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In September 2014, students and Hong Kong citizens took to the streets demanding universal suffrage. Cell phones and video cameras in hand, amateur student filmmakers were some of the first to capture the police tear-gassing young people that brought the city to its feet. Young people were positioning themselves as storytellers and knowledge producers on the streets. How has this restructured hierarchy of knowledge production often found in university education in Hong Kong? How too has being active participants and/or passive observers of the events of the Umbrella Movement translated into a pedagogy of experience in student’s daily lives, and how has this knowledge returned to the classroom? Specifically, I am interested in ways that young women who are not Cantonese first-language speakers understand their role in the movement and the kinds of knowledge they produced. Through interviews with these diverse students, and visual data from the footage they shot during the protests, we gain a rare glimpse into the multicultural world gathered beneath the umbrella of Hong Kong’s pro-democracy movement, and how a new generation of young female filmmakers are using video to share their changing perspectives on democratic reform, education, and everyday life.  相似文献   

高职院校必须围绕企业的人才需求提高学生的职业技能和职业素质。一方面,应研究借鉴优秀企业文化的建设经验,提高校园文化建设的科学性;另一方面,要积极引入优秀企业文化的元素,强化校园文化的职业性特征,创造学生从"学校人"到"职业人"转变的良好文化环境。  相似文献   

The presence of career change students in teacher education programs is neither new nor unusual. Despite this, there is a lack of research into the experiences of such people as student teachers. In this paper, the experiences of one career change student teacher, Michelle, and the ways in which she constructed her new professional identity as a student teacher, are examined. Using the theoretical framework of learning and identity within communities of practice developed by Lave and Wenger (1991) and the notion of career change student teachers as expert novices, Michelle's experiences are examined in detail to gain a greater understanding of how, as a career changer, she ‘became’ a student teacher. The research on which this paper is based found that as a career change student, Michelle needed to reconcile her various identities in order to construct her new professional identity in the context of teacher education. Findings were analysed and discussed with reference to Lave and Wenger’s (1991) framework of legitimate peripheral participation and Wenger’s (1998) communities of practice, and with recourse to the relevant literature.  相似文献   

高等学校青年教师是学校未来的顶梁柱,他们是一批学历高、专业性强、思维活跃、敢于尝试、有上进心的有为青年,这支年轻的教师队伍对高校学科的发展、教学科研的不断向前推进具有潜在的、不可代替的作用,是学校的未来和希望。青年教师来校工作基本上都到了婚育年龄,在高房价时代,解决好他们的住房问题非常重要。解决好教师住房问题,是引进人才、留住人才,建设高水平、稳定的师资队伍的关键因素之一。本文浅述了后房改时代(住房货币化时代),高等学校青年教师住房的困境,提出了解决高校青年教师住房的几种途径,希望其能对稳定高校教师队伍,增强学校的凝聚力,促进学校事业的不断发展起到了启示性的作用。  相似文献   

A school-based teacher education program is described. The focus of this research is the cooperating teacher. Specifically, the role of advisor (cooperating teacher) and the benefits and concerns are examined. Twenty-three advisors completed a questionnaire related to the school-based teacher education program. The benefits were personal and professional development, time to work with specific pupils and plan programs, meeting new people and the pleasure of watching a student teacher develop. The concerns were time constraints and problems with poor student teaching performance.  相似文献   

具有良好的体系,完备的功能、多元化的方式这就是美国职业教育。美国从事职业教育的学校紧贴社会需求设置课程及时调整专业类别,重在就业的岗位知识和技术技能的培训,学生根据劳动力市场变化需要选择自己的专业方向。当前我国的职业教育发展存在两种不同的取向。一方面人们认为职业教育就是就业教育,另一方面受发达国家职业生涯教育、关键能力等职业教育理念的影响,以及迫于我国现实的就业压力,人们认为职业教育要以人为本,不仅要满足于学生职业生涯规划发展的需要,还要加强职业素质及关键能力的培养,培养具有发展潜力的综合素质较高的高技能人才。  相似文献   

