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A vast array of cultural traditions and languages can be found among China's 55 legally recognized minority nationalities. Mother tongue education has been the norm for several of the large minority groups (namely, Koreans, Kazaks, Mongolians, Tibetans, and Uyghurs) for most of the time since 1949. This article, which is based on empirical data, reports a study of a group of academics with a Uyghur background at Xinjiang University. The findings indicate that language issues have had a great impact on the professional and personal identities of these academics. The language of their formal school education, either Chinese, the official language, or their mother tongue, has not only had an effect on their perceptions of language learning, but has also created ethnic and cultural divisions among people of the same origins. The authors explore the implications of these identity, language and culture dilemmas for minority academics in China.  相似文献   

"茶话"是佛教丛林创造的专有名词,是禅师们丛林禅修生活的一项重要内容。禅林茶事活动的茶话,从形式上为禅师提供了参禅悟道的契机和平台,通过茶饮与禅悟的互动以达至"禅茶一味"之思想精神的和静怡真。世俗文人的参与,更使其成为一种赏心怡情的雅事并赋予其深厚的文化内涵,成为中国茶文化史中一个独具特色而又自成体系的部分。  相似文献   

受佛教世俗化的影响,唐代佛教寺院与民众的关系十分密切,这种关系表现在唐代小说中尤为明确。在唐代寺院故事中,佛教寺院承载了重要的叙事功能,或作为真实地理参照,在小说中营造出似真还幻的情境;或烘托审美氛围;或作为重要的契机,推动小说情节的发展;或是空间场景主题化的直接体现。  相似文献   

连云港区域的佛、道活动,早在东汉时代就已开始。千百年来,古海州地区的佛寺道观星罗棋布,金碧辉煌,与山海奇观相映相衬,吸引历代文人为之顶礼膜拜,盛加咏赞,这便是古海州地区佛寺道观诗层出不穷的原因。这些佛寺道观诗,客观反映了佛、道活动的历史遗迹和当时情况,表达了诗人对灵山仙境的咏赞和与僧侣道徒的友情,从而为连云港市作为“东海名郡”增添了极其厚重的文化积淀,使得古海州的寺观山海具有万古长新的永恒魅力。  相似文献   

所谓民族学校是指由国家和地方政府批准的,在民族学生集中的地区专门设立的主要供少数民族学生就读的学校。西南地区民族学校与普通学校教育发展在管理体制、课程与教学、师资队伍等方面既存在着共性,也有其独特性。因此,在民族学校的教学检查、教学评价、教学管理、课程设置、师资培训、教学环境等诸方面,就不能采取“一刀切”的方式,而是应该根据民族学校的实际情况来实施。具体说来,要推进西南民族学校教育的改革与发展,应从以下几个方面入手:(1)加大政府投入,改善办学条件;(2)设置多元文化课程;(3)重视民族学校教育特点,调整教学内容与形式;(4)提高民族学校教师素质。  相似文献   

我国早期的佛经翻译特点呈现出多层面性。从翻译主体来看,译经者主要是外来僧人或者久住中国的外籍后裔,汉地僧人或居士参加很少,且多从事辅助工作,翻译往往全凭口授;从翻译行为来看,这一时期的译经多属个人行为,没有得到政府的直接支持;从翻译方法来看,汉末基本采用直译法而偏于“质”,三国时期,基本采用删繁就简、尽量适应当地文化的意译而偏于“文”,西晋时期再予纠正而采用直译,译文偏于更高层次的“质”;从译文受到目的语的影响来看,佛经翻译深受道家思想影响;从译经者的素质来看,他们都是从事佛教工作的专业人士,这保证了译文能最大限度地传译原作的思想;随着译经的不断发展,经师们开始对已有的翻译文本进一步完善和深化,或“重译”(“校译”)或会译或注译。总的看来,早期的佛经翻译尽管还没有形成成熟的、系统的翻译理论,但却为以后的佛教翻译在理论上做了比较充分的准备。  相似文献   

