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Human resource development for regional strategic industries is an emerging emphasis for the development of industries that have growth potential. This article identifies competencies and expertise levels needed by port and logistics industry personnel, a sector that has growth potential in Busan, South Korea. The research consisted of expert interviews to develop a competency survey. Six competency clusters and 16 sub-competencies were developed. This research was useful in the development of an educational program and suggests ways in which regional human resource development (RHRD) can be used.  相似文献   

An Australian study of generic competencies required by engineers   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
Engineering curricula have expanded in recent decades. In addition to science and technical engineering, they now include several non-technical competencies. This is a trend reinforced by programme accreditation. The authors take the viewpoint that it is important to ensure that graduates have the competencies they will require for their work. The following question is addressed: What are the generic competencies that engineers graduating in Australia require for their work as engineers?

Competencies were identified from a broad range of literature and then rated by 300 established engineers for importance to their jobs. The results indicated that non-technical, attitudinal and technical competencies were perceived to be important. Eleven competency factors were revealed empirically. Profiles of these competency factors among graduates would assist evaluation and improvement of engineering programmes. This is the first quantitative study conducted in Australia that encompassed all engineering disciplines and focused on established engineers rather than recent graduates.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study is to investigate teachers' core competencies in relation to their innovative teaching performance. Based on the literature and previous studies in this field, four competencies (learning competency, educational competency, social competency and technological competency) are theorised as core competencies for teachers' innovative teaching. A questionnaire on teachers' core competencies and innovative teaching performance was developed and tested. The findings indicate that teachers' educational competency, social competency and technological competency were positively related to their innovative teaching performance. The study also shows that a supportive relationship with colleagues is important for teachers' innovative teaching performance. The theoretical and practical implications are discussed.  相似文献   

This study identifies a set of competencies displayed in the successful distance learner. It employed a three-phased approach. Phase I, conducted to develop an initial list of competencies, comprised Behavioral Event Interviews with nine successful distance learners. In Phase II, these competencies were reviewed, elaborated and categorized by seven distance education experts by means of semi-structured interviews. A list of 15 competencies in 5 clusters was then developed and in Phase III, these competencies and clusters were verified quantitatively by surveying 197 successful distance learners. The results reveal that all of these 15 competencies are critically important to, and commonly displayed by, successful distance learners and that of these, management skills is the most important. The findings and their implications are examined and the paper concludes with suggestions for further research into learner competencies.  相似文献   

A number of engineering education programs have defined learning outcomes and course-level competencies, and conducted assessments at the program level to determine areas for continuous improvement. However, many of these programs have not implemented a comprehensive competency framework to support the actual delivery and assessment of an individual course. This paper highlights how a competency framework can be used across the life cycle of a course to effectively deliver and assess course content, and give valuable, timely feedback to students thus, improving teaching, student motivation and learning. A framework for leveraging course competencies during course design and delivery is presented, and addresses the following five phases of a course, namely, content design, assessment design, content delivery and assessment, assessment results analysis and feedback, and content review. Using a large first-year core course of the BSc (Information Systems Management) program, at School of Information Systems, Singapore Management University, Singapore—called Information Systems Software Foundation (ISSF)—as an example, this paper shows how course competencies support the framework’s five phases. Data from a student survey indicates that the framework has contributed to enhancing their motivation to learn, provides enhanced learning experiences in terms of helping students prepare for each assessment, providing better feedback by raising awareness of what they know and do not know, and revisiting topics that relate to competencies that have not been fully acquired. Results from interviewing instructors revealed that the competency framework provides valuable and timely feedback on how students are performing, and additionally what changes are required to both the content and method of delivery in order to improve teaching. This contributes towards more effectively closing the “teaching and learning loop”.  相似文献   


Three major elements in the Australian national workplace reform agenda are the introduction of key/generic workplace competencies, national occupational employment standards and a competency‐based education‐training system that recognises prior learning and assures development of identified competencies, both generic and occupationally specific. Attempts to develop effective and efficient assessment schemes to determine participant competence are underway. A continuing major concern, however, is how best to report information to potential employers. While employers need sufficient relevant information to make informed hiring decisions there is the distinct danger of providing too much detailed information in a competency‐based education system that it is not able to be used in a timely and efficient fashion. This paper reviews the merits of selected reporting schemes being considered, and then presents questions for further research about employers' reactions to reporting of competency information.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to describe computer-based technologies and distance learning systems currently used in employee training and to determine which technologies will be used in future training processes. The competencies needed by trainers to use the various types of technologies were also examined, including preferred sources of competency development. Barriers trainers face when implementing new technologies were also determined. A questionnaire was developed and used to collect the data from 381 ISPI members. The results indicate that organizations are using a wide range of technologies in training, and that the major types of technologies will not change significantly in the next three years. However, there are several newer, more sophisticated technologies that will be used with greater frequency in the future. The respondents indicated that it was more important for trainers to be able to use or assist trainees in the use of a system than to be able to develop new systems or programs. Vendor training and self-study methods were identified as the two most common resources for developing competencies in instructional technology.  相似文献   