Although research reveals that pre-service student teachers often regard their relationships with their significant others as an important element of their initial teaching practice experience, much remains unknown about the influence of significant others on non-native English as a Second Language (ESL) student teachers’ professional learning process during field experiences. This paper presents the findings of a qualitative study of the professional learning experiences of 17 pre-service non-native ESL student teachers during an eight-week-long practicum. Grounded in a sociocultural view of teacher learning, the study explores how the ESL student teachers developed their understanding of professional learning in the light of their experiences of engaging with their supporting teachers, supervisors, other school staff members as well as peer student teachers during the practicum. Analysis of the data reveals that these people assumed the role of coach either directly or indirectly, having a positive influence on the student teachers’ role as a teacher. Analysis of the data also reveals negative interactions between student teachers and their significant others, which sociocultural theories have so far not taken sufficiently into account. While, findings of this study challenge past assumptions about where knowledge for teaching comes from and how it can be learned; this study also suggests an urgent need to consolidate university–school partnership to foster student teachers’ adaptation to the context of teaching practice and maximise their professional learning opportunities.  相似文献   

在高度强调教师专业发展和教师专业化的今天,高师教育类课程面临着凸显教师专业可持续发展教育功能的教学研究与改革要求。为了适应要求,高师教育类课程教学必需着眼于学生终身专业发展的潜能和后劲,树立以为学生奠定教师专业化基础为核心价值的教学理念;必需着眼于教师专业发展的素质,树立努力使学生全面获得对日后教育实践活动具有稳定而长效作用的元素的教学目标理念;必需着眼于学生的学习投入,树立促使学生全面发挥学习的能动性,让每个学生都成为充满勃勃生机的学习生命体的教学运作理念。  相似文献   

高校资助育人工作是做好大学生思想政治教育工作的重要组成部分之一,更是践行立德树人,构建“以学生为中心”教育理念的重要环节,党的十九大报告中指出“健全学生资助制度”,这为新时代开展资助育人工作指明了方向,同时也提出了更高的要求,因此做好资助育人工作对于落实党和国家教育理念,培养又红又专、德智体美劳全面发展的新时代优秀大学生具有重要的促进作用。  相似文献   

高职生就业从跨入大学校门的第一天就已经开始。通过从心理状态、职业技能、团队合作、同事沟通等等提升自己的就业能力、适应能力,尽快转变角色,实现顺利就业。有目的地找准自己的职业定位,会使一个人在成功的道路上找准方向,少走弯路。从学生角色到职业角色的转变代表了人生的又一起点,能充分体现个人的特点和能力。正确评估自我、循序渐进地完成角色转变,意味职业人生成功了一半。  相似文献   

Australian Government policy initiatives to increase young peoples' participation in higher education are pursued in this paper. It argues that pedagogy and curriculum have a direct influence on student engagement. The interrelationships between pedagogical practices, curriculum based on a well-being framework, and the shaping of subjectivities and aspirations of young people in a region characterised by socio-economic challenge are explored. This 2-year case study used action research by university academics, school-based teachers and school students in an R-12 school in the northern suburbs of Adelaide, South Australia. Findings drawn from narratives, field notes, student work samples and professional conversations, situate well-being as central to young people's self-awareness of their aspirations. The themes of: Pedagogies and learning activities; Relationships, caring and connections, and; Places, spaces and belonging help to arrange the argument that concludes that young people living in low socio-economic areas do have aspirations for the future. Furthermore, the educational implications highlight the significance of the role of the teacher within the social and emotional domains which connect student life-worlds within their particular contexts, building cultural capital and broadening capabilities, self-awareness, aspirations and achievement.  相似文献   

Although undergraduates have long held a role as teaching assistants for introductory science courses at liberal arts colleges and universities, educational institutions often do not provide these students with opportunities to explore science teaching and pedagogy. At Brandeis University, we designed an internship course to help increase the motivation, understanding, and knowledge of teaching pedagogy for undergraduate teaching assistants that is offered concurrently with their teaching responsibilities. Weekly sessions with faculty mentors are guided by readings in current science education literature, and throughout the semester students are asked to develop new course material based on the pedagogical frameworks discussed. To evaluate the effectiveness of this course, we surveyed students at the close of the semester. We found an overall increase in student confidence levels with regard to teaching and better awareness of the difficulties faced in science education. All students who participated in the course expressed interest in participating in future educational internships. We believe that the Educating Young Educators internship has the potential to be a catalyst for personal and professional growth from a novice into an informed young educator.  相似文献   

