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留学路上,穷困与屈辱如两条毒蛇一般,啃噬着他们的肉体与灵魂……面对“腹中胎儿无钱引产”的难堪,面对“不肯支付一分工钱”的日方黑心老板,这对大学生原本脆弱的神经猛然崩断——  相似文献   

北京市将台路中学职业高中电真空专业的24名高三学生,1988年5月随合办单位北京松下彩色显像管厂(以下简称彩管厂)有关人员到日本的东京、大阪等地近十个工厂顶岗实习,目的是培养彩管厂在生产、质量、管理方面达到“松下水平”所需要的技术骨干。  相似文献   

Understanding: ‘Knowledge’, ‘Belief’ and ‘Understanding’   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The following paper is intended as an exercise in friendly criticism of one of Harvey Siegel's and Mike Smith's (Knowing, Believing and Understanding, this volume). I'm in substantial sympathy with the general thrust of their paper and my remarks merely provide some criticism of their discussion's conceptual coherence and clarity and a correspondingly slightly adjusted version of what they have to say. My focus is limited to the conceptions of knowledge, belief and understanding and their inter-relationships in terms of which they offer suggestions to science educators.  相似文献   

In this paper we consider discourses of friendship and belonging mobilised by girls who are not part of the dominant ‘cool’ group in one English primary school. We explore how, by investing in alternative and, at times, resistant, discourses of ‘being nice’ and ‘being normal’ these ‘non-cool’ girls were able to avoid some of the struggles for dominance and related bullying and exclusion found by us and other researchers to be a feature of ‘cool girls’ groupings. We argue that there are multiple dynamics in girls' lives in which being ‘cool’ is only sometimes a dominant concern. There are some children for whom explicitly positioning themselves outside of the ‘cool’ group is both resistant and protective, providing a counter-discourse to the dominance of ‘coolness’. In this paper, which is based on observational and interview data in one school in the south of England, we focus on two main groupings of intermediate and lower status girls, as well as on one ‘wannabe’ ‘cool girl’. While belonging to a lower status group can bring disadvantages for the girls we studied, there were also benefits.  相似文献   

SOHO(小型家居办公室),据说最早指的是美国妇女在家开设的小型作坊。近年来,由于网络的迅猛发展以及各种高科技手段的进步,为人们在家办公提供了极大的便利,喜欢在家工作的SOHO一族人数激增。“SOHO族”认为在家工作有很多好处:不必每天上下班、不必呼吸马路上的污浊空气。不必跟乱七八糟的各色人等打交道……由于上下班的人数减少,客观上节约了能源、有助于环保,因此,“SOHO”被认为是下个世纪最重要的十大工作趋势之一。在中国,自由撰稿人大概是最早接近SOHO族雏形的。近两年,随着电脑的普及和社会接纳程…  相似文献   

被人们深乎众望的我国著名教育家叶圣陶先生说过:“作文难得一次成功,往往要改几次才算数。作了文又能自己改,不用请别人修改,这就经常处于主动地位,岂不是好?”他还说:“‘改’与‘作’关系密切,改的优先权属于作文的本人。”这简短几说,确实言简意赅。这  相似文献   

碣石是个有名的地方。碣石之名见于我国最早的地理著作《禹贡》。《禹贡》载“夹右碣石,入于河”和“太行、恒山,至于碣石。入于海”。前者说的是今无棣大山,后者所云即昌黎碣石。昌黎碣石有五个特点:一、它雄踞渤海北岸,河北昌黎县北,气势非凡。海拔695.1米比无棣大山高十倍多。占地300平方公里,有近百座峰峦,比无棣大山占地大750倍。此山有其标识作用。二、碣石是北方的象征,历来有不少帝王到此。三、碣石地区是山海关内外往来的必经之路。四、此地区汉后是兵家必争之地。五、碣石山是古今观海胜地。另外的碣石都不具这些特点。  相似文献   

炎炎夏日,空气燥热,人的心情也烦躁起来。一天傍晚,我拖完地板,不由地舒了口气,哦,好难得的一片阴凉!“姑姑,姑姑!”这时,四岁的小侄女丹丹跑来,不由分说就要跑进屋。我连忙拦住:“丹丹,脱掉鞋子再进去,啊?”丹丹嘴一撅,任性地说:“不嘛,我不脱嘛!”望着能照见人影的地板,我哪忍心让她破坏这一片阴凉。于是,我故作生气地沉下脸,说:“丹丹,听话!”没想到小家伙根本不吃这一套,拧着身子反抗着:“不,就不!”后来,看我脸色没有让步之意,便大声叫着以壮大声势。就在这时,哥哥回来了,见丹丹大吵大闹,劈头就骂:“你吵什么,不热啊!”任性的  相似文献   

彭海燕:校园‘百灵鸟’文/戴名龙她,舞步轻盈,歌喉圆润,人称“百灵鸟”。她,凭着对教育事业的眷誊深情,使一所音乐教学原来很不起眼的山城小学,荣膺“湖南省忧秀艺术学校”称号。她,就是张家界市舞蹈协会会员、慈利县金慈实验小学教师彭海燕。1991年6月,毕...  相似文献   

Education ministries in the Caribbean countries have directed considerable attention over the last decade to ‘solving’ the ‘problem’ of boys’ underachievement. Rather than considering such interventions, our central concern in this paper is to revisit debates about the interpretation of the issue, to explore whether boys’ underachievement is indeed a ‘problem’, in the sense of both an empirical reality and an issue requiring political attention. In this paper, we explore contestations over the reality and complexity of educational underachievement and whether this relates to broader political–economic marginalisation (or privileging) of boys. We turn then to explore the relationship between material realities and gendered subjectivities. Overall, we argue that boys’ underachievement should neither be ignored nor be the exclusive focus of attention and that a move from ‘boys’ underachievement’ to a broader analysis of ‘gender and education’ is needed, to place the debate in a gender relational context.  相似文献   