对财经信息进行理性分析和决策成为当今社会个体生存和发展必不可少的核心能力。以培养该能力为核心的财经素养教育已成为当前国际教育发展的热点之一。本文从发展核心素养的实践创新素养出发,对发展核心素养框架下的财经素养教育定位进行了深入分析,指出财经素养教育是发展实践创新素养的有效载体,同时,实践创新素养的培养要求也为财经素养教育提供了发展方向。本文归纳总结了财经素养的发展沿革、基本内涵和特征,提出了系统的财经素养整合理论框架。并结合我国学生发展核心素养的教育改革方向,提出财经素养教育的实施建议。  相似文献   

There are many benefits to peer and near-peer tutoring. The current literature suggests that near-peer teaching within the domain of gross anatomy may lead to the development of numerous competencies for burgeoning medical professionals. The aim of this study was a quantitative and qualitative approach to explore which professional and personal competencies anatomy tutors developed as a result of their teaching activities in a gross anatomy course at a medical school in Germany. For a period of 18 months, 24 peer tutors were followed and queried multiple times via questionnaire and semi-structured interviews. It was found that most of the skills tutors developed or strengthened over one semester matched most of the core competencies described in various official competency frameworks used for physician education. In particular, tutors thought that tutoring gross anatomy had improved their knowledge of professional behavior as well as their communication skills. They also felt that they had learned to take on more responsibility and to use available resources more effectively. Overall, tutoring gross anatomy was perceived as very challenging, but also very rewarding, mainly because it provided the opportunity to develop and strengthen important skills such as self-confidence, self-awareness, positive thinking, self-insight, and stress management. Ultimately, these are all factors that contribute to resilience, an important attribute for physicians.  相似文献   

This study investigated the views of the nature of engineering held by 6th-grade students to provide a baseline upon which activities or curriculum materials might be developed to introduce middle-school students to the work of engineers and the process of engineering design. A phenomenographic framework was used to guide the analysis of data collected from: (1) a series of 20 semi-structured interviews with 6th-grade students, (2) drawings created by these students of “an engineer or engineers at work” that were discussed during the interviews, and (3) field notes collected by the researchers during the interviews. The 6th-grade students tended to believe that engineers were individuals who make or build products, although some students understood the role of engineers in the design or planning of products, and, to a lesser extent in testing products to ensure that they “work” and/or are safe to use. The combination of drawings of “engineers or engineering at work” and individual interviews provided more insight into the students’ views of the nature of engineering than either source of data would have offered on its own. Analysis of the data suggested that the students’ concepts of engineers and engineering were fragile, or unstable, and likely to change within the time frame of the interview.  相似文献   

Curricula designed in the context of the European Higher Education Area need to be based on both domain-specific and professional competencies. Whereas universities have had extensive experience in developing students’ domain-specific competencies, fostering professional competencies poses a new challenge we need to face. This paper presents a model to globally develop professional competencies in a STEM (science, technology, engineering, and mathematics) degree program, and assesses the results of its implementation after 4 years. The model is based on the use of competency maps, in which each competency is defined in terms of competency units. Each competency unit is described by a set of expected learning outcomes at three domain levels. This model allows careful analysis, revision, and iteration for an effective integration of professional competencies in domain-specific subjects. A global competency map is also designed, including all the professional competency learning outcomes to be achieved throughout the degree. This map becomes a useful tool for curriculum designers and coordinators. The results were obtained from four sources: (1) students’ grades (classes graduated from 2013 to 2016, the first 4 years of the new Bachelor’s Degree in Informatics Engineering at the Barcelona School of Informatics); (2) students’ surveys (answered by students when they finished the degree); (3) the government employment survey, where former students evaluate their satisfaction of the received training in the light of their work experience; and (4) the Everis Foundation University-Enterprise Ranking, answered by over 2000 employers evaluating their satisfaction regarding their employees’ university training, where the Barcelona School of Informatics scores first in the national ranking. The results show that competency maps are a good tool for developing professional competencies in a STEM degree.  相似文献   

美国研究生STEM教育核心能力框架为其高科技人才培养提供了理论基础。基于对《21世纪研究生STEM教育》报告中美国硕士与博士研究生STEM教育的最新核心能力分析,形成2项一级指标、4项二级指标和26项三级指标的最新核心能力标准框架。跨学科多元教育要素整合的内生路径和多元利益主体协作的外促路径,构成了美国研究生STEM教育核心能力培养路径。我国研究生教育亟需构建基于类型和专业的研究生核心能力框架;强化学科能力各要素的关系研究,完善专业能力的内容与考核机制;明确可转移能力的具体内容,制定多元的培养路径;立足协同多元利益主体,建立研究生核心能力联动培养机制。  相似文献   

