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The tacit messages transmitted to indigenous learners in the science classroom provide a lens through which indigenous disengagement with school science can be better understood. In this paper, the findings of a cross-national comparative study conducted with indigenous Maori students in New Zealand and Seediq/Atayal students in Taiwan are discussed from a sociological perspective. The purposes of the present study were to explore the ways in which indigenous elementary school students in two industrialized nations experience the science curriculum and to identify the socialization processes through which patterns of indigenous under-achievement in science are maintained and reproduced. The findings suggest that the peripheral positioning of indigenous culture and knowledge within the science curriculum in developed nations underpins a series of tacit pedagogical codes that contribute to indigenous student disengagement with the subject.  相似文献   

Stephen Marshall 《Compare》2019,49(3):471-488
International education is widely recognised as providing a range of positive outcomes for students, universities, and both the source and destination countries. New Zealand politicians, however, see international education as a means of generating significant export earnings able to subsidise the local provision of university education. New Zealand universities have been criticised as underperforming in comparison to their Australian counterparts in attracting revenue from international students. This article explores the evidence of that observation by examining the patterns of enrolment by international students in New Zealand and Australian universities. The analysis identifies significant drivers of the international student enrolments in Australia and discusses potential strategic and policy implications for international education in New Zealand that respond to these drivers.  相似文献   

冉伶 《教育与教学研究》2011,(12):96-98,113
新西兰的护理教育在其护理教育理念及临床护理教育模式下,已经发展出一套完整的适合国情的护理教育体系。通过对新西兰护理教育在课程设置、课程实施、课程评估以及执业护理考试等方面的调查,发现在其良好的护理教育环境下,具有全新的教育模式,灵活多变的教学方法及评估措施,且与临床护理实践紧密相关,很好地体现了护理特色,满足了临床护理需求。新西兰护理教育模式为我国的护理教育在课程设置、教学方法、评估手段方面提供了借鉴和帮助。  相似文献   

This paper reports on a national evaluation project that investigated characteristics of environmental education (EE) practice in New Zealand schools in 2002–2003. The research included a review of New Zealand and international environmental education literature, a survey of nearly 200 New Zealand schools and case studies of environmental education practice in eight schools. In this paper we describe and discuss key features of environmental education practice in New Zealand schools at the time of the research. We consider the rewards and challenges for teachers, students, schools and the wider school community arising from the schools’ implementation of this non‐compulsory curriculum subject. We conclude by considering what the findings told us about current EE practice and how these findings might inform a greater emphasis towards environmental education/education for sustainability in New Zealand schools at a time of national curriculum policy change.  相似文献   

新自由主义与新西兰的教育改革   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
80年代以来,新西兰开展了一系列的教育重建改革。这场改革被指标为以新右思潮为指导思想、以纯市场为范式的改革使新西兰的教育观念、教育体制发生了根本性的转变。经过近20年的发展,新西兰的教育改革面临许多困难,并受到国内学术界的强烈批评。了解和认识新西兰的教育改革对理解和认识我国教育改革有着重要的启示借鉴意义。  相似文献   

工业自动化时代的到来,使新西兰陷入了持续而广泛的技能短缺,并暴露出新西兰职业教育体系中技能“供应链”不完善的本质,这促使新西兰通过立法全面推进职业教育改革。在新的法案中,新西兰职业教育将建立统一的职业教育管理体系;组建网络技术与技能学院,并创建新型教育筹资制度。新西兰职业教育改革的内容和实践,以及改革中暴露的问题,对我国职业教育改革具有一定的启示意义。在我国职业教育改革实践过程中,应深入听取基层建议,注重企业、社区深度参与优化区域发展,加深信息技术与教育融合,重视对少数群体的职业教育,从而保障职业教育实施的公平性,促进职业教育改革的科学化,实现职业教育教学的现代化发展。  相似文献   

新西兰被认为是拥有世界上最好教育体制的国家之一,特别是在教师教育制度方面另有一套完全独立的教育体系。"入职指导计划"是新西兰教师委员会为新教师的专业学习提供实践支持的一项教育指导计划,旨在提高教师专业发展能力,促进新西兰教师教育职前培养、入职指导和在职专业发展的一体化进程,以推动教师终身教育体系的形成与完善。  相似文献   

该研究通过对成都大学学前教育学院和新西兰怀卡托理工学院教育学院学前教育本科的课程设置进行比较分析,探讨中新两国学前教育本科专业在人才培养目标、课程构成、课程目标、课程实施等方面的差异.结果显示中国学前教育本科课程设置在人才培养目标方面同新西兰相比呈现出多元性,两国课堂教学学时差异悬殊,中国学前教育本科课程门类更为复杂,课程目标达成情况不如新西兰,新西兰学前教育课程实施经验值得中国学前教育专业课程改革借鉴.  相似文献   

开设适合的技术类课程以应对当前技术教育不断发展的新形势是师范院校亟待解决的关键问题。新西兰职前技术教师教育框架是奥克兰大学、梅西大学等六所高校共同开发的一个共享资源,旨在支持六所高校在职前技术教育方面保持信息一致,提升职前技术教师教育质量。该框架由技术哲学、技术教育的原理、技术课程和技术教学四个关键要素组成,在强调技术知识和技术教学知识的同时,关注技术价值观和目的观教育,并提供相应素材支持课程开发与实施。新西兰职前技术教师教育框架对我国技术教师教育具有重要启示。  相似文献   

