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自我评估及其在大学英语听力教学中的应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
自我评估是大学英语听力课堂教学过程评估的重要手段,采用问卷、反思、进步概况记录和测验的听力学习过程自我评估教学,有助于教师把握学生的学习情况和听力水平,合理安排和调整教学,有利于学生听力训练中的元认知策略学习,提高技能训练效能。该评估手段的应用符合以人为本、以学生为中心的现代教学理念,是听力技能学习过程的反映,体现了学习者个体的能动性。  相似文献   


Despite the theoretical argument and empirical evidence regarding the impact of self- assessment on academic achievement and self-regulated learning (SRL), the mechanism for this impact is understudied. The present study aimed to investigate the characteristics of self-assessment practices at different SRL phases and its relationship with academic achievement. Using a course assignment as the learning task, sixty-three students enrolled in a one-year master programme in a teacher education institute responded to an instrument assessing their self-assessment practices (including four self-assessment actions) at the SRL Preparatory, Performance and Appraisal phases of the task. Their final scores of the assignment were also collected. The results showed that self-assessment is a fundamental skill for SRL and occurs at each SRL phase with different patterns. Autoregressive relationships were found for all self-assessment actions between different SRL phases. Self-reflection at Performance phase was found to influence feedback seeking at Appraisal phase. Self-directed feedback seeking through monitoring at Performance phase was the strongest and positive predictor of academic achievement; and achievement had negative impact on all self-assessment actions at Appraisal phase. This study may assist educators and researchers to better understand the complexity of self-assessment in relation to learning process.  相似文献   

This article examines the role that reflective assessment plays in contributing to the quality of students' visual designs. Students who are required to account for their rhetorical decisions in the design of a document benefit from the practice of verbalizing those decisions. However, this study shows that students who engage in reflective assessment actually produce stronger visual designs as well. This effect should help determine the extent to which such assessments should be included in the classroom.  相似文献   

成长记录袋的创建与使用   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
成长记录袋有意识地收集学生的作品或有关证据,以反映学生在某一领域的努力、进步与成就。任课教师创建和使用成长记录袋一般要经过明确目的和用途、对内容选择提供指导、明确学生角色、确定评分程序和标准、交流和使用等几个主要步骤。在当前的评价实践中,学校和教师还要注意谨慎选择成长记录袋的应用领域、将成长记录袋的应用与教学有机结合、给教师和学生足够的自主权并加强教师培训。  相似文献   

This paper describes a study which uses quantitative and qualitative methods in determining the relationship between academic, institutional and psychological variables and degree performance for a sample of Jamaican undergraduate students. Quantitative methods, traditionally associated with the positivist paradigm, and involving the counting and measurement of events and statistical analysis of a body of numerical data, constitute the primary research approach to this investigation. At the same time, qualitative methods are also employed to enhance the contextual meaning and to provide insight into the quantitative-based findings. Full account is taken of concerns relating to paradigmatic violations – that of the positivist and interpretivist in particular – and relevant literature is used to carve a clearer path towards an understanding and reconciliation of combining quantitative and qualitative methods. Further, implications for the findings as they relate to mixed-method design and institutional direction are discussed.  相似文献   

This study examines the influence of career management competencies and perceived employability on career choice status (CCS) among undergraduates. Making informed and appropriate career choices is positively linked with well-being, work performance and academic and career success. Early career decision-making is now critical if students wish to succeed in highly competitive graduate labour markets. This study gathered quantitative data from 370 Business undergraduates in an Australian and UK university. Findings suggest that students have largely made career decisions and are reasonably satisfied with their choices. CCS varied with age, stage of study, perceived employability and student capabilities in career self-management. Findings highlight the need for universities to not only equip students with the necessary skills to enter their chosen career but also – in collaboration with industry – develop strategies to engage students in the different aspects of career self-management earlier on in their studies.  相似文献   

Several studies suggest that competence in one's field is the principal determinant of students' global ratings of college professors. Other studies find the professor's empathy toward students and considerate and concerned treatment of students to be the principal determinants of overall ratings. This research finds the consideration-concern dimension to be the best single predictor of global ratings of professors. However, interactions of organization-competence and consideration-concern dimensions of performance were more highly related to overall ratings than either variable analyzed by itself.  相似文献   

Underemployment, continued growth in the supply of graduates and seemingly perpetual instability are dominant trends in graduate labour markets. In order to negotiate an increasingly complex career terrain, graduates require sharpened skills in effectively managing their own careers and a strong assurance of their own capabilities. This study focuses on the individual dimensions of perceived employability (PE) and explores perceptions among undergraduates and the associated influence of career management competencies, work experience and individual characteristics. Data were collected for 480 business undergraduates at a UK and Australian university using an online survey. Findings indicate that, overall, undergraduates demonstrated reasonably high levels of PE. Certain career management competencies influenced perceptions, in addition to work experience and individual characteristics. The study is relevant to stakeholders, including educators, employers and students, from developed economies as it highlights coherent strategies to enhance PE among higher education students. These may lead to increased individual success in the labour market and more effective recruitment, retention and performance of new graduates.  相似文献   