This study examines theoretical principles and models of music education to promote interpersonal and social relations. It focuses on the primary and secondary stages of education in Spain. To this end, relevant national and international figures in education, music or critical thinking were consulted. Their responses to the consultation were treated qualitatively. The results highlight the need to promote participatory activity and to design alternative proposals for music learning that invite the student to gain positive musical experiences. This will help to recognise different musical identities, promote intercultural musical diversity and encourage positive coexistence in and beyond the music classroom.  相似文献   


The rule of law presents a new path for understanding and handling religious affairs in contemporary China. The field of religious education is no exception and current legislation has to be improved so that China’s religious education can be further promoted. This research examines the legislation and legislative regulations governing China’s diversified and dynamic religious education, which includes professional religious studies, religious education embedded in ethnic education, missionary religious education, religious education included in general education, and education on religious policies and regulations. It argues that how to understand and implement the principle of separation of education and religion stands out as the core issue, as China requires a more dialectical and pluralistic religious education.  相似文献   

古代泰国(暹罗),教育为佛教所垄断,寺院是教育的最主要场所,教育就是用来保存宗教传统的,因而世俗教育必然依附于佛教教育。近代以来,泰国逐渐走上现代化道路,泰国佛教世俗化的趋向亦在加快,其一个重要表现就是泰国的世俗教育逐渐脱离佛教教育并逐渐普及;教育日趋世俗化、现代化,成为泰国教育发展的主流。另一方面,佛教教育在保持传统同时,也处在缓慢变革中。佛教教育与世俗教育的发展交相辉映,体现了传统与现代的较完美结合。  相似文献   

在我国少数民族教育取得前所未有成就的同时,少数民族基础教育发展不均衡与教育资源配置不均的问题依然很突出,集中体现在民族地区的各级各类教育、城乡教育和不同民族间教育发展的不平衡现状,多数少数民族社会发展阶段还落后于全国平均水平。所以中央政府要对西部少数民族地区实施更加倾斜的政策,加大扶持力度,培育和谐社会的教育公平理念,进一步促进少数民族基础教育事业的发展。  相似文献   

多元文化教育的理论核心是文化多元和教育平等理论;其实践方法主要有班克斯提出的四种多元文化课程改革方法和斯里特总结出的五种多元文化教育实施方法。多元文化教育与我国少数民族教育,在受教育对象、教育手段的侧重点和对少数民族传统文化的态度和政策上有较大差异。尽管如此,多元文化教育的理论和实践对我国少数民族教育在对学生进行多元文化教育、重视女性教育和贫困家庭学生教育方面具有一定启示。  相似文献   

试论我国少数民族教育政策重心的转移问题   总被引:4,自引:3,他引:4  
我国民族教育政策有两大类型:一类为优惠性政策,一类为特殊性政策。在不同的历史阶段,国家都相应出台了一定的民族政策、教育政策及逐渐明确的民族教育政策。这些政策集中表现在民族教育的质量、管理体制、经费、课程、教师、学生政策等方面。在新的形势下,我国民族教育政策正在经历一个由重视数量向重视质量、由重视优惠政策向重视特殊政策的重心转移过程。  相似文献   

全国少数民族地区双语教学情况概述   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
2010年4月12日至4月30日,以少数民族聚居地区为重点,笔者跟随调研组对全国少数民族语言文字使用和少数民族双语教育工作情况进行了全面调研。文章重点分析全国民族地区目前双语教学采用的模式及存在的主要问题,并提出对新疆双语教育的建议。  相似文献   

对我国民族教育功能的认识   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
发展民族教育是实现民族地区跨越式发展的重要基础和条件。加强对民族教育功能的研究将有助于我们从更深的层面认识民族教育,重视民族教育,发展民族教育;有助于围绕新世纪、新阶段民族工作的主题,在民族地区和谐社会的构建过程中,更好地发挥民族教育的功能。  相似文献   

