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幼儿教师的自身修养、幼儿园的管理理念和社会对幼儿教育的态度等是影响幼儿教师职业幸福感的重要因素.增强幼儿教师职业幸福感,需要幼儿教师加强师德修养,努力提升职业幸福的感受能力;幼儿园管理突出“以人为本”,主动为教师的职业幸福打好基础;全社会尊重和理解幼儿教育工作,共同为教师的职业幸福营造良好氛围.  相似文献   

韩蔚蔚 《家长》2021,(1):99-100
幼儿园要能够针对影响新农村幼儿教师专业发展和职业幸福感的因素做出准确的分析,并采取必要的措施予以有效解决,不断提高教师职业幸福感,进而实现新农村幼儿教师良好的专业发展.  相似文献   

幼儿教师职业幸福感是伴随成长所获得的一种身心持续愉悦体验。影响幼儿教师职业幸福感的因素中,组织管理因素最为重要,其次是社会因素,职业因素、个人因素再次。园长可通过改善幼儿园内部管理;争取给教师合理的"回报";实现班级合理化的"师幼比例";采取适当措施,防止校园意外伤害;加强认知,引领教师常怀感恩之心等提升教师的职业幸福感。  相似文献   

蔡军 《教育探索》2009,(5):92-93
教育是幸福的事业.面对一度缺失的幼儿教师的职业幸福感,教育要回归原点,回归对生命的尊重.在生命关怀视野下重新审视幼儿教师的职业幸福感,应结合职业特点,从逻辑上理顺幸福的内在联系,如创造与享受、物质与精神、过程与结果、教师与幼儿、外在价值与内在价值等,这是认识和重建幼儿教师职业幸福感的关键.  相似文献   

影响幼儿教师职业幸福感的主要因素之一是幼儿园的组织管理。园长在幼儿园的组织与管理中处于核心位置,应把提升幼儿教师的职业幸福感作为幼儿园内涵建设的突破口,改进幼儿园的组织与管理,切实提升教师的幸福感,打造教师幸福、幼儿幸福的幸福之园。  相似文献   

幼儿教师职业倦怠的缓解与职业幸福感的提升   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
职业倦怠与职业幸福感是职业人对其职业所产生的两种性质截然相反的心理体验,两者存在相互排斥的关系,即缓解职业倦怠有助于提升职业幸福感,而提升职业幸福感自然有助于缓解职业倦怠.教师目前普遍存在着较为严重的职业倦怠现象,幼儿教师因其工作压力更大与待遇更低而出现了更为严重的职业倦怠,大量优秀幼儿教师流失.为缓解幼儿教师的职业倦怠,提升其职业幸福感,政府和幼儿园应努力提高幼儿教师的待遇与收入水平,实行以人为本的园所管理,并积极创建和谐的人际关系与友善的园所文化.  相似文献   

幼儿教师职业幸福感的已有研究主要集中在幼儿教师职业幸福感的概念、特征、意义以及影响因素、原因和策略上,但还存在着研究视角单一,研究范围狭窄,理论研究不足等问题,今后对幼儿教师职业幸福感的研究将进一步拓展研究视角,扩大研究对象,深入进行理论探讨,为提升幼儿教师的职业幸福感作出努力。  相似文献   

本文通过调查分析,对幼儿教师的职业幸福感的获得进行了分析,这对提升幼儿教师职业生活质量,提升幼儿教育质量是大有裨益的。  相似文献   

幼儿教师职业幸福感对教师工作态度、工作投入、工作绩效,以及幼儿的发展都有重要影响。从工作特征来看,过高的工作要求降低了幼儿教师的职业幸福感;充足的工作资源会提高幼儿教师的职业幸福感,并且在高工作要求和职业幸福感之间起调节作用。从个体特征来看,幼儿教师职业幸福感存在性别、职称差异;人格特质、依恋类型、职业认同以及应付方式等心理特征可以显著预测幼儿教师的职业幸福感;减轻工作压力,丰富工作资源,塑造积极人格,增强职业认同,加强团队合作可以有效提升幼儿教师职业幸福感。  相似文献   