An increase in the number of students entering higher education has intensified the need for targeted strategies to support a wider range of student requirements. Current research suggests that emotional intelligence (EI) may be associated with academic success, progression and retention in university students but the use of EI screening as a prospective measure of success requires further investigation. This study evaluates the utility of prospective EI screening to predict progression rates, mean grades, attendance and online engagement in a sample of first-year undergraduate students enrolled on the same degree programme (N = 358). A supportive text messaging intervention was employed during potentially stressful periods of the academic year with a subsection of participants (n = 60) who demonstrated low total EI scores relative to the cohort. Results showed no effects of EI classification on progression rates, mean grades, attendance or online engagement (all p > 0.418). Alternatively, the text messaging intervention was associated with significant improvements compared with a matched control group for progression rates (p = 0.027), mean grades (p = 0.026) and attendance (p = 0.007). The frequency of access to the virtual learning environment also tended to be higher in the intervention group compared with the control group (p = 0.059). In conclusion, this study did not identify any benefits of EI screening as a prospective indicator of student success but provides encouraging indications that a text messaging support intervention could help to improve progression rates, mean grades, attendance and online engagement in first-year undergraduate students. Further research is warranted to develop these proof-of-concept findings.  相似文献   


This qualitative study utilized episodic narrative interviews to investigate assessment thresholds involved in the development of assessment literacy. The goal of the study was to inform efforts toward quality improvements in higher education. Thirty-five academic staff from universities in Australia, Canada and Sweden shared stories of significant changes they made to their assessment practice. Thematic analysis found troublesome aspects to include instructor expectations, lack of consistency, differentiation of performance, student expectations, time constraints/workload, logistical/technological constraints and assessment policy. A belief in meaningful learning, embracing constraints and the desire to meet the needs of students, added to other enablers for assessment change, such as resources, support and strategic use of technology. Findings suggested assessment thresholds of constructive alignment and differentiation of standards. Reflection, collaboration and professional development were found to support the integration of assessment knowledge and build conceptual understanding of assessment thresholds. Authors recommend that higher education institutions provide academic staff with a foundation of conceptual understanding of these key areas to promote moves toward quality assessment practices.  相似文献   


The importance of skill formation for young people and the challenges of youth unemployment and underemployment are at the forefront of global development agendas. However, there is still an open debate about the most adequate policy frameworks to tackle these societal challenges and, particularly, about the role that the state and the market should play in the coordination of skills supply and demand. Taking Chile as a case study, the paper analyses how the market model of skill formation is re-contextualised by practitioners and other stakeholders at the local level. Through a realist evaluation approach, the paper tests to what extent the underlying theoretical assumptions of the market model hold up when confronted with the reality of the contexts in which young people, education providers and employers make decisions. The case of Chile is particularly interesting for the comparative literature because of its extreme neoliberal orientation and the centrality of the market in the allocation of resources and opportunities among different social groups. The findings show the limitations of the market for coordinating the supply and demand of skills and its negative consequences on the educational and work prospects of young people, especially the most disadvantaged..  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to operationalise a model of time orientation and investigate the variability of its factors based on preparation for assessment and perceived academic performance. Responses from 113 male adolescents (mean age = 16.46 years) and 115 female adolescents (mean age = 16.42 years) to items operationalising an expanded model of the contextual approach to adolescent orientation to the future were analysed using principal component analysis. The results rendered five factors including a past orientation, three present orientation factors (task focus, positive social support, and negative social support), and a future orientation. A series of two‐way ANOVAs showed an association of present and future time orientation with academic achievement. Results also showed that students’ approaches to learning varied mainly as a function of present positive social support and task focus. Students who prepared well for assessment had the highest future time orientation. This research highlights the importance of an elevated present and future time orientation to academic achievement and appropriate preparation for assessment tasks.  相似文献   


Self- and peer-feedback are commonly used in higher education, and in most cases, it is assumed that students will engage with the feedback. There is, however, limited systematic exploration of how students use the feedback. This study proposes a structured reflective journal for students to engage with both self- and peer-feedback in the context of teamwork competencies. In total, 519 undergraduates’ self- and peer-ratings and feedback and a matching number of reflective journals were coded for how students internally negotiate self- and peer-feedback on teamwork competencies. The analysis of ratings shows upward trajectories of self- and peer-ratings over time, and the analysis of journals suggests students were more effective in building their teamwork competencies when they negotiate their experiences by giving attention to positive affect, goal intention and performance. These findings highlight the importance of priming students to be reflective of self- and peer-feedback via a written and codified reflective journal.  相似文献   


