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20世纪20年代初,沪上发生了一场规模宏大的禁彩运动,迫使北京国民政府大总统黎元洪下令禁绝一切彩票.这场运动的发生发展并不是偶然的,是长期以来民间社会力量禁彩呼声的延续和禁彩活动的升华.在这场运动中,工商界人士和报界发挥了积极的推动作用,使得这场运动取得了些许成功.  相似文献   

1928-1934年,苏南地区、上海市(下称"苏沪地区")采取"断禁"方法开展禁烟活动,最终收效甚微。究其失败原因,除了国民政府没有树立必禁决心这一决定性因素外,禁烟措置失当、军政当局贪渎、地方势力反抗、客观条件制约、外国阻挠破坏等诸因素均在不同程度上对"断禁"造成了不利影响。  相似文献   

16世纪中叶至17世纪上半叶,天主教在日本大体经历了迅速传播、时禁时宽以及严厉禁教三个阶段。天主教在日本终遭禁绝的原因主要归结于天主教危及了封建集权统治以及天主教所代表的西方文化与日本文化的冲突  相似文献   

曹操迁为济南相,发现这里祠祀尤盛,不算青州诸郡,仅济南一城就有六百余座祠堂,史称:“奢侈日甚,民坐贫穷,历世长吏无敢禁绝者。”时曹操正值年轻气盛,遇事敢作敢为,乃毁坏祠屋,禁断淫祀,于是“奸宄逃窜,郡界肃然”。曹操的这种做法,显然是由重大的历史教训所致。对东汉末年的政治家们来说,刚刚经历过的打着宗教旗号的黄巾流民作乱,在他们的心目中无疑是一场铭心刻骨的可怕噩梦。故  相似文献   

陈凯  周涛 《鸡西大学学报》2013,(4):146-147,149
清末,彩票外来,销售一度很火爆,清政府对其采取了禁止的态度,但并未真正禁绝。伴随着彩票的进入、兴起,对其的议论从未停止。从清末诸多文献中可知清末政府对彩票是禁中有设、设中有禁、禁中有售、设售又禁、准许官设、禁止私设、默许售卖、禁止私卖、严惩私卖,禁、设、售三者充斥交相,在利与权威、道德之间,这也实属清政府的无奈之举。  相似文献   

灵公好妇人而丈夫饰者,国人尽服之.公使吏禁之,曰:“女子而男子饰者,裂其衣断其带。”裂衣断带相望而不止。晏子见,公问曰:“寡人使吏禁女子而男子饰,裂断其衣带,相望而不止者,何也?”晏子对曰:“君使服之于内,而禁之于外,犹悬牛首于门,而卖马肉于内也。公何以不使内勿服,则外莫敢为也。”  相似文献   

[拼音]guà yáng tóu mài gǒu ròu[出处]灵公好妇人而丈夫饰者,国人尽服之。公使吏禁之,曰:"女子而男人饰者,裂其衣,断其带。"裂衣断带相望而不止。晏子见,公问曰:"寡人使吏禁女子而男子饰,裂断衣带,相望而不止者,何也?"晏子对曰:"公使服之于内,而禁之于外,犹悬牛首于门,而卖马肉于内也。"公何以不使内勿服,则外莫之为也。"  相似文献   

广州国民政府时期,虽然孙中山坚决反对弛鸦片之禁,但由于当时一切服从于军事斗争的需要,加之全国在北洋军阀统治之下鸦片继续泛滥,所以,其禁烟政策实际上是以筹饷收税为目的,禁烟很难说有什么成绩  相似文献   

《子不语》成书于乾隆后期,屡经刊刻,版本演变较为复杂,与“小说之禁”密切相关:乾嘉年间,禁例稍宽,《子不语》刊刻未受影响;道光、同治年间,禁例极严,《子不语》由“抽禁”到彻底禁绝;光绪年间,禁例虚设,《子不语》被广为印行;民国以后,禁例无存,《子不语》版本异常丰富。  相似文献   

试析抗战时期国民政府田赋征实之弊端   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
田赋征实政策是国民政府在抗战期间,为解决军粮民食问题而实行的战时政策.在当时全民抗战的情形下,为坚持持久作战,保证军粮的供应无缺,实行田赋征实政策,具有一定的合理性.在实行征实的过程中,由于制度与人员管理等诸多因素的制约与影响.其实际效果并不理想,弊端百出,贪污现象层出不穷.  相似文献   

The Australian Royal Commission into Institutional Responses to Child Sexual Abuse is an example of a government response to survivors’ demands to address the harm they suffered. It is also a major response by a national government to improve child safety in the future. Facing up to child abuse is difficult and in other countries similar inquiries have suffered delays and derailing. This commentary uses an evidence-to-action lens to explore why clear evidence of child sexual abuse may be ignored and side-lined. It argues that where evidence challenges the powerful, is surprising and shocking, or undercuts current institutional and policy arrangements, then that evidence is likely to be ignored, undermined or refuted – all factors which are present in the case of historical institutional child sexual abuse.  相似文献   

国民政府处理一·二八事变的基本出发点是:首先实现中日停战,然后通过外交途径解决争端。为此,国民政府在军事、政治与外交方面多管齐下。显见,此时国民政府对日政策与九一八事变时期相比发生了一定的变化。这既折射出中日民族矛盾的进一步激化,也说明国民政府的对日政策开始发生微妙的调整。然而,国民政府对日政策的核心仍是基于依赖国际调停的方式来解决中日争端。国民政府对日态度未发生根本性变化。  相似文献   