While achieving research independence by becoming a principal investigator (PI) is a key aspiration for many postdocs, little is known of the trajectory from PhD graduation to first PI grant. This interview-based study examined how 16 PIs in science, technology engineering, mathematics or medicine, in the UK and continental Europe, prepared for and dealt with this career transition. Individuals demonstrated commitment to lengthy periods of postdoctoral work in a range of institutions (often involving international mobility) to achieve PI-status. Their emotionally laden journeys required resilience and self-belief, since getting a grant was conceived as partly luck. Once individuals had their grant they faced new challenges that distanced them from actively researching. Still, individuals navigated their intentions in a sustained fashion to create a distinct intellectual profile in the face of challenging circumstances. The results highlight the centrality of emotion in the journey, as well as curricular imperatives for both doctoral and postdoctoral learning.  相似文献   

‘Distance education’ and ‘e-learning’: Not the same thing   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
This article examines the distinct differences between ‘distance education’ and ‘e-learning’ in higher education settings. Since the emergence of the new information and communication technologies (ICT), many have related to them as the new generation of distance education, and some have referred to their implementation in academia as challenging the very existence of campus-based universities. Many policy makers, scholars and practitioners in higher education use these two terms interchangeably as synonyms. But the fact is that distance education in most higher education systems is not delivered through the new electronic media, and vice versa – e-learning in most universities and colleges all over the world is not used for distance education purposes. ‘Distance education’ and ‘e-learning’ do overlap in some cases, but are by no means identical. The lack of distinction between ‘e-learning’ and ‘distance education’ accounts for much of the misunderstanding of the ICT roles in higher education, and for the wide gap between the rhetoric in the literature describing the future sweeping effects of the ICT on educational environments and their actual implementation. The article examines the erroneous assumptions on which many exaggerated predictions as to the future impact of the ICT were based upon, and it concludes with highlighting the future trends of ‘distance education’ and ‘e-learning’ in academia.  相似文献   

From ‘ritual’ to ‘mindfulness’: policy and pedagogic positioning   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Schools and professionals respond to statute in different ways. However, professional activity is more than mediated response to policy. Versions of pedagogy are not simply envisaged on high and enacted in the workplace. This paper examines how professional views formulate policy imperatives. It proposes that to understand pedagogy requires an understanding of the ways in which professional selves are realised in relation to the policy formation process. To do this, positioning theory is used to describe how practice produces policy. Accordingly, the paper examines the dynamic interplay between: first, the story lines unfolding within and outside school; second, the positions adopted by individuals in the course of pedagogic decision-making. Third, the illocutionary (that achieved in saying something) and perlocutionary (that achieved by saying something) effects of language. Following this ‘positioning triad’, the paper proposes ‘pedagogy as ritual’ and ‘pedagogy as mindfulness’ and how these are representative, respectively, of limiting and delimiting pedagogic discourses.  相似文献   

Some commonly held erroneous notions about the terms laws, hypotheses and theories are pointed out with specific examples from different branches of science.  相似文献   

所谓德育 ,就是按照特定时代、特定社会的道德规范来培养塑造个体的道德意识、信念和行为习惯。它具有三层意义 :第一 ,首先必须使受教育者知晓和理解社会的行为规范 ,并发展其道德认识能力 ,道德判断能力和道德选择能力 ,这便是德育中的“知”。第二 ,要使受教育者相信“知”的内容 ,把其道德认识内化 ,升华为道德信念和道德理想 ,这就是德育中的“信”。第三 ,德育的最终目标就是使教育者将道德认识与道德信念转化为道德行为 ,并培养良好的习惯 ,这是德育的“行”。因此 ,由未知到知、由知到信、由信到行是德育工作有机的三个环节 ,构成了…  相似文献   

去年本刊发表了天门县大面积提高语文教学质量的经验,转载了秦牧同志赞扬该县成为一九八三年“全国高考状元”的文章,各地闻讯到天门取经者络绎不绝。此后,我们听到反映说:“天门能上去,主要经验是教师拼命地灌,学生死命地背,把课本记得滚瓜烂熟,所以能对付高考。如果考能力,肯定赶不上城市学生。”一九八四去年高考试题测重于考能力,天门县高考的录取人数,北一九八三年还要多,又居全省各县之首,高达一千馀人。由此可见,他们在培养能力上也是成绩显著的。本期我们编发了一组文章,介他绍们如何更新教学思想、改革教学方法、开辟第二教学渠道、不断开拓学生知识面和培养能力(包括培养创造能力)的经验,请大家看看,择其善者而从之。此外,我们还编发了一组沔阳县的文章。沔阳与天门是邻县,与天门不相上下,他们的语文教学成绩也很显著。现在这两县正在总结经验,以期进一步改进各科教学,为大面积提高教学质量作出贡献。  相似文献   

讲《廉颇蔺相如列传》,我说:“臣所以去亲戚而事君者,徒慕君之高义也”一句中的“亲戚”,其义如同“父母”。有人跟我指出:“你讲错了,‘亲戚’并非  相似文献   

学校组织青少年学生参加植树造林,意义在于把「树木」和「树人」结合起来。在活动中,让学生接触自然,开阔视野,寓教于动,有利于陶冶学生情操,然而,生活中也有不尽然的情况发生。据笔者所知,今年植树节,为了迎报检查团,上级把清理某干线路边花池杂物的任务交给附近的某所中学。师生热情很高,立即行动起来。  相似文献   

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