Dyad reading involves a lower level reader paired with a higher level reading partner who models proficient oral reading while providing access to challenging texts. Previous research has reported increased reading fluency and comprehension for participants of dyad reading; however, to date no research has investigated how dyad reading may influence student attitudes toward reading. Using mixed effects linear modeling, this quasi-experimental study of third graders investigated the academic and attitudinal outcomes for students who read in dyads for 15?minutes daily for 90 school days. Results indicated that dyad readers experienced mixed outcomes in improving reading proficiency and a pattern of decline in reading attitudes compared to students in the control group. While lower level dyad readers demonstrated significant gains on a measure of comprehension, there were no differences between groups on several other measures of reading. Recommendations target how to maximize the use of dyad reading to support students’ reading development without eroding their perceptions of themselves as readers.  相似文献   

This article provides an outline and critical review of assessment, an evaluation of learning outcomes, in vocational education and training (VET) in Finland. Assessment of VET is formative, development-orientated and criteria-based. There are no national tests and information from vocational skills demonstrations is used instead. Assessment targets are individual and communal learning focusing on processes instead of reports. Interactive, multifaceted assessments and qualitative methods promote learning and are based on trust – not control. The developmental assessment of learning outcomes started as an experiment in 2002 and as a permanent system in 2007. The whole process has been included and still includes also many challenges of methods, which this article tries to open.  相似文献   

Existing research provides evidence at the module level of systematic differences in patterns of assessment, marks achieved and distributions of marks between different disciplines. This paper examines those issues at the degree course level, and suggests reasons for the presence or absence of those module-level relationships at this higher level. The analysis finds that both discipline and institution have large and roughly equal impact on the balance between assessment types. However, contrary to the suggestions in the literature, that balance has virtually no independent impact on degree outcomes. The analysis also discovers that, while there is only a small independent impact of disciplines on average degree marks compared to the institutional impact, disciplines do have a larger relative impact on the distribution of those marks.  相似文献   

Three UK studies on the relationship between a purpose‐built instrument to assess the importance and development of 15 ‘soft skills’ are reported. Study 1 (N = 444) identified strong latent components underlying these soft skills, such that differences between‐skills were over‐shadowed by differences between‐students. Importance and improving ratings on these skills predicted academic performance and accounted for the effects of personality on academic performance. Study 2 replicated the structure of the soft skills inventory and associations with academic performance in a larger sample (N = 1309). Examination of mean differences across faculties (humanities, life sciences, hard sciences) revealed higher soft skills ratings in ‘softer’ courses. Study 3 (N = 87) incorporated an IQ measure, which was found to be negatively related to importance ratings on soft skills. Results highlight the cohesive structure of beliefs concerning various non‐academic skills and their significant links to educationally relevant individual differences. Theoretical, methodological and applied implications are considered.  相似文献   

This study aims to assess the impact of systematic academic instruction on academic progress and behavioural problems of students with emotional and/or behavioural disorders (EBD) in special education. Earlier studies have noted the importance of a systematic approach as well as the significance of focusing on academic instruction instead of on behaviour. On the basis of these studies, it was hypothesised that the amount of teachers’ systematic academic instruction positively influences the academic progress of students with EBD as well as their behaviour. The amount of systematic academic instruction by teachers in daily teaching (N = 88) and the behaviour and academic progress of a sample of their students (N = 234) were measured and analysed by means of multilevel analyses. The results show a significant relationship between systematic academic instruction and academic outcomes. However, academic outcomes taking into account previous academic performance and behavioural outcomes could not be related to systematic academic instruction. Implications for research on the daily practice of special education are discussed.  相似文献   

在探讨高校学生学业评价功能和分析现存弊端的基础上,重点分析课堂评估、表现性评定、考试等几种有效的学业评价方式,建议高校针对学生的学业建立专门的评价管理机构,对教师进行评价工作的专门培训,并形成学生和教师共同参与的多元化评价主体。  相似文献   

This paper draws on longitudinal data to examine the extent to which parents’ educational expectations shape academic development and changes in self-concept among young people with different types of disability. The analysis is based on the Growing Up in Ireland longitudinal study, which tracked 7423 children between the primary to secondary school years, 21% of whom were identified with one of four main disability types. Our conceptual framework assumes that parental expectations at age 9 will be influenced by both the child’s disability and child’s academic achievement at that stage, as well as being influenced by other factors such as parent’s own education, family economic vulnerability, family relationships and family structure. Therefore, we take these factors into account in tracing the consequences of parental expectations at age 9, on academic and social outcomes at age 13 after the transition to secondary education. Among young people with a disability, poorer self-concept at age 13 is partly explained by lower parental expectations, particularly for those with general learning and emotional/behavioural disabilities. Similarly, parental expectations are a significant influence on children’s academic outcomes and partly explain the effects of disability status on academic development. Parents’ beliefs about their children’s abilities have a strong influence on achievement and self-concept, raising important issues around the need to promote equality of opportunity, raising awareness of the educational opportunities available, promoting positive expectations and engagement with school and the importance of promoting a range of opportunities for achievement.  相似文献   

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