我国基本国策的内容及渊源   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
基本国策是国家规范全国范围内较长时期行为的总政策和在某一基本领域所实行的主要政策,在政策体系中处于最高层次,对国民经济和社会发展具有重要作用。但对我国目前到底有多少基本国策,其出处及以何种形式体现等问题,说法众多,并无一致的认识,造成了理论研究和实际使用中的混乱。经查证相关资料,我国基本国策的渊源和体现形式主要有以法律形式确定、以党的代表大会报告形式确定、以政府工作报告形式确定、以计划纲要形式确定、以政府白皮书形式确定、以政府规章形式确定和以领导人讲话形式确定等多种形式。其内容主要有计划生育、对外开放、保护耕地、长治久安、环境保护、一国两制(和平统一)、男女平等、保护资源和水土保持等九项内容。  相似文献   

改革开放以来,我国在实现经济腾飞的同时也出现了一些社会问题,为此中共十八届三中全会提出推进国家治理体系和治理能力的现代化,这意味着政府与社会和公民之间的合作治理,这是一种政府权力的下放和回归社会,让社会和公民实现自我管理,也即社会自治。政府通过建立和完善一系列的机制,创新社会自治方式,实现政府与公民积极而有成效的合作,最终实现国家治理能力和治理体系的现代化。  相似文献   

抗战结束后,国民政府对汉冶萍公司采取了“接收”的政策。其原因在于:一方面,汉冶萍尽管为商办公司,但与历届中央政府关系密切,在创办及发展过程中利用了大量官款;另一方面,汉冶萍公司被日军占领后,公司经理盛恩颐投靠日本并与其通力合作,使日本在大冶攫取了大量矿砂。同时,汉冶萍公司所属厂矿濒临破产,而矿业和钢铁关乎国计民生。因此,1945-1948年,国民政府根据相关“接收”政策的精神,采取坚决措施收回汉冶萍公司,并使之成为国有华中钢铁公司的基础。  相似文献   


In this article we discuss how central governments can promote the development of policy at school level which will lead to quality improvement. The development of school level policy does not mean abandoning the role of central government as a driving force in school improvement, which would clearly be unacceptable in many countries. Instead, it may mean a change in the relationship between policy making at different levels. The main question is: under which conditions can schools develop their own policy that permits them to coordinate and act in unity, but which also fits in the framework of central government policies. This question may be examined from the perspective of central government policy makers, or from that of professional educators working within schools. In this article we choose the latter perspective. We will examine the factors that confront school level policy makers and the ways in which they can deal with them. Our intention is to provide a framework for policy action at the school level, within the assumption that there is a national government policy direction.  相似文献   

八年抗战期间,南京国民政府为应对复杂的战争局势,被迫实施了一系列统制经济政策。在诸多统制政策中,占有重要地位且收效显著的是商贸管制中的统购统销。统购统销的范围,包括一些重要农产品、矿产品类的外销物品,以及粮食和棉花纱布等的国内日用必需品。通过对这些物资的统购统销,南京国民政府基本实现了它的一些预定目标。更重要的是,这种政策的实施,对支持中国的抗战事业并最终取得决定性的胜利,做出了不可忽视的重大贡献。文章试图从背景、内容及影响等方面对统购统销这一政策作出评析,以期使我们对它有个比较全面的了解。  相似文献   

This paper presents the case of a relatively low-profile policy initiative that has been successively reframed as part of larger policy ensembles within UK schools over a six-year period, and translated during this time at national and school levels. The policy examined is that of study support or out-of-hours learning. The trajectory of this policy is traced as it is first launched within an educational policy ensemble around the raising achievement agenda and then re-framed as part of the then New Labour government’s major educational and social policy agenda of Every Child Matters. Drawing on interview data from head teachers and teachers, the ways in which study support policy was translated in two contrasting schools over this period is explored, highlighting different tensions with national policy and local agendas. The ‘fate’ of study support as an initiative is questioned following a change of government in the UK and in the context of global education policy developments. This analysis of the re-framing of a low-profile policy adds to our understanding of the cycles of policy ensembles and their translation by different agents in different sites over time.  相似文献   

Sexual abuse during childhood is a public health and human rights concern throughout the world, including Sub-Saharan Africa. In 2011, Zimbabwe initiated national prevalence data collection on violence against children to inform government policy and programs. We interviewed 567 females and 589 males, aged 18–24 years following standardized and previously tested survey methods from the region. Of females 32.5%, and of males 8.9%, reported experiencing sexual violence before age 18. Most female (62.7%) and male (47.9%) victims of sexual violence experienced more than one incident of sexual violence prior to age 18 years. Three in four females (77.7%) and one in four males (26.7%) of those who experienced sexual violence reported that the first incident was perpetrated by a boyfriend or girlfriend. Few victims received professional help (2.7% of females and 2.4% of males who had reported experiencing sexual violence). Violence against girls is at epidemic levels in Zimbabwe. Most sexual violence against girls occurs within the context of peer relationships. Child victims who seek potentially life-saving support tend not to receive it. This study is evidence of a national public health and child rights emergency in the country and a case for increased, longer-term investment by the government and its development partners in policy reform for enhancing adolescent girls’ empowerment and protection.  相似文献   

清代民族政策是清代政策体系的一个重要组成部分,在康雍乾时期,清政权采取了适当宽容和尊重的政策来对待回回民族及其伊斯兰教,有较大的变化和发展。对三朝民族政策的实施及其变化,解读当时回民的境遇,以祈提供历史借鉴。  相似文献   

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