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马克思在《德意志意识形态》中科学地阐述了历史辩证法这一思想。本文安排马克思的历史辩证法和解释学进行一次伙伴对话,从中得到马克思历史辩证法的相比较的优势。然后以历史辩证法为指导,以对话为桥梁,尝试了通往马克思的哲学文本解读方法之旅。  相似文献   

在完成《德意志意识形态》后,马克思在《哲学的贫困》中进一步完善了历史唯物主义的基本原理,首次正面批判了黑格尔的概念辩证法,同时对过去的政治经济学,特别是蒲鲁东的形而上学政治经济学进行了批判。蒲鲁东政治经济学的实质是黑格尔概念辩证法在政治经济学中的抽象运用,是一种“庸俗辩证法”。马克思以历史唯物主义的解释原则实现了历史辩证法对蒲鲁东“庸俗辩证法”的批判与超越。基于此,对《哲学的贫困》中历史辩证法对“庸俗辩证法”的批判与超越进行了探讨,以供参考。  相似文献   

马克思哲学的先进性不仅体现在理论内容的科学性上,而且体现在思维方式的先进性上。马克思早在《1844年经济学———哲学手稿》中就建立了以实践为基础的历史辩证法,这也为马克思主义哲学后来的创立和发展提供了一个方法论依托。本文仅以《1844年经济学———哲学手稿》为研究对象,从马克思的自然观念、人的概念以及人与自然的关系理论中分析马克思的实践的历史辩证法。  相似文献   

回到马克思创立唯物辩证法时原初的历史语境,我们发现,马克思辩证法的精神实质是关于人类自由和解放的规律的学说,是基于对人类本质活动——实践的内在矛盾的研究.解读马克思辩证法的当代意义,可以让马克思辩证法重新焕发出时代光辉.  相似文献   

在马克思主义的传播过程中,辩证法问题始终聚讼纷纭,西方“马克思学”学者基于自身的理论背景,就辩证法在马克思主义中的地位、性质和作用等问题著书立说.苏东剧变后,西方“马克思学”进入分化发展阶段,辩证法逐渐在学院派的理论构建中“失锐”,尤其体现在马克思和黑格尔的关系问题中.诺曼·莱文、新辩证法学派和罗伊·巴斯卡从文本、逻辑和体系的视域出发对辩证法进行了当代解读.但鉴于西方“马克思学”固有的意识形态属性和学院派研究的非批判性,针对西方“马克思学”对于辩证法的“失锐式解读”,我们必须立足当代中国马克思主义研究取得的最新理论成果,坚持回到历史辩证法.这是超越西方“马克思学”理论逻辑的必然要求,是解读经典作家“理论原像”的理论要求,也是发展当代中国马克思主义的内在要求.  相似文献   

马克思关于历史的唯物主义与历史的辩证法是统一的,根本不存在外在于唯物论的历史观,也没有脱离人的感性活动的辩证法。在历史唯物主义思想的指导下,《1857—1858年经济学手稿》不仅仅具有政治经济学批判的性质,而且贯注着哲学批判的精神。在这部贯注人的感性活动理路的逻辑学中,马克思以现实的个人为研究出发点,运用从抽象上升为具体的历史方法和历史与逻辑相统一的原则,集中体现了马克思研究社会历史发展和人类自我解放的思想逻辑。  相似文献   

实践辩证法一开始就是作为实践唯物主义的重要内容而提出和论证的,是批判和超越传统教科书的"唯物辩证法"的思想成果。在我国新时期的辩证法研究中,注重实践辩证法成为研究者们的一个共同倾向,但由于对文本的选择和解释框架不同,也出现了一些分歧。本文在细读《巴黎手稿》和《德意志意识形态》文本的基础上,认为在马克思的历史语境中,劳动异化辩证法和交往异化辩证法是实践辩证法的两个维度,它们相互支撑相互为用,构成了历史辩证法的实质内容。马克思的辩证法思想并不存在"断裂",相反,倒是充分显示了人的实践活动中价值原则与科学原则之间必要的张力。  相似文献   

