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This article applies a capability approach to examine how children's agency, well-being and participation rights can be developed and supported in educational settings. We introduce Amartya Sen's concepts of agency and well-being freedoms and achievements to highlight the tensions and trade-offs between risks to children's agency and well-being in and through educational processes. We draw upon selected empirical examples to illustrate this relationship further. By positioning the development of children's agency as an explicit and important goal of education, alongside well-being achievement, we aim to broaden the evaluative space for assessing what constitutes quality in children's education. We conclude with some reflections on implications for policy and practice going forward.  相似文献   

This study sought to investigate the predictive relationship that dimensions of attachment shared with an array of indicators of psychosocial well-being and mental health in a sample of students making the transition to higher education. One hundred and thirty-one students completed the Vulnerable Attachment Styles Questionnaire (VASQ) prior to enrolment in their first semester of university education. Subsequently, the students completed measures related to perceived loneliness, institutional integration, psychological need satisfaction, depressive symptoms and ways of coping during their first semester. Results suggested that higher scores in relation to the insecurity dimension of the VASQ were instrumental in predicting negative psychosocial well-being and mental health. The results discussed the key vulnerability dimensions of attachment when seeking to predict indices of psychosocial well-being and mental health.  相似文献   

This paper argues that implicit racial bias regarding black males is a manifestation of a long trajectory of Western racial memory and anti-blackness where black males have been considered subhuman or as human kinds. The author draws from theological, scientific, and social science literature to illustrate how racial discourses have historically constructed black males as subhuman or as human kinds (Hacking, 1995). The central argument of this paper is that current practices in schools and society that engage in racial bias are tied to durable racial discourses of power that have consistently rendered black males as feared and dangerous.  相似文献   

During the 18 years of Conservative government in Britain, only two attempts were made to stimulate the 'supply side' of the quasi-market of schools. These were the introduction of City Technology Colleges and sponsored grant-maintained schools. This paper draws comparisons between the two initiatives. It is shown that, while the CTCs were largely a 'top down' policy, and the sponsored grant-maintained schools might be seen as the result of 'grass roots' pressure group activity, there were many similarities between the two programmes. In practice, both initiatives stalled at just 15 schools, but it is argued that their significance is far greater than their numerical strength would indicate. Both can be seen as examples of increased privatisation and selection, and it is shown that what may develop from them is a greatly changed education system.  相似文献   

This paper begins with a discussion of some of the key insights of recent sociocultural research that consider bilingual children and learning to read and culminates in a discussion of Syncretic Literacy Studies (SLS). It then presents data from an ethnographic study that focused on the learning experiences of a small group of Year Three Bangladeshi‐heritage pupils during 1 year of their schooling in order to problematise some of the claims made in recent sociocultural work and in SLS, particularly the focus on children's agency. The findings from the study suggest that (a) there are limits to children's agency that are not recognised in recent work and in SLS; (b) that identity has an important role to play: children can successfully mask what they cannot do as readers in order to present a particular identity in the mainstream classroom; and (c) that the access some children have to mediators may be limited and can change over time.  相似文献   

随着优质教育公平时期的到来,承认正义从微观过程中弥补分配正义的相对优势作用,逐渐获得认可。相对于偏向宏观制度保障的分配正义,承认正义将实践教育公平的重点置于教育过程中的承认和满足,从祛除蔑视和促进承认两个维度构建学校内部公平体系。尊重学生基本权利、满足爱的需要、开放评价体系、承认多元能力,是实现学校内部公平的主要抓手。  相似文献   

This paper analyses the educational attainment of the total primary school population (13,984 children) of a city based on a series of tests between the ages of 6 and 12. The children were surveyed in Aberdeen in the 1960s. The attainment of each age-group in each school is analysed against the background of their parental class, the social status of their neighbourhood and the life style of their family. A steep gradation of attainment across all class levels, already apparent in early school years, persisted unchanged up to the age of 12. Class influence on physical development was similarly marked at school entry. School intakes reflected the social character of their neighbourhood which in turn dominated the schools' educational potential. The paper looks at attainments atypical of nominal class and asks why a system based on equality of input produces gross inequality of outcome.  相似文献   

现代远程教育是我国西部基础教育发展的重大历史性工程.本文从西部学校使用远教资源的实际情况出发,提出要使现代远程教育真正走进学校,必须立足西部中小学校教育实践的特点和要求,转变传统远程教育过于强调物理空间和技术传输的认识,从传递资源到应用资源给予整体关注,通过改善资源结构、加强教师培训、完善学校科研三个环节逐步提高西部教师的教学水平.  相似文献   