This paper reports on an initial teacher education programme that has been designed to facilitate and support Māori student teachers in New Zealand. This paper highlights the ambiguity in New Zealand on the theoretical foundation of initial teacher education. Therefore a background on transformative praxis and how it has impacted on the education system of New Zealand is first presented. Then the tauira’s (student teacher’s) narrative is presented which has been informed by two years of a Te Ao Māori (Māori worldview) programme. The programme was built upon critical theory to facilitate transformative praxis in student teachers. Specifically, this narrative was a vehicle for how her own past in mainstream education and the programme has impacted upon how she sees teaching and being the teacher. The paper highlights the positive impact a culturally responsive programme can have on the self‐efficacy of marginalised members of society.  相似文献   

In 2008 the Asia New Zealand Foundation commissioned a three-year project examining Asia-born New Zealand-educated business graduates' study to work transitions. Data were collected through annual online surveys and in-depth interviews. Graduates were asked to discuss their post-study experiences, reflections on studying in New Zealand, and perceptions of their New Zealand business education. Participants included 171 (phase one), 76 (phase two) and 41 (phase three) students and recent graduates. All except one were based in New Zealand or the Asia region. In this paper we draw on “engaged pedagogy” and “functional capabilities” perspectives to consider phase two and three participants' accounts of their study to work transition pathways. Specifically, we examine two “functional capabilities” that participants discussed in relation to their post-study experiences: having economic opportunities and developing a sense of affiliation. We highlight some barriers to each “capability” that emerged in participants' accounts and consider how participants envisaged their role in fostering ongoing Asia-New Zealand connections. We conclude with some suggested implications for policy and practice in New Zealand and in internationalized HE more generally.  相似文献   

高等教育战略规划为高等教育投资拨款提供导向,体现政府在高等教育上的愿景、优先发展战略以及对未来的规划,其重要性不言而喻。通过对新西兰最近的两个五年高等教育战略规划在高等教育背景、政府愿景和优先发展战略规划方面的变化分析,我们可以一窥其高等教育政策轨迹。  相似文献   

Irish Catholic teaching sisters were major actors in the development of education systems in New World countries such as the United States, Canada, South Africa, Australia and New Zealand. Immigrants themselves, they faced a number of key challenges as they sought to adapt Old World cultural and educational ideas to the education of the immigrant Irish in a new cultural, religious and educational context. A close examination of the wide range of sources available in private archives and elsewhere offers unique insights into the challenges facing 10 Irish Dominican Sister Teachers as they journeyed from Ireland to Dunedin to found primary and secondary schools in the young colony of New Zealand. This article examines their responses to their early experiences and the part they played in the development of a viable Catholic education system in nineteenth-century New Zealand.  相似文献   

This paper examines literacy under-achievement and the limitations of gender-based literacy reforms grounded in essentialist notions of masculinity. It draws on qualitative case-study research conducted in one Ontario secondary school in a working-class community. It focuses on two grade 9 students and their teacher who participated in a larger study which examines how the norms and values associated with school-based literacy practices contribute to under-achievement. The cases highlighted in this paper are employed to raise critical questions about the way in which literacy under-achievement continues to be articulated as a ‘boy problem’. This paper also illustrates how the complex and situated nature of the students’ gendered and classed identities, interwoven with contextual and pedagogical factors, contribute to literacy under-achievement for some boys and some girls. In addition, it argues that the disjuncture between in- and out-of-school literacy practices warrants further study.  相似文献   

This paper argues that a new patriotism has emerged in New Zealand over recent years. This has been promoted in tandem with the notion of advancing New Zealand as a knowledge economy and society. The new patriotism encourages New Zealanders to accept, indeed embrace, a single, shared vision of the future: one structured by a neoliberal ontology and the demands of global capitalism. This constructs a narrow view of citizenship and reduces the possibility of economic and social alternatives being considered seriously. The paper makes this case in relation to tertiary education in particular. The first section outlines the New Zealand government's vision for tertiary education, as set out in the Tertiary Education Strategy, 2007–12 (Ministry of Education, 2006). This is followed by a critique of the Strategy and an analysis of the model of citizenship implied by it. The paper concludes with brief comments on the role tertiary education might play in contesting the new patriotism.  相似文献   

To examine the current status of early childhood inclusive education in New Zealand, this article highlights the country's overall structure of inclusive education and other services for individuals with special needs. The unique features of early childhood special education services are also highlighted. Challenges to enhance the quality of education and services for young children with special needs, as well as future possibilities in New Zealand, are also discussed.  相似文献   

从20世纪90年代至今,新西兰中小学初任教师入职教育发展迅速并渐趋完善。当前,新西兰把初任教师的入职教育作为其成为正式教师的必备条件,从而推动了初任教师入职教育的制度化和规范化,不仅建立了与教师资格相联系的一体化机制和灵活分工的合作管理体制,而且形成了高效有利的保障措施和严格完善的质量评估体系,有力地促进了教师专业化水平,彰显出新西兰中小学初任教师入职教育的特色和优势。  相似文献   

新西兰高等教育质量保证机制的新框架   总被引:13,自引:0,他引:13  
近年来,在高等教育发展进程中如何处理数量增长与质量保证之间的关系问题越来越引起各国政府和社会各界的重视。新西兰的高等教育在世纪之交也面临着同样的问题与挑战。本文介绍了新西兰高等教育目前存在的问题,描述了新西兰政府提出的新的质量保证机制的框架,并分析了建立这一新机制的重要意义。  相似文献   

随着中国特色社会主义进入新时代,国家强力推进经济结构调整,社会对人才培养提出了更高要求,高校“回归本科教育”刻不容缓。作者在新西兰访学期间深入了解了新西兰高等教育的现状,并分析了其与中国高等教育的差异。新西兰高等教育践行“以学生为中心”的教育理念,同时注重“授人以渔”;教育不仅在于传授知识,更注重培养学生的独立学习能力、批判性思考能力及解决问题的能力。我国高校要回归本科教育,就应该坚持符合时代要求的教育理念,切实转为“以学生为中心”,引导学生培养各方面的能力。  相似文献   

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