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试析欧洲足球冠军联赛中的"竞争平衡"   总被引:6,自引:1,他引:5  
在持续和加强团队性体育比赛对观众吸引力的过程中,"竞争平衡"扮演着重要的角色,各大联赛组织都采取了不同的措施来保持团队在联赛中实力的均衡.通过文献综述、调查访问以及数据统计分析等方法,对各种不同措施和测量方法进行阐述,特别就欧洲足球冠军联赛中的"竞争平衡"通过趋势性分析进行了具体的论证.结果表明,足球强国越来越强大,其中,英格兰队的成绩表现尤为突出,而德国队的成绩表现出现下滑.强大的实力使得英格兰队的成绩在过去的几年中已经超过了西班牙队以及意大利队.同样,法国队在度过了欧洲足球冠军联赛中成绩的低迷期之后,其成绩表现也在不断地提高.与之相反,德国队的成绩表现在过去的几年中却在不断地下降,目前与荷兰队处于同一水平,且已被葡萄牙队超过.佳绩不单单只集中在少数国家,而且集中在少数俱乐部.欧洲足球联盟的顶级5国中只有11支球队能不断地提高或延续着其在欧洲足球冠军联赛中的成绩.欧洲足球冠军联赛的结果越来越可预见.成绩处于联赛前10位的国家愈加恒定,2000午后,就几乎很少发生过改变.  相似文献   


Since the 1920s, many European exchanges began to exist in the domain of football. However, it was during the 1950s that a European scale was established primarily due to the creation of UEFA (Union of European Football Associations) in 1954, which quickly organized the first European tournament in the game’s history– The European Champions Clubs’ Cup. The present essay argues that Europeanization of the game has to be understood in a long-term perspective. The papers examines the creation and development of three competitions as key defining events, which represented different stages of the Europeanization of the game: Mitropa Cup (created in 1927), European Champion Clubs’ Cup (created in 1955) and UEFA Cup (created in 1971). Thus, afocus on these cases can help us better understand the background of the Europeanization of the game which happened during the 1990s.  相似文献   

欧洲足球冠军联赛赛制研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
运用文献资料等研究方法对欧洲足球冠军联赛进行分析。认为:足球联盟是一种共生系统,联盟及联盟所属球队和新闻媒介、赞助商是系统内的共生单元,竞争、互惠、共生是联盟追求的基本共生模式;欧洲足球冠军联赛的淘汰赛制是系统本身适应环境的需要,只有满足共生系统各单元的均衡发展,才能实现共生利益的增值,从而有利于欧洲冠军联赛和其产业链系统的发展。  相似文献   

对2008年欧洲足球锦标赛31场比赛73个进球进行统计与分析,结果表明:60~75min是比赛进球的高峰期,总进球数的80%以上是跑动进攻完成;超过3/5的进球都是1~3人在10s之内3次以下传球配合完成;罚球区和罚球区前沿是得分的主要区域,边路进攻和中前场进攻是得分的主要进攻形式;运用各种配合而进的球虽然仍占多数,直接射门是最主要的得分方式.  相似文献   

运用录像分析法、专家访谈法、数理统计法对2014-15赛季欧洲足球冠军联赛125场比赛中的361粒进球进行统计分析。结果显示:76-90min是进球高峰期;前锋球员是主要得分手,中场球员是主要进攻组织者;中场球员助攻最多,短传与传中是主要助攻方式;进攻发起区域以中场为主,抢断与失误在进攻中占据重要作用;进攻路线以中路边路配合为主,定位球进攻越来越重要;2-5名球员通过1-5次的快速向前传球在进攻中占据优势;运球突破、前场任意球、长传转移、短传渗透是攻入前场30m区域的主要战术方式;禁区内的抢点射门是最主要的进球方式、2区是最佳得分区域,不同位置、区域进球方式有所差异。  相似文献   

根据欧盟竞争法的相关条款,对欧足联FFP规则的法律适用性进行学术审视。研究认为,一方面,FFP规则在影响会员协会或俱乐部之间贸 易的同时,也具有限制市场竞争的目标和效果,这种限制加大了欧洲职业足球俱乐部的贫富差距,削弱了职业足球市场的竞争平衡。另一方面,欧 足联主导地位的滥用排斥了欧洲小型弱势俱乐部,造成其话语权和参与决策权的丧失,降低了市场竞争的不确定性。最后,结合德国、法国俱乐部 财务管理实践及我国的具体情况,提出在不超出《反不正当竞争法》等相关法的适用范围下,建立符合中国国情的俱乐部财务公平竞争规则,通过监 督并追踪俱乐部债务水平、征收奢侈税以及建立收入共享模式等手段,促使俱乐部财务管理更加理性和自律。  相似文献   