张恳 《怀化学院学报》2010,29(5):103-105
我国少数民族地区体育师资缺乏、教师专业水平较低,体育教师继续教育的观念陈旧,学校对继续教育投入力度不够.研究分析认为只有加强少数民族地区体育教师体育理论知识、体育实践课程、终身体育思想等方面的继续教育,逐步健全少数民族地区体育教师继续教育机制,确保继续教育经费投入,才能有效促进少数民族地区体育教师继续教育健康快速地发展.  相似文献   

Yasmeen F. Qureshi 《Compare》2014,44(5):710-731
This article focuses specifically on the incorporation of ethnic minority children within the education systems of England, France and Germany. The trends in policy development after World War II in these countries are examined through the prism of three ideal-typical incorporation strategies – integration, assimilation and separation. This is done to test the theories of universalism, parallel development and particularism, which anticipate different trajectories with regard to these strategies. The paper finds evidence for convergence towards integration with regard to provisions for extra support in the host country’s language. This supports the theory of universalism. However, no evidence of convergence towards integration is found in four other policy areas. For instance, country-specific trends emerge on minority religious education and enrolment into mainstream schools, which is consistent with the particularist perspective. As there is little evidence of the three countries drawing closer in terms of all three adopting a strategy of incorporation promoted by transnational agencies, the expectation that national states can borrow in a straightforward fashion from internationally advocated models of ethnic minority incorporation appears unfounded. The paper further finds that local practices are sometimes significantly at odds with national educational policy, suggesting that future research should be directed more at the local level to determine the policies affecting ethnic minority children.  相似文献   

全球一体化的趋势,更加凸显了文化多样性的价值和进行多元一体文化教育的必要性。在这一历史进程中,重新审视我国少数民族双语教育,无论在功能上还是价值上都突破了传统教育,已上升到了一个新的发展阶段。  相似文献   

我国农民职业教育供给现状及发展对策   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
在当前农村社会发生巨大变迁和新的农民职业教育体系急需创立的背景下,对农民职业教育供给进行研究,无疑具有重要的理论价值和现实意义。本简要描述我国农民职业教育供给现状,具体分析其存在的主要问题,并针对问题提出树立适应新形势的农民职业教育新理念,形成多层次、协调发展的供给体系,形成与入力资源需求相适应的内容新体系,建立监测评估体系,逐步形成完备的农民职业教育法律体系等建议。  相似文献   

Objective: To investigate the distributions of human leukocyte antigen (HLA)-A and-B alleles and HLA-A-B haplotypes in the Yi ethnic minority of the Yunnan Province, situated in southwestern China. Methods: DNA typing for HLA-A and-B loci was performed using the polymerase chain reaction-sequence-based typing (PCR-SBT) method on 114 randomly selected healthy individuals of the Yi population. The allelic frequencies of HLA-A and-B loci were calculated by direct counting and HLA-A-B haplotypes were estimated ...  相似文献   

Recently, the pros and cons scholars of educational marketization all refer to the enormous influences affected by neo-liberalism. Without doubt, it occurs to the related researches that the function and characters of market will create a decisive impact on education development. Nevertheless, according to this authors' study, neo-liberalism is not the way as it was, it is because the role of the state has been shifted from shrinking back to swelling out in terms of the ways of manipulating policies. The state is no longer the rolled back actor as a small government following the original neo-liberalism context, but becomes an invisible hand behind serial discourses and standards making. This study has taken England for an example to review the spread of marketization in education, especially under New Labor's authority. Context and developed discourses on neo-liberalism are analyzed before examining the related policies in England. The result of the research argues that, though neo-liberalism still firmly wins its high value in running education, it has been through an ingenious change in terms of spreading processes. Under New Labor's authority, serial legitimate discourses from public sector were released and formed another new ideology. The boundary of public and private sector of running education, especially in secondary education, has been redefined. This change has turned England into a new type of "neo-liberalism" territory. Based on the involvement of public sector in manipulating serial privatizations, it reveals the phenomenon of "state commercialism".  相似文献   

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