家法族规在中国文明史上占据过重要的地位,对于中国社会的形成与发展也起到过一定的作用。本文论述了家法族规与人民调解制度在特征、涉及的范围、传统道德在两者中的作用上的共通点以及家法族规对于调解协议的效力和家族事务处理人员的选用上对于后者的借鉴之处,希望能够引起人们对于家法族规新的认识。  相似文献   

关注高职教师心理健康   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
社会对高级应用型技术人才需求的增加使高职教育迅速发展,这既为高职教师带来了发展的良好机遇,也为他们带来了前所未有的压力和挑战,在教学、科研、招生等压力下,高职教师出现了种种心理不适,这些不适影响了教师的心理健康,因此必须采取各种措施减轻教师的心理压力,教师自身也要增强保健意识,维护心理健康。  相似文献   

网络传播开创了人类认知世界、表达心性的新方式,催生了新的语言模式.传统媒体和网络传媒等多种类别传播媒介的叠合接力是网络流行语体得以诞生、传播的重要原因.网络传播和人际传播共同促成了这些新型网络语体的流行.网络流行语体的主要使用者是青年人,网络流行语体不仅反映出了一个时代的文化时尚,更彰显了在这一时代中扮演着重要角色的青年人的精神特质.网络流行语体的产生既与大众的从众心理有关,也体现了公民积极表达意愿、介入社会、追求民主权利的自觉.但网络流行语体除了积极的意义外,也不乏令人担忧的缺憾.  相似文献   

根据重庆市主城区职业性流动人口就读电大情况的调研,流动人口已成为城市电大办学的生源主体之一。城市电大应大力发展非学历培训和社会化职业技能培训、强化教学内容的针对性、改善管理和服务、加强信息技术建设,以满足流动人口学员的学习需求,促进电大的发展。  相似文献   

根据企业对人才的需求,改进高职教育人才培养模式,实现高职教育与企业需求的零距离衔接,促进学生顺利完成角色转变,是新形势下高职教育改革的重要方向。银领学院是浙江金融职业学院“行业、校友、集团”共生态办学模式和订单式人才培养模式最佳结合的典范,也是高等职业教育办学体制与人才培养模式改革创新的产物,结合浙江金融职业学院银领学院的成功实践,探讨引入企业理念对高职人才培养模式的形成与完善的重要性。  相似文献   

This study focuses on the question of why student teachers stay in teaching even after a profound ‘practice shock,’ i.e., a shock that in itself seems to characterize the complex and emotionally challenging first year of student teaching. Using a line drawing technique, the study investigates student teachers’ views of their first year of teaching by examining how they picture their development, their key experiences during that development, and the ways in which they coped with these experiences. The results suggest that most student teachers perceive their own development not as a steadily ascending line as is often suggested by research on the development of teachers’ professional identity. Instead, we now surmise that most student teachers view their development as a path with highs and lows that include transformative moments or periods. This relates to the idea of transformative learning and to theories on identity development that suggest people need a crisis for identity development to occur. During such a crisis, we saw that student teachers explicitly reconsidered their connections to teaching and that this reconsideration led to a regained motivation for teaching. It appeared that supervisors or mentor teachers played a significant role in first‐year (student) teachers’ regaining motivation for teaching.  相似文献   

运用罗伯特?扬后殖民理论视域下的翻译理论,分析美国印第安作家谢尔曼?阿莱克西长篇小说《一个兼职印第安少年的超真实日记》。在这部小说中,一方面,白人通过翻译,以期把印第安文化转换成其从属文化,另一方面,以主人公朱尼尔为代表的具有积极反抗意识的印第安人,通过将印第安文化向白人世界进行翻译,发出了自边缘的声音,从而在混杂的时代建构了新的印第安身份。  相似文献   

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