欧足联(UEFA)有权对操纵国内足球比赛的俱乐部及其成员实施行政处罚与纪律处罚。UEFA行政处罚决定,能够被国家足协先前作出的、已经生效的,并且能够起到相同制裁效果的裁决所替代;UEFA在国家足协已经实施纪律处罚的前提下,再次实施纪律处罚的行为并不违反一事不再罚原则。再者,UEFA行使处罚权时采纳的严格责任原则是对刑法自我答责原则的补充;刑事法院的判决可以确证UEFA的裁决;刑事法院予以排除的证据仍然可以被UEFA采信。  相似文献   

"收支平衡"条款作为欧足联颁布的"财政公平政策"核心内容,生效于2013—2014赛季,并迅速引起全球业内人士关注。采用文献资料、逻辑分析等方法,结合欧洲职业足球经营特点,从经济学的视角分析这一财政监管措施效力和意义。新条款最为重要的效力在于:通过约束俱乐部的开支,制止了赛季末俱乐部亏损的可能性;限制了用于购买球员和支付高额薪资的外来资金注入,遏制了"甜爹"的不公平竞争现象;体现出欧足联所倡导的俱乐部自力更生管理理念。中超联赛严峻的财政状况可以借鉴国外同行有益经验,建议加强中超联赛的财政监管,强化中超俱乐部的盈利能力。毕竟盈利能力是职业体育的根本和归宿。  相似文献   

通过查阅2008年欧洲足球锦标赛(以下简称欧锦赛)的资料,对参赛队员的年龄特征、各名次段运动员年龄、位置年龄、主力运动员年龄和参赛运动员最佳竞技状态年龄特征进行分析,得出欧洲高水平足球运动队各位置竞技能力持续的大致年龄范围。  相似文献   

It has been suggested that assessment of high-intensity activities during a match is a valid measure of physical performance in elite soccer. Recently, sprinting activities have been analysed in more depth. The aim of this study was to develop a detailed analysis of the sprinting activities of different playing positions during European Champions League and UEFA Cup competitions. Altogether, 717 elite outfield soccer players were evaluated throughout 2002-2006 using ProZone? (Leeds, UK). Sprinting (explosive and leading) was analysed for each playing position. To compare positional differences, a Kruskal-Wallis analysis was performed. Differences were found among positions for total number of sprints and total sprint distance covered: wide midfielders > (attackers = wide defenders) > central midfielders > central defenders (P < 0.001), as well as for explosive sprints: (wide midfielders = attackers = wide defenders) > central defenders, wide midfielders > central midfielders > central defenders and attackers = wide defenders = central midfielders (P < 0.001), and leading sprints: wide midfielders > (attackers = wide defenders) > central midfielders > central defenders (P < 0.001). For each group, there were no differences in ratio of explosive to leading sprints. Wide midfielders performed a higher number of sprints in all five distance categories than all other positions. This study showed that sprinting characteristics are influenced by position. Wide midfielders have to complete additional high-intensity activities during training sessions compared with the other positions to achieve the performance level required during the match.  相似文献   

2008-2009年欧冠联赛淘汰赛进球策动方式研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
采用录像分析及数理统计的方法,对2008-2009年欧冠联赛淘汰赛阶段全部进球策动方式进行研究。结果显示:中前场间接进攻策动方式中的界外球进攻战术日益完善;通过断球直接策动进攻是当今足球比赛破门得分的主要方式;策动进攻中简洁、快速的3次以下传接球进球率最高。  相似文献   


This article analyses the offensive phase of the national team than won the 2010 UEFA Championship. More specifically, the observational sampling includes all plays in which the Spanish national futsal team managed to “shoot” in the competition in question. This data was obtained by adapting an observational and recording tool typically used for football to the technical specifications of futsal; the SOF-CODER (Jonsson et al., 2006). Two types of analysis have been performed. One statistical analysis using the SPSS programme, version 15.0, the most relevant results from which refer to the significant differences found on linking: the zone from which the shot is made and the type of shot (χ² = 55.821, P = 0.006); and the contact surface used and the type of shot (χ² = 30.293, P = 0.017). And another, using the Theme programme, version 5.0, through which regular behaviour structures (temporal patterns) have been detected within the plays that include shooting. The temporal patterns obtained – in addition to elaborating on the relationship between the area from which the shot is made, the contact surface used and the type of shot – enable a tactical interpretation of the technical actions that support the development of the offensive phase of futsal.  相似文献   

