死的螨虫及螨虫的粪便!也就是说,如果孩子的枕头重1千克,那么其中就可能有100克的螨虫!  相似文献   

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