Models of competency standards for industry trainers now exist in Canada, Britain, USA, and Australia. These models all tend to define the training roles to which they apply, cluster the areas of competence in some way, and define the required competencies. The models also have interesting distinguishing features. Apart from the different mechanisms by which they achieve each of the above points, they differ in the purposes for which they were designed. The wishes of the stakeholders who controlled or initiated their development, and the particular contexts within which they were developed have been powerful influences. We assert that competency based standards can make a valuable contribution to the workforce but more is required on a range of higher order competencies, on the clarification of values which are implicit in the models and on quality assurance in relation to the ways they are developed and used. To enhance such work we show that an integrated approach to competency standards has advantages over previous approaches. Indeed such an integrated approach is perceived as one more stage in the development of a distinct HRD discipline.  相似文献   

探寻幼教机构管理者的核心素养,有助于幼儿园园长专业发展目标的聚焦。美国《德克萨斯州幼教实践者与管理者的核心素养》参考多个州幼教管理者核心素养的框架标准,定义不同等级幼教机构管理者的核心素养,明确核心素养领域的核心概念与可观察技能,为每一个可观察的素养提供可操作的评价。借鉴德克萨斯州幼教管理者核心素养方面的有益经验,有助于更好地开展我国幼儿园园长核心素养的研究及其核心素养的培养。  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: Nearly 90% of graduating seniors from the Food Science program at Purdue University gain employment in the food industry. Ensuring the program is meeting employers' needs is one mission of our curriculum committee with input from an Industrial Advisory Board (IAB). In light of the recent outcomes-based assessment requirements outlined by IFT, feedback from our IAB members regarding the relative importance of the core competencies was needed. The objective of this study was to survey the IAB members regarding relative importance of each of the 46 core competencies. Each competency was ranked using a Likert scale from 1 = not important to 5 = very important. Statistical analysis was conducted using the Mann-Whitney nonparametric test. Significant differences (P = 0.05) were found between several of the five content categories with Success Skills scoring highest (4.35 out of 5) on relative importance followed by Applied Food Science Knowledge (4.02 out of 5). Also, significant differences (P = 0.05) were found between competencies within each content category. Overall, the results suggest that the 46 core competencies should not be given the same instructional weight within a curriculum. One option for addressing the variation in importance could be to include some planned redundancy within the curriculum for those core competencies that were ranked the highest. In addition, part of the outcomes-based assessment process should include measures of the level of competency being achieved by graduates. By considering relative importance and competency achieved by graduates, important areas for improvement can be identified.  相似文献   

This study explores the issues in the development and application of a competency model and provides implications for more precise integration of competencies into human resource (HR) functions driving performance improvement. This research is based on a case study from a Korean consumer corporation. This study employed document reviews, observation, and interviews. Although competency modeling is time‐consuming work, this study's results found that it can be a helpful intervention tool for improving HR performance in several ways. Furthermore, the results identified critical issues for success in each aspect of competency modeling. This article offers practical and useful insights into the relationship between competency modeling and HR performance improvement.  相似文献   

I passionately believe that reflective practice is an essential competency for the busy GP veterinary surgeon to develop throughout their career. Action learning sets would appear to offer a way of promoting this while at the same time helping the GP veterinary surgeon find a way forward with professional issues. In this article I reflect on my own action learning journey to date and how it relates to the ongoing development of an action learning set model that is inspired by the following personal reflections: reflective practice is an essential competency required by the professional so as to ‘get the most out’ of their career; action learning sets are an effective way for the busy professional to use their work-based learning to get on a developing lifelong ladder of postgraduate qualifications for the GP veterinary surgeon; action learning dialogue, inspired by personal and shared issues from within the consulting and operating room, provides effective and ongoing personal learning and professional development opportunities for the GP veterinary surgeon; action learning set membership promotes, encourages and facilitates the understanding by the individual of the importance of making time available on a regular basis to proactively develop their professional competencies throughout their career; issues are very similar within most veterinary practices and that being a member of an action learning set can help the individual to move their issue onwards towards a ‘win-win’ solution.  相似文献   

Competencies for distance education professionals   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
The purpose of this study was to identify the roles and competencies of distance education professionals within the United States and Canada. A population of 103 distance education experts was identified, and their perceptions regarding this information were sought in a modified two-round Delphi process. The results of the study include a competency model for distance education. It illustrates the final top ten competencies and eleven roles which were identified by the study. In addition, a supplemental table outlining outputs and competencies by individual role was developed. The top ten competencies portray the dual importance of both communication and technical skills in distance education. These ten competencies are: (1) Interpersonal Communication, (2) Planning Skills, (3) Collaboration/Teamwork Skills, (4) English Proficiency, (5) Writing Skills, (6) Organizational Skills, (7) Feedback Skills, (8) Knowledge of Distance Education Field, (9) Basic Technology Knowledge, and (10) Technology Access Knowledge. The resulting competency model will be useful in serving as a research foundation for development training and certification programs for distance education professionals. She is also Editor of the International Review section of this journal.  相似文献   

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