缪佳 《体育科研》2011,32(5):60-62
体育是德国电视媒体发展主要推动力,体育电视媒体的发展在经历了政府垄断和自治公立体制的两个历史阶段之后,形成了适应现代市场竞争需求的双轨制发展模式。德国体育电视媒体以电视广播和体育两大文化领域发展为基础,与德国的政治体制一脉相承,体现了高度自治、竞争制衡、公益福利性的特点,利用文献分析法,通过对于德国体育电视历史发展和现状的相关研究文献和资料进行理论分析,并以最具代表性的足球为例进行阐述。揭示了德国体育电视媒体社会化发展的特征。  相似文献   

李阳  焦巍  郑鹭宾 《辽宁体育科技》2012,34(2):67-70,76
采用文献资料、数理统计等方法,对2010-2011赛季欧冠联赛各队的技战术情况进行研究。结果显示:攻守平衡是现代足球的发展方向,也是球队取得优异成绩的根本;与比赛结果密切相关的技术指标依次为射正球门次数、控球率、传球均数、成功传球均数、射门均数、传球成功率、角球、犯规、红牌和抢断成功率9项技术指标,其他各项技术指标对比赛结果影响不大。  相似文献   

For clubs qualifying for the UEFA Europa League, participation generates a series of tensions. UEFA has provided financial rewards for those clubs, but with qualification comes additional pressures on playing squads which are often less able to deal with the performative demands of an extra competition, as they generally possess fewer financial resources compared with teams gaining Champions League qualification. This paper evaluates these conflicting tensions. The study takes a detailed quantitative analysis of the costs and benefits for four Premier League clubs that have repeatedly participated in the Europa League over eight seasons. It demonstrates a positive financial benefit of participation, but this is only significant if the club progresses to the later competition stages and has a robust playing squad. This research fills a gap in a lack of analysis based on reliable empirical data as to the impact of participation in this competition on clubs.  相似文献   

2006年2至4月,我在德国体育联合会(Deutscher Sport-bund,德文简称DSB,本文简称“体联”)和德国国家奥林匹克委员会(Nationales Olympisches Komitee fuer Deutschland,德文简称NOK,本文简称“奥委会”)先后进行了实习。作为一个在德国学习体育管理的中国留学生,这个机会十分宝  相似文献   

本文运用文献资料法、共生原理分析方法等,对欧洲足球冠军联赛竞赛制度进行了原理性的解析。分析认为:在现有欧洲足球大环境下,足球竞赛制度安排在球队资格获取上突出高共生度;在竞赛约束上选择一体化、互惠共生的模式;在竞赛开展环境上依托足球文化及商家关注以及共生界面上体现共生利益形成等内容,本质上反映了竞赛制度设计的共生思想,再现了当今欧冠联盟内外部关系的基本生存方式。只有选择科学合理的竞赛制度才能产生更多共生利益,才更有利于体育组织及其产业链系统的发展。  相似文献   

2010-2011赛季欧洲足球冠军联赛巴塞罗那队攻防特征分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
对2010-2011赛季欧洲足球冠军联赛巴塞罗那队参加的13场比赛进行统计分析,探讨巴塞罗那足球队的攻防特征.结果发现,巴塞罗那队在比赛中主要采用4 3-3阵型;全队讲求控制型的战术打法,以传控球为手段控制比赛节奏;巴塞罗那队在13场比赛中射门199次,射正124次,进球30个;进球方式以抢点射门和接球调整射门为主,进球区域多集中在罚球区中路和球门区的位置,进球主要由前锋运动员完成;防守时,采用混合盯人战术,前锋运动员在前场积极逼抢,前卫和后卫运动员协同防守并成功抢断;防守弱点是盯人不紧.  相似文献   

德国高校体育的计划与实施都建立在法律、法规和规章制度的框架中。德国高校体育的组织与实践者是各大高校的体育运动委员会,委员会根据自身情况建立基本法则与章程,并充分利用学校、政府资源为广大师生与体育爱好者提供体育锻炼的场馆与培训,保障高校体育有效地在法权网络中进行。  相似文献   

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