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教学信息反馈工作是高校教学质量监控中不可缺少的重要一环。加强高校教学信息反馈,需要统一信息员、教师、管理者三方认识,加强信息员队伍建设,规范信息反馈程序,完善激励机制。  相似文献   

中美学校教学质量评价比较   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
美国学校教学质量评价的基本理念是“不让一个儿童落后”。在这一理念支持下 ,其评价基准、功能 ,对评价结果负责的机构、维护学生择校权利以及评价导向等方面都有其特点。我国在学校教学质量评价上的上述诸方面与美国存在着差异 ,其教学评价的一些做法有违于素质教育应使全体学生获得发展的宗旨。因此 ,应借鉴美国的一些做法 ,进行教育教学评价体制的改革  相似文献   

翻译教学的生态观:宏观环境和微观环境   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
成怡 《佳木斯教育学院学报》2011,(2):355+357-355,357
外语学习,不仅是一种知识认知,也是一种适应力的认知。本文通过分析翻译教学的发展形态,就如何在翻译教学上提高学生的适应力总结了一些经验与理论,以提高外语学习的能动性,促进人与人之间的和谐与发展。  相似文献   

针对课堂教学质量的评价问题,从教学管理工作的实际需要出发,分析了影响教学质量评价的主要因素,建立了课堂教学质量评价指标体系,并在此基础上运用模糊多指标评价和TOPSIS方法构成的组合方法,进行了教学质量评价实践.  相似文献   

有效的反馈是构筑发展性课堂教学评价体系的重要基础。当前课堂教学评价反馈在反馈观念、反馈形式、反馈内容、反馈做法以及反馈原动力等方面存在诸多问题,成为制约教学质量提高不可忽视的因素。要实现有效的反馈,必须要明确反馈的内髓,把握对象的需求,综合运用各种反馈形式,构筑起师生之间良性互动的通道。  相似文献   

当前,我国高职教育得到了长足的发展,随之也出现了一系列教育教学质量评价与监控体系方面的问题——尚未做到全员参与和内心认同;评价体系不够系统、完善;不能顺利的运作,实现不了预期效果。这些问题势必影响到高职教育的进一步发展,相关部门和单位已经致力于解决,在解决的时候要注意遵循以下原则:一是兼顾全面性与实效性;二是加大执行力度,保持公平公正;三是以实际情况为基准,提高操作性。在此之上,我根据自己的实践经验提出了解决的对策:充利用学院、系和教研室的评价、监控职能;建立并完善全面的质量管理制度;使教学质量评价与监控体系的规章制度不断的丰富、成熟;建立健全教学质量评价与监控的约束和激励机制;提高教学质量评价与监控管理者的业务水平。  相似文献   

This multiple case study explored faculty formative use of student evaluation feedback. Results were based on interviews of ten education faculty members at a midwestern research university and reviews of relevant documents. It was found that end of semester student evaluation, originally used for summative evaluation, was also used by faculty for teaching improvement purposes. Faculty cared for student evaluation feedback and used discretion in using the feedback to improve their teaching. Faculty also experienced anxiety and tensions in the context of a mandated summative evaluation. Variations were found in faculty use of evaluation feedback, as a result of difference in background and experience.  相似文献   

This paper argues for the value of using student ratings to measure quality of teaching. An international study to test the validity of the dynamic model of educational effectiveness was conducted. At classroom level, the model consists of eight factors relating to teacher behaviour: orientation, structuring, questioning, teaching modelling, application, management of time, teacher role in making classroom a learning environment and assessment. In each participating country (i.e. Belgium/Flanders, Cyprus, Germany, Greece, Ireland and Slovenia), a sample of at least 50 primary schools was used and all grade 4 students (n?=?9967) were asked to complete a questionnaire concerning the eight factors of the dynamic model. Structural equation modelling techniques were used to test the construct validity of the questionnaire. Both across- and within-country analyses revealed that student ratings are reliable and valid for measuring the functioning of the teacher factors of the dynamic model. Implications for teacher education are drawn.  相似文献   

教学评价是大学英语教学的一个重要环节,而形成性评价能发挥学生的主动性,为教与学提供及时、有效的反馈信息,有利于教和学过程的完善和发展。从形成性评价的概念入手,分析评价过程,通过与其他评价进行对比,阐述形成性评价的特点以及在实践中的应用。  相似文献   

Owing to the increasing diversity of assessments in higher education, feedback should be provided to students in a format that can assist future and alternative work. This study aimed to assess the effectiveness of the Essay Feedback Checklist on future alternative assessments. Participants were assigned to one of two groups, one of which completed the checklist prior to assessment 1 (essay) and received feedback using this method. Attainment on assessment 1 and assessment 2 (examination) were taken as pre- and post-test scores. Results revealed increased assessment scores for the checklist group, compared to those who received conventional feedback. Focus group data indicated that students particularly liked elements of the checklist as a feedback method, but potential drawbacks were also highlighted. Implications and future use of the checklist is then discussed.  相似文献   

One of the most contentious potential sources of bias is whether instructors who give higher grades receive higher ratings from students. We examined the grade point averages (GPAs) and student ratings across 2073 general education religion courses at a large private university. A moderate correlation was found between GPAs and student evaluations of teaching (SETs); however, this global correlation did not hold true for individual teachers and courses. In fact, there was a large variance in the correlations between GPAs and SETs, including some teachers with a negative correlation and a large variance between courses.  相似文献   

