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本文对英国图书馆社会包容问题的历史缘起、理念发展以及在图书馆服务中的践行情况进行梳理,主要介绍了英国图书馆学家藏夫·穆德曼(Dave Muddiman)的公共图书馆社会排斥项目,该项目的主要研究成果包括三个方面:图书馆社会排斥相关理论探讨,针对被排斥群体的实证调研,图书馆改进的对策研究.穆德曼关于公共图书馆社会排斥问题的研究成果在理论导向和研究方法等方面可对我国图书馆学界开展图书馆社会包容研究起到借鉴作用.  相似文献   

公共图书馆的社会包容理念:内涵、存在的问题及对策   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
公共图书馆是体现社会包容的"场所",是国家为保障公民获取知识自由而设置的专业信息机构。我国公共图书馆管理与服务过程中存在的若干社会排斥现象违背了图书馆社会包容理念,限制了公众对知识的自由、平等获取。因此,公共图书馆应制订相关的职业规范和服务准则,确立其负有社会包容的责任和使命,培育公共图书馆社区服务意识,在资源与服务配置上向被社会排斥人群倾斜,倡导并重新评估"机会平等",以此促进图书馆社会包容理念的推广与实践。  相似文献   

公共图书馆是社会包容的重要载体,为了使公共图书馆成为一个具有社会包容性的机构,公共图书馆就应该在其管理与服务当中努力做到避免政治排斥、人格排斥、设施排斥、制度排斥.而在美国社会依然存在公共图书馆将读者驱逐出本馆,拒绝为该读者服务的现象.就此,笔者对4家美国公共图书馆的读者行为规范进行了研究,认为存在其中的“人格排斥”“制度排斥”是造成读者权益受损的重要原因.  相似文献   

公共图书馆产生何种社会效应并不由大众对图书馆、对阅读的态度决定,而取决于它本身的服务战略.公共图书馆若想要在包容弱势、扶贫助弱的方面产生显著可观的影响力,需要首先在理念与战略上建立社会包容的使命与责任,在工作策略上向弱势群体倾斜服务资源,才能切实改善所服务的个人与群体的健康与福利,建立起安全、活泼、融合的社区生活.文章以上海市浦东图书馆的盲人服务为研究对象,借鉴<博物馆、图书馆、档案馆的社会产出原型框架>中对公共图书馆社会产出的评价体系进行评价、分析,从"更活泼、更安全的社区"、"健康和福利"、"提升个体的公共生活质量"等方面表明了浦东图书馆服务对视障群体的社会价值.本案例既是有效管理理念与服务战略促成公共图书馆良好社会效应的证明,也是公共图书馆服务促进社会包容的例证.  相似文献   

弱势读者群体一直是公共图书馆关注的重要读者群体,而歧视是影响其利用图书馆资源与服务的重要因素。为了更加有效直观的评估公共图书馆弱势群体的歧视感知情况,本文以公共图书馆弱势读者群体为研究对象,利用专家咨询法,成立专家组,通过两轮的专家咨询,构建了由4个一级指标和22个二级指标组成的公共图书馆弱势读者群体歧视感知模型。并利用层次分析法,对各级指标进行赋权,最终得出公共图书馆歧视感知指数的计算公式。最终通过调查问卷的方式,以560名公共图书馆读者为研究样本,进行实证研究。通过实证分析发现,公共图书馆内基本没有针对弱势读者群体的歧视行为发生,图书馆的整体服务环境较为平等、和谐。  相似文献   

公共图书馆提供无偿化服务,是当今社会文化高速发展的需要,也是图书馆及图书事业自身发展的需要。本文从社会公益的角度出发,对公共图书馆无偿服务的社会价值进行分析。在调查国内部分典型公共图书馆收费状况的基础上,探讨了现阶段图书馆无偿服务存在的问题及应对方案,以期为图书馆无偿化服务发展提供参考。  相似文献   

王素芳 《图书馆》2007,(1):29-32
国际图联弱势群体图书馆专业组是国际图联中长期关注生理和活动受限人群图书馆服务的专业组之一。目前它已制定了有关老年人、残疾人、病人、监狱犯人等多部服务指南。这些行业规范中所体现的基本思想,对我国现阶段公共图书馆开展面向弱势人群的服务具有重要的借鉴意义。我国公共图书馆应不断地拓展为各类弱势人群服务的范畴;图书馆在开展服务时应制定内部政策和规划,应有专业图书馆员给予指导,应建立适合各类弱势人群的物理环境、馆藏、设施、设备、服务活动,应主动地进行宣传推广,并与外界相关利益权人开展合作和交流。  相似文献   

弱势儿童是一个值得社会关注的特殊群体。本文通过研究公共图书馆为弱势儿童群体服务的基本现状,分析了公共图书馆在为弱势儿童群体服务方面存在的问题,并提出相应的服务对策。  相似文献   

通过对弱势儿童定义、国内公共图书馆为弱视儿童服务比较分析,阐述了公共图书馆作为社会文化服务机构,应如何全心全意为弱势儿童服务,并针对在全社会关注弱势儿童的大背景下,如何发挥自身职能和作用,对弱势儿童实现精神帮扶,提出自己的设想。  相似文献   

王素芳 《图书馆》2006,(6):17-21,84
国际图联弱势群体图书馆专业组是国际图联中长期关注生理和活动受限人群图书馆服务的专业组之一。目前它已制定了有关老年人、残疾人、病人、监狱犯人等多部服务指南。这些行业规范中所体现的基本思想,对我国现阶段公共图书馆开展面向弱势人群的服务具有重要的借鉴意义。我国公共图书馆应不断地拓展为各类弱势人群服务的范畴;图书馆在开展服务时应制定内部政策和规划,应有专业图书馆员给予指导,应建立适合各类弱势人群的物理环境、馆藏、设施、设备、服务活动.应主动地进行宣传推广,并与外界相关利益权人开展合作和交流。  相似文献   