钱海娟 《文教资料》2014,(20):131-133
幼儿教师职业幸福感是伴随成长所获得的一种身心持续愉悦体验,不仅直接影响教师的发展,还关系到幼儿的培养和教育。本研究从社会、幼儿园、幼儿、家长和教师自身因素等方面分析影响幼儿教师职业幸福感的因素,并提出提升幼儿教师职业幸福感的对策:提高幼儿教师待遇,完善职业保障机制;完善社会支持系统;改善幼儿园的内部管理,营造和谐氛围;为幼儿教师搭建多元化展示平台;勤于学习,充实自我等。  相似文献   

教师职业幸福感是教师专业发展的起点和归宿,是教育事业发展的动力。有效提升教师职业幸福感有助于教师的专业发展和教育质量的提高。据此,本文提出:端正教师职业形象,奉持合理的角色期望;完善教师素养,统一角色自我和个性自我;优化教师工作环境等措施来有效提升教师的职业幸福感。  相似文献   

采用问卷调查法,对陇东地区幼儿教师专业能力进行调查,结果发现,年青教师比例较大,第一学历以中专为主,区域内公办和民办幼儿园发展不平衡;民办幼儿教师流动性高,该群体整体收入不高,职业认同及幸福指数高;幼儿教师的专业能力总体水平不高,在区域、教龄方面存在显著性差异。  相似文献   

近年来,随着我国民族地区学前教育的发展,民族地区幼儿教师的专业化发展受到重视。当下民族地区幼儿园教师专业化发展面临着多重困境,为了改善民族地区幼儿园教师发展现状,应加强对其专业化发展出路的构建,以期为民族地区幼儿园教师专业化发展提供一定的理论支持和实践指导。  相似文献   

To understand teachers' professional development, the career stories of 10 experienced Flemish (Belgian) Primary School teachers were collected. The analysis of these narrative data culminated in the reconstruction of a professional self and a subjective educational theory, both conceived of as indicators for the professional development. These general concepts were differentiated to develop a conceptual framework for understanding teachers' professional development from their career stories. The comparative analysis of the stories revealed two important recurring themes, the strive for job stability and the feelings of vulnerability for the teacher. In this paper the “biographical perspective” is depicted as a general theoretical approach, and as a concrete research procedure for data collection and analysis. The author concludes that a narrative-biographical approach constitutes a viable perspective for understanding professional development from the subjective viewpoint of the teachers.  相似文献   

This paper reports on a four-year longitudinal case study of four Chinese EFL teachers on their professional identity change in the first years of teaching in K-12 schools in China. Teachers' cue-based and exemplar-based imagined identities formed in the pre-service stage transformed into rule-based and schema-based practiced identities in the novice stage, mediated by the mixed influences of the institutional contexts of school and the dynamic educational contexts.  相似文献   

The acronym RICH stands for resources, intimacy, competence, and health. These characteristics are purported to define psychological health, which is assumed to be synonymous with happiness. The four characteristics encompass all possible reinforcers, are relatively obtainable by all individuals, are interrelated to the extent they incorporate each other in their definitions, and function to guide both the diagnosis of individual functioning, and the design of interventions. © 2004 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Psychol Schs 41: 43–49, 2004.  相似文献   

This paper presents a qualitative study of student teachers' school-based learning in a teacher education program for secondary school teachers in Hong Kong. Learning to teach is examined through the lens of a personal-professional conceptualization of learning. An in-depth study of two cases of student teachers' professional learning is reported. Research methods used include interviewing, tape-recording supervisory meetings, field observation and document analysis. Through an inquiry into the individual's interaction with pre-training influences, the teacher education program and the teaching practice context in the two cases, this study extends our understanding of student teachers' professional learning in terms of the formation of the teaching self and the process of framing in the action and socio-professional contexts of teaching practice.  相似文献   

Most children attend kindergarten very early in western societies; in fact, they are inserted in different contexts of socialization (family, school and/or other day-care). In what are these contexts of socialization different for linguistic abilities that they contribute to develop? How can the young children adapt themselves to these differences? These questions are discussed considering theoretical interactionnist approaches, and some analyses of communication practices in french kindergarten. Perspectives are released for a discussion on a pedagogy of oral language with young children.  相似文献   

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