培智学校教育对象的变化、融合教育的倡导实施、原有课程实施方式使得培智学校的改革势在必行。以北京市某特殊教育学校为研究对象,采用质性研究的研究方法对该校与社区互动的原因、历史、具体举措、效果及问题进行了研究。研究结果表明,在文化氛围、学校管理、课程方面培智学校都有其与社区互动的机制。培智学校与社区互动的特点有:“双赢”是培智学校与社区互动的基础、“利益共同体”是培智学校与社区互动的表现形式、“改革发展”是培智学校与社区互动的动力。要更好地促进培智学校与社区互动,不仅需要协调学校内学科课程与社区课程的冲突、突破学校改革和质量发展的瓶颈,更需要处理好学校、社区、家庭、政府在培智学校与社区互动中的支持服务关系。  相似文献   

The paper reviews a number of ethnographic studies of students in U.S. secondary schools to help understand the causes of a range of student behaviors from minor non-compliance to lethal violence. Based on these studies, as well personal experience, the authors suggest that educators and educational researchers approach and understand student perspectives on school life. Such perspectives often reveal the logic of non-compliance, and show that aspects of school structure and practice can exacerbate or contribute to violence. Student non-compliance and alienation can escalate into violence if the student view is not regularly consulted in schools.  相似文献   

《Support for Learning》2005,20(4):157-161
Integrated Community Schools (ICS) in Scotland provide a focus for studying the role of inter‐agency partnerships in supporting more inclusive schools and their communities. In this article, Lyn Tett examines two types of intervention, those designed to coordinate supportive programmes within and outside schools, and those that have acted as a catalyst to restructure local authorities' education and children's services. It is argued that inter‐agency work is difficult and change requires time, resources and commitment to building a meta‐strategy that will allow all relevant interest groups to find a way forward. Inter‐agency programmes can contribute to social inclusion, it is suggested, by sustaining projects that prioritise collaborative partnerships with all the community.  相似文献   

This essay examines the complex relationship between agency and technology. I compare autism apps developed by Samsung and Toca Boca and show that while app marketing retains a human-centered notion of agency, user–app interactions distribute agency through a constellation of human and nonhuman actors. The divergence between marketing and use, as well as critiques about agency and technology within disability studies, motivates my argument for hacking agency. Whether in computer or knowledge networks, hacking is a critical process that exploits information silos for particular ends. In this essay, I seek to broaden notions of rhetorical capacity and challenge narrow approaches to intentionality so as to facilitate the attribution of agency across the neurological spectrum.  相似文献   

改进薄弱学校是当前许多国家面临的一项重要任务,同时这又是一项困难且进展缓慢的任务。本在介绍英国改进薄弱学校方面有关情况的基础上,结合我国的现实,就如何改进我国的薄弱学校提出了一些对策。  相似文献   

Scattered geographically throughout Britain are 60 or more small private evangelical Christian schools. Following the rapid growth in the number of such schools during the 1980s, it was predicted that the expansion would continue into the 1990s and beyond. In practice, since the early 1990s there has been stagnation or retrenchment. This paper explores some of the possible reasons for this change in fortune.  相似文献   

整体性治理是在对官僚制与新公共管理实践中机构碎裂化和公共服务分割化的反思中发展起来的。从"复杂性—棘手问题—碎裂化—协调—整合"入手,着眼于政府内部机构和部门的协调与整合,实与涂尔干理论之整合观有相似之处。通过建构一套容忍的制度、分立或权变的作法、建立交易及相互依赖的方式、妥协或混合,达到政府整合与服务的无缝隙供给目的。  相似文献   

为提高薄弱学校办学质量,英国政府先后出台"特色学校"、"学院学校"和"信托学校"等一系列政策."信托学校"即把信托机制引入学校管理领域,以提升学校的管理水平,更新学校的办学理念,从而促进学校办学品质的提升.  相似文献   

Several studies have been carried out to investigate the effect of child maltreatment on juvenile justice involvement and future criminal life. However, little is known about the impact of other forms of adversity, beyond abuse and neglect, on juvenile delinquency and criminal persistence. The effect of early adversity on psychosocial problems is underexplored, particularly in juvenile delinquents. This study, using the Childhood Adverse Experiences (ACE) questionnaire, a tool accessing the exposure to different types of abuse, neglect and serious household dysfunction, explored the role of each adverse experience on juvenile justice involvement, persistence in crime and psychosocial problems during young adulthood. A Portuguese sample of 75 young adults with official records of juvenile delinquency in 2010/2011, and 240 young adults from a community sample completed ACE questionnaire and measures of psychosocial adjustment. Seven out of ten adverse experiences were significantly more prevalent in young adults with juvenile justice involvement than in the community sample, after matching the main demographic variables. The strongest predictor of juvenile justice involvement and criminal persistence during early adulthood was sexual abuse. Dimensions of child/adolescent emotional maltreatment and a mental illness in the household predicted a set of psychosocial problems in young adulthood. This study indicates that early adversity is significantly related to juvenile justice involvement, criminal persistence and psychosocial problems. This study also suggests that each experience has a different role in this process. There is an urgent need to screen, prevent and stop serious adversity. Future scientific directions and recommendations for policies are provided.  相似文献   

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