科学、合理地评估教师教学工作绩效是学校教学管理工作的核心。传统的教师教学工作绩效评估方式收集信息不全、评估结果不够客观。借鉴企事业人力资源管理绩效评估中常用的多源反馈评估方式,有利于改进教师教学工作绩效评估工作。教师教学工作绩效的多源评估,采用评估问卷,能够由主管上级、同行教师、学生、被评估教师本人等多个评定者对其提供多个维度的反馈信息,获得量化评定结果,从而能够帮助教师提高自我认识能力,提高自身素质,改进教学工作,提高绩效水平。  相似文献   

There is a plethora of research on student evaluations of teaching (SETs) regarding their validity, susceptibility to bias, practical use and effective implementation. Given that there is not one study summarising all these domains of research, a comprehensive overview of SETs was conducted by combining all prior meta-analyses related to SETs. Eleven meta-analyses were identified, and nine meta-analyses covering 193 studies were included in the analysis, which yielded a small-to-medium overall weighted mean effect size (r = .26) between SETs and the variables studied. Findings suggest that SETs appear to be valid, have practical use that is largely free from gender bias and are most effective when implemented with consultation strategies. Research, teaching and policy implications are discussed.  相似文献   

质的评价:课堂教学评价的另一种取向   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
质的评价,是课堂教学评价的另一种取向,属人主义范式,有其理论与实践价值,会给课堂教学评价带来新的风貌。  相似文献   

Quantitative student evaluations of teaching (SET) and assessments are widely used in higher education as a proxy for teaching quality. However, SET are a function of individual rating behaviours resulting from student background, knowledge and personalities, as well as the learning experience being rated. SET from three years of data from a science department at a Russell Group University in the UK were analysed to highlight issues of sample size in relation to variable perceptions of modules, and develop a statistical model of feedback incorporating individual rating behaviours across modules. Key results are that sample size and individual rating behaviours have the potential to significantly affect summary module ratings, especially for <20 respondents or if individuals have heterogeneous views. A new approach is suggested, to interpret and compare quantitative module ratings, acknowledging uncertainty, variability and individual rating behaviours. This has implications for the interpretation of SET in many aspects of academic life, including university league table positions, the identification of good teaching practice with respect to student satisfaction, and the weight given to SET in individual academics’ promotion applications.  相似文献   

建立科学、完善的教野教学质量考核机制,是确保教学质量不断提高的重要管理环节。我院去年开展了教学质量综合评价活动,强化了教学工作的中以地位,增强了教师的教学质量意识,增强了师生沟通,促进了学风的好转。但还存在评价内容的深度不够、教学过程监控不平衡、对教学过程的监好和评价不够等问题,要完善和深化评价指标体系,确定教学质量监控在不同阶段的监控重点,从而不断提高教育教学质量。  相似文献   

网络课程教学环节反馈系统的设计与实现   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
现今很多网络课程缺少教学环节信息的反馈设计,教师在师生交互中仍处于“被动”地位,这样很不利于进行形成性评价。本文把网络课程与数据挖掘技术相结合,提出了一个对网络课程的教学环节进行反馈的系统研究的解决方案,为教师提供学生学习效果的反馈信息。  相似文献   

根据《教育技术》课程的教学实践,本提出了改进和加强课程教学的意见和措施。  相似文献   

体育列入中考加试科目,是推动学校体育深化改革的一项举措。通过六年来的实施却引起社会的强烈反响,导致学校出现体育应试教育的负反馈。本文就负反馈的因由和学校体育的现状,谈中考体育加试方法的改革,提高学校体育教学质量。促进中考体育加试由负反馈向正反馈转化。  相似文献   

Despite nearly 200 accredited entry‐level physical therapist education programs in the United States that culminate in a doctoral degree, only a paucity of reports have been published regarding the efficacy of peer teaching in gross anatomy. No one has described the usefulness of peer teaching from the viewpoint of the peer teacher. An organized peer teaching method provided by four second‐year doctors of physical therapy (DPT) students in a semester course in gross anatomy had a positive impact on the academic performance in gross anatomy of first‐year DPT students. The unique feature of the weekly peer teaching sessions was a packet assembled by the second‐year peer teachers, which contained diagrams, fill‐in‐the blank questions, and helpful mnemonic devices. This study surveyed perceptions of first‐year DPT students in response to a peer teaching method, using a structured 10‐item questionnaire and a five‐point Likert scale. Second‐year DPT peer teachers provided written reflections about the benefits and challenges of serving as a peer teacher. Results revealed that 13 planned peer‐teaching experiences provided by four second‐year DPT students were valuable and promoted a firm understanding of anatomical relationships important for the clinical competence of physical therapist students. Moreover, peer teachers acknowledged acquiring clinically desirable teaching, academic, organizational, and time management skills from the experience. As a result, physical therapist educators may wish to consider this model of peer teaching to augment their teaching strategies for a class in gross human anatomy. Anat Sci Ed 1:199–206, 2008. © 2008 American Association of Anatomists.  相似文献   

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