西方"马克思学"学者诺曼.莱文在2006年出版了专著《可悲的骗局:马克思反对恩格斯》,而《马克思主义与现实》2008年第5期译介的《马克思与黑格尔思想的连续性》一文,不过是这一著作思想的缩影。文中,精通历史学的莱文借鉴了马克思早期的通信内容,采用平直的历史叙事,通过筛选马克思思想理论所涉领域"方法"研究得出"早期马克思实践唯物主义转变的分水岭应定位在1843年写作《黑格尔法哲学批判》时期,在此之前无论在哪一领域马克思都没有走出黑格尔的理论视域,马克思和黑格尔都有着思想上的‘连续性’"结论。笔者认为莱文之所以得出此种结论,原因在于其恰恰忽视了辩证法的实践基础,没有摆脱黑格尔的思辨辩证法的唯心主义路线,进而无法上升到马克思主义哲学革命性辩证法的理论高度。  相似文献   

本文以《1844年经济学─—哲学手稿》中“黑格尔辩证法和一般哲学的批判”一章为依据,阐述了马克思对黑格尔唯心辩证法的分析和批判改造。马克思在批判黑格尔唯心辩证法的过程中提出的唯物主义对象化理论即实践的观点,为实现对黑格尔唯心辩证法的改造奠定了科学的基础。马克思主义哲学正由于坚持了这一观点,从实践出发去理解现在世界,才在批判继承哲学史上优秀成果的基础上创立了以实践辩证法和自然辩证法为基本内容的唯物辩证法。建立科学实践观,并将科学实践观引入辩证法,是马克思在辩证法上实现伟大变革的实质。  相似文献   

中国人民大学出版社出版了一套由杨耕先生主编的"当代马克思主义哲学研究文库".在其葱郁的文本丛中,有一朵阐释马克思心路历程、廓清马克思理论地平线的奇葩,这就是张一兵教授与蒙木桂先生合著的《神会马克思--马克思哲学原生态的当代阐释》.正如作者所言,它主要是对《回到马克思》一书的创造性述评,同时也是对《马克思历史辩证法的主体向度》和其它一些最新研究成果的一种拓展.  相似文献   

“新课标”教学建议中提出 :“阅读教学是学生、教师、文本之间对话的过程。”本文拟从与文本对话角度分析阅读教学中学生、教师、文本之间的关系 ,并着重探讨以学生为中心与文本对话的三种形式 ,及有效地与文本对话的教学途径 ,使学生通过与文本对话 ,提高自己的阅读能力。  相似文献   

为增进学生的思维而对话,应成为课堂教学的终极追求。教育哲学、语言学、心理学和教育学等多个理论视角,共同诠释了对话是课堂学习之本质、增进深层次思维是课堂对话之根本这两个重要命题。要改进当前课堂教学对话中的问题,重在关注学生思维,倡导教师主控型对话走向师生互动型对话、封闭式对话走向开放式对话,创设自由宽松的课堂对话环境,提供对话策略指导师生学会对话。  相似文献   

A central concept introduced in the Nordic debate on sustainable development is ‘action competence’. The concept has been defined as a competence of learners, i.e. the ability to take into consideration the social factors and human conflicts of interest that lies behind environmental questions and sustainable development. The concern of this article is the role of such conflicts for making meaning in relation to sustainable development. With this aim, we analyze a series of interviews with seven high school students. Our analysis takes its point of departure in the works of Dewey and Wittgenstein. It shows that the dialogue partners in this study continuously put one another in the position of having to make communicative choices in the dialogue. Moreover, the choices facing these dialogue partners can be translated into human conflicts of interest of a broader kind. A conclusion we draw from our work is that value judgments dealing with human conflicts of interest are a foundation upon which the dialogue on sustainable development is constructed, and that they seem to be a prerequisite if the dialogue is not to come to a standstill. We discuss the consequences of this finding for education for sustainable development.  相似文献   