公共图书馆弱势群体服务实效及解决方案   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
现实中的公共图书馆弱势群体服务受到冷遇,知识援助社会影响力有限。其原因可以归结为:弱势群体图书馆服务与其需求存在差异;公共图书馆的社会排斥性问题;图书馆服务的有限性成为弱势群体利用图书馆的障碍;弱势群体自身对图书馆的认知有限。公共图书馆弱势群体服务必须大开免费之门,加强与政府的公共关系,引入志愿者服务机制,做好群体需求调研,通过延伸服务让尽可能多的群体成员成为知识援助的受益者。  相似文献   

公共图书馆作为社会组织,具有公共责任、职业责任和社会责任。提供公益性图书馆服务是政府应当承担的公共责任,职业责任是公共图书馆生存和发展的根基,社会责任是公共图书馆应尽的社会义务。公共图书馆应明确政府应承担的社会公共责任,区分职业责任和社会责任,从而增强公共图书馆的社会认同度,实现公共图书馆事业的可持续发展。  相似文献   

我国图书馆服务的价值取向:公益性与效益性的统一   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
公益性是图书馆的基本属性。我国图书馆的发展既要坚持公益性服务为主,又要遵循市场经济的基本规律.开展一定程度的经营性服务。将公益性与效益性和谐发展,以实现图书馆社会效益和经济效益的最大化。  相似文献   

The focus of this paper is on an understanding of social exclusion/inclusion: the concept and how a specific public library service, namely the City of Swan Public Library service, has responded to this social issue. The terms social inclusion/exclusion are explored and clarified from an international, Western Australian State Government, and public library perspective. This is followed by a brief overview of Western Australia as an Australian state, and how public libraries operate based on a partnership with the State Library of Western Australia and Local Government. The City of Swan Public Libraries are described in some depth and also portrayed in their local setting namely the City of Swan, a city of extensive growth that offers a unique environment of both rural and urban areas. The concept of social inclusion is then applied to the City of Swan Public Library service and how the library service addresses social inclusion within its physical environment, policies, operations, future planning, programmes and services. This includes the results of a Library Non-user Survey that was conducted in 2001. The aims of this survey were to: ascertain why non-users within the City of Swan do not make use of the library facilities; explore why past members were not using the library services; examine the effectiveness of library promotions; and investigate the access to and usage of the Internet. The paper concludes with a list of the potential social conditions of which public libraries need to be aware in their strategic planning activities so that community members are not excluded from participating and accessing the public library service.  相似文献   

Public library value is often ascertained by outlining the economic, social, and cultural benefits public libraries generate for the greater community. While researchers have focused on the concepts of social capital, civic engagement, and the role of libraries in promoting democracy, fewer studies have explored the public’s perceptions of libraries in an effort to determine library value. Furthermore, library nonusers are rarely included in these studies. In Alberta, Canada, 1,201 Albertans from across the province, including both urban and rural areas, were asked a series of questions about their perceptions of public libraries and library use. Findings reveal characteristics of library users and nonusers, what services and resources are used most often at public libraries, what value the public places on public libraries, and the role that libraries play in supporting communities.  相似文献   

公共图书馆服务联合体是近几年公共图书馆的热点问题之一,它集成全地区资源向读者提供统一公共图书馆服务。2009年厦门市采用统一管理平台对全市公共图书馆资源与服务进行整合,构建厦门市公共图书馆服务联合体,为全体市民提供无层级、无差别、无障碍的统一服务,同时厦门图书馆与全市各级图书馆合作与协调,形成覆盖全市的公共图书馆服务网络,推动厦门市公共文化事业与公共图书馆事业的发展。  相似文献   

For public libraries to achieve effective strategic planning, they must know who uses the public library and who does not use it. This study examines the characteristics of users and non-users of the public libraries using socio-demographic data from the Current Population Survey, a nationally representative survey of over 50,000 households conducted during October 13–19, 2002, and library services data from the Public Libraries Survey 2002. The study finds 34 variables to be significant. These variables including factors that have not often been studied, such as distance from the library, age/school attendance status, use of other types of library, and public library expenditure per state capita. It is also worth noting that disadvantaged groups, including ethnic minorities, recent immigrants, and people with disabilities, were less likely to use public libraries. This was true even after other factors such as education and income were held constant. The study provides a national-level assessment of the under-served populations. It also offers triangulation to other existing research, particularly qualitative information behavior studies of specific groups.  相似文献   

谈公共图书馆为农民工服务之社会职责   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
随着城市化步伐的加快,农民工已成为城市生活中不可或缺的重要组成部分。作为社会生活中利益缺失的一方,农民工理应得到全社会的关爱和重视。公共图书馆作为公益性的社会文化机构,其使命和性质都决定了它在建设我国社会主义和谐社会中的重要作用,而为包括农民工在内的弱势群体提供优质服务也将成为图书馆工作的重大社会责任。  相似文献   

Public libraries have a huge potential to be creators and facilitators of social innovation in communities and society. Qualitative research based on interviews with 27 librarians showed that social innovation in libraries can take the form of educational and cultural activities, leisure and networking activities and social support services. The main goal of the research was to find out what factors support and make these innovations difficult in public libraries. A four-layer model of barriers and stimulators for social innovation is presented, which includes structural, local, organizational and personnel levels. The model could serve to inform librarians, their stakeholders and governments about all levels of barriers and stimulators connected to innovation of library services and social re-positioning of public libraries in the future.  相似文献   

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