This article describes Mikhail Bakhtin’s 20th century work on dialogue as it may serve one engaged in the teaching as a vocation and existential pursuit rather than as a job or profession. Dialogue, as theorized by Bakhtin, within the pedagogical real, potentially becomes a mod of being through which the individual engages in the project of selfhood, a task basic to the human enterprise. For Bakhtin, dialogue was in part a structure within and through which we come to consciousness and give flesh and meaning to our existence. According to Bakhtin, the structure of self is dialogical and unfinalizable, meaning that each individual comes to consciousness through dialogue with some other. From a Bakhtinian perspective, the, selfhood as a dialogical formation constitutes a fundamental relation by which we much participate without end, making dialogue an unavoidable social activity immersed in language.  相似文献   

A bstract .  In this essay Andrew Metcalfe and Ann Game argue that although the term "dialogue" is commonly used in educational theory, its full significance is diluted if it is seen as a matter of exchange or negotiation of prior positions and identities. As a meeting point, they argue, dialogue suspends the senses of time, space, and ontology on which identities are based. It is therefore not simply metaphorical to say that dialogue changes lives and opens minds. Using empirical material from interviews with Australian students and teachers, Metcalfe and Game draw out the relational qualities of genuine dialogue and the significance they have for how we understand everyday classroom life.  相似文献   

《地下室手记》自问世以来,就受到了广泛而热烈的关注,尤其是和各种现代理论发生了种种密切的关联, 本文认为,要透视该文本的这种丰富特质,就必须深入到巴赫金对此所作的“对话”分析之中,全面探讨这种“对话”的形式及其功能.从中可以发现,“对话”形式本身正是俄罗斯19世纪150年代那种“欠发达现代主义”的最好写照,而“对话”理论所展示出来的根本问题以及关注的“意识”,“思想”、“历史”诸层面,也正是观照现代性文化的必要视野。  相似文献   

This paper discusses the limitations and potentials for dialogue in religious education (RE) classes on the basis of observations of Estonian RE lessons. I investigated how the way of asking questions contributes to the dialogue in the classroom. Additionally I investigated how students’ readiness to engage in dialogue is influenced by others’ responses to their contributions. I examined what happens in a classroom, by observing and analysing patterns of interaction in RE lessons in two schools. Video‐ethnographic data collection was combined with stimulated recall. Incident‐analysis stemming from conversational analysis was used to interpret the data. On the basis of these analyses and interpretations, we can conclude that the teacher‐centred habit of instruction is a main impediment to dialogue. A teacher’s positive reinforcement of answers does not contribute to dialogue between students but rather to the assumption that the correct answer has already been given and to reliance on the teacher’s arguments. Also, open questions do not work always as facilitators of dialogue, but rather can be felt as intimidating.  相似文献   

In this study, we review the possibility and limitations of the dialogue pedagogy to make suggestions for extensions and modernizations of it, highlighting the concept of inclusion, which is a keystone of dialogue pedagogy, and focusing on the different pedagogical understanding and reception of it in the past few decades. It emerges that dialogue pedagogy can be of different character and significance depending on different positions toward the possibility of inclusion. Adhering to Buber??s position shown in his Heidelberg speech in 1925, we review what kind of logic and system Buber suggested with regard to the concept of inclusion and investigate the possibility of a theoretical extension for the contemporary context of education and pedagogy.  相似文献   

巴赫金的对话理论来源于陀思妥耶夫基小说的复调性、对话性,不过却否认与疯癫之间的联系,显然是不符合文本事实的。因为第一,巴赫金恰恰是在陀氏的而非其他作家的作品中发现了“对话”的,而疯癫却正是陀氏小说明显的特征;第二,实际上,巴氏所举的“对话”例子,从形式上看并不是“对话”而是某种“拷问”,从内容上看,更象精神分裂病患者的谵语。据此,可以说明“对话”与“疯癫”之间的联系并由此角度审视“对话”的价值。  相似文献   

Written submissions are traditionally used in the assessment of applications for Fellowship of the Higher Education Academy, with dialogue offering an alternative approach. Quite why individuals elect for dialogue has received little attention. Using a mixed methods approach, data were gathered from two Universities offering dialogic and written routes in their Fellowship schemes. Most individuals elected for dialogue, although this decision varied between Fellowship categories. Reasons for the choice were highly individual. This study demonstrates that dialogic approaches are popular with staff. However, we argue the importance of choice in Fellowship assessment options and recommend this to other academic developers.  相似文献   

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